The Future of Legends of Runeterra

The Future of Legends of Runeterra


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@Snnuy - 02.02.2024 02:04

How do you feel about the announcement?
Make sure to join the discord for instant updates when we get more answers and please read the description if you want more answers about me and what this means for the channel!

@charstar2808 - 05.02.2024 18:21

Something that I really hope they do for PoC is to create a custom champ deck slot. You wouldn't be able to use it in the monthly challenges, but it would really help translate the deckbuilding potential of the game to PoC and allow content creators to actually do interesting things. It would also make all the cards the currently have in the game mean something, which they won't really once PvP fades.

In the current framework, you could pick two powers from the generic pool and add valid items to your starting deck. As long as the custom decks are disabled from anything competitive, the devs don't need to worry about balancing. Imo becoming super overpowered is one of the main points of fun of PoC anyway.

@That1greykight0666 - 05.02.2024 10:44

The beginning of the video they state the real issue is they focused on the community rather then money so riot pulled the plug

@Danny-no7jp - 05.02.2024 04:10

I feel like this is a mishandling of statistics. PoC is only more popular than PvP because of the constrast with it.

Without PvP, PvE won't feel as special anymore, in my opinion. Besides, in PvP, I had a reason to want to buy cosmetics. In PvE, buying cosmetics seems less rewarding.

I feel like this decision is going to make LoR even less money.

@eteledeak7749 - 05.02.2024 00:23

They completely mismanaged the entire monetization in the game from day one. They gave out too many free cards so that no one would spend money on buying cards. the champion skins that everyone wanted so much turned out to be absolutely underwhelming and overpriced, and the board and guardian skins are just the same thing over and over again which is pointless for most people becuase they can only use one at a time anyways. the emotes you had no reason to buy either because you are limited to 6 at once anyways(like what the fuck? why?). And after all this they have the face to complain about the game not bringing in enough money. Like they seriously expected that all the players wil buy every single new board cosmetics they release. like that would make any sense.

@piratecontent - 05.02.2024 00:01

I just believe cosmetics should be a bit more affordable, I rather pay for the battle pass than pay over 20USD for a single champ or 10USD for an emoji

@Mr_bean_is_santa - 04.02.2024 22:57

pvz heroes is still popular without an update in 5/6 years because you can make a lot of interesting decks due to being able to combine classes. in runeterra, you can combine classes, and there are a lot of cards in Runeterra, so some strategies might be found in a few years. unless they remove multiplayer the Runeterra community won't shrink that much.
note: the package design of Runeterra might stop all deck creativity (in pvz heroes you can only use half a package because the game is absurdly unbalanced)

@ponan2236 - 04.02.2024 22:33

Hey sunny i would recommend you to look roflee videos with hearthstone's duels. It is a type of game content similar to PoC, maybe you can pull some inspirations to the content that you said worried you

@MicheleeiRettili - 04.02.2024 19:47

i have a suggestion for Riot to get more revenue: get rid of those riddiculus Jolly Cards you can trade for every card you want of that rarity. I've always found so many jolly cards in my hands i couln't even spend them. I now have something like 2000 common jolly cards, how am i even supposed to spend fragments?! I remember as a new player i always frowned when i could make so many decks without spending even in-game currency, but of course i didn't say anything because it was cool having all for free. But looking back i think THAT was their mistake: there is NEVER an incentive to buy cards, you can make find them in rewards, make them with fragments, make them with jollys and make them with money. I mean... isn't that too much? If i didnt have jollys i would have had to rely more on rng to find cards, so i would have gladly spent some money to craft the deck i wanted

@Rubycule - 04.02.2024 17:25

At least for me, the game dies the second the last champion is released. As long as there is still content to come, be it PvP or PvE, I will come back to buy an event pass and have some fun.

Of course the current situation sucks for competitive players. I understand that. But I also have to say, the doomposting and negativity is not helping at all. It pushes away even more players, competitive and casual players alike. If you really love this game, you should encourage people to play the game regardless, not proclaim its death.

@MurexHyena - 04.02.2024 14:40

Ive said this before, but the only way LOR will work is in the future when the MMO is out , LoR is an ingame card game that begins with V1 lor and is an actual collectable card game.

