Why Do I Use Linux Instead Of BSD?

Why Do I Use Linux Instead Of BSD?


2 года назад

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Frank Garcia
Frank Garcia - 28.09.2023 01:49

You are right....use the systems that does the job best.

Juanjo Ivars
Juanjo Ivars - 22.09.2023 10:45

The only way to know if you will earn or lose something changing to a BSD system is to test it, don't read about it, don't watch videos about it, just test it by yourself reading the documentation and trying to do the things in the new system's way.
If you use another OS about 1 year for example, you will be aware of the gains and the bad parts and you can decide if it's worth to change it or use both of it.

Gavin Schuette
Gavin Schuette - 13.09.2023 07:06


Matthew Holder
Matthew Holder - 09.09.2023 03:55

As someone who used BSD back when it was better for most jobs than Linux, I can tell you things have changed. Linux's popularity has gave it a real boost in innovation and community support that BSD can no longer get ahead of. Use to be BSD had better documentation, now the Arch, Debian, and Fedora wikis cover everything about the basics of Linux beyond what BSD offers. BSD use to support almost everything Linux did either by source or with its built-in Linux binary compatibility, now it's left behind. Linux has gained so many new de-facto standards that handles things so much better. BSD used to be the better choice, but Linux was moving far faster from day one and walked BSD til it left it in the dust.

Perkulant - 07.09.2023 08:25

I actually had to use BSD on an old Intel atom pc that Linux refused to install on with out “no apic flag”

Ilia - 13.08.2023 01:19

For good or bad, and with all due respect, but BSD is like a sect. For some it's like home, for others (like me and I guess most of the people) - not my place...

X S - 03.08.2023 16:55

Church of Linux lol

SkyHeart - 31.07.2023 21:12

I don’t run BSDs but super happy they exist and I support them.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson - 30.07.2023 03:45

The BSDs don't run certain protected content on initial setup. There are published patches -- which I haven't instilled yet. I'm amazed how much is in the repository, including leafpad.

Dennis Smiley
Dennis Smiley - 28.07.2023 08:15

Missing you on support forums. Maybe instead, can you look over problems, that are common, and solve them here? Or could you support your own forums?

Evaldas A
Evaldas A - 28.07.2023 06:59

Long time Arch Linux user here. Moved to FreeBSD. I would like and i think many others would too if you to expand about "Linux kernel is miles away " and hardware support. I had better HW support on new`ish laptop than Arch Linux, i have way much better nVidia experience with FreeBSD than Linux ( Arch, Tumbleweed ) Yes, no CUDA bet there are ways around it. As you have not mentioned packages which are important for you - we can not take your word for granted about your experience and workflow. With FreeBSD you also can run Linux apps with Linux Binary Compatibility. Rant is over.

 ‌  ‌  ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ paceenksnortagem
‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ paceenksnortagem - 14.07.2023 10:15

I like BSD because of the sort of intimate feel you get setting up your system and the rewarded feeling you get once you've set it up. I cannot say the same for Linux. BSD also has a thriving community but struggles to run basic applications and if you're making the switch to BSD you should expect to be pretty hands-on with the OS and move to mostly web-based apps.

Adrian Bacon
Adrian Bacon - 09.07.2023 10:55

Good Perspective. I get the hardware support being behind... but... in my experience, BSD tends to be quite a bit faster than GNU/Linux everything else being equal, so while on paper it doesn't quite match up to GNU/Linux for hardware support, in practice, it feels just as fast and snappy on older hardware. Also, me being a very heavy FreeBSD user, I wonder if you've ever looked at the ports and packages available to FreeBSD because generally, most all the things you can do in GNU/Linux software-wise have either been ported via the ports tree, or BSD has an equivalent. I hear quite a bit about "missing software" for FreeBSD, but actually looking at what's available usually turns up either a port, or the BSD equivalent. Typically, if you can't find a port, it's usually because there's already a native BSD equivalent that you probably just don't know about.

All that said, only you can decide what works for you, and if that's what you're using now, great!

laughingvampire - 07.07.2023 11:18

tell me you don't know about operating systems without telling me you don't know about operating systems.

In terms of operating systems design BSD is superior to Linux by far, Linux code remains trapped in the 1970s, all the Bell Labs people like Rob Pike have pointed that out, when Bell Labs was closed and he was hired at Google and started to work with the Linux kernel he was amazed of how old that code was, because every other UNIX OS has moved a lot.

the only advantage of Linux has is support for peripherals but in every other aspect BSD is superior, that is why Netflix switched to FreeBSD because Linux just won't cut it. Jails is superior to any container that Linux offers. OpenBSD is more secure than Hardened Linux.

