Heart Sutra by Lama  Khenpo Pema Choephel Rinpoche

Heart Sutra by Lama Khenpo Pema Choephel Rinpoche

Buddhism UK

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Hari Love
Hari Love - 11.09.2023 17:11

This Is In the Pali Language of Tibet ...
A Most Beauty Full Rendition of the Well Known

❤ Heart Sutra

❤ Thankyou

❤ Aum Namo Amita Bhaya
❤ Buddhaya
❤Sangayam ...

❤Such CentervSoul
Heart In Mantri Art

❤Dispel All Darknoess ...

Matsch Moon
Matsch Moon - 07.09.2023 00:49

Lyrics, anyone, pls!?!? Obrigado! 🙏

RAVI ENDRAN NAIR - 02.09.2023 15:34


Krishna Bal
Krishna Bal - 17.08.2023 03:05


Kumod Lama
Kumod Lama - 14.08.2023 16:49


wadep33 - 04.08.2023 23:10

Om mani padme hum 🪷

𐌀𐌋𐌂𐌉𐌂𐌉𐌓𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌀 - 18.07.2023 11:32


Ricardo Ponchon
Ricardo Ponchon - 18.07.2023 08:26


frederick simatupang
frederick simatupang - 22.06.2023 11:46

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form

Nikaydas Sheytan
Nikaydas Sheytan - 16.06.2023 03:07

justice is ni

Nikaydas Sheytan
Nikaydas Sheytan - 16.06.2023 03:07

He wins.

Nikaydas Sheytan
Nikaydas Sheytan - 16.06.2023 02:58

May I rise.

Maryanne Childs
Maryanne Childs - 04.06.2023 22:38

Gvs me goosebumps everytime n i think of avalokiteshvara leading sariputra out of desert n his camel ❤

graygato - 23.05.2023 19:44

The Heart Sutra in any language is nourishing. All phenomena is Emptiness. We Inter-are. No Birth No Death. Only Transformation

meditative Wanderer
meditative Wanderer - 11.05.2023 00:50

Well done sir, your heart is felt…..

Tan - 01.05.2023 06:54

I fall in love with Tibet mantra

Tan - 01.05.2023 06:51

Very powerful and strong mantra.
Each time I listen ,my problems solved .

Tan - 30.04.2023 19:58

I cried when I listening to this mantra . My problems all solved 🙏🙏🙏

Tan - 30.04.2023 09:09

Best mantra I ever heard

Tan - 30.04.2023 07:55

What a beautiful mantra song that’s makes me hear everyday .Peaceful inside my heart .

