Joey Diaz Discusses Cocaine Addiction - Joe Rogan

Joey Diaz Discusses Cocaine Addiction - Joe Rogan

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The Magic Epic
The Magic Epic - 26.09.2023 21:27

He remembers his lines now.

elmachico - 24.09.2023 11:03

Only weed forever ❤

Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 21.09.2023 01:02

I dont always do cocaine but when i do everbody better get out of my way. Yeahawwwwwwwwwwww!😬

Jon Walton
Jon Walton - 21.09.2023 00:53

I’ve been 47 minutes clean and counting!! Good luck guys

Steffano Fumo
Steffano Fumo - 20.09.2023 22:46

Coke is crazy, never tried it but people have no idea how common it is, everyone around me dabbled and used coke I had no clue, once I expressed that I have no problem with drug use, then it was like a magic vail lifted and people stopped hiding it from me, I realized I was basically the only person not doing coke, this is in Rome so it’s probably a more common drug of choice .

Temudjin38 - 19.09.2023 01:31

Those neuromuscular diseases are actually dopamine problems most of the time as far as I know. Considering heavy use of cocaine fries your receptors, making your body essentially unable to even experience dopamine, makes a lot of sense it would have those diseases as a potential result.

Bill Hunter
Bill Hunter - 18.09.2023 06:10

The sad thing is now it might be more popular but most people havent a fuckin clue

Mike Frost
Mike Frost - 15.09.2023 23:57

I had an opioid issue for years after getting hit by a car & being on a couple different painkillers for WAYY too long. Like, I couldn't even get out of bed without 2-3 pills 🤦 and that was just so I could feel "normal" .. Somehow though, Cocaine never got me ! I partied all the time when I was younger. Could do lines of coke all day everyday for a month straight & then just STOP ! Never had any real physical withdrawals when I stopped & didn't have the mental cravings. I'd just be a bit tired/slow the first day without it but still didn't crave it.

Arshad sharif shaheed
Arshad sharif shaheed - 14.09.2023 06:06

I hope everyone struggling with addiction right now can find the strength and motivation to get clean and stay clean

Just Chill Dude
Just Chill Dude - 14.09.2023 05:35

Thank god I got off this shit a year ago. 😅 went thru 5-6 years of pure hell. Waking up everyday figuring out how to get the next bag day after day. Not to mention the comedowns were horrendous. One thing I definitely don’t missing is doing it all night and staying up and seeing the sun come up outside your window one of the worst feelings of all time. 😂

Rxbin banx
Rxbin banx - 13.09.2023 00:26

Heroin? I thought you said the 1/16th of an oxycontin was your first and last experience with opiates or opioids?

Eliott ducharme
Eliott ducharme - 12.09.2023 04:13

I’m in too deep I feel like I’m gonna die soon but I can’t help it I keep on relapsing
If anyone feels like talking, sharing experiences or recovery wisdom please send a message

Tommy Goode
Tommy Goode - 08.09.2023 18:31

The Sackler family is going through a series of lawsuits and public defaming attempts for lying about how addictive oxycontin is. They claimed only 1% of people on it get addicted. The real number is much higher. 75% is the most realistic estimate that I can muster up and I have some inside third or fourth hand knowledge of the Sacklers and opiates. Let's just say 3/4 sounds like a better estimate. But the thing is that if the Sacklers had told the truth they wouldn't have been punished. They could've done the very same thing and not put 1% on the bottle and gotten away with it. Let's just be clear, the Sacklers are right wing trust fund babies selling heroin. That's all. They deserve what they're getting. But if they had told the truth this all would have been ok. What does that say about us as a society? Are we ok with that much risk as long as we know about it? The people who took oxy and went back to work and depended on it to make a living and really live in general. When those people had that drug taken from them their world collapsed. Now is the money we're suing the Sacklers for going to these people? The money can't give addicts back what they lost. They are owed more than money. That's all there is tho. So the real punishment for the Sacklers lies in the name itself. Their name is being stripped off of every museum, hospital, school, company and anything else with the Sackler signature on it. That and taking their money away. Both of those things are their punishment. I say take a few billions from them and give it to the addicts on the street. That way the money would get funded directly into our economy. The Sacklers would be hurt bad from that. The fact that their ill gotten gains got back into the hands of the very people that they took it from would be a fitting punishment. Nothing less. Let's make an example out of them. But we won't sue for enough. In the end nothing will really change in the Sackler's elite lifestyle.

