We've all been Lied To! - The Truth about how Bloodsport got released and became a global phenomenon

We've all been Lied To! - The Truth about how Bloodsport got released and became a global phenomenon

Viking Samurai

1 год назад

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@tomchaperon1081 - 17.02.2025 04:04

There is no way Mohammed is fighting Don Wilson😂

@a.sedaghat6717 - 26.01.2025 16:46

I really enjoyed listening to this, its pure gold. Please make more interviews with him on the other films they did together and how they split up after Lionheart. Many thanks, great content ❤!!!!

@carlpostuma1469 - 13.01.2025 20:22

Let's face facts without Muhammad pushing him. Jean-Claude would not have had the career he had or has

@videovagrancy8526 - 06.05.2024 18:59

Such a great interview! So cool to hear his memories of the process, and those photos were amazing to see.

@СергейЛобов-о3т - 06.05.2024 14:27

That is how the real masterpiece was created! And that is why it is so precious and Van Damme and Mohammed are so smashing and cool guys!

@AdemKazkondu - 04.04.2024 17:29

Muhammed and Jean-Claude was selling the Movie like partner of Menachim Golan

@MrFacundo7 - 24.02.2024 00:14

This interview with Mr Mohammed Quissi is amazing!! All the details he revealed here about the making, the editing and the promotion of Bloodsport are pure gold 👏 This should be included in a documentary of Bloodsport or a documentary about JCVD.
One the most fascinating videos, Viking Samurai 👏💪👍👍✌️

@eduardojimenezdiaz8841 - 08.10.2023 21:43

Increible Gran historya,❤ cuando vas a Entrevistar a. Jean claude van damme😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉me gustaria que hablara de como inicio en holliwood su carrera en el cine, 🎉🎉🎉🎉 monaco forever, no retroseder ni rendirse Jamas y Black Eagle. Que fueron sus Inicios.

@robertbaranowski3432 - 02.07.2023 23:31

you make great videos

@BearsFanGoomba - 28.06.2023 06:15

I’m going to look into the app and group on FB. You seem like a genuine guy and I’ve really enjoyed following you this last year.

@BearsFanGoomba - 28.06.2023 04:18

Very entertaining interview

@damage1509 - 24.06.2023 22:22

Thank you for the interesting interview! Can Michel tell about creating and releasing "Kickboxer" and "Lionheart"?

@RIZALISHAK-c1b - 20.06.2023 12:48


@קירילסגדין - 16.06.2023 17:38

Mortal kombat game based on this movie...

@JoeBuck207 - 11.06.2023 22:58

After you finish watching Bloodsport, you want to watch it all over again

@changowowowoezzy9617 - 03.06.2023 04:59

The tong po pillar scene could fit in any best picture of the year. Its perfect.

@Anaheimfunk - 30.05.2023 09:30

Viking S. U should take a trip to Hong Kong n explore the spots where the movie took place if possible take Mohammed Q 🔥🙏 that would be so dope . I wonder if u can find ppl who help make the film n interview of how it was filming the movie bloodsport. And Paul hertzog too

@RussellSciabarrasi - 29.05.2023 09:32

Really hope this Quissi and Wilson thing can happen. Don all the way imo

@Texasmade76 - 29.05.2023 07:55

But what about the story of GODHAND, THE GUY THAT WOULD KILL BULLS WITH A 👊 PUNCH I believe the guys name was Oyama

@nanoano88 - 28.05.2023 13:04

Action-star Sonny Chiba made a movie "Karate Bullfighter" in 1975, where he killed a bull.
I wonder if that movie made them think of doing that in Bloodsport?!
It was better that Bloodsport used bricks instead!

@theoneaboveall7708 - 28.05.2023 12:18

Lol kumite.

@thomasfurey00 - 28.05.2023 10:56

He could have been a good director Mo

@DeepFakeCulture - 27.05.2023 23:57

My God I want more of this please tell me you got more of this where he describes Van Damme's rise to superstardom and the Fallout between him and John Claude as well.... Please please.

@musiceffects7566 - 22.05.2023 15:12

Hi Viking, please tell me Michel Qissi is doing 1-hour+ interview with you about Kickboxer 1 & Kickboxer 2.

@Moki-y6v - 22.05.2023 14:12

Hey David, I love these interviews, awesome stuff. Are you able to ask Muhammad about some of those unknown actors in Bloodsport and Double Impact? I feel like we need closure to confirm some of those unknowns from your prevous vids. Keep up the great work 💪

@PTEGeopolitics - 22.05.2023 05:59

Mohammed is your best guest ever

@t-virusterrance4734 - 22.05.2023 01:29

Hello, Viking Samurai. I didn't know about these details either, because I heard what many of us know. Thanks, for getting the real details for us. Bloodsport is a top tier Martial Arts film, easily one of the best.


