Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Through my eyes

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Through my eyes

Demystifying Medicine McMaster

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QuillTheTherian - 20.09.2023 14:25

uh oh. these mental health videos are getting creepily more and more similar to me..

but even if i do have ocd or not, it annoys me to no damn end when my teachers/classmates say 'sorry gotta do this, i'm getting a little ocd rn 🤓🤓'

no, you're not, because you don't have it. that phrasing also makes no sense. everybody at my school is immature as hell and doesn't give a crap about others' emotions, and they definitely don't get that this is a real mental disorder that effects so many every day. i might sound like a karen, but it's a real thing that so many people just use as an adjective and throw around- people shouldn't use it that way.

Joshua Oldt
Joshua Oldt - 20.09.2023 08:33

The difference is that I'll also brush my teeth multiple times, and freak out when outside events happen to my stuff when it's out of my control. I take medication to help often, but I need more to cope with everything. It's always been washing my hands so many times, making sure nothing happens to my stuff, and doing things like cleaning often and brushing my teeth a certain amount of times.

strawberry_cream13 - 18.09.2023 06:22

I also have OCD and I feel very identified with this video, I do exactly the same things, especially eating my nails and some of it is horrible

harsh kumar
harsh kumar - 17.09.2023 16:13

bro you didn`t returned and checked the door 4-5 times to make sure that door locked or not properly.

Sying Li
Sying Li - 15.09.2023 17:18

Why is it that ocd is only about washing hands then what do I have I don't understand once I see an insect in a video or somewhere outside mostly spiders I keep cotton balls in my ears nd keep dusting myself my clothes so there would be no insect when I know there is not any insect there but I still do it I feel like an insect would go into my body if I don't keep my nose and ears shut I feel like an insect is crawling on my legs my back and I check like 12times 13 times before going to sleep before sitting anywhere to check weather is there any insect even if it's a really really small one I see it I get disturbed for like hours I do and continue this behaviour what should I do about what is this problem my friend told me it was ocd but after watching this video I guess it's not but now my condition is really Getting out of hands

Sasuke uchiha Uchiha clan
Sasuke uchiha Uchiha clan - 15.09.2023 01:06


Daniela Vrábelová
Daniela Vrábelová - 13.09.2023 10:19

I have solution you can fight OCD but must have so strong mind and start to believing in yourself! It is hard and long way, but you can do it.

Daniela Vrábelová
Daniela Vrábelová - 13.09.2023 10:14

Yes I know this, my whole day is about my fucking hell OCD. I want my personality back. Iw ant to be myself.

fluttershy 🌷
fluttershy 🌷 - 10.09.2023 05:44

when i was 10 i used to like panic and w the hand wasning it used to be 30 times a day, then 40, then 50…it was actually insane

Adam McConnoran 2
Adam McConnoran 2 - 10.09.2023 01:17

I'm surprised that the hand washing is so similar to mine, I literally put my hands under up to my wrist or above to feel clean

awe what
awe what - 08.09.2023 16:47

I personally have ocd and ocpd and then I grew up in a family line(step moms side ) of hoarders. So I have germaphobia problems too and it all can be overwhelming and when my depressive episodes hit that's when my hoardering tendencies come in and then that fucks with my germaphobia and ocpd

With my ocd I check door knobs 3 times, always check the oven everytime I pass it even when I know I've turned it off I have to recheck and make sure.

But with my germaphobia and ocpd I can't have dirty floors I just recently moved into a place with mainly wooden floors and I be wanting to crawl out of my skin and I use to hate socks and still do cuz I hate how they feel most times but it's how I cope with dirty floors so I don't end up going and taking a shower.
But I clean every single day

My brain can't understand how people can just be satisfied with just cleaning one time out the week I have to vacuum sweep mop and shampoo my house everyday.

My fiance is the only one who truly understands outside from my Dr's how bad my problems are his mom does not believe I'm as "crazy" as my Dr say.

Because ocpd is a personality disorder and she think all personality disorder means you have dissociative identity disorder (or know as multiple personality) but there is obviously more then 1 personality disorder and they all have different symptoms

Treasure Trails
Treasure Trails - 07.09.2023 13:58

Is it OCD if I constantly pretend my hands are boxers or UFC fighters and I fight my hands together constantly I can't stop.....

Koala - 07.09.2023 08:42

I can only see my mom saying "Well at least she gets out of bed as soon as she wakes up!" if I show her this video.

