Present and existing
ОтветитьVery good! Glad to see these classics coming to steam!
ОтветитьFinally glad to see these on steam. Here's hoping for a physical switch release at some point.
ОтветитьStill got these on Gameboy. <3
Ответить12 people don't know what good games are.
ОтветитьFinal fantasy 1 - 6 for Nintendo switch plis !
ОтветитьIs this on playstation??
ОтветитьThey spend money for this but not Tactics or Vagrant Story… square sucks c
ОтветитьWish it would be on playstation, xbox or switch. Looks good
ОтветитьPS4/5 next?
ОтветитьAfter this theyre gunna bring Saga Frontier 2 to current consoles and steam, and after that praying that they can believe in a Romancing Saga 4, or at least a minstrel song remaster.
ОтветитьChrono cross remaster please
ОтветитьSquare Enix needs to slow down on all these side final fantasy projects and just focus on Final Fantasy XVI.
ОтветитьAwesome Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend Steam Trailer.
ОтветитьBring these and FF 1-6 to PS4/5!
ОтветитьGreat. Hoping they start porting more titles over to pc. Especially the older dragon quest games.
ОтветитьWhat is this pokemon gen 1 music I hear lol
Ответить20 bucks for 3 game boy games lmao get over yourself Squeenix.
Ответить브금은 뭔 포켓몬같네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ОтветитьSo going by just the video, is it safe to assume that absolutely nothing has been done except make these titles available on other platforms, but "preserved" the original games? I mean, this is cool and all... but there's something to be said for some kind of enhancements... any kind of enhancements to the games. Don't get me wrong, i bought all the games when they released on gameboy, and played the heck out of them. That was the 90s though. I'm all for nostalgia, but 30 years later... asking people to spend money on something which got ZERO work done aside from porting it to alternate platforms is a bit to ask. Sure, sure it's easy to just vomit the nonsense of, "well if you don't like it, don't buy it"... but it's also just as easy to expect something more than nil to be done for the re-release of games from 30 years ago. I'm not expecting something along the lines of how they revamped Secret of Mana, but good grief... let's do more than display grey shade, 8-bit graphics in 1080p (or higher). Feel free to thumbs down all you want. you know i'm right on this in the end.
ОтветитьDear all the suits at Square Enix who don't game and continue to grow increasingly out of touch with your core fan base,
We want North American physical versions on consoles of all the classics you've been releasing as digital only. That includes ff pixel remaster, saga series, mana etc. Get it together man
can't wait to play my gameboy games in 4k
ОтветитьAmaaaaaazing. I played so much of all three when I was a kid!
ОтветитьWoo! Now do SaGa Frontier 2, Xenogears, and a proper PC port of Final Fantasy Tactics!
ОтветитьCan we get the DS remakes of 2 and 3 at some point?
ОтветитьNow it's time to put FF Tactics on Steam and finally start working on a proper new Tactics game. It needs to be the same style and gameplay with a new story ofcourse. It should have every class from all FF games + new ones, as well as new and old items/spells/summons/etc. I personally want it to feel and look like the original we all love, but with a lot more to it.
ОтветитьI'm getting big Pokémon Red and Blue vibes from this. I never knew these existed and I'm a pretty big ff fan.
ОтветитьHoly crap, thanks!