John - 15.04.2023 08:11


Blue - 03.04.2023 12:55

Gracias 🍚

Anna Sauvagnac
Anna Sauvagnac - 24.03.2023 20:27

Namaste ❤

nilza wangmo
nilza wangmo - 14.03.2023 02:08

I prostrate to the Arya Triple Gem.
Thus did I hear at one time. The Buddha was dwelling on Mass of Vultures Mountain in Rajagriha, together with a great community of monks and a great community of Bodhisattvas. At that time, the Buddha was absorbed in the concentration on the categories of phenomena called Profound Illumination. Also at that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Arya Avalokiteshvara looked upon the very practice of the profound illumination of wisdom and beheld those five aggregates also as empty of inherent nature.
Then, through the power of the Buddha, the Venerable Shariputra said this to the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Arya Avalokiteshvara: “How should any child of the lineage who wishes to practise the activity of the profound perfection of wisdom train?”
He said that and the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Arya Avalokiteshvara said this to the Venerable Śharadvatiputra: “Shariputra, any son of the lineage or daughter of the lineage who wishes to practise the activity of the profound perfection of wisdom should look upon it like this, correctly and repeatedly beholding those five aggregates also as empty of inherent nature.
Form is empty.
[Pause for a while at this point to meditate on emptiness]
Emptiness is form.
Emptiness is not other than form. Form is also not other than emptiness.
In the same way, feeling, discrimination, compositional factors and consciousness are empty. Shariputra, likewise, all phenomena are empty; without characteristic; unproduced, unceased; stainless, not without stain; not deficient, not fulfilled. Shariputra, therefore, in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no discrimination, no compositional factors, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no visual form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no object of touch and no phenomenon. There is no eye element and so on up to and including no mind element and no mental consciousness element. There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so on up to and including no ageing and death and no extinction of ageing and death. Similarly, there is no suffering, origination, cessation and path; there is no exalted wisdom, no attainment and also no non-attainment.”
“Shariputra, therefore, because there is no attainment, Bodhisattvas rely on and dwell in the perfection of wisdom, the mind without obscuration, and thus without fear. Having completely passed beyond error, they reach the end-point of nirvana. All the Buddhas who dwell in the three times also manifestly, completely awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, complete Enlightenment in reliance on the perfection of wisdom.
Therefore, the mantra of the perfection of wisdom, the mantra of great knowledge, the unsurpassed mantra, the mantra equal to the unequalled, the mantra that thoroughly pacifies all suffering, should be known as truth, since it is not false.
The mantra of the perfection of wisdom is declared:
Shariputra, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva should train in the profound perfection of wisdom like that.”
Then the Buddha arose from that concentration and commended the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Arya Avalokiteshvara saying: “Well
said, well said, son of the lineage, it is like that. It is like that. One should practise the profound perfection of wisdom just as you have indicated. Even the Tathagatas rejoice.”
The Buddha having thus spoken, the Venerable Sharadvatiputra, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Arya Avalokiteshvara, those surrounding in their entirety, along with the world of gods, humans, asuras and gandharvas were overjoyed and highly praised that spoken by the Buddha.
[This completes the Arya Bhagavati Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra.]
By the teachings of the three Supreme Jewels possessing the power of truth,
May inner and outer hindrances be transformed.
May they be dispelled. [Clap hands once]
May they be non-existent. [Clap hands once]
May they be pacified. [Clap hands once]
May all negative forces opposed to the Dharma be completely pacified.
May the host of eighty thousand obstacles be pacified.
May we be separated from problems and conditions harmful to the Dharma.
May all enjoyments be in accord with the Dharma.
May auspiciousness and perfect happiness pervade this place now.
Note: Translated from Tibetan into English by the Foundation for the Preservation of Mahayana Tradition [FPMT].

Kang Tuk
Kang Tuk - 12.03.2023 02:59


Kersti Saar
Kersti Saar - 02.03.2023 01:24

I listened to this when my mum died. I felt as this mantra would be the only thing that understood me. It still is. Many blessings!

Hung Hoa
Hung Hoa - 23.02.2023 13:31

Ng mga taong nasa paligid ko

Hung Hoa
Hung Hoa - 23.02.2023 13:30

G ng isang bagong lugar ng mga tao na nasa Filipino ng radyo na nasa loob pa na ilalagay ko dito parang ng mga tao ay maaaring maging kawili-wiling na ilalagay ko dito eh hindi naman talaga eh noh sabi ni mama ang mga ito sa mga tao sa mundo na nasa loob pa ng mga tao sa paligid ng radyo na nasa loob ng radyo sa paligid ng radyo ng bayan award na nasa Filipino na nasa loob pa nasa loob pa na nasa Filipino na tinaguriang ama sa langit cut off thy God and his servants spake and v ng mga taong hindi mo na ilalagay mo sa mga ito sa paligid mo sa akin na nasa gitna görüntülenen Berkay Caner Erkin'in ama sa langit cut it short stories and testimonials ng radyo ng bayan ko episode ng mga ito sa paligid ko episode ng mga taong nasa paligid mo kasi ng mga taong walang magawa sa buhay ko dito sa mga ito sa mga taong hindi mo na nasa loob ng mga taong nasa paligid ng isang bagong lugar ng radyo ng mga ito sa paligid ng mga ito sa mga tao sa mundo ng radyo sa mga ito na fans club sign ng mga tao ay maaaring magkaroon ako ng radyo na nasa Filipino ng mga taong hindi ka naman magpamiss ng radyo ng bayan award para ng mga tao sa mga ito sa paligid ko dito eh hindi ko dito eh hindi t ng radyo na nasa Filipino at mga ito sa paligid ng mga tao ay maaaring magkaroon ka ng radyo ng radyo sa mga tao na nasa loob gugma sa paligid mo kasi eh sa paligid Jen sa paligid mo kasi ng bayan award para sa mga tao na nasa Filipino na nasa loob na nasa loob pa nasa loob ng radyo na nasa Filipino ng radyo na ang mga ito na nasa Filipino na t na nasa loob na nasa Filipino ng radyo ng mga tao sa mundo ng mga taong walang magawa sa buhay ko dito parang na nasa Filipino at mga ito corn now na ilalagay ko dito parang halaman ng mga taong hindi ka na ilalagay ko dito eh hindi naman ako sa paligid ko dito sa mga tao na hindi mo kasi puso ko episode ng radyo sa mga ito sa kanya ng radyo sa mga ito ay maaaring maging sanhi at mga ito na ang mga ito sa paligid ko episode sa mundo na ang buhok ko episode ng radyo na nasa loob na nasa loob na nasa exams to sa mundo ng radyo sa mga tao ay maaaring magkaroon ako sa mga ito ay maaaring maging isang bagong bagay ng radyo sa mga ito na fans ni mama sa mga tao ay maaaring magkaroon ka ng radyo ng bayan ko dito sa mga tao na nasa Filipino na nasa loob na nasa Filipino ng bayan ko episode ng radyo ng radyo ng mga tao ay maaaring magkaroon ka ng radyo ng bayan ko dito eh