Captain Golden Freddy
Captain Golden Freddy - 06.09.2023 02:14

I have ocd this is what it is

bruh bruh
bruh bruh - 05.09.2023 23:42

POV: you lose the idgaf war

goat - 05.09.2023 05:58


Arissa Hosein
Arissa Hosein - 05.09.2023 03:53

My OCD is more like "If you touch someone else's belongings you will become just like them", "If you change your school bag or wear perfume your luck and smarts will disappear". I've never been diagnosed, I sort of self-diagnosed after noticing a lot of oddities in my behaviour and the way that I think.
Not only that, but I would like help from anyone who knows how to deal with this specific OCD problem that I'm experiencing- I constantly think about thoughts that I know aren't true to my actual self and I hate it, I always think about it all the time and I want it to just STOP! I don't want to get into the specifics of these thoughts because it's a bit personal but it is RUINING MY LIFE!!!!! I am constantly thinking about these thoughts that I don't want to think about (I believe it's called intrusive thoughts) and I can't seem to stop no matter how much times I convince myself that it isn't true...
I also can't pay proper attention to anything, which is why after one school day, I am absolutely drained because I use all my might to focus and not think about these intrusive thoughts...

I'm losing my mind....

Virginia Possum
Virginia Possum - 04.09.2023 20:14

My OCD is fear of dying from cancer. It is horrible but with therapy I am getting better. But any kind of pain or abnormal feeling leads to worry. It is a daily struggle.

RanOverBruh - 04.09.2023 00:02


why? - 03.09.2023 18:06


HHA Kitty
HHA Kitty - 03.09.2023 06:00

chills on chair
disturbing image pops up in mind
dreams of bad stuff
rests on bed
more disturbing images

Guy Guy
Guy Guy - 03.09.2023 01:36

Pov: you have to do a unskippable tutorial

Tuva Lorentse
Tuva Lorentse - 02.09.2023 14:26

The fact i could Relate with most of these is scary. It affects my whole life

King Sanky
King Sanky - 02.09.2023 12:31

here is how i cured my ocd completely, i believe ocd happens because of unresolved trauma, and i was suffering from ocd recently because of triggered trauma, and my ocd intrusive thoughts increased, so every time when i got triggered, i started noticing physical sensations in the body instead of fighting my thoughts and feelings, i started being present with the feeling in the body, i started giving my attention to that physical sensations whenever intrusive thoughts came, or feelings, i grounded my self, and took deep breaths 4 inhale and 8 exhale through pursed lips about 10 times with each completion of breath i said to myself “ i am okay, i am safe and i am alright “ and ocd went away after few days, and also i began to do chakra meditation every night, these problems i believe are mostly due to imbalance in life forces. Do this it has helped me hope this help you too. wish you guys peace and love.

novaburger - 31.08.2023 23:48

I thought this was adhd… Just my brain getting distracted. Now I’m not sure.

bryan hartline
bryan hartline - 31.08.2023 17:09

Turn the sink off damn

Deborah Fisher
Deborah Fisher - 31.08.2023 17:06

I had a frienh had ocd was sad to watch and another constant germs wash hands the thoughts and distressis reala nn need of conrol iny our life

Deborah Fisher
Deborah Fisher - 31.08.2023 17:02

Its an anxity disorder ihad this for 1975 to 2003 drove me mad constant check the door is closed and constant wash hands until red raw . I believe can get medication to help with codition . Counting was one thing would do . Its a horrible to have and witness it needs now to be our norm the way the world since cov ui ff i feel has to benorm than fight against it then get help with a dr

КрЕвЕтКа - 30.08.2023 03:53

Woah wait.. that is literally my behavior almost everyday??? Wha-
I thought everyone talks to themselfs from time to time? I just do it more often.
I've never thought i had OCD but now i have suspicions abt it (should probabay go have myself checked )

ahahaha - 29.08.2023 23:39

I wish i could have a room like that

K K - 29.08.2023 19:52

My OCD is the intrusive and unwanted thoughts that will replay over and over and where my brain will tell myself things that are just disgusting and not me at all. it’s so exhausting and mentally draining.

