Hallucinations vs Delusions: The Differences You Need to Know

Hallucinations vs Delusions: The Differences You Need to Know


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@brynne610 - 31.01.2024 22:04

My ex died of starvation because he believed he was being poisoned

@Potencyfunction - 07.12.2023 19:08

Do you use ontology and hermeneutics in your research ? I mean do you learn your patience about distingusing hallucinations and reality ? [ What a stupid ...question ]

@BertMLemon - 06.12.2023 00:42

halfway you can see he has hallucinations himself.

@benjaminreyes3624 - 10.10.2023 09:37

I get hallucinations at night when I'm bout sleep or just waking up. I have had an head injury years ago

@elangsurga - 20.09.2023 14:25

Superman is back

@10t0esdown - 10.09.2023 19:33

Can't thank you enough for having this conversation.. ❤🙏

@GarenaFreeFire-fv3vt - 18.08.2023 19:29

Schezophrenia v/s hallucinaton

@sylvianazareth908 - 16.08.2023 14:40

I hear voices about my mental health condition that I experience with Schizoaffective disorder when it is bad or good. When I have a bad feeling to commit suicide of harming myself with a walking stick. When I was section on 2 and 3 in St Charles Hospital in the Amazon Ward under the mental health Act that started in 1959 updated in 1983 and continue in 2007. From Sylvia Nazareth.

@BillieScarvelli - 13.08.2023 13:03

20 fkn videos on this accound for borderline personality disorder who needs that many videos for that for some fkn reason one very broad video on bipolar disorder . My Fkn doctors arent worrh anything fk with my meds make apointments months away they missed apointment then change when i get my meds that dont work fkn with me for a laugh. Im very frustrated and i dont want to go back to inpatient

@picolopicolo7661 - 07.08.2023 16:08

I experience all of this even the one for the police and the worst part is that you see signs every where for example I had a dream where i got drafted in the NBA, been the next president of the US. One day I was complaining about my life been a failure then sudenly I heard a voice in the living room saying no you are not a failure you are a billionaire

@notjothis5519 - 01.07.2023 20:33

How to treat grandiose delusions?

@DreamsOfCepheid - 29.06.2023 21:27

I hear voices internally mostly, but I often hear music externally; it sounds like someone is playing the radio in the next room. My voices can be both good and bad. When I was 12 The Girls came to live in my head and they behaved just like human tweens; they would be nice sometimes and catty sometimes. They would speak with me and each other. They each looked different and had different preferences. Sometimes they could even kinda take over. The nameless voices are usually mean; they tell me how fat and stupid and evil I am. Or, they just comment on my Life for the secret TV show they have about me. I've known since I was 6 that hidden and invisible cameras watch me all the time and are aired on a secret TV show where a host comments about me to an audience. A few times the sky has opened in front of me and I can see the studio and hear the people talking about me. I also hallucinate visually. Shadowmen will follow; once I was sitting at the reference desk for work and one was sitting in a chair reading a book. It took everything not to run up to him and scream at him to leave; I wanted to throw a book at him. When I was in high school objects would shrink and grow and sometimes the kids in class would have melting faces. I have had touch hallucinations, too, of monsters grabbing and scratching me. Oh he just mentioned dementia! My mom's side of the family has a long history of early onset dementia and my aunt was the last one with Lewey Body Dementia.
Delusions are my main symptom. That I am not human. That I'm recorded 24/7 for a secret TV show. In high school, evil entities took over the school and were poisoning the lunch food to control students' minds, so I only at a rice krispies treat for lunch each day because it came from the vending machine pre-packaged. I went undetected for so long because I thought all of these revelations were secret and that I would be punished if I told anyone else these revelations. I've believed I was dead a few times; I usually conclude that I died in a car wreck and just don't know it yet. Ideas of reference... yeah I do that. Patterns everywhere!

@daguppz7945 - 26.06.2023 17:16

As someone who experiences tactile hallucinations, it makes me quite upset when people say it's a drug thing.
It actually makes me dislike doctors even more.

