7 Insane Bird Nests that Will Change How You Think About Birds

7 Insane Bird Nests that Will Change How You Think About Birds


4 года назад

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Malarveli Sinniah
Malarveli Sinniah - 14.08.2023 10:32

How long does it for the tailorbird egg

Rafał Pawłowski
Rafał Pawłowski - 08.05.2023 11:32

Birds that lived alongside dinosaurs? You meant dinosaurs other than birds, right?

Xero0 - 25.03.2023 16:10

I'm surprised you didnt mention communal nests like those of cotorras

Sunny Quinn
Sunny Quinn - 19.03.2023 03:33

"Depression on the shore" is the title of the movie I recorded on my last vacation.

Jonatan Romanowski
Jonatan Romanowski - 13.03.2023 11:09

Go Go Sci Show!
<Engagement boosting comment>

seattlegrrlie - 05.03.2023 06:43

You forgot my favorite. The swallows that make mud nests on cave walls... and bridges... and houses... and

wonky_shoebox - 26.02.2023 14:01

We have a husky and make sure to leave her fur available for birds to use I'm their nests during construction time, they love the stuff

Scarlet Maye
Scarlet Maye - 19.02.2023 18:26

Here in Louisiana on the way to New Orleans there’s a bald eagles nest. It’s been there for years and it’s nationally protected because you don’t really see them here anymore. It’s very rare. They would point it out every time we went to Nola for a field trip to the i max theater insectarium and auquarium. Then we would eat lunch under the giant magnolia tree close to the state capital building 😅ahhhh memories

ReadySetLearnSG - 16.02.2023 05:03

Fantastic Video!

Yellow Flower Orange Flower
Yellow Flower Orange Flower - 04.02.2023 03:49

Thank you for the chocolate bar.

Zack Markham
Zack Markham - 24.01.2023 23:13

That world's largest bird nest was in the acreage used for the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Sadly, Hurricane Irma make it crash to the ground. Or so I heard.

Techie - 19.01.2023 00:57

Horrible masking/editing. Your face keeps melting into the background. Sophomoric quality at best.

Painted Wolf
Painted Wolf - 09.01.2023 03:54

Hamerkops probably uses snakeskin or dead birds to "decorate" in order to repel predators. Some small animals, like rodents, will chew snake molts into a paste and rub it onto their fur. This way their scent is covered.

So between the snake skin and decomposing birds, the scent of eggs, chicks, and parents are concealed. Predators like snakes, lizards, smaller birds of prey, etc will probably think the nests are homes to other predators. The small tunnel will keep bigger birds of prey and other bigger predators out.

It's kinda weird that scientists don't understand the reason for the "decorations". Especially since other small birds will bring snake skins into their nests as well.

J K - 25.12.2022 15:03

I had a hummingbird friend once, found her tangled up in a bit of fishing line that was balled up in a branch hanging over the river bank. The poor thing was soaking wet and struggling to keep above water by hanging on to a bit of branch that was twitching back and forth in the current. I picked her up and removed as much of the line as I could without the risk of tightening it, then put her in my shirt pocket so she could warm up and dry off a bit while I got the boat back to shore, where I had better tools and some packets of sugar in the truck.

By the time I got back just a few minutes later, she was deeply asleep. I managed to safely remove all of the monofilament with fingernail clippers and a razor knife, and mixed up a bit of sugar water in a 20oz water bottle. She woke up after a few minutes of being in the warm truck and gladly slurped down a surprising amount of sugar water from the bottle cap. She eventually crawled out of my pocket and climbed up my arm to get closer to the air vents and spread her wings, and was mostly dry by the time we got home. Spent the rest of the day hiding in my pocket and drinking sugar water, and the night in an old birdcage on my night stand with plenty of twigs to climb and perch on. Talked to a vet the next day, had her examined and left with a clean bill of health.

She didn't seem to want to leave, although she could have flown off at any time. My home wasn't even a mile away from where I found her, so I think she would have been fine if she did.

She stayed with me for 5 more years, refusing to go any further outside than the back porch unless she was accompanying me. I started solely wearing shirts with front pockets just for her, stuffing it with a small handkerchief before she loaded up and stuck her head out to see what was happening. It was 50/50 whether she'd return to the pocket or my hair after buzzing around. She made several nests of her own throughout the house, the first was a sort of rolled up leaf from one of my potted plants on the porch. I took the hint and put one next to my bed as well, she had been staying in a coffee mug filled with straw on my night stand.

J K - 25.12.2022 14:34

PSA: Some people believe that leaving out cut hair (like, from the barbershop floor) for the birds to make nests from is a good and helpful thing. No. It's not. Don't do it

Human hair is quite strong, and can be very long. It can and does get wrapped and tied around extremities, cutting off circulation to fingers, toes, and other parts.

Birds near barber shops are statistically FAR more likely to be missing toes. Human babies have also lost fingers, toes, and even penises this way.

michael aaron
michael aaron - 19.12.2022 09:21

What about the colocalia fuciphaga? Aka swiftlets that made their nest completely from their own saliva 😁

Maple Hufflepuff
Maple Hufflepuff - 16.12.2022 00:26

Snowy owls nest on the ground.

