Sacrifices to the Church of Nintendo

Sacrifices to the Church of Nintendo


2 года назад

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Crackosaurus - 18.09.2023 08:55

I never have nor will respect anything someone unironically using an Anime profile pic has to say.

0759trainz - 17.09.2023 02:27

PC gaming is better

RiffnRiffRaffler - 13.09.2023 07:40

The fuck does your videos only have 255 likes

Ruthenium - 08.09.2023 03:25

twitter "anticapitalists" when someone insults Nintendo

The American Mushroom
The American Mushroom - 06.09.2023 03:39

As you might be able to guess by my profile pic, I do play nintendo games. That said, I don't defend them for treating us like crap, I just like mario kart. Every company has that loud 10% of fans who will defend them for everything. The problem with nintendo is that the 10% is 30% and they're louder. None of the offenses highlighted in the video anger me because they're mostly against smash, and I hate smash with every fiber of my being. It's poorly made and its community is an army of gatekeepers. I understand Nintendo's thought process when it came to making smash less competitive, but I think that isn't drawing new players, it just alienates the existing community.

NOTE: If nintendo turns mario kart 9 into smash kart or nintendo kart, whatever you want to call it, I will be back here to crap all over them.

Stinky ツ
Stinky ツ - 05.09.2023 18:50

Nintendo needs to make quality games like they did before the Wii era.

dankin mcspankin
dankin mcspankin - 05.09.2023 16:56

the eshop is nothing but mobile games

ArgonFreakinBorn - 05.09.2023 01:10

This video aged like wine.

gowary - 04.09.2023 05:00

Thats why ninty fanboys are called ninTARDS

Patrick bennett`
Patrick bennett` - 04.09.2023 00:55

Just imagine growing up in the 80s and not knowing that youl be in jail 40 years later one day for those games you are playing at you grandmas house.

F - 03.09.2023 02:59

Nintendo is the Disney of gaming. You loved them as a kid and sometime in your adult life you realize they’re horrible.

letsbuild fulltank
letsbuild fulltank - 03.09.2023 02:45

the only reason why I never considered nintendo as having a toxic fandom cause I never saw a nintendo fan.
I like nintendo for the games their games, all this stuff about old game/fotage/turnaments sucks so hard I think its stupid to have this going on

P3num6ra - 30.08.2023 23:46

I usually take year long breaks from your videos but I really love this style of editing you've always had. Its just too funny watching you completely ratio and BTFO "ackshually" people in YT comments or on twitter.

3dburger - 29.08.2023 02:37

When I first watched this a year ago, it really woke me up as a Nintendo fan

Don Gulio
Don Gulio - 28.08.2023 16:29

Nintendo is the Ferrari of the video game world, they think because of their reputation, they can do anything, and unfortunately, they can

Edgar Partinius
Edgar Partinius - 23.08.2023 18:01

I must confess I have at some point in my life made my biggest personality trait being a Nintendo fan. Creating tons of artwork, having a Zelda tattoo, only owning Nintendo consoles and arguing that the wiiu was definitely better than the ps4. I’ve never played games on any other platform, except at my friends house sometimes playing portal or my little big planet on his PlayStation. And it pains me to see that they seem to hate their fans so much. I like to believe that the company was a little more friendly under president iwata but I think their core values have never changed. I haven’t played a Pokémon game since X&Y even tho pkmn was the biggest obsession during my teenage years, but that was the first franchise that disillusioned me and taught me that they will put the least amount of effort into a product, because their religious fans will buy it anyway. I boycotted sword and shield because those were the most embarrassing games I’ve seen in a while, and hoped that it somehow made a difference and they see that they can’t continue like this, only for sword and shield to become one of the most selling games on the platform. This was the moment I felt ashamed of being part of this community…. Sc&vio gave me some hope for change because of how legends arceus switched up the formula but I was disappointed once again… I hope for change in the future but for now… I still play totk a ridiculous amount but I’m not monogamous anymore. Got myself a PlayStation and will now try god of war and eldenring…. And they are to blame 😭

Super Sunny
Super Sunny - 21.08.2023 20:34

Wow, not much has changed in 2 years. Makes me wonder if it was Nintendo that made all the memes about how dirty Smash players are. We all got gaslit by them just so they could make an extra 🤑

Tom - 21.08.2023 18:05

Was that a sneaky Polybius cabinet? 👀

Michael W
Michael W - 20.08.2023 19:41

My children will not have a Nintendo. They will not look at Mario and Link through a lens of nostalgia.

US Debt Crisis
US Debt Crisis - 18.08.2023 21:39

It is always morally justified to pirate Nintendo games

Raptorsified - 18.08.2023 19:26

Shoutout to TheJWittz for bringing us pokemon content for over ten years in the face of Nintendo.

