"The Healing Wall" (2015)

"The Healing Wall" (2015)

Christopher Kosinski

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@keleniengaluafe2600 - 08.02.2024 16:37


@sergeantmasson3669 - 04.11.2023 16:15

My best friend, since birth, is on that wall (Lawrence Lano). I was his honor escort to bring his body home after he was killed in Vietnam 1967.

@thearchivist250 - 10.10.2023 01:08

I visited the Vietnam Memorial this week. I had visited it twice before 20 and 30 years ago. Every time, it has been a profound experience. Every time noisy school groups quiet when confronted with it. Flowers, mementos, are still left. Thank you Maya Lin for the design. Thank to the committee who had the courage to create it.

@maureendrozda9960 - 15.06.2023 10:58

When I Was Eight Years Old, Two Of My Three Brothers Were Serving In The Army During The Vietnam "Conflict"....One In Okinawa In The Medical Corp & One In Country For His Whole Tour. Due To The High Security Clearance & Nature Of His Assignment, Our Mail To My Brother Who Was Serving In Vietnam Started Coming BACK To Us, Opened, After About Two Months.... & We Were Not Able To Find Out ANY Information About Him Or His Situation Or Safety Or If He Was Even Alive Until About 10 Days Before His Tour Ended & He Came Home...It Was A Terrifying & Hellacious Year For Our Family. When My Third Brother Was Drafted - He Got Help From My Brother Who Had Just Returned To Obtain Consciencious Objector Status & He Served 2 Years In Vet Hospitals. I Remember The Horrible Way That Our Nation's Veterans Were Treated Upon Returning From That Terrible War - It Was Shameful & Painful To See! To This Day I Thank Veterans - From Whatever Era Or Conflict Zone Or War Or Theatre Of Operations, But Especially Our Vietnam Vets For Their Service To Our Country! That Service Was NO Small Thing & It Means A Lot! I Care About Veterans Issues & That They Recieve The Proper Care & The Benefits That They So Deserve! I Am Fortunate That None Of My Family Members Are On This Wall Of Names Who Died - But I Have Met Family Members Of Those Who Are....🙏🇺🇲

@niloofarngh108 - 31.05.2023 00:42

so powerful, although the Vietnam war was controversial, the fallen soldier still deserves to be remembered...

@murallivengadasalam1300 - 02.04.2023 07:00

I am a Singaporean just 3 hours flight time from Vietnam. I have never witnessed the Vietnam war. But I have read enough and watched enough clips to understand it's impact and outcomes. I have never been to the Vietnam memorial wall. Would love to go there and touch those names and cry🙏

@davidfromengland7103 - 31.12.2022 15:51

I'm glad vietnam won the war 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳

@PacoOtis - 14.08.2022 22:01

I was there in 1969 and named my son after my flight school buddy who came back in a box. He would be 72, but died when he was 20! What a bummer! I'm in my 80th year and think of my buddies everyday. Best of luck to all of us!

@lennine9881 - 22.07.2022 07:27

Wrong! I didn’t bother with the statue. Didn’t even know it existed. Went straight to the wall and was overcome with emotions. It was hallow ground.

@lastdays8574 - 05.03.2022 08:03

I was born during the end of Vietnam and served in the military but my father did. I was a contractor both in Iraq, Afghanistan, and was told numerous times by Marines and soldiers that I was one them because I lived and subsequently fought in combat. Long story short, my name too is on that wall.

@Ao-pj1mc - 20.11.2021 17:49

My father whom I never met was killed at Con thien in July of 1967. This wall is the only thing that has given me the feeling that I was standing next to him. I'm proud to be his son. It's strange how the wall has the ability to do that

@HiddenHistoryYT - 03.11.2021 00:32

Fantastic video

@miwilia - 22.10.2021 21:51

I remember the controversy surrounding the wall when it was being built. I remember the first time I walked on the mall and saw the wall. It took three trips before I could touch it. I remember the first time I saw names of friends and comrades chiseled into the stone. The years have passed but I still shudder.

