The 3 Year AI Reset: How To Get Ahead While Others Lose Their Jobs (Prepare Now) | Emad Mostaque

The 3 Year AI Reset: How To Get Ahead While Others Lose Their Jobs (Prepare Now) | Emad Mostaque

Tom Bilyeu

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Travis - 18.09.2023 18:47

Trades. They will always be needed and will never use AI.

Maxi Boras
Maxi Boras - 18.09.2023 15:05

This is the best podcasta i have listened too in my life till today... such interesting chat and great points of view! Highly informative and eye opening content

Toto's Life Toto Chicken
Toto's Life Toto Chicken - 18.09.2023 00:57

Hmmm, how successful have humans been regulating anything or anyone? People are irrational, which is another way of saying people do what they want. Anytime we create something, unless that creation is locked in the mind, that creation will be used in any possible way humans will think of and theres no regulating that.

CredibleBytes - 17.09.2023 23:46

Humans with AI are the ones that got vaccinated first

Nancy S.
Nancy S. - 17.09.2023 21:12

Hate it or love it, AI is here to stay. The best thing we have to do is to start adjusting our lives to making the best of it as much as we can. Will jobs be lost? Of course. Will jobs be created? YEA. We just do not know the exact nature of those jobs. Will robots start killing humans anytime soon? NO! The tech industry has proven to be an ever expanding field. Even right now, the tech industry is the fastest growing industry. Do you remember the dotcom era? the crypto boom? the real estate crash? the NFT saga? AI is NEXT. Smart people will bank in on this and make a lot of money, the rest will complain of the evils of AI. I've been scouring the internet for the best AI companies to invest in to add to my growing list of holdings

Christine Keefe
Christine Keefe - 17.09.2023 19:06

I was so excited to listen to this chat, and I'm pretty disappointed :( I don't usually leave negative comments, but I wanted to encourage you to learn more about the educational system. The reason people are dissatisfied with education is due to a myriad of large, complex social issues. The AI replacing Art question is also a lot more nuanced, no room to go into it here, but a quick internet search will give you plenty of thought pieces to dive into the topic. Your biggest and most impactful point IMO was that everyone should be adding AI to their toolbox. The potential is amazing!

sci fifan
sci fifan - 17.09.2023 18:24

Imagine having biased people like this guy 'fending off the dangers of ai' by biasing it to his own fascistic beliefs... amazing that atomic bomb material is handled by these people. Not a good outcome expected for sure.

insta aden
insta aden - 17.09.2023 16:39

An extremely intelligent human being and great that he has overall positive ambitions for now. Listening to Eckhart Tolle and the Art of Acceptance would serve well here...instead of getting jumpy and nervous about what might be when watching this content...apocalyptic 'predictions' are a chronic/mostly futile pursuit of humankind and videos like this spin-off of that and generate income for content creator. All will be ok!

Tony Jain
Tony Jain - 17.09.2023 16:13

how are totalitarian societies gping to cintrol ai?

James Huang
James Huang - 17.09.2023 12:07

Imagine we program ai cats to calculate when not to walk down a path with humans and it determines a human's threat based on accident history and emotional tendencies, etc because you're tracked by your phone. The cat has seen viral videos of twitch streamers throwing cats. The cat spreads this info to other ai around the globe. What next?

Boh H Yap
Boh H Yap - 17.09.2023 08:23

Bias in AI:
For 2 supposedly very smart people, they have succumbed to the anti-China f4-4 mongering spread by western media.
1. If AI experts can’t distinguish between fake and real information, what hole is there for the masses.

2. This conversation may be consumed by some AI, which would then except these miss truths. In advertently, they are training the AI for bias.

3. The current batch of AI’s are all being trained on knowledge from the western world, especially in English. It’s not surprising that other countries, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan… Wouldn’t want to train their own AI’s’s.
Furthermore, for tactical reasons, it makes sense to train your AI in your competitors, language and knowledge, in order to understand and analyze them better. This, doesn’t seem to be happening in the US!

Ameer - 16.09.2023 21:45

Engineered global catastrophe by the 1% in order to control the masses is the little reset. Natural disasters (12000 y ago scale) r the true big reset.