Like you buy packs to get cards, defeat monsters to get legendary equivalent cards as drops
And you go to pubs to play the card game with others and join ingame card tournaments... thats the only natural progression for the game
This way, the actual LOR game becomes a place were people can build new decks for free and enjoy it for all.of its glory while the Ingame lor is there to suplement the mmo and help fund the real game

@captaincrispy2184 - 04.02.2024 14:16

What do you mean, the game is dying? I just started two weeks ago :'c

@RafimOfficial - 04.02.2024 14:09

As a former HotS player, it sucks that I will have to abandon yet another game... oh well

@matheusreidopedaco - 04.02.2024 12:16

I stopped playing when they removed expeditions. It was my favorite mode.

@feelcollins9191 - 04.02.2024 09:43

Draft. We need draft, rito

@nullpo2478 - 04.02.2024 08:26

The game is already dead to me since standard announcement. A pity the team double down on the ultra competitive minority

@Anjuna1234 - 04.02.2024 06:32

I think I need to disagree with people who announce doomsday for LoR. I love watching streams, I follow both yours, Majin's and sometimes Mogwai, when he's not getting into other games.

But in LoR, I'm a PoC player mainly, partly because the possibilities and combinations offered with PoC are more varied and faster-paced. And I just love the "drop this card and everything happens" effect.

From what I understand, PvP won't die and my suspicion is that they will release champions one by one, not by expansion. At the same time this means rebalancing and adding new cards too, which will still throw off the balance of the game every now and then, keeping the game dynamic.

If this is the case, I will still continue watching you and the others, even though there's no tournament, because I love seeing what decks you can come up with.

This may not be for everyone, but I'm pretty sure that as PoC expands and may bring more money, this may also bring some resources back to PvP. I'm pretty confident in the game still.

@_underwhirled7612 - 04.02.2024 03:10

man i was just about to come back from a break wtf

@tarriochu95 - 03.02.2024 19:26

Its my favorite game. And i fuckin hate that its getting gutted. I dont play pve at all.

@HENTAICOMBO - 03.02.2024 18:32

This is the prove that we addict to gambling.

@aKindred - 03.02.2024 16:56

I prefer PoC anyways, this is all good news for me
I dont like to spend too much time in pvp, grinding out decks is kinda boring, I dont have that many cards, I usually just get one deck going and try to get to masters within a week or less, this means I cant farm that many cards cause it has a lot of daily/week focus, this reason pvp is sooooo repetitive for me, I will spam one deck to masters in a couple days and play mostly against the same decks on my way there
POC is more fun for me cause of super strong synergies and I can experiences champions in a lot of ways.

@mathiasrojas2712 - 03.02.2024 16:37

thanks riot higher ups.

@Babuelo - 03.02.2024 15:39

So, tl dr anyone?

@CHNO-kl9bn - 03.02.2024 15:29

last good card game has died

@PWRex - 03.02.2024 11:31

I just came back to this game, Eddie caught my attention and now there are killing it off. I find not much fun anymore in PoC, it is a very bare bones rogue like mode, slightly better than Hearthstones Mercenaries, but not good enough to support an entire game. They probably will remove all champions I enjoy to play in PoC in the first place. The six stars system also sounds dumb, bacause most champions feel op at two stars already.

@snich2140 - 03.02.2024 10:47

Me as a player who play LoR for almost 2 year but play POC just 30 minute first try and then i'm out, never touch it again such a waste of time 😑😑😑 i don't understand how people having fun with it, it's just stupid computer and everything all set up and the most important thing.. it's give you not a single champion or epic card, it's completely give you nothing but just EXP which actually PvP&Rank already serve you the best. If Dev about to focus more on POC and reduce their focus on PvP, i'm quit.

@whitestararmada103 - 03.02.2024 08:16

everyone in the comments acting like the game is getting shut down lol.

@aircityryan - 03.02.2024 03:18

So I'm a brand new player, and I came here because I was bored with snap and wanted something a little more complex.

I got here willing to spend money, and honestly, I can't find anything worth buying! I got the season pass for the coven expansion, I bought a couple of decks (demacias finest and poros), and then... Well everything just seemed overpriced, insignificant, or just unnecessary.

