David Von Pein's JFK Channel

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John Russelman
John Russelman - 29.07.2023 04:59

I thought they were going to throw it back to Dorris Day singing HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD !!!

John Russelman
John Russelman - 29.07.2023 04:54

Wow those poor guys at NBC had one bad trip trying to get any information but they did as best as they could do, what a disaster !!!

sherman mcclesky
sherman mcclesky - 24.07.2023 04:25

My moments were the Challenger explosion and 9/11. When as a teenager, my teacher had to explain what'd happened to the Challenger; but not after wiping the tears from her eyes. As for 9/11, as an adult, I had to explain it to my nephews and nieces. It's a hell of a thing to have to explain events like that to a child 😢

Louann K
Louann K - 13.07.2023 18:08

I believe this is my "favorite" of the radio coverage, if that is the right word. The verbiage of the reporting is unique, "shot by ambush" . And of course asking the listening audience to pray, not once,but twice. A glimpse of a era in America long gone. I was 19 days past my third birthday.

Eric Hall
Eric Hall - 28.06.2023 03:56

What a beautiful brain JFK had... unfortunately it didn't match his suit....

Eric Hall
Eric Hall - 28.06.2023 03:50

These guys were the original Bob and Tom lol

John Walker
John Walker - 27.06.2023 20:46

"It had been raining, the top was down, and the bullets were fired right through the bubble top". If the top was down how on earth could the bullets be fired through the top? The reporters wording was awful that day. Even Walter Cronkite as good as he was that day, kept saying the president was shot as he "drove" through down town Dallas. Presidents Don't drive, they are driven.

John Keating
John Keating - 12.06.2023 06:48

I was almost 2 years old when the president was assassinated. I’m told that my father was recuperating from surgery when this happened. I was sitting with him when the news was broadcast on television. My first knowledge of the Kennedy’s was when my grandmother hung a plush wall tapestry in her living room. This was after Robert Kennedy’s assassination because the tapestry depicted both brothers. I also remember being given Kennedy half dollars for different holidays. I’ve sometimes wondered what would have happened to the country if these assassinations hadn’t taken place. It seems like everything changed overnight.

Joey Kardos
Joey Kardos - 04.06.2023 07:29

Still very sad and chilling even today. It seems like just yesterday since all that took place. The radio and television of this event was absolutely incredible.

Scott Briggs
Scott Briggs - 12.05.2023 22:44

There were allegedly warnings and red flags and threats days or weeks ahead of JFK's motorcade, so why he was still in an open
top car, I honestly still am baffled by. The Secret Service SHOULD have insisted on more security, but they didn't.

Donald Shelton
Donald Shelton - 09.05.2023 08:01

Wikipedia states that Ted Koppel reported on the ABC Radio broadcast of the assassination.
Where abouts on this broadcast is that report?

marioromanza - 29.04.2023 02:27

I find it suspicious that somehow they immediately knew that “an” assassin fired “3” shots . . .

gspendlove - 29.04.2023 01:11

Thanks very much for posting this. I'm an old-time radio enthusiast, and broadcasts like this one are audible gold for my ears. I still listen to music on the radio while I'm at work, and I can't imagine how I'd feel if the DJ broke in with news like this. I do know that everything would stop. The kitchen would go completely silent except for the radio, and my coworkers would drop everything they were doing and sit down to listen. That's the reason everyone who was there for it remembers where they were when they heard the news: because their entire world stopped in that moment, and they could do nothing but sit down in shock, and cry.

Lenny Todd
Lenny Todd - 23.04.2023 19:11

Would like to find more air checks of Dirk Frederick

Timothy - 20.04.2023 09:13

Also, here is a question? Why did the limo Kennedy was in moved very slowly, no one has ever given me a very good answer and I believe no one ever will.

Timothy - 20.04.2023 09:10

Kennedy was dead as soon the bullet blew the right side of his temple. Also, if he was shot in the back of the head, Kennedy would have gone forward and to the right, he was shot in the right temple, he went back and to the left into Jackie's lap.

alitlweird - 16.04.2023 11:05

CIA murdered Kennedy.

Mark Lopez
Mark Lopez - 16.04.2023 10:59

Great Thank you Sir.

Michael Irizarry
Michael Irizarry - 12.04.2023 11:54

the hit on John f Kennedy on 22november of 63,was issued by the joint chiefs of staff.never believe nothing less.never trust,the United States government.it's as simple as that.

Darrell Alston
Darrell Alston - 31.03.2023 16:22

I wished it would have rained when he went there. The world would have been so different

MJ Eastman
MJ Eastman - 30.03.2023 14:24

Poor Doris Day! She was singing so nicely when she got cut off for this announcement.

Greg Vrame
Greg Vrame - 18.03.2023 06:29

This might be my favorite. I still love radio to this day. His voice just quivered when he announced the death.

Tom LaVelle
Tom LaVelle - 14.03.2023 05:55

Even sixty years later, the anguished emotion of the announcers are so hard to hear.

Gib59er - 24.02.2023 20:05

My mom told me the place she was driving in with her friends during H.S. lunch period, and they had all been laughing and joking like kids, and this came over the radio, and she pulled over ,stopped the car and everyone was in total shock and it went silent. Then they cried. Damn.

Richard Doucette
Richard Doucette - 08.02.2023 06:03

Immediately they announce 3 shots hmmmm

Joshua Turnage
Joshua Turnage - 05.02.2023 04:56

The media falsely reported LBJ was shot.