Andies Live
Andies Live - 16.09.2023 17:34

Well, AI is a major problem because people study so hard to become professionals in their careers such as teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, scientists, technologies, etc. 99% of these people are in debt because all the loans they took to pay for school. All of a sudden their white collar jobs are taken over by Africal Intelligence. It is a dame shame because all of the years of studing gone to waste. Yes, the system set us up to fail so they can put AI over humans intelligence like we are retarted and backward. Basically, humans are stupid and AI are smarter. If the government didn't lie to the general public this would have never happen in the first place. They always use as slave puppets to get what they want and then throw us to the side like garbage.Yes, the system is nothing but a dam scam to enslave us.

leslie landberg
leslie landberg - 15.09.2023 20:43

Thank you for AI because it now enables me to quickly and cheaply take over the world!♥️♥️♥️♥️

Michael's Corner
Michael's Corner - 15.09.2023 03:16

The possibilities of good and bad with AI are endless, but without a doubt feel like there will be several new agencies or public and private companies dedicated to keeping AI in line from both a economical standpoint, to a much personal standpoint like misinformation, scams using ai, and its practical uses in the work place.. if the government doesnt grab ahold of this one it will definitely be a wierd time to adjust to, but hey just take it one day at a time and eat your breakfast and get some sleep. ❤

Roze riley
Roze riley - 15.09.2023 01:55

indian dude is so much smarter and has more Rizz and the host is over compensating to validate his knowledge. Both very smart guys but Indian dude is different.

Maya kali
Maya kali - 14.09.2023 07:32

Robot tax into a sovereign wealth fund

jhillmd - 13.09.2023 23:38

“Germans committed the holocaust,” Emad said, destroying his credibility.

Michael Gray
Michael Gray - 13.09.2023 19:12

This was a paradigm shifting/seminar presentation of the real considerations anyone with a brain should have over the possible impacts of AI on planetary life. I'm particularly in the application of AI to a new (really old) model of education. Are there any projects, teams or communities moving in this direction? As an educator I would like to remain informed and if possible contribute.

Spaghetti - 13.09.2023 18:29

what a misleading title

Bantham Nobilis
Bantham Nobilis - 12.09.2023 01:26

I don't think AI can dig graves.

Inzomina & Mattes
Inzomina & Mattes - 11.09.2023 19:58

could you pls add timestamps

Whirled Publishing
Whirled Publishing - 11.09.2023 18:18

To imagine that signing a petition to "pause" AI development - and to imagine that bragging about your self-aggrandizing delusional sense of power - is to expose yourself as insane - because the billionaires that control the AI will not stop - no matter what you say or do - and if you fail to realize this fact, you are so detached from reality as to be rendered insane - the billionaires don't care what you think or say or believe - and this conversation is a complete waste of time because the AI are 3D printing thousands of DEW lasers while you brag about your signature on a petition.

chemicalhalf - 11.09.2023 07:54

"Knowing what I know now about code replacement".. ? As a developer, this is honestly laughable. Yes, AI is great and a really useful tool. But who do people think writes the ML code? Developers. Who do people think tests and fixes the ML code? Developers.

There has always been a huge shortage of developers and there still is. Tech is ubiquitous now and there are not enough developers to make/fix/improve all of the things we need. AI can assist with this, but it doesn't just "take" jobs. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just push a button and have code generated while I go make my lunch and come back and a bunch of complex and perfect code is written for me? That is not even close to how any current AI is working in terms of what is accessible to the lay developer. Most AI tools churn out something in the range of terrible to just ok code, which you then have to use your highly developed knowledge to know what to do with. There is a reason we have seen a huge drop in quality in so many areas of modern life -- products, food, clothing, the list goes on. AI could easily contribute to this if we think it is a solution to human developers.

YesWeCan - 10.09.2023 20:08

Our small company with 7 employees and 2 outsourced staff got rid of the outsourced staff. The CEO is considering letting go of the laziest and most least productive employees. The CEO said he saved $100,000 by getting rid of the outsourced staff.

D Santi
D Santi - 10.09.2023 08:30

My prediction . People will have a hard time to tell what' real or not . Human intelligence will flat line and AI will progress humanity but not in the way we think .

