Australia’s WORST paedophile - Peter Scully

Australia’s WORST paedophile - Peter Scully

Emma Kenny

2 года назад

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Kevin Fogel
Kevin Fogel - 22.09.2023 06:55

I might just go to prison in the Philippines to "talk" with this man. He deserved the death sentence. But not firing squad.

Becca Lynn
Becca Lynn - 22.09.2023 06:28

You know, this being one of few videos you give a disclaimer for, this was a really interesting and educational history of the dark web (and also Rick-Rolling…does you tricking us into hearing you talk about Rick Astley in the middle of a true crime video count as us getting Rick-Rolled? Hmmm 🤔.).

Rachel Campbell
Rachel Campbell - 19.09.2023 19:56

Sorry Em, I can't watch this one, 😢

Luke Hennessy
Luke Hennessy - 17.09.2023 13:32

Peter Scully IS Mr Cruel. He fits the profile completely. Mr Cruel's victims were all within a 50km radius of Narre Warren Victoria where Scully hails from. One victim said she heard a low flying plane. Essendon airport is 48km from Narre Warren. Cruel was known to film his activities. Same with Scully. Cruel was known to be roughly six foot tall. Scully is six foot two. Both know binding knots. The FBI profile suggests Cruel worked in community projects. Scully fled to Manila for stealing from project property investors. Karmein Chan's body was found at Edgars Creek which is 57km from Scully's stomping ground. Not far. Scully was married and had children. If he's Mr Cruel then it would explain Cruel's sudden disappearance. I truly believe Peter Scully is Mr Cruel.

Kayla May
Kayla May - 16.09.2023 16:39

I have a 1 year daughter and this just broke me.. scully would’ve been a skeleton

Bri Mcilroy
Bri Mcilroy - 15.09.2023 23:59

I saw him interviewed on a docu an what sickened me was not just his words but his whole demeanor of like.. What's such the big deal.. Absolutely no remorse at all, I really hope that worse than being kicked senseless happens to him an the inmates put this piece of shit out of all our misery.

Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson - 12.09.2023 01:03

How can anyone be in this man’s presence without attacking him?

715ozzie - 10.09.2023 10:01

Annoying sorry

Thomas Adams
Thomas Adams - 05.09.2023 04:45

He’s not going to hell. Hell doesn’t exist.

Jean Browne
Jean Browne - 04.09.2023 23:23

I thought i didn't agree with death penalty.Till Now...

Dobi Dewi
Dobi Dewi - 31.08.2023 18:27

Luckly u made this clip..hated listening to wanna be anchor women 60minutes quo to pedo the damned scully.. Thanx sista

ulfingvar1 - 17.08.2023 02:21

And yet.. and this may be seen as out of context, but it isn't.. child brides in muslim culture is something we're supposed to respect and not criticize.. Fuck that shit! Child abuse is child abuse, and I don't give a flying fuck if it is "religiously" sanctioned or not.

Dan Peters
Dan Peters - 16.08.2023 15:38

Not sure what the law is in Australia or the UK, but here in the US, if you go abroad to commit a sex crime against a child, you can be charged. I’m not sure if they charge you with a sex crime as if you committed it in the US or if there’s a separate law applying only to pedophiles who go overseas to victimize children. It’s a pretty new law too, passed within the last 15 years

Rosie Jory
Rosie Jory - 13.08.2023 22:36

Ffs this is vile they should get the death penalty for this and the viewers😢

Rosie Jory
Rosie Jory - 13.08.2023 22:30

Ffs this is vile they should get the death penalty for this and the viewers😢

Rosie Jory
Rosie Jory - 13.08.2023 22:24

Ffs this is vile they should get the death penalty for this and the viewers😢

Rosie Jory
Rosie Jory - 13.08.2023 22:09

Ffs this is vile they should get the death penalty for this and the viewers😢

Rosie Jory
Rosie Jory - 13.08.2023 21:44

Thank you I was abused as a child and would rather hurt myself than a child or anyone, there is NO excuse for rape

Hurricane Valance
Hurricane Valance - 09.08.2023 22:31

Not all people who were molested and raped as children will grow up to reject it should know this, Every therapist psychologist psychiatrist knows this.