@WitheredArtLots - 22.06.2023 08:51

I don't have hallucination I'm just and over thinker and designed my own world in my brain and go though a whole life with action and depression and death. I dotn talk about it but I have my own wolrs with own charecters I made, my own designs and principles and technology, and so much more. I have charecters in there life in there peaks and downs. It's just that I made my own world to actully learn from my mistakes and learn to be a better person. I have multiple different creatures who interact with each other and all have there own personality and speak all differently. They dont peak to me because I am own of them in there world of peopel I know there. They speak how peopel I know do. And I creat new charecters of people I never knew. It started a few years ago on a simple thing to pass time to get away from reality or technology. It turned into soemthign I can get away from things and forget about stuff that made me upset. Things that coudl have upset me I can work out in my mind with the person I'm mad at. So I'm not actually mad at the person I'm the real world. It's soemthing I love about myself but I dont talk abotu it much cause it includes trauma from peopel I know. I'm not goign into detail but I include problems my friend shad to go through so I can try and feel what they went through to understand what they had to deal with so I can understand there downs. It's weird but I do love it and it has helped me be a better person and has helped my anger issues go down alot. It has gotten to the point where I can feel the movements and the cuts and the tears my creature gone through almost liek it happened to me. I feel my muscles move with every step I take in the creature and every emotion I can feel like I cried or I got mad. It's weird but it's the weird that makes em weird because I plan out every possible situation and every response i would give cause I aready have every conversation or argument or move planned out and every possibility planned out so I know what to do next. If you read this all good job, you learned soemthign abotu me that I dotn giev out to anyone cause i searched up ideas for hallucination because I wanted to find somethign with ragdolls to get even better muscle stimulation and response to impacts and stuff. Have a nice day

@atura5502 - 10.06.2023 17:50

The example about hearing voices was not really precise. Not all people who hear voices experience them as hearing them externaly. They cal also be internal inside your mind. It like a second inner monolouge thats not under your controll. And not every one experiences them as voices when they are internal.

@blankwhite6163 - 02.06.2023 01:59

I had a menacing males voice tell me I should take the gun out of my drawer and blow my brains out. Awhile after that I had a very soft female tell me she loves me

@msarma6670 - 24.04.2023 22:49

Sometimes, Kyle asks very funny and innocent questions: "are these voices ever good? Hey ur doing a great job" 😅😅

@lindanovak6537 - 14.04.2023 22:51

What causes a person that takes a picture and sees as JFK, but, two different poses and goes back to those two pictures and still sees then as two different???

@danjones7046 - 10.04.2023 23:09

Yeah the doctor is trying to explain this all but what iam not hearing is what are the feelings and emotions that are present when these hallucinations and deliousons are there that minute.
I Get the same feeling when I hear voices as when iam having a conversation with someone important many times. Meds really help put a slow pause on these feelings

@MrMisanthrope1RBjr - 02.04.2023 20:28

do not trust the DR. who uses the word crazy. a professional dr does not use the word crazy.

@bananabread888 - 30.03.2023 21:35

They’re both liars

@lopirobinson1991 - 18.03.2023 15:15

I've struggled with addiction, bpd and PTSD. When it comes to the tactile stuff, when I went through withdrawals I could never sit still because it would feel as though something was ticking or pressing on something uncomfortable inside my groin area. No doctor could ever understand what I was saying but it was as if there were hands or something messing with my insides almost like a funny bone but not as blunt. The only way to make the feeling go away was to move, walk, shake, rock, jump, whatever.

@beverlypearson5332 - 14.03.2023 10:03

This was very helpful. I have a family member who believes that she and a famous musician (who is deceased) are married. She says she knows he’s dead, but that they really got married. I could really use some direction on how to respond to these delusions.

@staycalm. - 12.03.2023 20:22

I will not be subscribing becuase i hope and think he is full of it or atleast twisting the truth this entire psychology thing just seems like ascam to me

@juanpradabernal - 06.03.2023 20:53

This is amazing

@recuerdos2457 - 06.03.2023 04:41

My mom used to work as a nurse in a mental institute. She got attacked a few times through her career there. I never was interested in this subject until she passed away a few years ago. I wish I had share conversations about her work and her patients back then…. she had many first hand experiences but no one in the family were interested in knowing :(

@santoshsometimes4385 - 05.03.2023 10:29

Religion and God are biggest hallucinations 😂

@bryanbrandenburg2043 - 20.02.2023 20:16

Ok. What is it called when a person believes something happened despite any and all solid evidence?

