Sanofi to Buy Principia Biopharma in $3.4 Billion Deal

Sanofi to Buy Principia Biopharma in $3.4 Billion Deal

Bloomberg Television

3 года назад

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@Psynthax - 18.08.2020 05:30

I am in possession of evidence that terrorist Croatian or Serbian government and UK government with their bankers are involved in cryptocurrency thefts, thefts from bank accounts and modifying bank account transaction data... They have stolen my wallet private keys from my desktop by using Windows OS backdoor to enter into the system and they have read my passwords from my brain memory with brain computer interface and were doing transactions on my wallet. I have 3 BTC stolen in transaction 7e4153c47587a1782897d3726414b4d8165498bca684a5155f01e33140934add and I 5BSV stolen from here 143WPhvUuVymBuFse6GvEgfreVXZaKunTJ sent to my exchange account and traded to XML and sent to GA5XIGA5C7QTPTWXQHY6MCJRMTRZDOSHR6EFIBNDQTCQHG262N4GGKTM (txid 0a6e829c7a6a4cef29142fcf0a8789f187ac0ec023d8bb34b2ca108e5a2cf3b7) I was exiled from the Republic of Croatia and both of my apartments and my car were nationalized because I was not allowed to sell them. I have been involved in cryptocurrency from february 2014. I have started with 0 usd one computer with 1 gpu and in 4 years I have made 4.5 million usd mining and investing in cryptocurrency. In December 2017 during the peak of the market government used brain computer interface to capture my brain and forbid me to continue my work, they have cause laziness and distracting me from following my investments. They have attacked projects that I invested in using brain computer interface and operating system backdoors to mess up their code and make them fail. Government have been using OS backdoor to destroy my computers and smartphone and attacked my mining operations to put me out of business and denied me from using my computers. Governments are operating illegally to destroy economy and jobs. Government was using computer brain interface aka EMP (wireless electricity) to destroy my body and brain and I have physical evidence on my body to prove it. Caused amnesia to make me forget things like my password and reading passwords from my brain with computer brain interface and stealing my online accounts and game accounts to mess up my stats and steal items from games. When I demanded security serviced from governments around the world on which they have monopolies since nobody can join the industry and compete, they do not provide any service at all, proving that they are incompetent to provide protection to individuals and protection to the market and that security services industry should be privatized, when governments are involved they prove to be inefficient and expensive, they are taking so much of your money with taxes or tributes and cannot provide protection. Democratic socialism is a failure like communism and socialism proved to be a failure. I have been forcefully kept in Brasil by Brazilian terrorist government that supports capturing tourists and foreign investors by not providing services when private airline corporations steal your money by not providing transportation service after you pay for them multiple times. They wanted to cut my communication abilities by smashing my smartphone and laptop and ability to access assets to sell them to have money for accommodation and food. They want to manage my assets and force me to spend my money in their country by forcing me to stay and spend. I have been looking for a lawyer to deal with issues in their jurisdiction, but none of them would reply and that have proven to me not have justice system working here. You do not want to come to Brasil and invest here and open/do business because you cannot get to legal system to work here if you have issues. Investors are being captured and held restricted by terrorist governments of Croatia, Brazil and Malaysia and their property and body are being stolen and destroyed.

All governments with a central bank are communist governments and are supporting and rewarding nazi/communist governments in siezing the means of production (digital money). I posses evidence for that claims, my father is inventor and developer of digital currency in late 1980s/early 1990a and his invention got siezed by the government of Croatia or Serbia and he went missing since then (i suspect he was murdered by the government).

I have evidence of governments using brain computer interface and EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weirlessly with the use of wireless electricity to manipulte the brain (electro-chemically) and every aspect of the body. They can change how you look, remove or add hair or change its color, develop fatty cells on the body and develop cancerous cells, they can modify wants and needs to change your behavior and influence your purchasing preferences and manipulate the market economy, or want you join into certain behaviors like prostitution or drug smuggling due to addictions being sent electro-magnetically into your brain, they can cause pain in any part of the body by sending elecrtical signals to brain center that interprets the pain, those devices can make theets go bad and can make new teeths grow, they are using somebodies else signals from the brain on mine to male wisdom teeths grow in wrong direction now pushing other teeths onto one another, brain computer interface can color your teeths yellow and doctors will claim it is from tobacco, it can pick up all the feeling from one brain and send it to another, it cas look into history of person memories, they can sends and read thoughts and modify every aspect of the brain and body that you can think of. It can generate any illness imaginable onto the brain artificially. I am a capitalist cryptocurrency investor that is being destroyed and they exiled by communist serbs from proxy Croatia state and they nationalised 2 of my apartmamta in Osijek, My brain is heavily manipulated by those devices for the past 2.5 years and I could not follow my investments and lost more then 4 million USD while being captured and my human and common rights are being violated. I have been moving arund EU, went to Malaysia and now Brasil and they are all violating rights and human rights by destroying my body, health and destroying my property, stealing my money and cryptocurrencies. Brasil is now keeping me forcefully agains my will in their country, destroyed my devices that I need to access mu cryptocurrencies to exchange into money, banks in the EU are stealing money from my accounts and somebody from the governments and using brain computer details to read credit card numbers from my head and is spending my money from banks on online services. Serbs with proxy government of Croatia is stealing my online accounts by reading passwords from my brain. I am now in Sao Paulo (Brazil) at the international airport after being denied to board 2 flights and was not refunded upon request, went to report everything to the police but was refuesed service government has monopoly on and you have no other corporation to turn to for a this type of service. Both terrorist Serbian proxy Croatian and terrorist Brazilian government provided a proof that you cannot provide efficient type of services under government enforced monopolies and that they are operating illegally without regard for the constitution and laws.

I have issues with governments hacking into my online accounts so you might have hard time reaching me due to emails being deleted by government in their efforts to cut communications

@djackson4605 - 17.08.2020 18:34

More monopolies mean less competition and higher prices. These magic pill/vaccinations will be way more expensive than they cost to make.
