Special Education: Everything You Need to Know

Special Education: Everything You Need to Know

Teachings in Education

4 года назад

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Melissa Vela
Melissa Vela - 22.09.2023 20:45

The structure of these videos are amazing! So much good info in an easy simple way to learn it.

Brian Mwanzu
Brian Mwanzu - 15.09.2023 12:09

Thanks in assisting as with the skills👍

Charles Hines
Charles Hines - 06.09.2023 02:21

I was in a special school. It was not at all prison like or anything of that sort. They did bring those who needed medications those medications. That may have been part of the partial hospitalization that they offered whenever it was needed. In places like those you might have one teacher who handles most of your classes except for art and science. Rather than riding a normal bus it would sometimes be a van since there were not that many students on a particular route. Those teachers and all of the other staff there were very helpful and supportive. Of course they changed locations and by now none of the teachers who knew me would still be there. I would think they retired by now. I am so old that when I went back a couple weeks ago to ask for my records I found that they were "purged" 20 years ago. Thankfully I had no real need for them and was only curious about them. I am sure that there must be some way to get them like maybe from the Board Of Education in Harrisburg.

ThatAnimatorGuy - 02.09.2023 07:39

This program is terrible. This is just hate speech for kids who are put in these programs.

Crystal Gorena
Crystal Gorena - 18.08.2023 18:17

This is great, it helps me understand the ins and outs of special education.

Christopher Clem
Christopher Clem - 30.07.2023 19:33

As there are no disabled children, all special education schools and classes must be DUTLAWED!!!! as it is child abuse , very rude and a hate crime!!!!

Amanda Cepeda
Amanda Cepeda - 20.07.2023 02:26

Loved this breakdown of all things special education. Such a great overview in a short amount of time. I will definitely make my way back and use these objectives for sped teaching.

Anahi Garcia
Anahi Garcia - 13.07.2023 07:08

I really liked all the information in this video. As a parent of a special education child, this video was very helpful and provided a more clear insight into eligibility, legislation, modification, curriculum, inclusion, and much more! Thank you!

Griselda Gonzalez
Griselda Gonzalez - 04.07.2023 21:31

Being able to observe everything that has to do with the process of special education in a broken down scenario is excellent. This defiantly allowed me to get a complete overview of what i was not understanding.

Stacey Canant
Stacey Canant - 14.06.2023 01:56

Great breakdown!!

Julissa Salinas
Julissa Salinas - 07.06.2023 23:50

I love how this video was organized and how it provided so much information and examples in a short amount of time! The information that was given was broken down and explained perfectly.

LadyL31786 - 07.06.2023 00:44

Thank you for breaking down how SPED works. It really helps.

Teresa Gutierrez-Torres
Teresa Gutierrez-Torres - 06.06.2023 00:07

Thank you for the break down. Having a student in a less restrictive environment or further restrictive environment is a concept that some teacher may not understand. Especially when they need accommodations.

Anna Garza
Anna Garza - 03.06.2023 04:29

Thank you for the advice. As a someone would has worked in the Special Ed. field and being a parent of a special ed child, this information is so helpful. Love the way it is broken down and straight forward.

Markeshia Anderson
Markeshia Anderson - 24.04.2023 01:13

I absolutely love how this was broken down. Thank you for such an excellent breakdown as a behavioral therapist this motivated me so much

Robert Deffenbaugh
Robert Deffenbaugh - 09.04.2023 06:09

I was in special ed and sometimes I schooled the Teacher like I don’t remember what the lecture was but he mentioned it being called H2O which that was very odd because H2O means water and he wasn’t talking about water so I raised my hand and told him H2O means Water he was all like really?
Like he had no clue what he was talking about.
What’s even more shocking is he has a Masters Degree.
Are they giving those out like Halloween Candy or something?

SominieTom - 21.02.2023 14:42

Random thing i wanna say: when bro pulled up the modifications and i saw the word banks, my science addiction said: yessir

Mary Elizabeth
Mary Elizabeth - 20.02.2023 22:51


ivy estorba
ivy estorba - 18.01.2023 10:06

Hi! i wonder which country are you from?

An Le Ngoc Thien
An Le Ngoc Thien - 13.01.2023 19:53

thank you so very much for this video!

Montana Bourque
Montana Bourque - 13.11.2022 13:01

I am 16 special needs student for ADHD but not a saver as my siblings I am in a regular class special needs class for my math and English I get yelled at every day for the way I prefer to learn I listen to the lesson without looking my teachers think not looking at them means I can't learn but I learn perfectly fine still to this day I'm not being heard on how I learn

Adamaris's World Official
Adamaris's World Official - 07.11.2022 06:58

Thank you! I was sent to Special Education right after kindergarten due to my Negative thoughts disability, I am a disabled student at 5th grade and still am in Special Education today! Thanks!

