【华语电影主题歌】Chinese Movie Song with English/Chinese Lyric(Pinyin)  当爱已成往事 When Love is Bygone 中英文歌词(拼音)

【华语电影主题歌】Chinese Movie Song with English/Chinese Lyric(Pinyin) 当爱已成往事 When Love is Bygone 中英文歌词(拼音)

116 Просмотров

From the movie 霸王别姬 Farewell, My Concubine. Link to the Pinyin phonetized lyrics(汉语拼音注音歌词)链接:

看电影学中文Ray's Chinese Movie Channels enable you to learn Chinese Language & Culture with Chinese Movie /Chinese Animation /Chinese Songs
In Ray’s Chinese Movie Channel, selected Chinese feature films produced since 1930s are introduced & subtitled in English & Chinese. Ray's 华语电影频道以英文介绍1930年代以来以华语制作的优秀故事片,并在版权许可下尽可能发布带中英文字幕的完整电影。

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1.Ray’s Chinese Animation Movie Channel 华语美术片频道(https://www.youtube.com/@rayschineseanimation ) provides selected Chinese cartoons with switchable English & Chinese Subtitles (+pinyin file) 优秀华语美术片 中英文可切换字幕+拼音文件 
*All new cartoons after "Chinese Zodiac Animals" will be updated in this new Channel.

2, Ray's Chinese Lyrics Channel /Ray's 华语金曲频道: (https://www.youtube.com/@RaysChineseLyrics) presents selected Chinese songs with Lyric in English & Chinese (with Pinyin) 优秀华语歌曲附中英文可切换歌词字幕+汉语拼音注音歌词文件

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