Raijin - 16.08.2023 12:46

Watch Nintendo fans defend them copyrighting Tears of the Kingdom's game mechanics

Hellen Keller
Hellen Keller - 12.08.2023 10:10

I wish sega won

PATTERNVOMIT - 11.08.2023 07:51

Coming back here again after Nintendo put a patent on inertia lol

Jarmel at Odyssechut & Minds
Jarmel at Odyssechut & Minds - 10.08.2023 22:51

Foreshadowing what I'm going to do next when Super Mario Brothers wonder it came out. By simply sleep on this title a stick to playing Super Mario makers 2 or better yet. Just buy indies.

FlowKio - 10.08.2023 20:32

Bintendo is the only company that’ll come up with unique and interesting ideas, but at the same time will commit financial seppuku by restricting access of their games

K M - 10.08.2023 17:44

Solution: stop buying nintendo games and supporting the company

Garlic Bread
Garlic Bread - 09.08.2023 01:40

This aging more and more well because of Nintendo trying to patent a mechanic involving physics even though Valve have already done it with Gmod a decade and a half ago.

Goo Fy
Goo Fy - 08.08.2023 22:27

Imma be real with you chief 98% could not care less about melee and melee tends to be the epicenter of a lot of these discussions

Nathaniel Miller
Nathaniel Miller - 05.08.2023 14:02

No offense, but if Nintendo is really that much of a problem, why buy new shit from them?

M64bros - 04.08.2023 19:24

As a Nintendo fan of my own, I do admit that Nintendo does have some flaws and sucky decisions, but the problem is some of those decisions are from their DMCA legal team in Japan since Japan has very strict copyright rules and everything.

Another problem is there are casual, respectful Nintendo fans out there that say positive stuff and excited for re-releases and remasters and remakes. And it's perfect for those new gen fans that haven't experienced those games before, But what we shouldn't do is harass or attack those types of people for being excited for those types of games.

We shouldn't call any switch owner. Pathetic for owning a switch or for enjoying games on that console, The fact that some people in the comment section that say something positive stuff about Nintendo and admit its flaws also get harassed and attacked and I just find that absolutely ridiculous.

"It really shouldn't be a crime to be a positive Nintendo fan nowadays, I
shouldn't be called a dickrider, or a bootlicker because like 99% of the things Nintendo does, even when I can admit there flaws" - LillyLiliaceae

Sonic The Speed Freak
Sonic The Speed Freak - 04.08.2023 10:31

And you wonder why I perfer Sega Over Nintendo, Because Sega Actually Cares

The Gmod Journalist
The Gmod Journalist - 03.08.2023 21:48

nintendo: how dare our consumers enjoy a game we made?

Tommy Hubbard
Tommy Hubbard - 31.07.2023 17:07

Nintendo fans are the type to call disney adults crazy but fail to see any irony

Lewd Preservation Society
Lewd Preservation Society - 31.07.2023 08:57

more like copywrong! am i right?!

F.B.I - 31.07.2023 02:42

I’m China

Jiff Pop
Jiff Pop - 28.07.2023 15:32

nintendo could commit genocide and i would still play their games

Starlight-J - 27.07.2023 23:13

And I thought the most hardcore Disney adults are the most forsaken

Leonardo Schettino
Leonardo Schettino - 25.07.2023 05:42

its morally correct to pirate nintendo games

Jonathan Byers
Jonathan Byers - 24.07.2023 21:10

Nintendo makes games for 3 year olds and people who like like scott the waz and chris chan

Grimp Mann
Grimp Mann - 24.07.2023 06:29

Nintendo games aren't even that good.

Brian Crosland
Brian Crosland - 24.07.2023 05:54

If any other company did these slimy business tactics you wouldn’t hear the end of it

Tommy Brain
Tommy Brain - 23.07.2023 20:24

I was absolute garbage at smash growing up and the rest of my friends played it very competitively. they were extremely mean and absolutely impossible to play the game with. every move I made was criticized and I was always put down for playing whatever character I was playing. it ruined not only the game but just multi-player games in general for me. I go out of my way to avoid multi-player games now. and before you tell me "that was just one experience!" this was my experience playing games like tf2, rainbow 6, cod, etc. I think Nintendo was right to suppress competitive communities because it makes online and local multi-player such a miserable experience.

Shlok Waghela
Shlok Waghela - 21.07.2023 20:13

You have as many legacy characters as Nintendi and you are basically set for lige as a company since everyone knows them and will like them regardless off the quality of the product they star in because its what everyone does i.e the Mario mobie. A lack of thinking for yourself and blindly following the hivemind to feel like a part of a broken community is what got us here.
