The Entire Story of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross [KHUx] Explained

The Entire Story of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross [KHUx] Explained


2 года назад

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Eric Black
Eric Black - 13.09.2023 20:06

I'm so glad a video like this exists. There's no way in hell that I'm gonna watch several hours worth of dialog bubbles just to figure out what the heck a kingdom hearts is

LuiChe Guarda
LuiChe Guarda - 08.09.2023 09:24

So is the black box the cpu that contains the data world that has the dandelions?

Christopher Dargel
Christopher Dargel - 04.09.2023 21:05


Kirramagic - 04.09.2023 12:41

You know, with the formless darkness, its too bad there's not something like a Ghost Busters trap to nab 'em lol

TronixCL - 29.08.2023 09:59

Damn.... I really waited TWO WHOLE YEARS to watch this, idk why, i could have watched at any moment, this video has been sitting in Watch Later all that time.

Yasosubi - 28.08.2023 10:13

it's strange to realize that ventus is way older than xehanort

living soul of time Studio
living soul of time Studio - 23.08.2023 19:51

sooooo im Xheanort??????? that falls 2 darknesss?????

Xorn Goh
Xorn Goh - 19.08.2023 00:39

Holy shit. I had no idea so much backstory is involved in this KH mobile game. There are still many unanswered questions though, like where is Skuld? Is she the friend that Axel and SaiX had been looking for? Xemnas mentioned Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene are brought back for an ancient Keyblade legacy. What is this legacy? We know who Marluxia and Larxene was when human, but who was Demyx and Luxord?
Also, after finding out the backstory of Xehanort, the ending of KH3 seems all the more bittersweet and heartwrenching. Ephemer has in a sense returned in the form of Eraqus. And Xehanort being the reincarnated main character from Union X. It is like the 2 friends finally reuniting after centuries in a different form.

Berkan - 18.08.2023 11:15

I am i big Kingdom hearts fan. I recentley played story so far and kh3. Do i get all the story from the mobile games, in this video?

RealiTierney - 13.08.2023 08:10

Wow it’s crazy how complex the story is to this. Just bonkers and you think it doesn’t make sense, but you just got to really pay attention. I’ve watched this vid like four times 😂. Damo, you’re the true dandelion! Or maybe Brain 🤔 Thanks for all your hard work! I feel like I understand about 90% which is a win in my book haha😂

Xemχia - 10.08.2023 08:54

I made this comment before, but it got deleted, so I'll say it again:

χ is down.
Unchanined χ has been renamed to Union χ and tells a different story.
χ Back Cover just gives an basic overview on the Foretellers and Luxu.
And Union χ is now just a cutscene viewer, making it hard to fully understand what happens.
I am extremely grateful for what you have done towards preserving the story of Kingdom Hearts χ.

LadyGabes - 02.08.2023 06:18

Holy shit. This is so complicated, what the fuck. Whyyyy

C_V_Signut - 01.08.2023 17:14

So would that mean Yozora from that data world?

Rotten Galaxy
Rotten Galaxy - 27.07.2023 21:29

Everyone is too harsh on the mobile games.

K M - 27.07.2023 20:43

My interperetation of the dark roads finale was that the player in KHuX actually turns into the hooded man that raised xehanort, and not xehanort himself, and that xehanort only has memories of the keyblade war because they've been passed down to him from his relative, Ephemer. I also believe his words imply that skuld is also his relative, also implying that ephemer and skuld found eachother and had kids together, but that idea is only because of kid xheanort's comments about his mom's hair color.
I know it's not all explicitly confirmed, but I believe when the hooded man is talking to kid xehanort about his "two lives", he is saying that the player in KHuX was his first life—a statement further aluded to when xehanort said that the robed figure is similar to the player character.

Ayonix Animations
Ayonix Animations - 26.07.2023 20:28

KH has never been extremely confusing for me, but holy shit, I listened to that entire explanation of the Lifeboats and paused it at the end, put my head on my desk and went "Jesus christ." because I was so overwhelmed sldfkgjhjfdk I need a nap before I continue this x'D

53prime - 18.07.2023 00:17

Hey guys. I'm a welder. I listen at work. Got kicked in the nuts today by the most meta realization ever where. Ok, the light from the arc while welding is so bright it will literally BURN your eyeballs, potentially to blindness, so we sheikd our eyes.... WITH DARKNESS! If the lens is too dark, we can't see our work; if the lens isn't dark enough we destroy our eyes.
Darkness corrupts, but light destroys. Xehanort is correct in needing balance.

Shakester - 16.07.2023 08:34

I wish Nomura would’ve given fans a heads up that the free mobile game actually had better implications for the main series in terms of lore and plots and everything else then the actual main series. At this point, I’m gonna have to fucking waste 300 dollars on some useless branded couch cushion to know what actually goes on in KH4.

Tyler Campbell
Tyler Campbell - 07.07.2023 23:26

I’d really like them to remake these games the same way that did CoM and Coded even if they aren’t the best or at least do what they did with 358 and ReCoded and give us a like 4 hour long movie telling the story of this

Kura Binge
Kura Binge - 04.07.2023 23:12

Damn that Dream Eater scene really made me tear up ngl

Aaron Green
Aaron Green - 18.06.2023 16:21

I know I'm late on all this but I really appreciate your videos hugely notice me to play union x now even though I know it's just a single player game now sadly but this explained questions I've had for union cross for years

transViv - 15.06.2023 13:17

another possibility to explain the Brain split is dividing Brain into a Heartless and a Nobody all that would be necessary is giving the Nobody his memories, which would conveniently be available in the form of data:Brain

VIP-Princess - 31.05.2023 22:51

So if we (the player) choose to become a spirit we never would have had the Ansem saga😳 that's crazzzzy

Zehar - 31.05.2023 22:26

I'm surprised that the main character some how made those bad guys think he was possed

Namerif - 29.05.2023 04:23

What if the plan now is to absorb the remaining darknesses ie the 4 darknesses in the data world will go into the Foretellers the one in Ventus might go into Luxu or heck maybe into Ava and the final darkness might be aborbed into Master of Masters thusly making the battle with the Master of Masters a battle against two pure darknesses in a pure light ie the coolest boss battles ever?

