Disturbing Parts Of Labyrinth That Everyone Just Ignores

Disturbing Parts Of Labyrinth That Everyone Just Ignores


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Grunge - 16.01.2019 19:09

What other movies feel a little weird when watching with modern sensibilities?

Harvey Sengers Music 🎵
Harvey Sengers Music 🎵 - 03.11.2023 11:57

What a retarted way to overanalyze a classic fantasy movie.

"O my god Ludo was hanging upside down, totally not cool guys"

The idea that a kid can be presented with some reality is just unthinkable these days.


cardinalis - 30.10.2023 09:44

Sorry but this just seems like some really heavy and unnecessary analysis. This is one of the most unique and whimsical fantasy movies with endearing characters like Ludo and Sir Didymus, and of course incredible music that has stood the test of time. It’s a charming story of a girl saving her brother, making friends, and finding herself along the way. No need to overthink it.

Eva Thomas
Eva Thomas - 27.10.2023 17:15

This was a Jim Henson movie you dork it clearly show's you didn't watch this movie and you're young, i love this movie my niece loves this movie.. Ass hats like you try and destroy movies from the 80s

Chandlin Frost
Chandlin Frost - 24.10.2023 19:22

Meandering, indifferent postpostmodern empty dissection that only demonstrates that
This robot doesnt get the purpose of the expression
and is stuck in false analysis.

AlexKx - 15.10.2023 00:31

I don't understand this website. There is a person who I see in my notice corner named Vali W who has said something to me but I can't find her comment anywhere in any way. Oh, well.

GitDatPC - 08.10.2023 17:48

No mention of the giant, farting buttholes in the bog of eternal stench? 💩🤢

MyCeL!uMaJyK - 03.10.2023 22:38

Idk. The door knocker holder seemed pretty bored lol

ZippyMufo - 13.09.2023 13:01

This video is a sad comment on how the creator is emotionally immature and gaslighted by modern "victim" politics. He's "disturbed" by the most innocuous material. What a pathetic generation.

Jay Dee
Jay Dee - 13.08.2023 14:44

Just think how weird this movie would be if Sarah's baby brother looked just like Frank Whaley! (And this was filmed BEFORE "Career Opportunities"!)

Linda Csoti
Linda Csoti - 13.08.2023 13:46

I had a crush on jareth when I was little

C C - 07.08.2023 01:56

He's just trying to lure her to distract her so he gets to keep Toby

jose villanueva
jose villanueva - 30.07.2023 10:39

This is a CLASSIC!!.. Go somewhere else with you crappy progress stuff..

blue blue lectric blue
blue blue lectric blue - 16.07.2023 02:47

I believe Bowie is God. I have the deepest darkest secret..... I never liked the film labyrinth. The production, the acting, the costumes, the soundtrack I just never liked, it's just bad. I live with my shame 😂😂😂😂😂

Diane G
Diane G - 12.07.2023 05:41

Def over reaching. Its ok. We all do it from time to time

Afreaka Boucher
Afreaka Boucher - 11.07.2023 11:45

When I watched the part where he started to throwing up the baby I was like mind you drop him 😆😆😆😭😭

Afreaka Boucher
Afreaka Boucher - 11.07.2023 11:42


Randomness Personified
Randomness Personified - 10.07.2023 07:14

I felt physically sick every time I saw him when I watched this film. I was about 11 and he really made me feel quite ill - he must have been great at doing the whole "creepy" acting thing I guess! If memory serves, they put it on the telly at school as an end of term "treat" for us all to watch. I absolutely bloody hated it lol, never watched it ever again. Somebody has just name dropped it along with Dark Crystal, and reminded me of the film so I thought I'd have a quick look to see if anybody else hated it as much as I did - apparently not, judging by the comments lol. Although I notice there are a few videos pointing out the older bloke, teenage girl kind of creepiness. The funny thing is, I really couldn't have told anyone specifically WHY I hated it at the time, I just really had a strong aversion to Bowie's character - that was what ruined the film for me, due to my feeling so ill every time I saw him. I can't believe so many people had a crush on him - it's a revelation to me!

Kayla Holley
Kayla Holley - 06.07.2023 05:55

People got married young in Jareth's time damn it lol

Culvea Solvere
Culvea Solvere - 19.06.2023 00:36

The love story is actually a misconception on your part, you see, Jareth was a goblin king, and he told anyone who became trapped in the Labyrinth that he loved them. Sarah wasn't special in this regard and Jareth was understood to only be telling half the truth when it came to his love for Sarah. You see, he didn't really love her he was in love with what she could do for him. The whole movie was an exercise on growing up leaving childhood and childish things behind so that you are mature enough too know the difference and to know what truly matters in life. Love is one of the concerns most people have when becoming a Teen, will someone love me, and the desire to be loved by someone for the rest of our lives, but there's a danger in that and that's what Jareth's "love" of Sarah depicts, when it's not really love, when the person who claims to love you doesn't actually love you they love what you can do for them. This is illustrated in one of the final phrases uttered by Jareth to Sarah at the end of the movie "I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want....Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave!" These aren't the words of a lover these are the words of what we today would call a narcissist.

It was also no accident that Bowie was chosen for this part, it wasn't an accident and Bowie knew full well what he was doing in the movie too and the part he was playing. The man was brilliant enough to see a whole picture of the movie. The reason he was chosen was to illustrate to girls Sarah's age that just because a rock star looks and sounds cool doesn't mean he'll ever love you or treat you well. It was commentary on what most girls do in their fandoms, worship stars of music tv and movies.

Error 404
Error 404 - 12.06.2023 10:10

Im sorry you didnt understand this movie.
