ATTENTION PLEASE: Will The Real (Fake) Activist Please Stand Up ?

ATTENTION PLEASE: Will The Real (Fake) Activist Please Stand Up ?

Lost Beyond Pluto

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@AdgTee21 - 07.06.2024 04:29

You are so pretty, love your makeup and fashion style, absolutely love your voice and speaking skills, AND finally your great points and fabulous editing on your channel. ❤❤❤

@ealeclerc9524 - 07.06.2024 09:52

I saw another video where Mo (?) opened the event , welcomed the attendees, and thanked a bank that sponsored the Women in Leadership event. Archewell supplied the backdrop behind the stage. The bank isn't listed on it. I've often wondered what the accomplished women think about appearing with MM on all these panels. She has no leadership experience, never mind accomplishments.

@christopherarkell9862 - 07.06.2024 15:21

1. The Markle woman decides she needs a PR event, maybe with Netflix or suchlike cameras.
2. She chooses a location - New York, Nigeria
3. She gets James ahold or another minion to identify a small charity in the area where she wants to go
4. Holy gets in touch with the Charity and sells them a deal - Markle appearance, lots of publicity AND A DONATION
5. The donation must take care of all the expenses of the Markle entourage in reaching the charity, performing there - clothing etc - and returning.
6. The Markles turn up and perform
7. In the Archewell Foundation accounts, the expenditure is booked as a donation to a charity which they visit
8. In the charity’s accounts, the receipt of the donation is also booked as a donation received and the expenditure on the Markles’ visit is booked under a suitable cost heading - either public relations or some such non-restricted fund heading

All JUST within the letter of the law (at least in the U.K.) but all a complete SHAM designed purely so that the Markles WORLD WIDE travelling and self promotion costs are tax deductible in the USA.

@factcheck5224 - 07.06.2024 15:30

Meghan wrote a letter to the “Imperial King of Nigeria” who gave her the royal Nigerian name. Seriously?! He is the de facto leader of ONE of the many tribes in Nigeria who have no real standing in their democracy. And then she signed the letter: “Meghan, … fill in her BRITISH royal title”!! If this is all about her Nigerian heritage and being a “Queen/Princess” there why does she still use the British titles?! Mega-Liar hypocrite. 🧟‍♀️🤥😖😂

@factcheck5224 - 07.06.2024 15:53

This would have been the perfect opportunity for Mega🧟‍♀️Liar to do away with her hair extensions and let her hair be “natural.” Braids. Beading. I am positive her “BFF” Serena Williams could have given her numerous tips ~ and the names of several great hair stylists who are used to working with natural Black women’s hair. 👩🏽‍🦱👩🏻‍🦱😮

@jeanettemartinez1086 - 07.06.2024 22:33

I detest in the strongest to hear any word salad that meagain has to say because she only bears her empty soul of nothingness! Love your videos!

@Tina-ji4bj - 07.06.2024 23:27

She is very spiteful… just watch the Oprah interview

@saymyname2417 - 07.06.2024 23:52

Some actress called what came out of Rachel Zegler's mouth "word vomit".

I find this term very fitting for whatever the Meg is throwing up.

@Djb1976 - 08.06.2024 02:07

This was an astute critique of the ridiculous Sussex couple. Everything they do and say seems false. Until she started whining about race, I didn’t even know she was even part black.

@terrielyon7732 - 08.06.2024 04:30

Have they EVER contibuted to any CHARITY?! I THINK NOT!?!

@JSCook-nu3bt - 08.06.2024 14:07

Thank you for putting together such informative, thoughtful presentations. I hit the jackpot to have found a channel with a presenter who is always prepared, and measured in language. I find you encourage followers to dig deeper, observe the obvious, ask questions, and to keep things in context. Your videos are beautiful, organised, and interesting. The analytical approach you use to breakdown MM tactics, strategies, and behaviour patterns I find applicable to many other areas of interests and pursuits. Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into your videos. I look forward to every notification. I wonder, what direction do you see this situation going? Every time I think something such as "this has GOT to be the end of this saga, the trajectory is leading them absolutelyno where", things get more bizarre. Surely, this cannot go on in perpetuity.