Chris Styles
Chris Styles - 06.09.2023 16:43

Addiction holds you down while you look up and grip to it because you are afraid of falling off that leadge without it

AnnMarie McCooey
AnnMarie McCooey - 06.09.2023 02:12

Don't dance with the White Lady(cocaine) She won't want to let you go.

Peter - 02.09.2023 17:48

I sold it for 20 years coke & crack never touched either it never crossed my mind once to ever sniff a line I was already naturally high strung and anxious so using a stimulant would of prob gave me a heart attack plus it was a respect thing nobody respects a JUNKIE that is the stone cold truth.

1bvnji - 01.09.2023 08:25

I need help Joey

Johnny gunz
Johnny gunz - 31.08.2023 12:24

I found with coke it’s all about the company you hang around with that helps you stop doing it bad influences is enough to make you slip up time and time again

Producciones de bajos recursos
Producciones de bajos recursos - 30.08.2023 06:37

Who on coke rn!? Xd

Tony loves ducks
Tony loves ducks - 29.08.2023 16:27

I need help..

Let Him Read
Let Him Read - 26.08.2023 13:34

Sorry but cocaine addition is nothing PHYSICALLY to kick, it's mentally. Yeah you get a hangover but all who have experienced opiate withdrawals know coke is like kicking coffee (PHYSICALLY not mentally)

Some guy
Some guy - 25.08.2023 16:24

I did cocaine for 12 years off and on. Never got physically addicted to it but I will say that the psychological addiction to it was quite powerful. Driving to go get it is indeed the best part of it. The excitement you feel when your plug comes through and calls you to let you know he’s got it, speeding through every red light, rolling through every stop sign. Then when you finally open the bag or the paper fold the cocaine is in the smell of it hits your nose and the exhilaration heightens even more. Then your first line hits and it is all downhill from there. The high is powerful but the comedown is miserable, it far outweighs the high especially as time goes on. That’s basically what caused me to quit it. That and numerous instances where it felt like my heart would give out at any minute. It starts off as the best drug you’ve ever done and quickly becomes the worst drug you have ever done. Incredibly flawed substance.

Jdogg Da Rula
Jdogg Da Rula - 25.08.2023 05:56

Joes right about the psychological addiction thing, I can't go more than a couple hours without smoking weed or ill start getting very irritated.

Rico Pineda Jr.
Rico Pineda Jr. - 23.08.2023 03:17

I remember when I first took it at 15 years young and I didn’t quit till I was 29 years young … I did it long enough till one day I really woke up and I knew deep in my soul I was done…. And it was hard quitting cold turkey … the withdrawals were so hard on me but my soul was hell bent on not touching it again and I still don’t know how I did it to be honest … it just happened … I have no explanation as to how I gathered the power to leave it but I just did … Joey is right when he’s talking about being accustomed to using more than the thrill after so many years and I think that must have played a huge role for myself … Joey is a true og … hope people reading this get to experience the thrill of being coke free… my only addiction at the time is freaking cigarettes… I started that along with coke … but in my honest opinion… I’ve been trying so hard to quit but I can’t stop !! To me it’s harder leaving them that it is coke !! … I’m down to 3 a day from a pack a day 5 years back … still I want to drop this horrible habit … I will one day that’s for sure 🙏🏻💯

ChrisDuhMexiRican - 20.08.2023 13:20

stupid oxycontin got me by the balls i had a very hard time with it.

Gast Arbeiter
Gast Arbeiter - 19.08.2023 17:41

I try blow like 4 times and it was always super boring… 😂 glad that it never really worked for me

Tracey J
Tracey J - 19.08.2023 15:25

I hate that Joe acts like he’s experienced EVERYTHING THERE IS TO EXPERIENCE ON EARTH. Pretentious little….

