Creme Brulee with Lemongrass

Creme Brulee with Lemongrass

My Chef Recipe

3 года назад

602 Просмотров

My Chef Recipe (
I would like to share with you the joy of cooking and discover the endless flavor possibilities from different cultures and countries. This Food Blog in 3 languages (English, Portuguese, German) is for home cooks and professionals, with recipes and instructions for the kitchen.

Creme Brulee is a classic Dessert that is known in different versions all around the world and has its roots in traditional French cuisine. Or not? - Well that can be discussed, but it is for sure if perfectly done, one of the most amazing and also simple combinations of flavors and texture. In this recipe, we are going to add Lemongrass to freshen it up.
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O Creme Brulee é uma sobremesa clássica conhecida em diferentes versões em todo o mundo e tem as suas raízes na cozinha tradicional francesa. Ou não? - Bem, isso pode ser discutido, mas com certeza quando é feito com perfeição, uma das mais incríveis e também simples combinações de sabores e texturas. Nesta receita, vamos adicionar Capim-Cidreira (Erva Principe) para refrescar este classico.
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Creme Brulee ist ein klassisches Dessert, das in verschiedenen Varianten auf der ganzen Welt bekannt ist und seine Wurzeln in der traditionellen französischen Küche hat. Oder nicht? - Nun, darüber kann man diskutieren, aber es ist sicher, wenn es perfekt gemacht ist, eine der erstaunlichsten und auch einfachsten Kombinationen von Aroma und Textur. In diesem Rezept werden wir Zitronengras hinzufügen, um diesen Klassiker aufzufrischen.
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