@naomihollingsworth1019 - 08.06.2024 15:27

Eloquent and interesting video again, a pleasure to watch

@Parlor.. - 08.06.2024 21:24

lol who are they kidding!? How patronizing to these wonderful people, sick, it’s just sickening!

@ToddKassal - 08.06.2024 22:34


@pkaas7772 - 09.06.2024 01:02

Everyone gives this woman too much credit. She was never famous, she married a famous man. Period.

@mindysenko3801 - 09.06.2024 09:16

Meghan is a legend in her own mind.

@teacherof20 - 09.06.2024 12:33

“Anerican Race baiting Orchestra” 😂😂😂

@septopia - 09.06.2024 14:30

This makes my brain smoke, thanks

@blahblahblahblah729 - 09.06.2024 16:46

It's all about time and place. If Megan came to my country in a school with that dress, there wouldn't be an issue. We aren't an almost majority muslim country and aren't that conservative when it comes to dressing, so people are showing skin very regularly. However Nigeria has a 40%+ muslim population and and are quite conservative. You need to know how to dress properly to not offend or disrespect the country you're visiting. That's why the royal family has always adapted their wardrobe to every country they'd visit.

@Aida-qy1ts - 09.06.2024 16:56

Cosplaying the Clintons...

@sophiearshi2769 - 09.06.2024 18:10

His wife's ambition knows no bounds, and it's hard to imagine how far she wants to go.

@tinascheldrup874 - 09.06.2024 23:47

Wonderful assessment 🎉

@benjaminperez1149 - 10.06.2024 06:06

Her eyes are too dark for anyone to see their reflection staring back at them.

@cathyfourie3323 - 10.06.2024 08:44

Thank you for highlighting the remarkable woman on the panel with MM. She missed another opportunity to learn from among woman ❤

@cocoa8937 - 10.06.2024 09:55

She’s an opportunist and a fraud, and that rings true with the fraudsters in Nigeria.

@lizziemartin2382 - 10.06.2024 13:00

As a mental health nurse that's worked in A+E, the crisis team, acute adult services, dementia care, eating disorders, drug misuse etc....... I could write a thesis on how offensive they are. I really struggle to keep my opinion to myself because I feel pressure to remain professional. They have absolutely no idea what happens in the community and how much people struggle. People become so so so poorly.

His repetitive sentiment of support is the sentence 'its ok, to not be ok'.

Said the prince to the peasants

-It's not ok to wait for free therapy for 2 years.
-It's not ok to feel suicidal whilst on waiting lists
-It's not ok to have PTSD in isolation after serving in the war.
-It's not ok to become trapped in hospital wards because there are no community services available.
- it's not ok to lose a loved one because they couldn't afford private therapy.
- it's not ok for someone with dementia to die at home because there were no nursing homes available.
- it's not ok that police have to handcuff mentally unwell patients and keep them safe in prison because nobody was available to assess them and triage them to hospital.
- it's not ok to be stuck in A+E with mental illness because no nurses are available to help you.
- it's not ok to have mental illness and be unable to afford medication or food.

The list is endless.

@dollymondo - 10.06.2024 14:48

Word salad 101

@Rodmic-hd9pn - 11.06.2024 00:02

Why did the Prime Minister wife say she wasn’t talking about Meghan? Why would she be so specific and then change her tune ?

@Rodmic-hd9pn - 11.06.2024 00:06

Humility is not one of their strong points LMAO

@Rodmic-hd9pn - 11.06.2024 00:21

Why did she go back on what she said?

@marykeough9136 - 11.06.2024 17:18

Plus they waited an hour for Meghan to even show up. It's about respect not people but their valuable time!

@kimshannon4159 - 11.06.2024 20:21

She actually thinks that whatever lie she puts out will convince the world of her greatness! I find her absolutely stomach-turning!