@layci3309 - 10.10.2021 02:51

Rip for the men who are left behind

@blacklist9272 - 10.05.2021 02:14

I grew up in the 60's and watched the War on the Nightly News, I remember during Tet, my Uncle David was in the Marines and he was at Khe Sahn, and my Mother would watch the news every night and cry hoping her brother would come home alive, fortunately for us he did make it home

@2385437 - 08.05.2021 17:20


@lanslay7342 - 01.05.2021 03:51

God bless the United States of America and ALL our veterans deceased and alive.!!

@slm3913 - 12.04.2021 13:49

I remember when the men came home from the war. I sat in my bedroom watching the tv and just cried. I couldnt believe how the men were being treated when they came home. Unfortunately those save protesters were spitting on the men and calling them horrible names. These men were sent there. They didnt have a choice. Some forget there was a draft. You went because you were told. I have great respect for these men. Several of my friends from high school didnt come back alive.

@badguy1481 - 07.04.2021 16:00

The problem with their scenario: Richard Nixon was re-elected by a HUGE majority of American voters in November 1972. He WON that election because the American people WANTED the war to end..but they wanted the war to end with an honorable conclusion. And the "mandate" he received in November of 1972, he honored by bombing Hanoi in December of 1972, leading to a peace treaty in Paris in early 1973. The idea that the American public wanted us to just "pull up our pants" and vacate South Vietnam leaving the South Vietnamese to their enemy....is a LIE! The peace treaty with the North left the South in a MUCH better position than South Korea at the end of the Korean War. South Korea, the USA and North Korea STILL...TODAY...have never signed a peace treaty. South Vietnam FELL to the North (TWO YEARS after the American military was pulled out of South Vietnam, after that treaty was signed) because the American Congress REFUSED to honor Richard Nixon's pledge to the South that American B-52's would AGAIN crush any future North Vietnamese invasion. Also..The American Congress PULLED funding for the South Vietnamese Army...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NORTH'S 1975 INVASION. Talk about pounding a stake through the South Vietnamese people's hearts!!!! The South Vietnamese Army IMMEDIATELY collapsed an began their long retreat to Saigon. The American military WON the War in Vietnam. The American Congress SURRENDERED the South Vietnamese people to their enemy...OBVIOUSLY for political reasons.

@DanBeitzelMusic - 19.01.2021 03:02

Powerful... Brought me to tears. Im a Veteran of this generations wars.. When I have been to the wall it simply takes your breath away.. It is utterly captivating and I am forever indebted to it.

@marcnews75 - 10.12.2020 14:21

Everyone has the eight to protest but how these people treated the veterans is disgusting and they should forever hang their heads in shame

@voicegirl555 - 11.11.2020 20:23

On This Veteran's Day God Bless Them All Who Lost Their Lives In Vietnam and All Those Who Survived. We can never never thank you enough. I have visited the Wall every time I am in DC and it never fails to bring a lump to my throat.

@tiamatxvxianash9202 - 14.09.2020 09:41

I have never been to the Vietnam Veteran's memorial. But I have touched the name's of my own forefathers that are immortalized in stone from Vimy, Portsmouth and Edinburgh. This video presentation of the founding fathers of this Memorial and their supporting cast is like having access to the Tablets of the Gods and how they designed Elysium; or why they chose the horses length of the doors at Valhalla. Jan Scruggs and all of those that rallied to his passionate conviction of duty towards his fellow countryman; much as Washington did before “The Crossing”, re-established a growing self-confidence of a complete nation that in our present age is bearing fruit. Not to engage in newer wars, but to assuage past anguish and empower our young to a newer, and more learned pledge of allegiance.

@eancurtis9333 - 24.08.2020 07:18


@celticlofts - 06.07.2020 00:33

They should have one way traffic going around that memorial.

@GoldenGateNum9 - 25.04.2020 18:12

Americans, so soulless & melodramatic it makes you wanna hurl, its fitting that it is a V like a Vagina because your cuntry got fucked!, by your own and by the Viet King Cong!. Just 1 photo for every hero who spilt blood was too much to ask?

