The Differences Between the BIBLE and QURAN

The Differences Between the BIBLE and QURAN

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@terrycihat4136 - 02.05.2024 00:55

No, they are not the same in any way !

@PapaiLinguistico - 02.05.2024 02:08

I can’t take this video seriously. Too many Caucasian images to be speaking abt the Bible smh

@richardbranche8873 - 04.05.2024 15:45

You are one of the greatest Islamic supporters. Even though you have little knowledge of the Bible and the quran. You support a religion that is still practicing evils against Christians. Please check the history of Islamic slave masters including your prophet Mohamed and please doa video on it .I would a enjoy an honest response. I know Muslims are allowed to lie.

@johncaseyhogan1711 - 06.05.2024 18:38

The curran is satans best work

@ibrahimmib6423 - 10.05.2024 01:55

One and only version ❤

@MUSICCLOUDS-fr9me - 18.05.2024 02:06

Islam starts from prophet adam

@ITBD-c2s - 26.05.2024 21:51

My religion is the teachings of Christ, the eternal Word of God alone and nothing else. As for everything that contradicts the teachings of Christ, in the Old Testament or after Christ, they are satanic inspirations. The only one who inspires his prophets to kill in the Old Testament or after Christ is Satan. The one God alone is capable of kidnapping souls, and he does not ask his prophets to wage jihad and kill. As for Satan, it is because He is unable to kidnap souls, so he inspires his prophets to kill to achieve his satanic goals. that's done ..........

@preston-z - 08.06.2024 00:40

The bible contains the true authoritative Holy witten word of God. The quran is a demonic fabrication that's the difference between them.

@SquidyBandit - 20.06.2024 22:15

Peace to all my Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters! God bless!

@MrGMawson2438 - 21.06.2024 12:56

Quiz Show (Bible Contradictions)


@wilnerlouissaint644 - 06.07.2024 00:32

As a pastor I teach both in my church

@jayedannholmes6367 - 09.07.2024 01:55

The Quran is straight out of HELL!

@EnoShadow-Walker - 13.07.2024 16:33

White Jesus is the anti Jesus. Jesus of the gospels loves his enemies White Christians hate their neighbors.

@joshuajohnson1891 - 17.07.2024 17:39

They are both horrid.

@KofiCoconut - 20.07.2024 22:55

if you read the bible with truth and honest you will find out that the bible is the truth

@ITBD-c2s - 22.07.2024 14:42

The Qur’an is a book for an Allah that glorifies Himself, rather than a book in which He places His basic teachings and humans write books to glorify Him in their places of worship. The only one who glorifies himself is The One and Only Lucifer !

@charleslott2908 - 27.07.2024 08:29

You are a lost sheep ✝️

@neildecarteret6143 - 28.07.2024 05:14

All man made. All religion is man made. We need to wake up. Worst thing is they all arguing over the same story.

@crispyri - 29.07.2024 00:25

Soera Al -Baqarah 2:62 as long we do good we all go to heaven

@donnykobana5209 - 29.07.2024 16:32

The new world translation is the most authentic version of the Bible

@MrMac6375 - 11.08.2024 23:32

The Quran says to respect the Torah and the Gospel. Well, part of the Gospel of Christ, is that He was crucified and resurrected. Muslims do NOT believe that Christ was crucified, and in fact claim another was crucified in His place. That alone proves it false.

@SpiritualJourney-bh2kd - 23.08.2024 19:31

I am studying the Bible, but I would love to also study the Koran.

@PressEntertainmentLLC - 07.09.2024 16:35

The difference in the Bible and Quran are gentiles trying to understand the Bible and Quran .....smiling

@kidindia - 09.09.2024 06:40

The Quran has been preserved and the Bible has not been preserved.