Patrik - 27.05.2023 17:31

are dark road in this video?

clinton sharpe
clinton sharpe - 26.05.2023 04:22

What is them all found a way to migrate to Sora. A dream drop distance North does trying to make him 13th vessel. Also given the fact that he gave part of himself to Ventus; and at the end of birth by sleep Ventus choose to sleep in Sora. Would that that be enough for the spirit to transfer to Sora?

Tristan Molina
Tristan Molina - 18.05.2023 11:02

Wow.. it all makes sense now. I tried getting into the union cross game but just couldn’t find the enthusiasm to commit to it. Now that I understand the storyline it puts a lot of the stories of previous games in the right perspective. This whole time I never questioned KH1 story around Maleficent or any of the things going on in that game really. When I was young I just thought good vs evil right? With some sacrifice in the end. I always thought of KH from Sora’s perspective in the game but now I under the past of KH and how Sora now ties in. I’m mind blown at how amazing and emotional this story is.. it’s always had a special place in my heart like a feeling you know? Now it’s even bigger and I cannot wait for KH4 to come out!!!! Especially since Stelitzia was revealed to be in the game and meets Sora?!?! Omg! Now I understand why everyone was soo hype about that opening scene in the trailer 😅😭

Prise_500 - 15.05.2023 22:20

The "true" dandelion is the real braig and the one who appears in the Keyblade Graveyard is the Data braig that Luxu made his apprentice

Prise_500 - 15.05.2023 21:47

How did those 4 darknesses survive?

dyl351 - 14.05.2023 23:57

I know you just spent an hour explaining all this but…wha ?_?

Jonathan Roberts
Jonathan Roberts - 11.05.2023 19:01

God I wish I liked the gameplay of this game I can’t get into it I have beaten every KH game but this and it bothers me 😢

Xan V
Xan V - 08.05.2023 20:51

nana ava cause vor

Glitterstar - 19.04.2023 03:21

thank you for this!!! This helped with the confusingness of this game TTOTT

Great White Flame
Great White Flame - 17.04.2023 03:13

So I guess what happened was...

- Lu Xu took over Brain's old vessel and somehow was able to propel Brain's Heart/Mind into the Future as was originally planned
- Brain was reformed in the future into a new Vessel because people there in Scala Ad Caelum knew who he was thanks to Ephemer
- Lu Xu continued to live on in the "Present" through Brain's old body and then continued living on by jumping from vessel to vessel.

PervyPirateSage - 08.04.2023 07:36

It seems like Luxu took Brain's body. Maybe sent his heart into the future and made sure there would be a vessel there for Brain to materialize.

Angel B.
Angel B. - 07.04.2023 17:47

Questions: Was the real Daybreak Town on the path of destruction after the activation of the lifeboats? We get the implication that the status of the Data-Daybreak Town was deteriorating following Maleficent's departure, but was the same scenario implied to the real town as well? Wasn't it because of an alter-effect of the Keyblade War, or am I missing something?

And how did Xigbar/Luxu found the black box in the finale of KH III, since earlier in the game he didn't knew its whereabouts?

John Brungard
John Brungard - 03.04.2023 20:53

Now we know that the blue cloak was us and we were not Xehanort! Everything else seems up in the air yet though.

Tommaso Firmini
Tommaso Firmini - 21.03.2023 22:11

2 minutes in, and I remember why Kingdom Hearts' story gives me a headache 😫

FerociousMitten - 21.03.2023 07:01

Wait, so xeanhort is the character we make in this game?

FerociousMitten - 21.03.2023 03:11

You know what's funny? The moment I knew how they eye in the masters keyblade worked, I knew luxu was the traitor. He is the traitor because he was supposed to watch the keyblade go to the rightful owner, probably being sora since sora defeated xeanhort, but instead luxu fought to get it back at the critical moment everything finally came together. Making him the traitor. He was the master of that keyblade yes, but he isn't meant to actually have it it seems. I just don't see how the master of masters could see there was a traitor, unless that traitor was visible from that eye, and since luxu left right away, the master wouldn't have had too much knowledge of what would come to happen in town among the other masters, he would have simply seen luxu's journey and the journeys of those who get that blade.

Ahmad Farooq
Ahmad Farooq - 19.03.2023 15:29

So much lore in these live-service games. A pity live s3rvice games become so long and people just cant play them. But these companies don't care that people wont be able to understand the story in the future titles.

EvilM0nkeyRules - 13.03.2023 19:09

I thought Ava was the voice of light Sora talks to when he's in the Heaven area. When you have to collect all the Sora clones

EvilM0nkeyRules - 13.03.2023 18:46

Their birth by sleep...
Roll credits

peter2000 - 08.03.2023 19:04

Or maybe the last darkness joined luxu in some way ._.

Bailey Hilger
Bailey Hilger - 07.03.2023 04:48

I’ve followed along with every game and I feel like I learn something new every time I watch a video like this it makes me excited to follow the series and keep playing the games

DarkStarX30 - 05.03.2023 21:36

And here I thought 358/2 days was depressing! I honestly didn't think that there was this much lore in these games. Feels good to finally get that reference at the end of KH3.
Amazing video!