@cmscms123456 - 24.01.2020 18:43

The 'man', and the co-conspirators that killed JFK, killed all 58,000 of those men. President Kennedy had made it known he was going to pull all US 'advisors' out of Vietnam.. when in weeks "SOMEONE" shot and killed the President. President Johnson 'reversed' the order and began sending in thousands of US troops.

@lilanianuruddhika8779 - 28.11.2019 10:09

Cannot type how powerful the emotion is. The 'Wall', this rift in the ground crying out about the buried lives is very, very beautiful. Definitely will visit one day. Much gratitude to everyone who dug the lives out of the ground. <3

@thatchverde - 26.10.2019 07:58

Now, I wasn't alive during that time, as I'm only 17, but when I walked along that wall and took a rubbing of my great grand uncle's name (Donald L. Graves,) I couldn't help but cry. So much surrounding the wall that someone I've never even meet could evoke such emotion. Just the fact that my family member, my last name, is on that wall was overwhelming. Would very much like to return with my family and let them see it for themselves as it's hard to explain to someone who's never been. It's unspoken, you must experience it.

@MalcolmSmall - 08.04.2019 09:27

59000 is a lot of Americans to die for a lie and no one ever was held accountable for that

@ezymk69 - 01.04.2019 03:17

This is a stupid question but how do you read names at the top of the wall? Do they have a ladder?

@sylvieforget225 - 07.02.2019 00:11

I'm sorry and my apologies for my ancestors....

@wenyicvs - 13.12.2018 18:03

I must admit USA learned a lot form Vietnam war and improved. Wars thereafter fought with better choreography and with better focus. Equipment-wise another jungle war in the future is going to be hell for the opposite end. Peace is not what America learned.

@stephenmcgraw8871 - 13.11.2018 10:16

The Vietnam War Hall of Fame---love all you guys........miss you Dad,Stephen

@Sugsug11 - 26.10.2018 19:06

I will protect you all

@fastsetinthewest - 19.05.2018 05:50

I was drafted in 1967 from a farm in Michigan. If interested in my bio, click on my picture. This countries leadership has been a disgrace. The greatest generation gave us Vietnam. My first day in the Army, a soldier died on the train from Cleveland to Fort Knox. His name is not on the wall. You people wouldn't believe my story. I didn't tell it for 40 years. Republic of Vietnam soldiers spent more time in combat than WW II vets did. Look it up. I ain't taking nothing away from those vets. We had rocket attacks made against us. That ain't pleasant. I spent a fortnight in a field hospital. What did we get fed? SLOP! Anybody ever ask? No health care workers. You don't want to know what it was like. I tell people and they give me the thousand yard stare. I was given wrong size shoes and told to like it. We couldn't get helicopter parts. My V.A. care sucks. I'm missing a right kidney. I'm stage 4 kidney failure. I have a bad back. I was given plenty of Agent Blue. I've got herniated hernias. I'm considered totally and permanently disabled. I'll be damn. Don't ever thank me for my service. Congress is a bunch of no good bums! Now for the wall, what a crock. The Vietnam wall has the same design as the German Submarine Monument. Look it up. You can find pictures of it on the Web. I'm tired of all the disinformation and ignorant people. I saw men die. Once, 4 at the same time. I didn't even know their names. I knew plenty that died too. Alex Zsigo and Jesse Carmona, Jr. are a couple of guys. Yep, I'm bitter. I'd never go again, especially after coming back, getting educated, and working in DC with those political hacks. Teagards...

@sarahmiller8120 - 11.05.2018 03:59

I am proud of my six uncles whom all proudly served our country and went to Vietnam and here are their names, William Langworthy, Abraham Langworthy, Jeremiah Langworthy, Edward "Rocky" Rockafellow, Emory Rockafellow and Victor Rockafellow, all made it home, but never the same because of what they experienced in Vietnam, we care and love them with all our hearts. God Bless America and the Soilders that protect us all.

@robingorda9989 - 03.05.2018 18:43

It is powerful

@thangnguyen02 - 28.04.2018 03:06