BSD is the operating system of research in the OS academia.

following that argument, just move to Windows. lol

laughingvampire - 07.07.2023 11:09

virgin linux user says why he can't become a bsd chad.

Bandit - 04.07.2023 08:38

<hug> there you got one :)

Jeremy Lewis
Jeremy Lewis - 30.06.2023 05:49

i love linux i have been using it for a couple years now and i also use Bsd i use linux mint for my desktop and free Bsd on a very old laptop and i really like both about even maybe linux a little more but not mush lol!! love your videos man ...

Mohammed Issam
Mohammed Issam - 30.06.2023 04:37

Most people didn't get the point

Can you 3D modeling on BSD or arch or image editor or fully functional app?
Apps and tools matter..... And your purpose

Can you install programs most people uses on other operating system on freebsd man even obs screen recorder app need a lot if work inorder to work on freebsd while kail
Sudo apt install obs ...... 😂

I use freebsd for server , fire walls , web services etc...

For example I used Kali Linux for production

Windows for entertainment gaming sh3t

I use so many OS's it depends on your needs ...

Deckard 5 Pegasus
Deckard 5 Pegasus - 12.06.2023 23:29

basically an unfounded rant against BSD. A 15 minute video to say BSD has less drivers.

nemyrb26 / copiuum
nemyrb26 / copiuum - 02.06.2023 11:45

bsd, especially the nomadbsd is such a lifesaver, fits perfectly on sub 10 euro 16gb usb stick drive!

Shimmerism! - 26.05.2023 20:36

I'm gonna be honest, I use vim for the style points lol

Gavin Schuette
Gavin Schuette - 23.05.2023 05:27

how about saying WHY linux is better????? hmmmm?????

Gavin Schuette
Gavin Schuette - 23.05.2023 05:26

freebsd icewm chrome 13.2 biiithchhes

Nexus9_KD6-4.8 - 18.05.2023 21:26

I use Linux as my daily driver and BSD as my router OS.

Dennis Koeman
Dennis Koeman - 17.05.2023 18:36

FreeBSD is better at high demand networking, distributed networking and enterprise level ports and servers

STARWEINER - 17.05.2023 13:01

i like the file structure of BSD and find it easier than GNU/Linux in CLI, but I've been using OSX for over 10 years and its very similar and its familiar . That being said though, BSD is a tool that has certain uses. Same with Linux/windows/OSX. They all are just tools. Use whatever works for you.

David Bailey
David Bailey - 14.05.2023 00:23

HP uses UNIX servers. Not sure if BSD is a UNIX derivative.

lily - 26.04.2023 08:26

Freebsd for servers wiith zfs is really ❤cool znd the documentation is fantastic

Dragos-Andrei Rotaru
Dragos-Andrei Rotaru - 21.04.2023 23:16

OBSD 7.3 review?

Sara Rose
Sara Rose - 17.04.2023 12:57

I like FreeBSD for a number of reasons, but I'm not sure I could call much on it "better" than Linux. The only thing I might call better is the userland, which is much cleaner and saner than any Linux userland I've ever touched. I find it fun to play with as a desktop in a VM mainly to try to have it as a fallback like you described, but also as a sort of challenge to myself to see how much I can customize it to make it as useful as possible. I don't mean that in an elitist way or masochistic way or anything like that either, just in a hobby kind of way lol. I DO, however, suppose I might be seen as elitist by some because I do like to make any system I run personally as difficult to use as possible, for anyone but myself. But I honestly don't do it to imagine myself as "better" than anyone. I see it as another form of security. It's the same reason I use a BIOS boot/admin password. If some dope manages to steal my computer, they are getting NO use out of it at all lol. If some hacker or "official" gets ahold of it, they are in for a fight trying to get anything from it lol. That is exactly why I will never use biometrics, so I disable any webcam or fingerprint reader because you can be forced to sit in front of the cam or forced to swipe your finger over a reader. Make them work for it before they even realize they then have to deal with dense encryption lol.

anon - 17.04.2023 09:27

I see what ur saying, however in my opinion I personally feel like running openBSD with a wm is fine for my intentions (programming) which is what I do primarily

Braulio Solano Rojas
Braulio Solano Rojas - 15.04.2023 19:38

This is so opinionated and not factual and objective.

Braulio Solano Rojas
Braulio Solano Rojas - 15.04.2023 19:35


Greg Locker
Greg Locker - 09.04.2023 10:05

Eventually Linux and every other OS is going to be replaced by a Rust based alternative. If there weren't so many decades of technical debt, they'd all already be rewritten in the vastly superior Rust programming language. I think it's a great opportunity to put villains like Windows and Mac in their place for a while like when they killed Sauron in the Second Age and it took him thousands of years just to regain enough power to begin looking for his ring.

Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 31.03.2023 02:13

I really like BSD. It runs on my NAS (TrueNas Core) and on my Router (pfSense). On my work machine and notebook i prefer macOS. GNU/Linux is just a mess i my opinion.

John Flood
John Flood - 30.03.2023 17:12

I watched this a few weeks back and what you say is certainly valid, but I have ended up using OpenBSD as my "default" OS. My reasons may be "strange". I only started on BSD a little over a year ago after about ten years of Linux (mostly Ubuntu or Debian). I was simply curious. I used FreeBSD for a while but switched to OpenBSD when I found it supported my HUION tablet (for teaching online) which FreeBSD did not. I also rely a lot on an email program called mblaze plus mblaze-tools. The mblaze-tools were developed on OpenBSD and work best there. But what has really prompted me to post today is perhaps even stranger. Yesterday, when trying to install vim on Linux Mint I realized that, as on Windows, installing it with python3 support is "an issue". However, on OpenBSD it's available in the package manager for direct installation. Otherwise, I just find it very solid, reliable and relatively "transparent" to work with and "makes sense" to me in ways that I have not found in other operating systems. I acknowledge that it's "deficiencies", such as little bluetooth or Wine support are deal breakers for many!
Otherwise, I am grateful to this channel for its steady stream of helpful videos!

Aaron - 28.03.2023 18:10

The biggest threat to Linux is the " Linux isn't user-friendly" crowd Linux will be a click and point wall garden like windows if they had their say! Why do they even want to use Linux if they can't be bothered to use a command line?

Maffey Zilog6502
Maffey Zilog6502 - 13.03.2023 20:31

Linux is the only Kernel with that philosophy though!?
When you state that as a kernel it supports more devices universally than any other kernel "Bar NONE!" you aren't taking into account that Linux is the only kernel with that philosophy!
Windows doesn't attempt to have every USB device functionality built directly into the kernel!
Windows has its leading hardware "daemons" or "drivers" built into the kernel to make the necessary hardware function then all smaller items are installed automatically if they're in Microsoft's update database.
Or you get a CD, FD, or weblink to download relevant drivers.
You're trying to make Linux sound like it's winning a competition only it is in!

Martin - 10.03.2023 09:14

I have used a ton of different Linux distributions over the years and also several of the BSD variants - as well as some “exotic” things such as for instance Open Indiana.

At the moment - and for the past year or so - FreeBSD has been my home. I’m using Doom Emacs, Xmonad and did most of my programming in 2021/22 in Haskell. FreeBSD is a core supported platform for Haskell development.

I even got Haskell to work with my “Operating System of Heart”: OpenBSD.

Problem with OpenBSD is that even after doing extensive research and several hardware tests, there doesn’t seem to be ANY modern graphics card that could work with a large 40-inch screen and external 30-inch screen. I am not a gamer, I use these purely for Software Development - I simply like to have plenty of screen real estate: Emacs, some terminals, documentation browsers and email / chat window all having plenty of space.

It looks like OpenBSD is approximately one year behind of adopting support for those modern Radeon / Navi-22 cards that are supported in Linux these days.

FreeBSD doesn’t have this issue because you can get binary drivers from NVIDIA.

I have also looked into Arch Linux - but just cannot get myself accustomed to the “rolling release” part of it.

I run my FreeBSD box at kernel security level 2 (the highest), enforce the wheel group (that my main user in not part of!) for su / doas - works really great for me.

But I also don’t need any of those programs that won’t be available on BSD.

Dave Price
Dave Price - 07.03.2023 05:03

I built 2 computers

Billy Sherman
Billy Sherman - 04.03.2023 20:01

BSD is a better server, but the development and desktop end is all focused on Linux.

Re4mstr - 23.02.2023 14:14

Calling users of BSD basic. Nice :P

echonium - 19.01.2023 07:03

I have a lot of fun checking out different OS with hardware installs, so I just dualboot whatever OS I'm exploring alongside windows. If anticheat werent a thing for gaming I'd probably just run a just works linux distro like my personal favorite popOS. So its double edged. I find myself more willing to experiment with different foss operating systems at the cost of having a non foss OS on my computer

Gordon Zar
Gordon Zar - 11.01.2023 00:49

The tradeoff is a better system

Tony Storcke
Tony Storcke - 26.12.2022 05:04

BSD can easily run Linux apps. The problem is hardware support. UNIX requires a singular organization behind it, controlling the hardware.

Ricardo Martinez
Ricardo Martinez - 23.12.2022 11:08

are you on nostr yet dt?

krunkle - 21.12.2022 18:06

I would've thought they had an issue with virtual hugs because they're stupid and annoying as a concept, not that they'd be classed as an unwanted advance lol.