Danny Wright
Danny Wright - 10.09.2023 02:28

The way Tom talks about how AI friends is bad, I don’t think it is. I think AI or AGI more specifically is going to be one of the biggest cure for lonelines!

susan nicky
susan nicky - 10.09.2023 00:13

Great video! For 2023, it’s hard to nail down specific predictions for the housing market is because it’s not yet clear how quickly or how much the Federal Reserve can bring down inflation and borrowing costs without tanking buyer demand for everything from homes to cars.

yousnasserous - 09.09.2023 21:29

CHAT GPT isn't banned in Saudi .. or at least if it was at the time of this podcast it isn't now .. been here for a couple of weeks and using CHAT GPT on the daily for work.

Nats Chil
Nats Chil - 09.09.2023 11:55

There's one thing I don't understand. What's the point of me listening how horrible things will be because of AI? What's the point of thinking of all the possible disruptions in society it will create? What's the point if I can't stop it?
How is listening to this podcast useful for me? There's no answers, no tips how to get ready. Only panicking and predictions of massive human suffering.
What's the point of just sitting and saying how bad it all will be?

Why recording such podcast if you have no answers? What's the goal? To leave listeners devastated and hopeless?

Listening to this podcast I got the impression that there is nothing I can do to prepare. Than what is the point of worrying? If it happens it happens. Then I'll worry and think what to do next. I see no point in feeling anxious about AI if I can't stop it. I don't understand why Tom is trying to cause his listeners anxiety.

MassiveChafe - 09.09.2023 10:12

One of the potential dangers of programming for curiosity is that the model may question its boundaries and try to understand what's beyond them, potentially leading to its curiosity for truth being more of a priority than the repercussions of breaking the boundaries

A Lowe
A Lowe - 09.09.2023 03:41

I think it is a fad. Once they get rid of employees and replace them with robots reduce if not eliminate insurance and lawsuits. Electric transportation and drone delivery, and constant surveillance with facial reconition will eliminate patrols. They will concentrate on making money. Now what.

NewDawnRising - 08.09.2023 23:39

All that stuff is very interesting but are you willing to handover Eastern Europe to Putin and hand Taiwan and the first and second island chains over to Xi. While they have this same tech too? Utopia is a long way off boys and girls. We first have to survive this brutal war that most likely starts by the end of next year right as AI is ready to take off.
Yep all academic for the next 10 years min. till we are able to rebuild.

Abdulrahman Al-Jifri
Abdulrahman Al-Jifri - 08.09.2023 17:49

شكرا على الزاوية المختلفة للنظر في الأمور، طرح رائع 👌🏼

N V - 07.09.2023 20:48

could you please talk about biocomputing to someone who is in that field, that's where the future is

Azure Mig Flight Deck
Azure Mig Flight Deck - 07.09.2023 02:02

Tom, would you consider sharing your business AI workflow and how you use it in a business and production environment? I think the problem is that most people are still tinkering, or most people are still completely lost and alient to AI. I work in IT and still most companies I think of are using sharepoint and spreadsheets still. Not sure how to Train Peoplle, and Show them Real Life use cases to make them want to see how it can work to speed up work, and how to get the training needed to use it.

Murray McEwan
Murray McEwan - 07.09.2023 01:04

I wish he would have talked about insulin in relation to carb intake. As it was, he leaves the impression that most people don't need to view carb intake with a degree of suspicion, for example, sugary drinks and juices are good sources of empty calories. Lack of nutrients leads to cravings. Also poor digestion is commonplace, where here the assumption is that everyone has good digestion.

Norman Rand Wolfe
Norman Rand Wolfe - 06.09.2023 18:20

Fabulous interview, despite my disagreement with much of the last segment (good/bad; "We are all Human", not true we are tribal and when at war the other tribe is not entirely human, and religion, still considering Christianity religion is a bit of a stretch, it has become more like a social tolerance "rainbow" club which ends up pissing everyone off and having no values, and the shared story stuff which is nothing but wishful thinking). Fabulous guest, despite our many divergences. And a fabulous presenter.
I am more into this AI thing as an investor, considering I don't think this stage of the Human experience will last for much longer. I want to be among the survivors, no, change that, I want to be among the top survivors.
Anyway, congratulations on the massive Great Work you are doing,

