Simpler times? LEGOLAND Victory Lap Raceway from 1988 reviewed! 6395

Simpler times? LEGOLAND Victory Lap Raceway from 1988 reviewed! 6395


4 года назад

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@toddc6682 - 20.11.2020 23:20

I have this set, found it again in 2015. Got me back into LEGO again as an adult.

@themaypole - 21.11.2020 15:03

Is Jang ok?

@iure_divino - 21.11.2020 18:29

I would love to see the constructed oil derrick

@VeryMelonCB - 21.11.2020 19:11

6503 was almost identical to the number 1 car, but had the Shell prints on the rear spoiler. It was one of the first sets I got as a kid.

@Brick-Life - 22.11.2020 04:52

old lego

@F3udF1st - 22.11.2020 14:03

What a shill for Shell!

@emperornae - 23.11.2020 05:07

I bought a used one of this set on eBay and I loved it so much I went on BrickLink and bought other race track sets like it and build a race track for me and my younger cousin and even tho im 15 and just have a lego city I so much fun playing with these older sets I wish lego would make more sets like these

@thedappercook - 23.11.2020 14:40

I had this set. So sick!

@giampierofuggetti9535 - 24.11.2020 17:49

nice set u should put it in your city

@Perradocx - 25.11.2020 16:59

A Shell oil rig displayed in Lego instructions is really funny thirty years later.

@ashleytyrer9857 - 26.11.2020 19:22

Cool set, I think almost every minifig has a crack in the arm. Showing their age!

@penfold7800 - 29.11.2020 05:07

Cool set. I think the colour scheme is meant to suggest the rivals at the time; Black/Yellow=John Player, Red=Mclarren, Blue/Red/White=Mobil, White/Red/Yellow=Shell

@danielsuo-anttila9658 - 07.12.2020 22:32

You know this set brings back some nostalgia from my childhood though been born in the 21st century I remember some of the pieces and more importantly the mini figures from old lego sets, instructions and piles and piles of lego pieces at my grandmothers house, which does bring back some good emotional memories playing with these exact sets and thinking that my grandmother or great grandmother (who passed away when I was very young) could have played with this exact set.

@wai0937 - 18.12.2020 19:28

I had this as a kid! It was massive to me at the time.

@basehead617 - 20.12.2020 07:48

I don't think of myself as having had THAT many lego sets as a kid, but every time he posts a vintage review I'm like.. whaaat, I had that!

@JessieorQuinn - 01.01.2021 22:14

I wish lego would still use baseplates for Lego sets now😔

@Halfblood4505 - 02.01.2021 07:49

My dad had that set when he was a kid and I remember playing with it when it was still in some shape but now it’s just mixed into my LEGO bin somewhere still have some pieces

@arnonym113 - 03.01.2021 14:35

Hey Jang, would be interesting if you could always compute an inflation price of today for future episodes.

@Eucep - 03.01.2021 14:38

Nice review. Glad I still have my simplified version of the nr1 car of this set.

@nicolajaynehodson9223 - 03.01.2021 18:47

the detachable wheels are a mid 1980s thing ...

@EvanMoon - 03.01.2021 20:57

I don’t think I ever had that’s it but I do still have a few of those little cars I must’ve got them in the really small individual sets

@twirly_yuu - 03.01.2021 22:06

It's so interesting seeing these old sets. It obviously provided a lot of fun and it's good to see that the bricks last and can be passed along to the next generation. Also bonus points for being from my birth year! 😁

@freddellmeister - 23.01.2021 20:38

I love the GO-cart alternate build! Looks great!

@megamuffin15 - 24.01.2021 09:37

So much room for imagination in this. I would have been obsessed with this as a kid.

@LordEvrey - 25.01.2021 16:48

So that's where some parts I inherited long ago come from.

@KristofferEk - 26.01.2021 12:59

there is technically only six points holding up the race control roof if you don't mind removing the front windows.

@cassiekaizo1210 - 27.01.2021 07:47

One of the things I miss most is alternative build ideas on the back of the box

@romainthblt - 31.01.2021 00:54

You're slowly covering all the vintage sets I had when I was 3-6 years old <3

@HansensUniverseT-A - 31.01.2021 16:53

Lego town is superior to modern city sets, excluding those junior sets which still plagues us today.