Hurricane Valance
Hurricane Valance - 09.08.2023 22:29

As a person diagnosed with ASPD I could speak on this matter, everyone takes sexual abuse differently. You have the people who get abused and tend develop PTSD. And then you have the other person who gets abused and decides to take that power back and do the action that were done to them. Not saying that this is right. But everyone reacts to sexual abuse differently. And yes, I agree with you that there are genetics. Predispositions that can make it so that a person like Peter scolley if he was sexually abused, react this way...I was sexual abused repeatedly as a child and into my teen years and I can say That though it did effect m, it did not traumatize me in the way that most people would react. In fact, a lot of people with Asp will say the same thing that their trauma was something that just happened. Put something clicks and certain people's brains. And they think instead of this thing consuming there lives they become it.
I love your videos they're very Insightful and go into depth that most channels like this do not.. I can't remember what you say you are if you're therapist, or psychologist you should know about SSD... These people that offend and do horrific things do not deserve sympathy. And I do not say that from an emotional bias. But from logic but understanding, these people should be Necessary to prevent people like scully from offending or developing into people like him

Angela Himmelreich
Angela Himmelreich - 08.08.2023 00:58

The title destcrution of Daisy just always lets me cringe. He is absolure scum and the Word better of without him

K Elaine S
K Elaine S - 04.08.2023 01:38

Scully is living like a king last I read. He's paying people off right and left. A lot of evidence was destroyed in a fire at the police station.

Cynthia Coffin
Cynthia Coffin - 02.08.2023 15:02

You talk to much

Bruce J. Willson
Bruce J. Willson - 02.08.2023 05:24

Could you do a video on how the pornography industry is mentally destroyed the lives of young men and women? My opinion, 18 is not old enough to consent to being filmed. I think it should be 21-22.

Aparna Rajesh
Aparna Rajesh - 01.08.2023 13:22

Musk allowed child porn content on twitter make me sad

Nun Yabidness
Nun Yabidness - 01.08.2023 06:53

This makes me so sick. I will never understand why the death penalty is not just automatic for these monsters. Probably save the planet given the overpopulation and lower the pain circulating in this world. Truly believe they are lost causes

maggot1234 - 31.07.2023 17:36

who were his customers?

Maciej Krzesiwo
Maciej Krzesiwo - 25.07.2023 17:45

Some money fraud some sting decoys but DD's there and took me an hour to adapt.. seen tones of direct described in most dirty way CP onionsites, came across human meat market and other sites telling you how to cook it, "sex slaves" ?!?!! To buy/rent but also leaked sex tapes, naughty selfies, recordings of laptop, alexa, phone (hacked?!) .. it's not just guns and drugs. I wonder why and who allows it that this still exists and anyone have access to it.. took me 1h and aint no IT nerd ...

Anyways. Ma'am i like your accent. 😅😅
SUB xx

ChangingCrisis - 23.07.2023 15:27

I dunno how the people who had to deal with this scumbag were able to keep their cool. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from attacking him

SoulStaitHealing - 22.07.2023 22:06

This case is horrifying. I do wonder if the 2021 stats are a reflection of people not being able to continue their contact crimes so they fall back on the online world! I don’t know just a thought.

Demmy Darkness
Demmy Darkness - 21.07.2023 07:32

What he did absolutely sickens me as a mother it just eats me up 😠 but the fact people pay to watch it happens is just as disgusting!