Neil Sekerak
Neil Sekerak - 18.08.2023 21:51

joey is a pervert

Danny murphy
Danny murphy - 17.08.2023 21:34

I quit coke 5 mins ago cos i ran out

DIDISAYTHAT - 13.08.2023 06:21

Still haven't completely kicked drinking but I manage to stay away from it pretty good. And I remember when it was bad, that feeling of not even wanting to drink amd just doing it. I would just hurry up and slam liquor just to hurry and and get myself at a cruising altitude. Get myself passed the force fed stage and into an actively drinking phaze. Those are the times that I felt absolutely defeated.

Spencer - 13.08.2023 05:16

I'm an addict

Raja Lopez
Raja Lopez - 12.08.2023 03:37

I am currently on my cocke addiction. I love it

JP Mossin
JP Mossin - 09.08.2023 13:52

Cokes for losers

Red Diver
Red Diver - 07.08.2023 23:41

Coke is addictive in terms of craving. Unlike opioids, there wre no real physical withdrawal issues. It's hard not to crave it. But quitting coke is basically like not eating pizza or sweets: all in your control if you can master your own mind.

Filip Popov
Filip Popov - 07.08.2023 18:53

Its all about Mind over Matter !!! Once you realize that, rest is easy

joe zhou
joe zhou - 06.08.2023 21:53

I was on fentanyl morphine and oxy for like 6months after I broke my spine and pelvis…it was easier to quite than weed for me….everyone is different

It’s Me!
It’s Me! - 06.08.2023 05:54

Worst comedown since I don’t do addy or Molly as much as coke 😂

Brandon Dusk
Brandon Dusk - 06.08.2023 02:38

I had tried coke a few times, never had any effect. I bought some good stuff a couple days ago just to see what it's like. It's kinda subtle, but boy does it make you want to keep using it over and over. Never buying more again lmao, too expensive and addictive.

Joseph Turner
Joseph Turner - 04.08.2023 17:03

Ten years is really nothing.Quitung alcohol and cocaine was a breeze.I decided I didn't want to do it anymore when I woke up feeling nauseous. I threw up a couple of times and just couldn't do it anymore. There was no withdrawal.I rested for a couple of days ( feeling snuggly and fine ) than I never did it again.I did it for 15 years before I stopped.
I took a couple of oxycontin's and it was no big deal. Some people ( even bigger people) have a lower tolerance to some drugs.

Tommie Manic
Tommie Manic - 04.08.2023 11:35

Hey Joe you should really think about interviewing Noam Chomsky.. I'd love to see you guys talk. Much love Joe. Peace keep smoking the bud, buddy

ANDY EL MZ - 04.08.2023 06:15

I tried cocaine once and I remember that I really liked it, but I never did it again. I understood that even if it felt good it was bad for my health. That was 10 years ago.

David Bremner
David Bremner - 02.08.2023 20:14

Yeah if you don't truly want to stop relapsing doesn't have the same meaning as when you have come to terms with it in your head and are making a proper effort one you are only letting yourself down and the other your letting the people around you down that are supporting you

Stanley Broniszewsky
Stanley Broniszewsky - 02.08.2023 08:45

Back in 85 to 87, I was into coke big time. I'd either snort it or smoke it. I never injected though (dead scared of needles). After one time I was so strung out, didn't sleep for almost three days. I prayed to God that if He'd give me the willpower to quit, I'd definitely quit. And I did. After that last time using coke, I never touched it ever again. Over thirty years clean and proud.

Julie Akin
Julie Akin - 01.08.2023 22:54

Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.

Vincent Crowley
Vincent Crowley - 30.07.2023 05:37

Cocaine is terrible , because it makes you feel great when you do it, but it means you feel like shit when you are coming down.
I had an awful panic attack, thought it was a heart attack, I was frightened but it didn't stop immediately. Thankfully it was my cousin who helped me by taking me away from there and taking me to live with him

Albijon Nura
Albijon Nura - 26.07.2023 04:08

My friend Brandon coyne does cocaine every single day of the week and has recently lost 32lbs in 6 days and has no appetite today I woke up and saw he was trying to fuck his dog what should I do?

Jonathan Huddleston
Jonathan Huddleston - 24.07.2023 09:56

I quit coke about 45 mins before work this morning, worst decision of my life 🤕😮‍💨

Luc Op de Coul
Luc Op de Coul - 23.07.2023 01:00

Been sober for 17 minutes now, blessed
