Charlie Makes A Soul Deal With Alastor - Hazbin Hotel

Charlie Makes A Soul Deal With Alastor - Hazbin Hotel


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@ps4mustafa-ve-fortnight132 - 07.02.2024 00:41

9 10 episode pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaasseee

@kattrogue9604 - 06.02.2024 23:58

She literally does not give her soul up tho😂

@notsalty001 - 06.02.2024 23:55

I love how everyone in the hotel looks pretty scared seeing the demon magic, especially Husk, he knows just how Alastor's deals can be.

Don't deal with the devil folks, even if it ain't for your soul.

@purpletylenol7787 - 06.02.2024 22:52

A soul deal...that doesnt have to do with her soul lol

@hollischeblume6393 - 06.02.2024 21:57

what's up with the title? like Alastor literally says in this video that it's not a soul deal

@mythicaltwinkie8216 - 06.02.2024 12:15

Your title is incorrect

@sircashew1097 - 06.02.2024 08:01

Everyone here is talking about how Charlie dealt her soul. No. She didn’t. The show made it clear she didn’t. So why does everyone here, including the one who posted this (unless it was deliberate click bait) think she did???

@glitchon7151 - 06.02.2024 07:27

Imagine if his favor was “give me your soul”

@Darkhawk501 - 06.02.2024 06:28

Honestly this deal alone showed for me just how deep his own plot goes.

He’s not just doing this for them, he’s really doing it for his own gain.

As far as we know he’s a powerful demon who’s capable of conquering the pentagram twice over. He had no intention of helping Charlie rehab the tenants who live at the hazbin hotel, it was clear from the pilot episode he has something else in mind now that we know more of this hell’s lore.

Which means he’s either expanding his operation, or he’s been targeting Charlie’s powers for a very long time.

@USER_S4V4NT - 06.02.2024 04:35

i think this is going to pop up later and then alistors going to become the main villain, and then we get hazbin hotel endgame

@dragonhunterneo1742 - 06.02.2024 04:26

I personally believe alastor will end up as a sort of final villain for the show

@RG-gn8pe - 06.02.2024 03:36

he literally said it wasnt for her soul.

@erickchristensen746 - 06.02.2024 03:12

Title is misleading as she did NOT make a soul deal.

@zoescotta - 06.02.2024 03:10

Looks like Alastor is in need of some thread and needle for those desperate soul-deal-stitches! 😄

@tzunamyid4309 - 06.02.2024 01:52

I heard people mention it before and I think it might just be true that Alastor has a deal with Lilith. It would only explain his reason of sticking around for the hotel and even fighting for it.

And given that he mentioned that "The deal must have a backdoor" in his last song after the battle might just mean that his powers are mostly restrained by his deal.
The conclusion would only be that Lilith ordered Alastor to watch over Charlie and protect her while his powers are restrained to prevent him from harming Charlie himself. This would also explain the reason for trying to get a deal with Charlie. He might have a plan to remove his restraints.

@FalconianPrince - 06.02.2024 00:25

It's not a soul deal, they specified that it was for a favour to be called in later. Most likely getting her to ask Lilith to release him from his deal.

@MrRexszazados - 05.02.2024 23:56

Thank you for the spoiler title! Appreciate it..

@kamildowejko2254 - 05.02.2024 22:50

She did not make soul deal

@pixelmaster910 - 05.02.2024 21:55

I'm seeing the theory go around that the stitches on Alastor's mouth are there to force him to smile. I respectfully disagree, and got another idea, which aligns in my opinion pretty well what we know about him (which is that he is also 'on the leash of someone' and apparently has his powers capped:

These stitches aren't there to keep his smile up. They are containing it.

@akuladoctor7355 - 05.02.2024 21:36

At least the deal is not unconditional. Charlie made it clear, that for as long as she doesn't have to hurt anyone. It will be interesting what favor Alastor will claim.

@unknownwatcher5676 - 05.02.2024 21:35

Silly little detail but the fist time that Alastor tried to do the deal he was using his left hand, but on second he uses the right hand.

@Darker870 - 05.02.2024 19:20

I don’t understand why she did that just because he have a favour for what?

