Intuition - by Dr Harry Gaze - read by Dr Ian Ellis-Jones

Intuition - by Dr Harry Gaze - read by Dr Ian Ellis-Jones

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“Intuition.” Written by Dr Harry Gaze and read by Dr Ian Ellis-Jones. This piece comes from Dr Gaze’s book Life, Youth and Success: Constructive Psychology from A to Z, An Alphabet of Affirmation (Los Angeles: Harry Gaze, 1918). All rights reserved. Here's a link to an online copy of the book:

Dr Harry Gaze (1878–1959) was an Anglo-American New Thought author and minister in the Divine Science denomination. He was one of the pioneers who helped shape and influence the New Thought Movement. He succeeded Dr Emmet Fox (1886–1951) as the pastor of the Church of the Healing Christ in New York City and was Fox's friend, teacher and biographer. For more information on Dr Harry Gaze, here is a link to a fulsome biographical profile of the man on the site Find a Grave:

Dr Ian Ellis-Jones (born 1955) is an Australian lawyer, academic and author. He has also worked as a minister and a teacher of mindfulness and meditation. He regularly gives talks and lectures to community groups and other organisations on philosophy, practical psychology, religion and spirituality. He is a member of the International New Thought Alliance (INTA) and the Theosophical Society of Australia and was formerly president of both the Humanist Society of New South Wales and the Council of Australian Humanist Societies (CAHS).

by Dr Harry Gaze

Intuition is the inner perception which prompts us to do the wise things at the wise time to give to life the highest degree of happiness, development, service, health, power and protection.

The subconscious department of mind and the superconscious realm both play their part in our intuitions. The subconscious intuitions, welling up from the stored up experience of the individual, from subconscious vision, telepathy and deduction, may be called impressions. They are psychic in nature, and most frequently concern people, events, things, conditions, travel, enterprises, etc.

The intuitions which reach us from the Superconscious concern principles of action rather than specific modes of action. These intuitions prompt us to stronger, finer, and nobler lives. They point to thoughts, words and deeds of love and wisdom.

Intuition of this order aids the soul's unfoldment to heights of spiritual understanding. We can well appreciate this as we perceive that all true education is from within.

Subconscious intuition or impressions are frequently of a highly protective order. The subconscious mind is the constant protector of the life both in its supervision of the chemistry of our bodies and through its powers of clear seeing and telepathy. The subconscious mind has powers of vision which enable it to perceive the inner trend of events, and with its perfect deductive reasoning, it is able to carry this trend to its logical conclusion. This is practically equivalent to reading the future. True reading of the future is a fine perception of the present, supplemented by the subconscious power to follow the resulting conditions through accurate deduction.

This power can be organized with extraordinary rapidity to meet conditions of supreme importance. In these facts, you will see that there is a perfect psychology of safety and protection. Your life can be secure at all times. One may always be protected as well as always well.

The necessary impressions may come in moments of reverie, when one is on the threshold of consciousness, in the twilight regions of semi-wakefulness, or they may come in dreams or visions. If the occasion is imperative enough, the entire conscious activity of daily life, may, for the time being, be laid aside in favor of the protective impression, and the quick, inspired action.

These subconscious impressions may protect us in all social and business affairs, as well as giving ideal protection for the body.

The protection may be of a subconscious character or one may have a dream, vision or other psychic impression of a conscious character to render perfect protection.

An inner sense of intuition may subconsciously guide us in right paths; we can take the right step at the right time; when reason is illuminated with the inner intelligence.

In other words, the perfect action of intuition can give us full protection in a silent, subtle way, while our minds are concerned only with constructive ideals, plans and activities.

Our intuitions should be honored, and our intellect and reason should also receive due honor. We can cultivate a state in which these are perfectly co-ordinated. Intuition and reason can go hand in hand, ever leading the way to greater love, life and liberty.
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