Someone - 14.12.2022 23:13

Ah, yes, the weight of a human. So anything between 1 and 500kg?

Jaqi Hegland
Jaqi Hegland - 17.11.2022 05:11

Pigeon nests, anyone? There's a small twig an inch away from an egg, that's about all there is to see.

XYZ - 15.08.2022 06:51

I’d love a new episode about more nests!

Maybe you can talk about Quakers, aka Monk Parakeets. They build huge communal nests with several “apartments” in them, that can span several metres across! Very dapper 😌

fsihfhsifihsfshifhis - 11.08.2022 14:19

A nest that changed how I thought about birds was mourning dove nests: they put 2-5 sticks near each other and call it a day.

Lauren Mary
Lauren Mary - 02.08.2022 14:44

Birds aren't real.

animalbird94 - 01.08.2022 05:25

I found a blue tit had made a nest in me pubes..theyre that bushy i didnt notice until i saw them feeding the babies.whilst i was avin a tommy tank..well atleast the crabs and scabs😱🤣keep them fed🤮🤠😜🤣🤣

eyreland - 29.07.2022 04:19

Dump ALL incumbents.
I feed hummingbirds.
Dump ALL incumbents.

eyreland - 29.07.2022 04:08

Dump ALL incumbents.

TrotGallopandWhoa - 29.07.2022 02:21

So I know this was posted two years ago. But you really missed a joke for the bald eagle could of said it gave them a birds eye view

Boun Pheng
Boun Pheng - 26.07.2022 04:20

Im still waiting for the chocolate bar

TJ Mckenna
TJ Mckenna - 24.07.2022 15:46

Truly shocked they didn’t include flamingo nests

Raxxie (LaydeeRaxx)
Raxxie (LaydeeRaxx) - 23.07.2022 06:09

what about those cave birds who make nests out of their spit, on the cave walls

Fradian Manuel
Fradian Manuel - 22.07.2022 15:42

Part 2?

The Space Banana
The Space Banana - 20.07.2022 17:39

When I was a kid a would weave twigs and branches around a willow tree to make a wall around the tree. Does that count as a nest?

cartoonistanonymous - 16.07.2022 17:08

His "Don't put giraffes inside birds' nests!" has almost the same energy as his "Don't eat grass, don't eat grass!!"

BlueGamerCatLady - 15.07.2022 23:44

I once found a collection of sparrow sized nests made from ripped up plastic Tesco bags. They were abandoned though.

I also used to chuck hair that was caught in my hairbrush out the window, so birds could put it in their nests.

projectmicky1226 - 15.07.2022 02:34

Birds like the coat of my dads Black Lab-German Shepherd/Husky mix. The thick under coat mixed with a little bit of waterproof top layer of the lab

Mark Presley
Mark Presley - 05.07.2022 06:17

I figured the video would mention the mallee fowl and its nest. What about kingfishers who burrow into the sides of banks, the birds that burrow into termite nests, or puffins and burrowing owls who take over other animals' burrows?

Kez C
Kez C - 15.05.2022 10:58

I love the giraffe comparison really puts it into prospective

Gabriel Rey-Goodlatte
Gabriel Rey-Goodlatte - 13.05.2022 00:18

thats awsome

mradhayuda1 - 09.05.2022 02:50

That nest bigger than my room

Kazooples - 20.04.2022 10:09

I had the speed set to 0.25x and for some reason it took me ages to realise something wasn’t right with the intro

Killua zoldyck
Killua zoldyck - 13.04.2022 15:47

I legit read incest to impress as title

Xerxies - 01.04.2022 03:54

Joke's on you, I already arrived impressed by birds! Thanks for this video, was pretty cool even though I knew most of it already.

Z H - 29.03.2022 04:59

The best nest in the whole world, made from scratch, amazingly engineered to be extremely solid even includes an internal divider to prevent predators entering in it, is the Hornero (Furnarius rufus) nest. From South America, the national bird of Argentina.

Tiger Wolf
Tiger Wolf - 28.03.2022 01:35

How did you not have bower birds in this video?

Third I Prodigy
Third I Prodigy - 25.03.2022 20:03

I want a suprise chocolate bar

Jacob T
Jacob T - 10.03.2022 17:42

There's a bird that builds its nest out of its own spit and people forage for it as a delicacy.

John Rymszewicz
John Rymszewicz - 01.03.2022 01:27

Shhhhh! Secret here! Boston mbta worker here.
Piping plovers also build their nests in train yards and right of ways. They are everywhere and probably not endangered after all!
Also orient heights yard has a massive osprey nest that I've been trying to relocate! It's on our 600v conductors and we have an abundance of faults on that particular circuit all the time. I have troubleshooted it down to the nest. I have suggested a larger structure that would lure the birds from our powerlines but it's been on all deaf ears. Can you guys help me and possibly the fledglings that are more then likely gnawing on cables in this nest.

BleedingRaindrops - 10.01.2022 23:31

Disappointed penguins weren't on this list but I get it. There are other birds out there and a lot of people know about penguins