@eshaalali5417 - 16.02.2023 14:51

I need help for husband he has these symptoms but he doesn’t accept that he doesn’t take proper medication he make my life hell

@meloking1983 - 01.02.2023 17:32

Dear lord why does it has to be my ears

@paulaalders8396 - 20.01.2023 14:00

There are male and female demons

@paulaalders8396 - 20.01.2023 13:58

For example My pariniod Skitzo Ive seen vivid men with rifels pointed at my face up close and I reach out ant move the barrel away from pointing at me but it slowly returns to its original position or I see several guns and rifels and I can move threm ALL

@paulaalders8396 - 20.01.2023 13:51

I am schitzoprentic long term I belive the halucinations are truely caused by a demon and or demons I have been able many times to literally move peole type CBC hallusination out of there place by placing my hand or arm against the non felt vision and move them Every time

@jazpurgarcia6295 - 20.01.2023 13:35

I'm rather disappointed and dismayed that a very prominent delusion that involves the fixed belief that your gf is cheating on you. My research on this is of a personal quest because it is the most painful and disturbing thing I have ever experienced in my entire life! But these voices, that would be revealed to me, 3 month's into our romance, were specifically these 2neighbors that shared a small property line btwn rented homes. Initially, he would confide that they were communicating telepathically telling him horribly demeaning and humiliating thing's about himself> criticizing and belittling, laughing at him. Often he would blame them without proof, witnessed, of slight vandalizing acts around exterior of his home or sabatoge to his older truck. When it was revealed that meth use was involved, I immediately suggested induced psychosis and that he must stop immediately. But when that didn't happen, he would be unable to stray frm his home because these voices started threatening to harm his family and told him that I was being raped. Unfortunately, weeks after abstinence, the voices persisted and after help was pursued, despite 5tbi's, severe ptsd, childhood trauma,sexual assault and initial suicidal ideations, none of the above would be addressed w any enthusiastic concern. I had promised him (blindly) that at least trauma therapy followed by some sort of brain scan would be in order. Weeks, then month's, scan was fought for but dismissed and never discussed(like why he got or needed)& not once was he asked about his suicidal ideations. They , this lame team, were all on board he was suffering frm residual meth induced psychosis that with it's persistent onset of symptoms could last up to 2yrs. Still, 4 month's in, no trauma therapy as Initially requested and around our 8 month mark, these voices turned on me. Where I was once his only trusted confidant and best friend, 4ever grateful, I had now become a traitor who was cheating on him, WITH the NEIGHBOR. He knew this cuz he heard me outside his house in middle of night. Other yucky details would all be triggered by a slip in his meth abstinence. His care team would never learn of these details as he broke up w me so convinced i had betrayedhim. That began in August of 22. Avalanche my research, and not giving up, we would rekindle.More intermittent meth induced incidents, but this time, while in btwn his clean periods where these intrusive voices would become more subdued,yet never gone entirely, even AFTER they tried to drug him, even though they never followed up or discussed or retested or suggested ANYTHING for the following predisposed: high blood sugar, High ALT levels, fatty liver F, hypoglycemia F, diabetes, family history and he's only 30. They never discussed ANYTHING, not even the meds. But i did and would accompany him to politely ask these doc's , interns, prescriber's, why nuthin informed despite ALL the above. Another incident= another accusation= new Risperdal(seroquel attempt incapacitated him) raising .5 to 2, experiencing the rare symptoms,STILL experiencing the voices who are ADVANCING in the shit about me, i encourag him to request blood tests for his glucose>
They Said NOPE. They were the experts, NOT ME. Into October, add more slips, more drama but in btwn,was able to switch PCP, in effect 2/22/23, successfully off the meds but unsuccessful in battling his on a day, off a few weeks meth nightmares. Going to mtngs, but convinced I'm a cheater, I'm not in the mix. I know this is common but why isn't it being addressed or talked about more? I'm devastated but i kno reality. I hope he follows up w his new plan, telehealth, CBT, EMDR, etc and Plzzzzzzzzzz pray 4him!

@schizolife6315 - 13.01.2023 07:27

I have hallucinated animals and people

@perriphelps5532 - 08.01.2023 14:48

I use to hear voices on and off drugs. Condemning and persecuting voices convinced me to drive my car into a wall at highway speed and I changed my life after the ‘accident’. I’m not on any meds and I’ve just been granted entry into graduate certificate studies of psychology through ECU university. Thank-you Jesus.

@ThePrinccipezza - 27.12.2022 05:32

This is wild, my husband has this and his Dr explained to me he says i went to him and told him I'm leaving him for another man and taking all our money to give to the other person. Is just wild , he swears i said that. Dr sent me to this video to understand

@jayanthikishen8527 - 26.12.2022 21:42

Probably people know or experience plz tell some therapy

@jayanthikishen8527 - 26.12.2022 21:40

What are common therapy of wedral condition

@aribamanjudevi3368 - 14.12.2022 17:44

There's a thing called " Thought transference" , if u believe in that... It may help in solving this problems.