Ehsan Akbar
Ehsan Akbar - 28.08.2023 05:25

I have watched the day of a life of ADHD and im certain i have ADHD but now i think i had OCD

NanoAIAesto - 27.08.2023 23:30

Omgod seriously ,
So sorry
Human brain is controlable .
Wish I can help you there

BANN3D - 27.08.2023 18:56

just be normal tho init, like aint hard

Mukul Gautam
Mukul Gautam - 27.08.2023 07:42

I have been diagnosed with moderate OCD and it's realated to watching porn continuously until I am exhausted it's like taking my life but I am fighting it

Guestgermany - 26.08.2023 21:22

bacteria/viruses are scared of this person

Alex - 26.08.2023 01:15

I wasn't expecting this video to hit so hard. I really started developing OCD around 12 yo, at the beginning it was pretty much about double-checking, hitting every light switch in my building a certian number of times, positioning flip-flops in a specific certain way before going to sleep, counting every white line in crosswalks... Then came more complex rituals which really started to take my time away, there was a point where it seemed to be integrated in almost every aspect of my life and even started to "link" with my social anxiety (idk if it sounds weird, english isn't my first language so forgive me). But when the thing started to get pretty fucked up for me was when ROCD and other Pure O subtypes kicked in, there isn't anything worse for me than the endless loops of rumination and the fucking endless doubts slowly burning my mind. It's like my mind is an unstoppable engine. Less to say the personality features that lay beyond OCD itself: overthinking and obsessing easily about any problem, procrastination, high levels of perfectionism (which makes me feel slow and stupid af), in summary letting my mind take control over me. Doomed to have two brains, one arguing with the other, it's like having a mental eczema (idk how weird it may sound again sorry for any uncommon expression)

Joe’s Juice
Joe’s Juice - 25.08.2023 21:37

cant you FUCKING close the water when wash your hands 3 times? the world is becoming to finish and you had to wash three times

Piper Pitchfork
Piper Pitchfork - 25.08.2023 07:07

I used to intense OCD it was a pain I hope people understand what OCD is one how it feels to have it me and not bully others for being different. I describe as like knowing something is going to happen but you don’t know when which causes me anxiety problems

M. AnGeLoz
M. AnGeLoz - 24.08.2023 22:48

Wow I don't see the difference from my everyday life. Battleying stuttering and counting the cracks at the sidewalk lines /crossing over my fingernails. I'm fortunate to be social

Avika Bairwa
Avika Bairwa - 24.08.2023 10:53

I close door 4×4 times and I'm tired.

꧁GlorifiedGremlin꧂ - 24.08.2023 04:02

Why wouldn't you wash your hands BEFORE cupping water into your mouth?

Rudra Rawat The Boss Baby
Rudra Rawat The Boss Baby - 23.08.2023 22:30

I think someone should make a complete movie so that people can understand this whole thing and also the condition of mental health of family members who live with ocd patients for years! I want to tell a lot ! But I don't have anyone to listen to my parents say I talk negatively about my mother in law but she is the topical mother in law as well as a long term ocd patient, I know how iam surviving there everyday, but one thing I don't understand she turns into a good person in front of outsiders she hides her ocd easily we as a family can't make anyone to understand how are the situations inside the house !! worst thing I even can't explain my problems to my parents as a daughter they have also hating me how negative I have become, I had a baby and there isn't anyone who can provide us care we need so we had to visit my parents house often because my baby is also some kind of hyperactive child it's very exausting for me ! toughest year of my life 😢 .
But I want to go on the brighter side I hope at any cost, I want to imagine myself in the government office as an employee and I don't get enough time for preparation, I want to be a good human , good mother , good daughter I want to make my parents understand that iam not a bad person but situations are tough for me !or else I will never come again here if they think I am a negative person. but inside I know no one gona understand what I am going through or what I have faced during my pragency and also during my postpartum whatever I say the person who has faced in her or his life can relate only !

Rudra Rawat The Boss Baby
Rudra Rawat The Boss Baby - 23.08.2023 22:14

We are living with my mother in law and I am find myself in anxiety due to her behaviour

nejan - 23.08.2023 20:22

besides everything are you sleeping with socks on

RedRaven赤烏 - 23.08.2023 16:47

You don't have the right socks on, which is left and which is right?
Is your heel in the right place? Are they stretched correctly?
Is the edge around the calf aligned correctly? Are they the same shade of colour?
A lot of socks, even in one set, have many shades of black that are hard to recognize.

And this is just one thing out of several in the entire video.
I've never addressed whether I suffer from OCD, but the case I wrote above suggests I should be concerned about it.

Soul Harvestor
Soul Harvestor - 23.08.2023 13:44

Well I Can Relate ButI Have To Step On Them Cracks if I don't I have to go back💀

Magnolia - 23.08.2023 11:55

with mine i will be sitting there completely happy and my thoughts go "you should kill yourself" then go into intense detail and i've literally almost done it before. kinda feels like what i've heard schizophrenia is but without actually hearing a voice, just my internal dialogue and thoughts.