Ralph - 30.10.2022 11:07

When I come off maybe rude but it's true coming from a special needs student I had nothing but a rough time after chinnigarh Kenny gallon just because I didn't have the mental of amphysical education I needed

Ralph - 26.10.2022 12:37

I had special perk stow in special ed cause they didn't sing they didn't think they didn't know what basically wasn't what my disability really was so I could go have lunch with the so called regular kids but I also got picked on I took lumps for these kids these kids that I'm special too but I took lumps for a minute I'm glad it was me getting punched for being ridiculed for being a part of some special education that I needed I got to have only 4 short bit But I was called the arward much worse the only time I ever got in a fight really was someone called me a Sped. There's only time I gotten a flight for myself retaining retaining anything that contains special education they call me ASP ED and a bothered me so bad I actually think it was the only fight I ever won for myself or Dor gotten basically I kicked the kid's a** I think I'm blown smoked but this is all true but I'm also off prozac which I didn't need which I was on very long time if it wasn't prozac it was something very similar but I'm talking now I can talk through a Mike at least I know a lot of it don't sound right because it's the way I talk

Ralph - 26.10.2022 12:33

I was proud to be a special olympian for one year and from Worcester, Massachusetts I I was proud to be where I was Boston University dorm rooms for the 1st time I ever experienced anything like it was you like it it was probably your boat I don't know what she was weak long but it was a really good experience for me because I cause I had to feel that I needed to feel special and I got to feel special like any special needs kids really really get to do and I'm sure it's fun for them and it was fun for me

Ralph - 26.10.2022 12:13

I was told I had nothing wrong with me so basically I got if I went to school for physical anticipation I mean you know disabilities basically had both both but I did so well I guess I didn't need the special education that you put me right in a first grade class regular kids know you know basically I don't know how to put it other than there was a regular classroom in true and I did not but struggle the whole time I was out of special ed the only time I remotely had a good time in school believe it or not was in A BD room behavior disorderClassroom is basically juvenile walking Uber and I'll walk in treatment like dip treatment like they would do for mentally challenge not challenge that you change my mentally disturbed person which I basically am I have nothing but high anxiety but I'm nothing but kind caring patient with anybody with a disability because I want them to feel safe and know that no matter what I'm their friend and I could go on but it's like 4 o'clock and I would like to at least add to my story if someone even Jesus at least reply that you wanna hear more about my story about special education

Ralph - 26.10.2022 12:11

I'm not saying that what these teachers do is easy but it comes natural to me for some reason I can reach people people no matter how old the young I can at least get on to the level without talking down to them that's the one thing I hated was dayeah it was date no matter how what class I was I was always talked down to and I didn't even say nothing cause I just didn't even cause I just didn't want an application that's all like that's all I thought was I was going to stop an application if I said you don't have to talk down to me

Ralph - 26.10.2022 12:09

This is coming from someone who is 42 years old I went to school at 3 years old cousin speech therapy I needed speech therapy but I know that that the special therapy I needed was with was with physically disabled children And I'm also like to tell was that it was Me that was different from them cause they were either an whale chair or a head crutches or a certain disability that you could easily pick out but I don't want to say that I'm because of how sensible I'm trying to be very sensitive to what I'm saying because I don't mean nothing but kindness from the bottom of my hat to anyone with any kind of disability and it's something I could do with the 23 years I have a school that was just basically it was time for me to go and it wasn't the whole time I was in school I probably spent spend about good maybe 6 years in special ed I was either a Big Brother little brother or the middle brotherNo matter what kind of brother I was to these kids I was someone's brother and I don't have a brother but all that I can think of I have a bunch of brothers and sisters I don't have any contact with at all cause they told me at 1st grade there was nothing wrong with me I was not autistic at a young age but some reason they thought I was a testic this is gonna long this is long I'm on the Mike this is the only way I can do this I'm gonna at least continue this I want someone to see this and cause this is how I feel about what I can do To people with little children or even adults with disabilities I can at least get them to talk

lydia roman
lydia roman - 06.09.2022 01:40

Were I found the last power point presentation?

Wilson Toddd
Wilson Toddd - 17.08.2022 11:34

I. Was. A. Ex. Sped. Student. I. Left. High. School. On. A. All. Day. Work. Study. Program. Called. The. Vac. I. Was. Not. In. A. Class. Room. All. Day. Long

Wilson Toddd
Wilson Toddd - 17.08.2022 11:22

They. Need. To. Get. Rid. Of. This.