@UshanPrabodha - 13.09.2024 03:41

Good video thanks ❤❤❤ God bless you

@Cartoonstory-r5 - 13.09.2024 11:07

I am proud to Christian ❤

@azoktara8266 - 18.09.2024 17:27

Christianity is the bro of islam

@azoktara8266 - 18.09.2024 17:28

Rev and pastor also preach Adam n eve story in church

@preston-z - 22.09.2024 19:38

Quran is from Satan the devil, it's evil and demonic, and is leading multitudes to Hell. God's Word warns us about seducing spirits and doctrines of demons and the Quran is one of them. People can never be saved and go to heaven believing the lies, deceptions of the Quran. For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Therefore repent and believe the gospel of Christ, and be not faithless but believing.

@love-rj6pb - 23.09.2024 05:40

Sorry I'm not good at English, but please read it. How heartbreaking would it be to believe that Allah is God and go to hell? God is not Allah. God is Jehovah. God is the Trinity. You must believe in that fact. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.(Deuteronomy6:4) Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.(1John5:5) This is the one who came by water and blood--Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.(1John5:6) For there are three that testify(1John5:7) the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.(1John5:8) Jesus is not just the prophet mentioned in the Quran. Birth of Jesus Foretold in The Old Testament. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.(Isaiah9:6) Isaiah is a Bible written 700 years before Jesus was born. The place where Jesus will be born is also predicted in the Bible. "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."(Micah5:2) There are many other prophecies that have been fulfilled and not yet fulfilled. If you're curious about unfulfilled prophecies, read the Book of Revelation. Jesus said that he is the son of God. Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, "Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?"(Mark14:60) But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?"(Mark14:61)"I am," said Jesus. "And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven." (Mark14:62)

@glenosher5748 - 26.09.2024 18:31

Unless we learn from the people of the book, Jews and Christians we are nothing and can do nothing John 3v3-17 Matthew 18v3 Matthew 5v43-48 🌹

@amybeth1554 - 03.10.2024 21:52

Life on earth is living a big bible loop. Noah didn’t help a thing!!😢. God made severe mistakes and tried to correct them with murder. Same old thang.

@lifechanger6431 - 09.11.2024 17:54

U cant compare faith with unbelief brother,its no workdone

@ERICWORLDS-s7l - 28.11.2024 11:42

Jesus Christ is New Testament who teachers Old Religion with the New Teachings right

@SeroyaBaumann - 28.11.2024 13:44

thank you for explaining it in easy to understand plain language👍

@ridingblues - 09.12.2024 19:56

It is fine to respect all religions - however they are all different and have different beliefs. Therefore they are not all the same thing. Jesus brings it all together

@inhumanhyena - 17.12.2024 09:04

There's actually no agreement amongst Muslims about whether or not Jesus died according to the Quran. I take the minority opinion that Jesus did die, but refer to the Muslim scholars Khalil Andani and Ali Ataie on the subject.

@NateDogg-d8u - 17.12.2024 10:44

So Islam didn’t have a council of Nicea I think 325 ad and again a few hundred years later books removed and others edited. So the Quran is the same as it was when it came out do we have old ones that can confirm it has been indeed been changed.

@sawdust7787 - 04.01.2025 06:36

This guy has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to the transmission of the bible.

@sansan-wm8qf - 06.01.2025 02:04

Bible=Basic instructions before leaving earth

@manuelsilva8528 - 10.01.2025 21:25

I have a dream that one day mankind will develop a Deja Vu machine (like in that awful movie, Deja Vu), which will allow us to see the lives of all main religious figures, reality show style.
And eventually, everyone gets really disappointed 💔

@urb089 - 26.01.2025 08:38

To say that the Quran came directly from Allah is a lie. Nearly all of it came from a 600-winged angel incorrectly called Gabriel.

@SuperAldin - 08.02.2025 08:35

Allahu Ekber❤❤

@AJooWon - 10.02.2025 02:56

Islam is specifically for HAM tribe. They need to be in constant atonement because their foundation is not level. They enslaved woman. Neanderthal contained. Their FOUNDATION IS BASED ON ALLAH AT BAR. THE PIMP SAND NIG. ARROGANT FALLEN UGLY MAN. SMELLY NEANDERTHAL.

@Substantialstem800 - 12.03.2025 14:53

Both the Bible and the Quran are true. ✝️🤝🏻☪️
