Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Ranger Update

Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Ranger Update

Ashes of Creation

6 месяцев назад

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@stevenjsharif - 20.12.2023 01:06

My glorious friends, my oh my…what a year it has been…and what a year 2024 is about to be!! Thank you for your patience, your support, and most importantly your feedback. Because of your participation in our development journey, we have turned a significant corner in the development of our combat…and it is feeling good. As always please give us your thoughts on our ranger showcase today, what you enjoyed and what could be done better. Next year things are about to heat up. 💪❤️🙏

@akadopeboi - 07.02.2024 01:51

Auto Aim tear Still gonna play but dang.

@Awkwave - 03.02.2024 05:38

I hope they’re influenced by Elden Ring Combat because it is by far the best combat I have ever played. It feels so realistic in a way I love it. I believe that’s the big problem with mmorpg games. The character in a mmorpg seems so far away and not to engaging I can’t really explain it to well but it’s almost like you spam all these abilities but it doesn’t feel like your in it.

@roanewilliams5868 - 02.02.2024 00:55

Looks great! Hopefully we get lots of dungeons and a large map to explore...lots of good loot too!!

@migueldc6845 - 01.02.2024 18:59

Saw the 20% Speed-Buff after the Bow shot and got instant trauma from WoW's current state of proccs/buffs/debuffs. Please tread this road carefully.

@Ohmic96 - 24.01.2024 05:43

How will this look in action combat mode? This looked all tab target to me

@streaminggreat - 23.01.2024 01:25

This game still looks like a 10k budget indie game...

@chaos7322 - 23.01.2024 01:23

This game still looks like a 10k budget indie game.

@benazari9120 - 20.01.2024 20:13

players started families died and even rebornd and this game still in development

@Tempestodono - 20.01.2024 11:24

amo como se ve este juego , la primera skill del arco es lo que queria hace mucho en un arquero la verdad , me gustaria jugar mucho este juego :)

@SM_Price - 20.01.2024 10:01

Am I supposed to be impressed that you’re showcasing class designs AFTER SEVEN YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT? Steven Sharif is a con artist cosplaying as a developer.

@RubberDuckStyle - 19.01.2024 22:58

Love how open you guys are. Keep up the good work 👍👍👍👍👍👊

@ahminlaffet3555 - 17.01.2024 22:09

And this time it is only $600?

@meledyne5059 - 17.01.2024 18:42

Kinda hard to like this game coming from black desert 😅

@ayoteofistacleese2395 - 17.01.2024 18:30

I can’t wait to ask my grandkids in twenty years when they’re born how ashes of creation beta test is going

@danielbures6227 - 17.01.2024 17:53

What about the HIGHGROUND ?! We want highground advantage ! :D

@RyveGenesis - 16.01.2024 18:59

How are you planning to make evasion and block chance stats work with active blocking?

@d12duke - 16.01.2024 15:43

AoC - an AOC I can get behind.

@bowlong2 - 15.01.2024 22:25

Thanks for this preview... Do I have to graft a dozen extra fingers to play, or will there be a limited number of skills to choose from? If you end up with 24 frantic keystrokes like in WoW or FF14, it's clearly not for many players. Other MMOs have made the intelligent choice of limiting the number of skills so that players can think and create their own gameplay. Let us be original and creative !

@0xZuwu - 15.01.2024 17:35

Im a huge ranger fan, played archer in Archeage for YEARS, and the one thing I think is missing is movement/kiting WHILE shooting, even if its something like endless arrows in ArcheAge, just a constant pressure is needed imo

Archers always feel their worst in games when you have to run>run>run>stop>ability>run>run>run>stop>ability

Other than that the class looks amazing and im excited to see it come together 😍

@thomasjames8236 - 15.01.2024 09:47

This ranger looks like what I’ve been missing for years - YEARS! my favorite class was the ranger class from Aion; this feels fast paced, organic and abilities that matter. Not surprised you guys knocked it out of the park. The mobility abilities also look great. Devs well done! 👏 👏👏

@danteamodeus8854 - 15.01.2024 02:21

It looks really cool- love the animations and everything. Only thing i can suggest is having a core rotation like you have in ff14, i'd like to have an order to which i should use my abilities, don't know what everyone else thinks but that adds a lot to combat for me. Happy new year :D

@rodney1415 - 13.01.2024 22:22

In my opinion, when this game will come out the graphics will sadly be outdated. New world for instance already looks better in the same style.

Edit: Just seen some other video's and some of the more grassy area's look pretty good ;).