John Rainsman
John Rainsman - 15.08.2022 21:09

I need advice. When I was a Freshman in high school, my biology teacher patronized me (albeit, unintentionally, I'll admit). See, the second day, she had approached me at my locker after biology class. She put her hand on my shoulder and said something like, “If you ever have any questions in class, just ask.” She said this kind of slowly actually. Question is, why did she come to me? I don’t remember making a “struggling student” impression on her; the first day, I remember nothing. The second day, I was simply working on an in-class assignment with a partner. Not to mention the times she had the Special Ed worker help me with biology assignments. The first time, when we were partnered with a classmate for an experiment, the Special ED woman came in and my teacher had her partner with me. The second time, my teacher said she was here to help me and a certain classmate—who was a total slacker in class—come up with an idea for our upcoming biology project. But the thing is, I already had a project in mind. It very well sounds like the teacher didn’t think I could think of a plan on my own, while trusting the rest of the class to. Well, just because I didn’t generally have a quick understanding (especially in science), doesn’t automatically mean l would have no project in mind. Although I know she respected my hard work and personality,, I actually question if she respected my intellect and cognition. People tend to look down on my fellows with learning disabilities (who are such pathetic bigots by the way). Now here is the current problem. I reunited with the teacher outside my job (her new neighborhood), and she told me she's gonna become a Special Ed teacher this upcoming fall. I can't let that happen. You all understood now how she spoke to me in biology, making me feel belittled. That's just it: being in Special Ed can already be tough, because of the insecurities of having a learning disability and requiring accommodations. It won't help if she's the teacher there. I need you guys to give me advice quick, before September comes. How do I convince her not to teach Special Ed? I'm not gonna be direct and honest and tell her she isn't right for it. I have to find a way to persuade her the job isn't great, so that she'll decline herself. I have to protect those poor disabled learners from her. Please....someone help me.

Cardhunter2010 - 02.07.2022 19:10

I have no disbilities or problems and im in trash ed

Essence D
Essence D - 23.06.2022 23:59

You broke this down perfectly. Thank you.

Ramona Karsner
Ramona Karsner - 22.06.2022 21:03

This is a great resource for new teachers and parents!

FutureDeadCamper🍎 - 30.05.2022 16:32

I’m attending University of Tennessee to be a special education major
It’s the one thing I’ve known my whole life I want to do and I can’t wait to one day have my own class of these beautiful amazing kids ♥️

Deeksha Jamwal
Deeksha Jamwal - 24.05.2022 10:26

Excellent way of explaing ...good going

Rebecca Pierce
Rebecca Pierce - 21.05.2022 02:43

I appreciate the advice, but do you have scholarly references to back up the suggestions you give?

Mekhiatron - 19.05.2022 08:09

I literally broke down crying after watching this

Draco Jensei
Draco Jensei - 19.05.2022 04:01

Now this just my 2 cent no one knows you better but yourself! Now I remember I was in high school taking regular classes Math, Science, History etc. Now my grades on some of the subject was good beside math was my worst subject. But all of a sudden they pulled me outta my regular classes put me in a class called life skills now I think they pick and chooses who need classes like those. Get out find a job and be independent on your own don’t get me wrong it was good experience for real world adventure for living on your own with bills and moving out your parent house. I didn’t like they move me life skill and cooking classes, I really wanted my high school dilopma. Some ppl have to get GED. Special Ed Dilopma is another way of them saying you pass now you can move on but certain college will accept it if you plan on going for trade though.

Christopher Clem
Christopher Clem - 15.04.2022 03:26

Absolutely all special education classes and schools must be outlawed, burned down in the middle of the night and never be reestablished as they are a hate crime and child abuse as there are no disabled children or people!!!!

Cockroach - 12.03.2022 08:11

Haha you know whats funny, as a kid I was so lazy they thought I was mentally disabled. Now i'm making a's and b's with hundreds in every class. Its sad because that whole sped thing could have ruined my education for the rest of my life.

Jeffrey Skywalker
Jeffrey Skywalker - 10.03.2022 04:54

3-9-22 I was in special Ed wen I was 7 years & up, I was called retardoe from regular kids & special Ed kids but why were they in special Ed, I had to take P,E with regular kids & I hated P,E, I wasn't good in P,E.

Dr Pluto
Dr Pluto - 07.02.2022 05:47

As someone who used to be in special education, it was horrible! I started taking it back in kindergarten because the teacher was concerned over the fact that I used to pace back and forth a lot and fidget as well. They put me as well as other students in a separate classroom to do separate schoolwork. Ever since I took it it made me feel different and made me feel like I was too stupid to do anything. Back in middle school my special Ed teacher at the time tried to take me out of German class because she thought I couldn’t handle learning a different language and also put me in special Ed math and English classes (they didn’t teach us grade level math). Luckily I was able to take German but the special Ed teachers still tried to talk me into not taking it again in later years. On the plus side though I was able to get into a regular English class in 8th grade and eventually got out of special Ed as a whole at the end of my sophomore year but I am not in a grade level math class. Right now I am a senior and although I’m out of special ed I still hate it to this day and worried if my future will be effected because of it.

damn son
damn son - 26.01.2022 02:42

You are the best. Is there any way to print these sheets as a PDF?

Brenda Sollers
Brenda Sollers - 06.01.2022 00:36

Hey,do you teach one one one , because I was in special ed and I still need the help at my age and I'm trying to do get help with things for I can help my son has he gets older my son is a toddler

Maryam Siddiqa
Maryam Siddiqa - 30.12.2021 18:37

Thank you for this presentation It is very helpful for me

Wolfie_Snowflake - 17.12.2021 05:10

Well I was kind of hoping to get to know what to expect when pulled but the special ed teacher as I was told it will happen soon. But this is cool to know.