@patriciarutter2761 - 05.12.2022 16:55

What about hearing voices speaking to them from the TV OR FROM PAINTING ON THE WALL.

@dianagarduno3095 - 30.11.2022 22:37

Can believing in ghosts be a delusion?

@joellee356 - 30.11.2022 04:36

..and some people really have a stalker
Even involved with police ...
Child trafficking and child rapists in the system seem far fetched but it happens...
when you are a shallow person who is more after his or her own gains in medicine and not having a genuine need to help people..
What do you see in more modern medicine that could be an affect of this?? Mass suicide drug abuse school shootings???
It's one thing when you have a sick person that does not understand were there problems come from that don't get help and people who do know we're the problems come from and are trying to seek help...
Mobius corpus
If you choose not to see the trauma in a victim I would think that would be a good reason not to be a doctor
I do wish you could be affected by the reality of what is many times now what your perspective is on some people's delusional state...maybe 🤔
Victimization of people that need help
Has become a trend for disaster

@052970 - 26.11.2022 00:56

Let’s look at who’s on which lists. As if the people around don’t already know. Please.

@052970 - 26.11.2022 00:55

Got the lists?

@052970 - 26.11.2022 00:55

Lists. Gather the lists. Hand them over of you know what’s best for you. It’s time. Running out of time.

@052970 - 26.11.2022 00:54

Who was on the list of people that would go into my apartment when I would leave and leave behind traces of being in my apartment when not there? Fess up. It’s time.

@carolweaver3269 - 21.11.2022 05:48

As the doctor was speaking this brought a few things from the past to my mind! In 2000 at 19 yrs old my nephew passed of acute Leukemia. he passed on the table during brain surgery. This came on quickly and no one knew he had it, he worked, and graduated school and yet sensed it as told his mom how he would want his funeral and yet his mom thought it was just funny and (I was not in agreement, but that is fine_ but anyway this happened in the process. But several years before this ( BTW he was loved by so many, and we had to have people who stood in streets of two towns to escort us from funeral parlor to the cemetery as we had so many cars behind us!) Anyway, he was much younger now and in school and he had lost this older man next door and his wife has passed, and they left him their home as she was a teacher and he worked at post office, and they did not have any children and called him their son. Well while in school my nephew was at first not doing so well at school in a certain subject, and al at once he surpassed everyone! The teacher spoke to his mom over this as she could not understand how he would "answer the questions BEFORE she would ask them!!!" They did not know for a while and finally he told them that this gentleman that passed away and left him the house was "sitting on his shoulder and telling him the answers!!" Now he was not the kind to speak like this and anyone that knew him would realize this. He did a type of mini lawn mower (go cart) races with lawnmowers with the motors in them and the young people would race them, and they did it for a long time and my brother worked with my nephew in the garage many nights getting them ready to race. Well after he passed away the young people kept it up in his honor for ten years! Just found it odd that this happened and WHY? He never heard anything ever before! After getting out of school it ended as well.

Also, after my grandmother passed away, I was vacuuming the house and all at once I smelled Roses! Now my son was VERY YOUNG, and I asked him " Do you smell anything?" He said "yes" i said " What do you feel you ae smelling?" He said " FLOWERS" I thought I would pass out! Yes, he got it right! It was so strong it was like it hit me in the face. But then was gone. This to me showed there is life after death, but it is very unusual things. I feel for my nephew, they may have been auditory hallucinations. Not sure if they would be the same as olfactory hallucinations for me, but I did not have any of the illnesses mentioned above?

But for me it was only the once. My nephew only had his temporarily though too. So, we did not have it last for a long period of time. But my nephew did pass away a few years later and not too many at that. Perhaps this dear neighbor who too k this family on as their own family and my nephew like a son, maybe he really did in spirit sit on his shoulder and help him receive those answers in school as how did it happen? the teacher was totally shocked, and they did not know how on earth he came from failing to an a plus all the time and he had answers before asked! Like a precursor to his passing in the next few years? I have chills actually, thinking back at this!

But so glad this was all spoken of today during this workshop as I certainly needed it as am sure many did too!

Love learning about all of these things! Thank you for bringing them to us,

@crystalstareternal - 19.11.2022 23:32

SZTPD, I have sensations and presences that are actually REALLY NICE!! In fact life saving to me at time… ‘Guardian Angels’ angelic Brings, fae, intergalactic beings… I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. They are my loves, my real family. When I had never felt connected from humans/living people, these Beings connected with me and made me feel loved and valued. Also arts and writing. Not all what you regard as on the SZ spectrum is bad.