@GaryOConnor-fl9bc - 21.05.2023 20:02

The golden Era of martial arts movies was during the 80s and early 90s 🎥
Jean Claude Van Damme was one of the best stars that inspired millions around the world 👌👌

@caltriton6904 - 21.05.2023 11:14


@StannisHarlock - 21.05.2023 08:31

Mohammed seems like such a cool guy. One of the best interviews.

@sethsavage28 - 20.05.2023 22:20

There would be no van damme without Qissi. He gave him his name and career and was his motivational coach. What a good friend to have.

@bosshogg4577 - 20.05.2023 22:13

Great interview!!

@PainInTheS - 20.05.2023 21:26

Oh man....like 36 years after seeing this great movie for the first time (and many times after it) getting all these insights.....absolutely great.

My friend back in the day calling me to come over because he had this great fight movie...'with guys even bigger than you' he said 🤣....I never did any fight training, yet I got a name of a guy you shouldn't mess with.....beat up the right guy once which got me a reputation.....and I hit that fair boxing ball machine harder than anybody, destroyed them quite a few times much to the owners' chagrin....BOOM...lights out, broken 🤣.
Always been a 6ft6 big muscular guy even without training. Heard too many times people would have liked to train me and had made a monster out of me. No regrets I didn't do it.....I kind of scared myself to be careful not to kill somebody in a fight.
Still no messing with me even at 53 now.....just 2 weeks ago I had some burglars trying to get in....they always carry so I confronted them with a hammer in hand. One is still in pain, I'm very sure of that. They were lucky the other had pepperspray so they could manage to escape....I actually have names and where they live....and patience.

@boereburger6762 - 20.05.2023 19:40

I have more respect for Mohamed and JCVD than ever. True warriors.

@JEANBRUCEnocturbulous - 20.05.2023 18:54

historical revelations

@oggeeboggee - 20.05.2023 17:17

I guess Mohammed Qissi was for JCVD like Franco Columbu for Arnold Schwarzenegger... That story about the bull being killed by a punch sounds like a story taken from the Master Masutatsu Oyama biography. Great channel. Greetings!

@austinsavage - 20.05.2023 15:26

killing the bull would have made Bloodsport the most OP masterpiece ever. missed chance

@Charlessemmassagem - 20.05.2023 13:56


@MikhailDaken - 20.05.2023 12:12

The passion and emotion in this interview, from both sides, is so evident. Amazing.

@conservativetlv4691 - 20.05.2023 10:40

As an Israeli I can say that the way Qissi pronounces Menachem Golan's name and imitates his accent is spot on. 😂
And here's an interesting anecdote: Gil Globus, the son of Yoram Globus, Menachem Golan's cousin, was in high school with me.

@boltonpete - 20.05.2023 10:04

Van Damme was speaking in an interview on the Arsenio Hall show, saying that he personally wrote about 900 letters to Hollywood agents, stars, directors and producers, to passionately advertise his skills and ask for a start in Hollywood. He got only one response, from Kirk Douglas. JCVD and Qissi have that drive, passion and commitment to make it, and this film and interview proves it.

@moshesett8580 - 20.05.2023 09:08


@seechunchong9876 - 20.05.2023 08:52

Thank you very much Mohammed for the info how Malaysia played an important initial part in Bloodsport history.Just for a fun fact. Jean had lots of fans over here, in Malaysia. In one of the South East Asia Games, Karate (Kumite) finals, the Malaysian guy did a Jean's famous " jump up, spinning helicopter kick" and knocked his opponent out cold and got his Gold medal. Awesome piece of art and power, broadcast "Live" on TV (So sorry, could not remember the year). Cheers.

@hgd - 20.05.2023 08:21

The shadow boxing at the end of this interview was the cherry on top!

@igneo8005 - 20.05.2023 06:14

Now i want to see a movie about making this movie xD

@javiersoriano671 - 20.05.2023 04:09

You should ask Mohammed what took Van Damme so long to be involved with Mortal Kombat after all these years? What made Van Damme turn down Mortal Kombat back then?

@SMASHBX - 20.05.2023 04:03

Just wanted to give you the heads up if you dont know already, it looks like Van Damme will be in the next Mortal Kombat....... Take this with a grain of salt as you cant always believe what you read but I thought this might interest you and make for a good video. Its a skin but none the less im super excited about the news as this is long over due.