@crystalchubs5057 - 05.02.2024 17:15

I love when you can hear his voice lose the radio filter

@raptor04x15 - 05.02.2024 15:38

I love you can actually see a bit of disappointment and maybe fear in Charlie's eyes when Alastor propose the deal, because she can see that he's not changed at all. Despite doing silky things like taking care of the Eggs and challenging Lucifer in a dad match, Alastor's still there just for personal gain. I think this is when Charkie realise it, at least, she gets that he's not around just for fun

@katelynthewhitewerewolf6376 - 05.02.2024 14:59

Oh no Charlie made a deal with Alastor that's not going to go well.

@Avenomrangerr - 05.02.2024 14:34

He made 2 favors

@codyobeshaw6116 - 05.02.2024 12:34

Alright fan theory time. Alastor made a deal with lilith which is what gave him his enhanced power in the first place. Part of the deal was that he had to serve and protect charlie when she needed it no matter what the cost. I feel like its somewhat backed up cause in episode 1 the backstory mentions lilith empowered demons through song, and alastors the 'radio demon' i feel like itd make sense for her to boost his abilities. Itd make sense why hes so focused on manipulating charlie specifically and was trying so hard to keep Lucifer from being involved.

@ShiZilla - 05.02.2024 10:41

I mean...
If anyone can get out of a deal with Alastor, it's her

@i_eat_moss... - 05.02.2024 10:20

"heavens no!~"

he's so fruity

@nocturnalcove9736 - 05.02.2024 09:04

Worst thing is Charlie made a deal for information Pentious already had.

@6nvy99 - 05.02.2024 08:30

she didn't sell her soul

@thinredpaste - 05.02.2024 08:02

I've seen people mentioning the stitches that may be keeping alastor's face in a smile, but what I find more interesting is how his arm appears to be sewn back on. Surely related.

@dominobust4191 - 05.02.2024 07:00

where did bros nose goes

@KarronGaming - 05.02.2024 06:11

Alastor seems like he's good at making deals, I hope his favor isn't a burden or bad for Charlie.

@jonatasdealmeida4792 - 05.02.2024 06:03

Am I the only one who catches a sukuna vibes in this shady 'harmless' deal that charlie just did?

@yungtux8770 - 05.02.2024 05:27

It’s game over guys, he pulled a Sukuna on her.

@puzzp - 05.02.2024 04:47

Theory: Alastor can never ask for Charlies soul because Lilith gave Alastors soul to Charlie and forbid Alastor from ever telling anyone about it or being able to get others to tell her, or to take her soul. Thats why he only wants a favour from her, so when she figures it out he can just ask her to free him

@woodrow-wilson - 05.02.2024 02:39

I love how husk is equally as terrified as vaggie, he knows exactly what just happened and that Charlie has made a grave mistake

@beluga2342 - 05.02.2024 02:23

they swapped places lmao

@spongefcknbob6575 - 05.02.2024 01:16

its not a soul deal, "just" a favor... you have it in the vid... maybe listen next time

@arfur5696 - 05.02.2024 01:02

Theory: He wants Charlie to beg her mother to give him back his soul.

Further comment: People keep saying the stiches on his face force him to smile, but the way the stitches are placed is how you'd do it if you were trying to stop him from smiling. His mouth opens wide but without those stiches his entire face would probably open up.

@daneyal7162 - 05.02.2024 00:34

She is going to regret this...

@mikyto7313 - 04.02.2024 23:37

No, the 'favor' isn't breaking the deal Alastor had made. If that was the case, he'd use the favor right away to free himself before the fight. There is much more to Alastor and the deal he had made than this.

@IStealBonbs - 04.02.2024 23:20

What if Alastor is going to become the villan and he is using Charlie so he can be free from the deal with Lilith?

@Lazgancec - 04.02.2024 23:17

Dont worry she still has her soul

@loganentertainment1814 - 04.02.2024 23:11

Technically Alastor didn’t want to make a deal for Charlie’s soul, he wants her to owe him a favor in the future.

@vikingsword3485 - 04.02.2024 23:00

Talk about writing a blank check for info you don't know the value of.

@richbrescher6544 - 04.02.2024 22:49

Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji did the same thing with Sukuna it didn't work out great, Charlie

@the-annoyinator - 04.02.2024 20:33

Title: Soul Deal

First 3 seconds: No Soul Deal