I'm focused on acquiring cards, and my general interest is pretty low in things like boards or buying a little guy to make little weird sounds in the corner of the screen. When I got a few skins for champions, I couldn't even see them in my collection without clicking through a couple windows, so they felt unimportant and hidden away or something...

It's an unbelievable game, but it's a terrible collection system.

Why do I want a little guy on my board? Is there some lore about them? Should I recognize them? Can they interact in any meaningful ways? Can they like, play a card for me in a particularly impactful scenario or something? No? Then maybe pricing them the same as the whole damn expansion is a little too much.

Now that the expansion is over, I'm eager to buy the next one... Whenever that is? I can't seem to find anything about what or when the next one will be. So I'm really looking forward to... Uhh... Something?

When it comes to POC, I admit, I play it more than pve. Why? CAUSE I WANT TO EARN STUFF TO USE IN PVE!! I don't care about skins or prismatics or anything cosmetic if there is no meaningful pve. I looked at my time in that mode as practice and progress for pve. Disconnecting the two is a huge mistake, because I only play one so I can more effectively play the other.

It's crazy, cause I love the game. Too bad it doesn't have anything worth actually whaling on. I'll keep my eyes open I guess. Just my luck to start a game just as it starts to die. Maybe I'll pick up overwatch next

@Timeforspas12 - 03.02.2024 02:32

I really want to know one thing. How can one fumble his job so hard that half of his team gets the boot and still keep his job? How?

@arzentvm - 03.02.2024 00:31

the last set.. cant believed we come to this point

@kintsugi3932 - 03.02.2024 00:10

The worst part of all of this, is we now know every future CCG will be as greedy as Hearthstone, because being generous=fail.

@raccoonsalamander4646 - 02.02.2024 23:56

Maybe they will release just small expansions with variety cards

@DarkGott15 - 02.02.2024 23:48

PvE? Never even played it, I just don't care about PvE in card games, it's over for me

@aKindred - 02.02.2024 23:37

PvE is more fun for me, I only log in sometimes to play PoC

@okboomer3478 - 02.02.2024 22:26

This game's pvp will become a story i tell my grandchildren

@ikmaldaniel5324 - 02.02.2024 22:01

Snnuy i love you as a creator anything that happened to LoR we will always be there for you

@goggypoggy - 02.02.2024 21:41

why the hell is everyone so sad about ranked mode being gone? we still have Casual! who even cares about ranks?

@kirinirlf - 02.02.2024 21:19

Nah, this just makes me angry. It feels like they are ignoring very obvious solutions through marketing/advertising.

@UndeadAlv - 02.02.2024 21:14

I would still watch LoR content, if it looks more like Genshin content does; thoughts on new content, first impressions, random facts, theory crafting, etc...

@gustavoborges5562 - 02.02.2024 21:13

Riot should just admit they either hired the wrong people or their higher-ups don't listen to the right people. Don't blame the playerbase or the game itself.

@shibangshibang1 - 02.02.2024 21:07

Guys I don’t think it’s dying I’m copium but, as long as we keep playing pve. pvp might come back! Honestly rarely play PvP but, this game is soo cool! And so many mechanics! Let’s not lose hope!

@K1ZUN0 - 02.02.2024 21:00

This is what kills LoR. The game isn't necessarily disappearing but the players are, due to the various decisions made. And eventually a playerless game would be terminated thus would truly end LoR altogether.

@AmselnDistress - 02.02.2024 20:36

Snnuy has been my morning routine for the past couple years and even though LoR might be going in a different direction, it doesn’t stop me from still tuning in and continuing my morning routine of watching your videos whether it be LoR or not ❤️

@VRuslander - 02.02.2024 20:35

Not great , not terrible

@hexlok2630 - 02.02.2024 20:31

why is everyone sad
pvp isnt dead, yes it is on life support but its still perfectly playable and just as fun
and yall can also try pve since its getting so much

@gamebreaker60 - 02.02.2024 20:27

Somebody is in denial.

@qbass2249 - 02.02.2024 20:21

I'd watch your PoC content whatever it might be you're cooking up

@pedronascimento3551 - 02.02.2024 20:18

Such a shame to kill this game

@alexderp2022 - 02.02.2024 19:52

It really feels like they are killing half the game with the most active community (pvp) just to make it easy to shut it down when eventually the player base decrease
