Memphis, TN. - 4K HDR - Have you had a Relaxing Ride Downtown lately

Memphis, TN. - 4K HDR - Have you had a Relaxing Ride Downtown lately

The Traveler : Relaxing Videos

3 года назад

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@4kWalkinCanada - 12.10.2021 21:04

Very nice video thanks for sharing my friend

@enfilth6279 - 27.10.2021 05:11

Hey. Get out of my neighborhood! Tourist! Lmao I kid, nice video!

@corycarpenter5873 - 29.10.2021 16:38

Whoever is recording need to move the camara around instead of just keeping pointed straight ways.

@corycarpenter5873 - 29.10.2021 16:39

Boring video because u dont have sense enough to move the camara around. U just keeping it pointed in one direction

@corycarpenter5873 - 29.10.2021 16:39

No side views

@williesmall3855 - 02.11.2021 21:53

This is the best driving thru Memphis vidio that's been put on utube ,one option would have been nice to no what streets you were going down some you can read but others couldnt see overall it was great

@tonywashington37 - 14.11.2021 21:00

No Harbor Town???? Totally missed displaying Memphis ' river side community.

@derenzosummers6880 - 09.12.2021 20:22


@art969bones - 07.01.2022 22:51

Hey this is a great Video just what I have been looking for, for a sneak preview. Me and the wife are coming over to Memphis in may 2022 for 10 days and can’t wait, and among other sights Beal St is a must do visit for me and for the wife Graceland is top of her must do list.

@gkane7928 - 31.01.2022 22:49

what make and model camera are you using ?

@ettnollbajen - 29.03.2022 19:00

Where’s the people?
Streets are completely empty.

@VNZWRLD - 21.04.2022 21:05

The first 10mins looks nothing like whats on The First 48

@jasoneman8318 - 16.07.2022 11:18

Wow!! Thanks for sharing!! I'm going there next month I can't wait to go!!

@torrancewilson7914 - 06.08.2022 23:47

As a Memphian I never get tired of riding across the Hernando DeSoto and seeing the most brutifal city in the world 🌎🌎🌎

@torrancewilson7914 - 08.08.2022 23:57

Brutifal truly brutifal beautiful but brutal

@torrancewilson7914 - 09.08.2022 00:07

MEMPHIS FACT: Yellow fever wiped out 2500 Memphians between 1828 and and the 1870s the most deaths from that disease in a inland city

@torrancewilson7914 - 09.08.2022 00:09

MEMPHIS FACT: Memphis TN and Memphis Egypt are the exact longitude and latitude

@torrancewilson7914 - 09.08.2022 00:16

MEMPHIS FACT:when it reaches Memphis the Mississippi River has a maximum depth of 48 to 50 feet which is pass flood stage for the city at the average depth is around 35 feet you can't swim across the the current is and death sentence

@torrancewilson7914 - 09.08.2022 00:18

Last MEMPHIS FACT: Don't start no sh** won't be no sh**

@askiaeducationalnetwork - 31.08.2022 04:10

Memphis is famous because of the Loraine Motel where M L King was murdered. This person is driving in circles. Must be a white person driving.

@davidearia - 01.10.2022 19:35

Where are the people. The streets are beautiful and impressive, but I can only see cars and maximum 30 human beings. Why?

@richardpertey5241 - 04.10.2022 18:23

Can someone suggest a camera i can use for a video like this ? thanks in advance

@jemsnowdon - 16.10.2022 17:46

I've just canceled my vacation to Memphis

@unknownprofile2830 - 24.10.2022 04:45

Where the cops at?

@TheTravelerRV - 02.01.2023 04:48

Hey there! Thank you for watching our video on Memphis, Tennessee. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please make sure to hit the subscribe button to stay up-to-date on all of our future releases. I have tons of amazing content coming your way, and I don't want you to miss out.

But I also like to hear from you! If you have any thoughts or comments about the video, please make sure to leave them in the comments section below. I love hearing from the community, and I read every single comment.

So don't be shy - click that subscribe button and leave us a comment. I can't wait to hear from you and have you join our community

@JUSAGUYNKY - 04.01.2023 07:28

Sure does look like a “fun” city.. when there’s actually people on the street haha

@oliverrando6463 - 04.01.2023 07:58

Memphis a little looks like new orleans

@donaldewert2332 - 27.01.2023 20:05

Ever been to Milwaukee??

@UncleBillyBob732 - 09.02.2023 00:21

Lived there for a few years in the 80's. Looks a little bit different now. They used to have cool horse-drawn buggies that would ride you around down around the Beale St. area at night. Electric trollies didn't work then.

@tamshari9212 - 20.05.2023 18:20

Yes 2012 👏🌬️

@carol-us4xn - 12.06.2023 02:53

Who said that all of Memphis is bad?? Some hater you are??

@romeldixon2734 - 13.07.2023 21:42

Not a lot of traffic

@GeeB1 - 07.11.2023 07:30

Memphis is nasty, crime ridden and has outdated infrastructure. I couldn't wait to get out of that crime ridden scum hole.

@trollndatrollaz9743 - 18.12.2023 01:27

Now downtown Memphis is dangerous… robberies…shootings… carjackings… be careful

@clivehope8409 - 24.01.2024 07:46

Memphis is a beautiful city, Grantic i seen a few people but i expected to see more