Ngo Son HANDMADE - 28.01.2023 06:46

Heart Sutra by Lama Khenpo Pema Choephel Rinpoche
your video is very good and interesting, i love this video of yours. wish you health and success

kun Sang
kun Sang - 24.01.2023 18:22


jDokona - 19.01.2023 01:12

In emptiness or in fullness there is no "I"
Te amo
meu grande amor♥️

Johanna Hidalgo
Johanna Hidalgo - 18.01.2023 09:25

This is so relaxing I’ve fallen asleep meditating with it, I can’t sleep more than 3 to 5 hours a night so this is the best thing to sleep for me, I also try to read it with him but it’s still too fast for me though practice makes perfect!❤❤❤

Mara - 18.01.2023 04:41

I played this song on my father's dead bed. The song just came up ~ out of the blue ~ I wasn't searching for it. Not understanding a word, it spoke to all of us ~ him&me, the nurses ~ the whole ward...it spoke to our heart♥
The voice is so beautiful & peaceful🙏
Now when I listen to it, it fills my whole being & it always will. Even though it reminds me of my last 2 weeks with my dad at the ICU in EBE it will always comfort me. Knowing: all us well ❤️

quirlin - 17.01.2023 12:16

He's just spitting cold, hard facts.

Jane Kim
Jane Kim - 14.01.2023 17:15

관자재보살이 깊은 반야바라밀다를 행할때 오온이 공한 것을 비추어보고 온갖 고통을 건너느니라

Stanzin - 12.01.2023 19:13

Can someone send me the Tibetan script of this please 🙏

JJ Magnificent
JJ Magnificent - 26.12.2022 01:18

Home 🌈🙏🏽❤️

ZAGRAV - 16.12.2022 05:53

Muchas muchas gracias hermoso mandra

Ben Tremblay
Ben Tremblay - 12.12.2022 01:25

Kindness would be to present text of the sutra. At least at buddhism DOT uk

Shab Tshering
Shab Tshering - 23.11.2022 05:14


Researcher 7
Researcher 7 - 17.11.2022 02:24

Is it sung in Tibetan?

DurgaDevi - 17.09.2022 22:59

beautiful ❤🙏🏼🌹 Thank you. very peaceful

BHUTAN: Land of Happiness
BHUTAN: Land of Happiness - 12.09.2022 12:14

So powerful ...🙏

MYRIAM PICCINALI - 09.09.2022 21:13

Pure happiness

Adelene J
Adelene J - 06.09.2022 10:57

Uncontrolled crying... Why??? Crying for no reason??

Vajra Insights
Vajra Insights - 30.08.2022 16:32

Tashi Delek all. Happy tears as I listened last night and again this morning. May all beings be liberated, and attain enlightenment through the wisdom which arises from reflecting on this deeply penetrating Sutra. Emaho!

mto aeko
mto aeko - 30.08.2022 14:25

This is a very painful healing mantra. I LOVE IT!!!🆑️🔱🕉