@justnatsu4805 - 13.01.2024 06:59

FEEDBACK: I think it looks great and the team have put in a great job. However players like myself look at everything on a pvp perspective and that should be taken into consideration when designing these combos and damages. From my experience ranger in much much older games ranger is a class that can get out of hand real quick. With the stacking of crit, attack speed, damage, mobility they can shred hoards of player's with almost zero couter play if not balanced correctly so i hope they are aware of that as i am sure they are. Another thing with the skills tree and the choice of progression paths for play style. Almost 9/10 times after player testing there is always one route that gets picked over the other making it a waste of time designing multiple paths. This is because its very hard to balance 2 routes to be equal but different if that makes sense. Ive seen games change these for one to be pvp and one to be pve focused. Not sure how they intend to do it or if this even makes sense but hope they are aware of it and i look forward to more updates in the future.

@sdubs - 12.01.2024 23:08

hot take: this game will actually never release and be in development permanently

@princemarkokibe7661 - 12.01.2024 19:49

2025 looks like a nice date for Alpha 2 and 2027 a nice year for final launch

@KF_the_Aesir - 12.01.2024 15:41

Mages and Rangers are always my two favorite classes to play, and the fact that I can combine those in this game makes me so excited to play.

@user-ez2pd7uu1r - 12.01.2024 01:22

2030 will be a good year!

@divinelyshpongled - 11.01.2024 13:11

talk. to. me. a. little. bit. about.

@divinelyshpongled - 11.01.2024 13:06

not a big fan of the scale... the characters look tiny compared to even the grass or ferns or rocks... it's a bit odd

@azsuna7454 - 11.01.2024 02:40

bro this looks like should have been released in 2009, outdated as fck

@godzxphobosx3307 - 10.01.2024 22:20

I've been excited for this game for about 3 years now and i'm loving what i'm seeing. I definitely won't be playing ranger (I want to be a summoner) but the attack animations look stunning and I can't wait for more developments.

@EvangelionEscaflowne - 09.01.2024 01:28

Sounds Like A Slayer Song

@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu - 09.01.2024 00:48

The longer they release the game, the faster the graphics get outdated.. Like for example they release it 5 years from now, that means that there will be games to be released with better graphics than this and it will turn off players to try it because of outdated graphics left behind the industry.

@djqueen2732 - 08.01.2024 17:53


@toughwaveleveling1736 - 08.01.2024 13:35

when release?

@Valgkountio - 08.01.2024 12:40

Ελπίζω να καταφέρω να παίξω το υπέροχο παιχνίδι σας πριν αποκτήσω καταρράκτη απο βαθιά γεράματα....

@zjaranyjoe7456 - 07.01.2024 21:02

Is it recorded on ultra low settings?

@aaronmoran3808 - 07.01.2024 18:45

Overall I enjoyed this update!

My opinion on Scatter Shot:

EDIT: I rewatched some of the footage and I saw that you could turn! Yay 😀

I think it would be nice if you could move while charging up this skill. In the heat of battle, it would be helpful to be able to walk or turn your character to line up the shot, especially if you intend to make the beam more concentrated on a tighter group of monsters.

@puzzletheile18 - 07.01.2024 18:30

Cańt wait Release

@KidHotX - 07.01.2024 07:44

Will players ever see the city of the future? Or is there just an ancient city?

@DynaPirate - 06.01.2024 23:53

As new and beautiful as the game looks, it's disappointing to see dusty mechanics for a ranged weapon. Tab targeting is for 20+ year old MMOs and mobile games.

@skrux9707 - 06.01.2024 11:08

looks amazng!

@sygmarvexarion7891 - 04.01.2024 18:09

I don't like the ever increasing size of the actionbar. I actually quit WoW because a lot of specs got way too many buttons for my comfort in the latest expansion.

@spectrescomicsandcollectib138 - 31.12.2023 21:18

Paid 375$ back in 2021 have invites been rolling out for alpha testers? I haven't gotten any notification at all and still have zero roles. I open tickets and just get copy pasta email responses that "notification will be sent later" I still have no roles on the forums. Getting irritating.

@rejectiomundi - 31.12.2023 06:13

This game looks so cool

@ChrisJones-vb5je - 30.12.2023 06:36

8 years in development and they are only at this point. This game is a joke. They are stealing customers money. Maybe by 2030 they will full release it. But by that time there will be 2 more game engine updates. Maybe. I mean, look at the game shown here in this video, LOTRO would look way better than this game with an engine update. And they are a tiny studio. This is a huge studio with tons of cash and the game is over 8 years in development. These folks must be the worst people at their jobs if they have a decade and still won’t have a game to release, maybe Biden is worse then this studio but that’s it. Keep stealing peoples money. Another Dead Matter game. All we see are little videos and all these details no one cares about and they still look janky. Get some developers who actually can produce results… these folks are a joke

@jayeshko6516 - 29.12.2023 23:29

No console release in a day and age of ps5 and xbox series x, no controller support when so many controllers are there for pc, including steam making their own.

As a ranged player i was so excited for this game and a quick google search on platform availability and controller support made be more depressed.

It was branded as a ESO upgrade but AoC isn't accessible for many players who are visually impaired or disabled

@Funthomass11 - 29.12.2023 18:40

I like the ranger design. Can you please do the fighter class next? 🙂