@Andrew-rs4ul - 08.03.2021 20:13

The mini fig spectators are on the edge of their seats!!! Not that they have a choice 😂

@natjc3429 - 11.03.2021 10:13

I never had a vintage Lego set :(

@erichschoenholtz5170 - 02.04.2021 18:05

The nostalgia of this set is immense. I never had it, I opted for the Big Rig Truck Stop instead.

@hardsellcomixreviews7514 - 02.06.2021 04:06

This set has some of the best alt builds I have seen

@MikeVanRose - 19.08.2021 17:19

I saved a lot of money (as far as I remember) to buy this already old set back in the mid 90s, I clearly remember assembling this and playing so much with it. Thanks for this video, it brings back so many great memories. Thank you

@cameobrides - 16.12.2021 10:48

if lego released this today it would have 2 cars and one sign with the finish line and lights for the same price

@jbrat122 - 24.12.2021 09:08

When I was a kid, I worked a day with my dad pouring concrete, to buy this set. This was my favorite toy when I was a kid. I want it back so bad

@makramibrahim8625 - 12.02.2022 04:43

if i want buy lego 6395 with good condition or new where i can finde ?

@matthew_thefallen - 27.02.2022 23:21

Oh i love this set! Even though i'm more of a 90's lego set fan, this is good! The truck is beautiful, I have to build one myself :D

@Sammydx1 - 19.03.2022 21:29

I got this for my birthday. I immediately built it and added maybe 10+ road plates to make a complete track. And filled the middle area with green grass plates. Great memories. Thankyou
Edit.. the more I remember now I added a pace car. A security police car. Ambulance. More seating. And a complete wall. This was my go to lego until I got the boat dock and pier police

@kevinhadj82 - 13.05.2022 18:27

Thanks for your review, got me travelling back to late 89 I believe when I received it for my 7th birthday ! It was an amazing set and also an amazing part pack (even if I was not really seing it as such when I was a kid), I remember making a shell oil truck out of it (cab + a probably 20 studs long trailer) that still sits somewhere on a shelf in my parents home :)

@Jackbyrne77 - 04.06.2022 14:03

Thanks for the video. I was fortunate enough to have one of these back in the day. Awesome set. One other little feature is the printed screens on the white block pieces below the race control box.

@Webhead123 - 09.08.2022 04:22

I had this set back in '89-'90! Fond memories!

@tetsuoswrath - 18.10.2022 09:29

This was my first Lego set and my second earliest memory of childhood. Christmas 1989, I was 4 and I got this and me and my dad built it while visiting my grandparents for the holiday.

I kept some of the cars and parts for about 4 years. Around 8 years old I started actually keeping things intact but unfortunately gave all my childhood Lego to a younger relative. I kept one custom Construction minifig using the 90's Backhoe red coveralls body, construction hat, but a Dragon Knight's face. We used him as our Quint from Jaws one time after my brother built the Orca with all our basic Lego parts.

With some of the modern race car builds these now feel like high end go karts. Very retrograde Mario Kart feels to this one.

@gbarnewall1 - 25.12.2022 05:13

I had this set as a kid and absolutely loved it! Broke it down and built it up many times, I loved all the different scenarios you could pose or play to, races with photo finishes, crashes with the medic helping, pit stops tyre changes, setting up race cars, the fans etc, you could get lost inside this set

@chriswheeler6092 - 30.01.2023 19:29

This was my favorite set. I had several different sets, but this was the one that I played with the most.

@ZiggEnt86 - 03.02.2023 19:37

I can hear the race-presenter/commentator's voice.

@Blackadder75 - 11.06.2023 13:22

I like how they predicted Max Verstappen (33) in a 1988 set

@BenChurchill76 - 28.06.2023 21:25

It's such a dumb thing, but I used to love any time I got transparent pieces in any classic LEGO sets, even the single stud pieces. Maybe because they weren't common, and only really used for lights at the time?

@Gameprojordan - 23.07.2023 19:07

I bought a bin of used lego recently for like $100, and this set was inside it with instructions aswell, among many others. Haven't built it or fully sorted the parts out yet. But I've found like 90% of the pieces so far. Base plates and minifigs included

@jonasfermefors - 07.08.2023 01:39

The thing that made these better for than I think I would have found today's sets as a kid is that there is so much more room for modifications.
I never played all that much with my lego. I played for 5 minutes and then spent an hour doing modifications, played 5 minutes and so on.