David McGinley
David McGinley - 18.01.2023 15:07

Thank you for posting.

m - 29.12.2022 00:20

Damn time capsule

Gena Taylor
Gena Taylor - 22.12.2022 10:37

When Kennedy first got into the ER the doctors had first only been treating the wound in the throat, but once they discovered the head wound, they were aware there was no chance to bring him back. That was why, while Connally was taken to surgery and Kennedy was not. Connally's wounds were survivable, Kennedy's were not. You cannot live with that much of your brain no longer existing.

Gena Taylor
Gena Taylor - 22.12.2022 10:34

Clint Hill, in a much later interview had said he based his remarks as to Kennedy being dead, was that when he had jumped onto the presidential limo, and pushed Mrs Kennedy back into the limo, and had laid spread eagled over the two of them for the ride to the hospital, he had seen the would in the head, and had been able to tell that so much of his brain had been blown out there there was no chance for survival.

hoytoy100 - 20.12.2022 06:36

A time stamp on the video would help us track the start and development of the story.

Malcolm Marshall
Malcolm Marshall - 19.12.2022 05:25

I was 4 and my sister was 5. We were in Fort Worth, near Dallas, playing in our sandbox. Mom had just fed us a lunch of tuna sandwiches and was ironing in front of the TV ("As The World Turns") when the tragic news broke.

Chrissy Cuts
Chrissy Cuts - 26.11.2022 20:41

My new favorite. The cutting off of Doris Day as she climbs the scale for the initial bulletin. Then the slow build in urgency with the read of each update. I really feel I’m living the moments through these voices.

Michael Wogoman
Michael Wogoman - 25.10.2022 07:34

I was greatly impressed by the integrity and decency of the reporter, whose name I cannot remember, who urged his listeners on a couple of occasions to pray. In this age of political correctness, we would never hear that from an immoral and corrupt news media.

Sharon Serenades You
Sharon Serenades You - 15.10.2022 07:20

These annoucers are so professional and yet you can tell that they are barely holding on. You can hearing their voices full of emotion and sometimes cracking. I cannot imagine reporting on an event such as this, doing what you need to do, but feeling the grief as everyone else is. I was born in 1968, but my mother was feeding my older brother when she heard the news.

Christopher Gagliardi
Christopher Gagliardi - 11.08.2022 01:09

I have an absolutely amazing idea, I suggest you make it into a full DVD collection and CD collection to be sold to help with museums and other items because right now we really need to preserve our history, and more importantly the Next Generation should indeed realize how far we have come in our commitment to making our country better, with the way the world is going right now, it is hard to realize that we are forgetting our past and it is repeating itself tragically we need all the help we can get please. Save the history, especially this most important moment in the history of the 20th century

Pete Latrenta
Pete Latrenta - 04.08.2022 19:45

THE RADIO ANNOUNCERS FIRST REPORT IS THAT PRESIDENT KENNEDY DIED FROM W GUNSHOT TO THE RIGHT TEMPLE. How right they were!! THEY CALLED IT THAT WAY BECAUSE THATS WHAT PEOPLE SAW! Then the plotters changed the story to fit their conspiracy. 2022 more than a 95% Chance proven that there was a conspiracy behind the assassination and much more.

Tom LaVelle
Tom LaVelle - 19.06.2022 06:37

Interesting version of “Manhattan Spiritual” at the beginning.

drguffey - 13.06.2022 20:21

Every broadcast said "3 shots" !! They hadn't even found the so called 'snipers nest' yet!

Allen Jones
Allen Jones - 11.06.2022 18:20

It was ABC Radio that was the first broadcast network to convey the news of the shooting, I believe.

David Brothers
David Brothers - 30.05.2022 20:32

I always remember the story of the chief neurosurgeon walking into the room he walked up to Kennedy lying on the stretcher looked at the wound to his head looked at the people who were in the room and shook his head as if to say nothing can be done the er doctor said we have to try something or we will be blamed for not doing enough the neurosurgeon said nothing can be done his brain is gone

hey - 19.05.2022 06:29

Newsmen repeatedly calling for listeners to join in prayer. That was a different time.

Donny Doom
Donny Doom - 08.04.2022 04:42

Instantly states 3 shots were fired in dallas, texas. Very strange indeed.

MrCrystalcranium - 17.03.2022 20:14

Alan Jackson at CBS Radio saw Clint Hill's quote on the UPI print out and after a long pause, did not read it. Instead he said "...And Clint Hill, a secret Service agent assigned to Mrs Kennedy............accompanied the President into the hospital." Cronkite read it but across the hall, Jackson did not. Bob Clark was amazing this day also. You can hear the emotion and anxiety in his quavering voice but he didn't miss a beat. Filing a radio report a mere minute or two after witnessing the scene at Parkland, Kennedy, flaccid and limp being lifted from the car...Jackie Kennedy sobbing and splattered with her husband's blood and brain tissue, I don't know how he did it. Ultimate professionalism.

John Walker
John Walker - 26.02.2022 02:46

Why do they continue to get it wrong? Why would Nellie connally lie? She made the remark to the president. Not Jackie. She said " you can't say that Dallas doesn't love you Mr President. He responded," no you certainly can't.

John Walker
John Walker - 26.02.2022 02:40

No no no, Ms connally make the remark to the president. Not Jackie.