@jeweloholic - 12.06.2024 00:09

I see you as an actress in a crime or detective series.

@ilmaba1756 - 12.06.2024 02:03

She NEVER once, in the last 5 years mentioned The Queen's accomplishments during her 70 years on the throne, other than her being Harry's grandmother. The Queen who at the of 25 stood beside and up to ALL the men in power in those days.

@wendyjohnson3025 - 12.06.2024 05:00

I find her very weak compared to the successful confident women in Nigeria. I really tried hard to grasp what Markle is saying it really is just word salad. These woman are intelligent, beautiful and articulate so unlike Markle just a fraud

@gloriacruz4834 - 12.06.2024 07:10


@marg147 - 12.06.2024 12:13

That I see you in me ….well apparently it’s been taken straight out of a least 2 books. One was a black colouring book just can’t remember the other one. But the person who posted it named not only the book, but the author too. Was she holding a microphone that didn’t even work??? Why did she swap with Harry and he just started rolling hers in his hands. So why did she have a dead microphone. That’s very weird.

@marg147 - 12.06.2024 12:16

When Harry finished talking they swapped microphones. He then starts just rolling the one she handed him in his hands. So what? Was she holding a dead microphone. Can she not stand on a stage without holding a microphone?

@user-iq4ko7kk1d - 13.06.2024 23:48

What Harry said sounded age appropriate and a valid message. What Megan said sounded like an idiot wanting to hear herself speak.

@user-iq4ko7kk1d - 13.06.2024 23:53

Sounds like Megan was trying to revive Romper Room

@user-iq4ko7kk1d - 13.06.2024 23:56

Megan didnt belong on the leadership stage, duping a prince into marrying you and living off his money ....eeeeee hardly leadership or role model material.

@ingerinkhoff - 18.06.2024 13:38

May it be possible that Meg was consciously set up on Harry by Andrew? Meg and Andrew know each other from her time as yacht girl?

@bernadettegiancarlo6035 - 20.06.2024 05:40

Activism became a billion dollar business. Ask Bill and Hillary

@Taluta394 - 20.06.2024 16:46

Just as every time m opens her lying soho mouth she embarrassed herself. The Royal Family’s motto “never complain, never explain” has allowed h/m to show the world who they are. Now EVERYONE knows who & what they are. PS thank you for the links to the Nigerian community.

@k.a5817 - 21.06.2024 12:14

She talks and says nothing! She reminds me of the former Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Salad word and zero substance.

@nanajockel - 21.06.2024 15:22

Well done, girl. You have gone from strength to strength. 🌼

@GunillaKarjagin - 21.06.2024 22:31

You are so well read and in every way so talented and beautiful! But please stop using Satie's Gymnopedies as background, anything but that. As a european i of course love Satie, but that tune is just overused! Lots of love from Nilla

@debrataylormbe4079 - 22.06.2024 12:03

I completely agree that she should have used AW to bring these phenomenal women together and shine the spotlight on what they are doing. Not tell everyone how amazing (not) she is herself

@HelenMontgomery - 25.06.2024 20:23


@judasgoatbarbecue4336 - 26.06.2024 22:35

I work in mental health in the US in a very large city. A very important facet of mental health that is often overlooked is the need to for what is called "cultural competence or aptitude" - a fancy term for the need for the person treating a person (or in this case dispensing advice) to have awareness of cultural factors that impact mental health. For instance, we were treating a Vietnamese lady for depression, and some thought she was not improving because she would not meet our gaze, but the interpreter said it was a cultural sign of respect, not a sign of depression. There are also a number of "culturally bound syndromes" that are specific to various ethnic/cultural groups. If MM had had a Nigerian psychotherapist with her to discuss mental health, it would have leant more credence to her own words but avoided overlooking cultural factors that only a member of Nigerian society would know. Instead, we get the word salad or as I have said - it sounds like she's put a bunch of self-help books in a blender and poured them out thinking it sounds profound.