Peter Kenny
Peter Kenny - 10.07.2023 20:26

Emma is the best person on the net reporting these types of crimes,

Linda Taghon
Linda Taghon - 04.07.2023 09:50

You LACK a great deal of knowledge about the EVIL of this person. The girlfriends that helped him acquire these young BABIES for his business, I, Myself would have STARVED first then to become a prostitute, also they would have to KILL me than to find BABIES for him!.., NOTHING, NOTHING would make me do what the girlfriends do what they did!!!!!!!!.., EVERYTHING about this is total and COMPLETE evil!!!

aporue 589
aporue 589 - 03.07.2023 23:28

daisy is a warrior 💖

layy - 03.07.2023 17:58

I fr need a get to the point button bro

JLBeezy - 27.06.2023 22:13

For christ sake Emmy would you just get on with the story? Why's every video got to be a 40 minute Ted Talk 😂😂

Jude - 20.06.2023 02:14

This one made me sick to my stomach. Those poor abused babies. It takes a special kind of Evil to treat children the way these sick, I hate to even call them humans, sexual deviants used young babies and children! Appalling is not strong enough! I can only pray the children are in Heaven being held by Angels! I agree I would like the whole lot of the sickos that purchase the porn sights are tormented for the rest of their miserable lives. I pray these monsters are burning in the lowest bowels of HELL for eternity! This one had to have caused you torment and nightmares. It boggles my mind that anyone would want to watch this torment of babies. Society is in a tailspin when this is something that would give these bastards enjoyment!

Mouthy Miriam
Mouthy Miriam - 19.06.2023 21:07

My father was arrested around the same time that Josh Duggar was…. Same crimes. …. He only got 12.5 years so he’ll be in prison until he is 85.. Josh got 10 yrs. I have no doubt that the tags the feds have on DD were found on my dads computer as well. Gross. The level of injustice in both of these 2 men is insane.. My parents abused the crap out of me all levels…. There is never any real justice for victims of any form of child abuse.

K. H.
K. H. - 19.06.2023 11:56

I am so, so proud of the investigators that brought him down. The things they had to witness to bring charges to him would have been horrific but they did it and I genuinely hope they sleep easy.

Hunter - 16.06.2023 19:09

When i heard about this guy it became the reason i changed my diet, started exercising vigorously and training in martial arts. Because if i ever come across him or someone like him, God willing, i dont want anyone to be able stop the violence i wish to commit against him

Glynis - 16.06.2023 05:11

Why is their so many monsters in this world .

Lord I.V.J
Lord I.V.J - 13.06.2023 17:32

This may be the hardest one of your videos to listen to 💔😔

pastsellbydate - 12.06.2023 09:10

Why did he not get extradited back so he cant pay guards off

Andy - 09.06.2023 05:33

This POS came back up because another POS was gonna use footage for a snuff mixtape called MDPOPE2 and apparently people told him no yet he used sound clips from it in the opening part. Which got the attention of many because it means this sick individual had a copy of that sick video "D&D".

Laura B
Laura B - 09.06.2023 00:10

What an absolute disgusting monster.

In_Norway_we_say🇧🇻 - 04.06.2023 17:30

Hi Emma, I love your channel and that you comment on cases that are really heard and dark like this one. I myself is a victim. This is an important topic no doubt. But I was wondering what you thoughts are around the fact that you and other use the term child pornography? Im sure you know that many would say thats documenting sexual abuse is not the same as porn, and that in general pornography involves consenting adults making porn for commercial use. (that is certinaly the general form). Many would say (I do) that Pornography is not the documentation and sharing of rape and torture of non-consenting children and individuals.
So I guess my question was what your reasoning is for using the term child pornography. Im aware its a common use, but is it the right one?

Nicola Carroll
Nicola Carroll - 04.06.2023 17:19

Oh my god Emma I cannot comprehend such depravity..I hope him and his accomplices and anybody that paid to watch the suffering of these children rot in hell for all eternity

Lord Ralph L Sherlock
Lord Ralph L Sherlock - 31.05.2023 21:43

You give us such great informative pieces Emma, Thank you

Lord Sherlock