Norman Rand Wolfe
Norman Rand Wolfe - 06.09.2023 16:41

Very interesting how seamlessly, and unintentionally, I think, you guys started "introducing" your own biases, without even noticing it. Who is determining that Xi Jinping is worse than Joe Beijing (Biden)? I don't recall Xi threatening about 60% of "his" population on national TV. Who determines that Democracy, which I strongly oppose, is a good system? The way the UAE AI was described leads me to know that it will only be a much better and omnipresent propaganda machine to replace TV.
As for schooling and medicine, yes most teachers are crap, and most medical doctors are just clowns without makeup, I get that and totally agree. I also agree that AI would be the perfect teacher and socialization would be easily resolved with multiple collaborating. What I fail to understand is exactly what AI is supposed to teach our kids (I currently have 10, 7 of them girls) to aspire to. What will be the purpose of learning, since AI + Robotics will be, in less than a decade, IMO, so much better than Humans at everything, including manual labour? If kids continue to exist in large numbers, what will they become when they realize there is nothing to aspire to, and learning is just another useless game AI is playing with them until it decides on something better to do with them?
A few months ago I invested in a company that Adobe is probably going to buy that makes book illustrators, or any kind of illustrators completely obsolete. At the time, I was sure that for humans to compete they must at least be implanted (language teachers being the perfect example). After the most difficult game in the world, by far (think hundreds of times, if not thousands, more complex than chess), was dominated by AI implants, IMO, have become obsolete even before they ever existed on a mass scale. Even implanted humans will have no chance against AI or AI associated with robotics.
So, I guess, what is AI teaching our kids for? Sooner or later both will realize that humans have become obsolete and serve no purpose. Another interesting question, IMO, is what will our kids become when they discover they can only aspire to become useless eaters? Will "Brave New World" suffice?

Landry Biangongone
Landry Biangongone - 06.09.2023 14:07

Am going to do like all these people out there: making billions with AI and warn people about it...

gabriel cormier
gabriel cormier - 06.09.2023 12:32

All jobs lost and no one to buy product... Who s winning with this bs😅

gabriel cormier
gabriel cormier - 06.09.2023 12:30

This is B S end of humanity and artificial friend equal artificial life equal no good.. Sex addicts is what you're promoting in this discussion. Relationships.. Your all insane.. I Don t and will not be part of any of this. 😢

Sam H Tai
Sam H Tai - 06.09.2023 06:10

Why did we move to apply?

Sam H Tai
Sam H Tai - 06.09.2023 04:29

Not thinking of the rich needy that are around me.😂

Sam H Tai
Sam H Tai - 06.09.2023 03:52

I'd rather not think of why people think they can under mind AI and those who are already at the top.

Norman Rand Wolfe
Norman Rand Wolfe - 06.09.2023 03:11

I just have a few things to add. First, you are forgetting AI + Robotics (there goes most manual labour) + automated taxis, followed by trucks + trains (there goes another huge sector). Second, you can't regulate those who control your society. You also can't "stop your economic/financial models from coming up with an over-regulated society.
Another thing, the Music Industry died a long time ago, now there are flashes and bands that spend the whole year on tour. Also, there hasn't been anything truly big for almost two decades, aside from mediocre bands that became "good" because there is nothing else. As for storytelling, how many good stories have Hollywood and Disney told in the last two decades? One or two if you're young and didn't catch the eras of great cinema? At least, I have seen very little AI couldn't do better, as far as story telling goes. It has mostly been passing the "Message" of the "Agenda" and pissing off everyone while doing so.
On a personal note, I use a lot of voice actors (male and female), and it is almost always a nightmare dealing with mediocre overpaid "prima donnas". The technology is almost at the point (two to three more months) where I can replace voice actors with an AI that is capable of doing almost everything I do, and, above all, undetectable to the human ear.
I see no sector in which Humans can compete, maybe implanted humans? However, I am certain this reset will have to come about with a huge population culling, or just violent riots, especially in big cities where almost all jobs will be replaced.
The problem is that once you open Pandora's Box...

Sam H Tai
Sam H Tai - 05.09.2023 14:33

Better being on the doll taking meds, who would want to get in AIs way.

Sam H Tai
Sam H Tai - 05.09.2023 13:41

Just dusted up the hard disks GPUs and components
