Life Beyond the Universe. Journey into Outer Space [Documentary 2022]

Life Beyond the Universe. Journey into Outer Space [Documentary 2022]

Evil Space

2 года назад

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Shane McCormack
Shane McCormack - 25.06.2023 02:24

The parts with the music should be cut out. Makes me change to another video 😢

Head Communications
Head Communications - 29.03.2023 11:50

Could Convergent Evolution give us a different view on the limits of space and time?

Convergent evolution occurs when species occupy similar ecological niches adapt in similar ways in response to similar selective environmental pressures. Traits that arise through convergent evolution such as photosynthesis, eyesight, echolocation, and flight are referred to as 'analogous structures' and will vary for survival of the species. Should behaviors such as curiosity, survival, and innovation evolve as well?

Lets look at innovation. Inventions such as musical instruments, art, language, propulsion, healthcare, have developed independent in geographically separated regions, and underwent a convergent evolution. Inventors arrived at similar ideas and conclusions without contact with one another.

In our last 200 year old innovation cycle, we reached the point where we can travel limited distances in space using chemical combustion rocketry. In applying Convergent Evolution to innovation, one can assume that an older type 2 or type 3 society on the Kardashev scale (here on earth in our past or elsewhere) with a million year innovation cycle would have reached a point where their transportation means would use methods and physics completely unknown and unimaginable to us. Through this, they could perhaps exceed the limitations of space and time and reach us if desired.

6ofWrev - 28.02.2023 06:06 much?

the EQUATION - 26.02.2023 07:24

This expresses the psychedelia inherent in the cosmic perspective very well. blurs the lines between fantasy and reality a bit much but it's great.

Eddie Vanpachtenbeke
Eddie Vanpachtenbeke - 06.02.2023 15:18

Merci beaucoup!

John B
John B - 06.02.2023 11:54

Your Universe including the human species, is just "Virtual Reality", ( a "Holographic Simulation" ) being displayed in a very small Display Register, of "The processing System of LIFE" ! "LIFE The Real Self", is non-Dimensional, and in NO WAY represents, nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species !

JAY DEL ROSARIO - 02.02.2023 14:51


JAY DEL ROSARIO - 02.02.2023 14:47


Peter Rocc
Peter Rocc - 28.01.2023 07:26

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. (Psalms 51:1-4)

tdb65 - 24.01.2023 08:50

Prototyping the sun. Love it⛅

mike ez love
mike ez love - 24.01.2023 02:20

our best bet is stickin to un maned operations because so far the idea of everything on a ship has not been a totaly feasable true ark since all miss out on actual arkeness which mean orbulation aka a ball mimicing the shape for ballance between light and dark...and all telescopes are only one singlulare tube vs multiple pointing out spike ball looks to look in the full 360 degree and simotaneousy be able to both suck and blow from adjacent jet tubes or crawl and roll from the prog legs that push out of those tubes maximixen suction points too vs the dorectional points that make a balancer blow for projection and thats still massive without the rest of the cycles of nature to maintain a mimic of natures full system inside because theres alot more than just evaporation and condensation but looking and traveling systems are much easier without all the extras ,because number one is finding a place befitable... if anywhere else.... and the next method is mineing else where by manless mechanics ....otherwise too much danger in waisting earths resourses.... too many times would eventualy shrink the earth in all the failed efforts thrown to space junk as theyve already done with satilites they didnt need to destroy beyond earths grasp.... you might laff but pennies equate to mountains and mountains of loss for millions of years can make a very depleated world that grew in multibillions of years in gathering dust vs tossing out several tons at a time vs gathering a little more when we start falling short on specific resources ...since theres plenty out there in our closest neigbors ..otherwise i dont sugest force changing wheathers on other planets or risk awol planet motions caused by temperature changes beyond natural orders for this reason we are best to stay with only observational sciences since theres only one control group and not a thousand clones to makes verious changes just to see what happens when ya faile so only the one chance to see what originaly happens in the normal orders but curious to see what all can be conceived for an ark ship since we dont know what happens in the planetary shifts of how long between habitable earth to ark ship to next habitational earth but the goldy lox zone is generaly the same ...yet its biblical as well and it makes sense as a cable chain cored of fuel for the solar sytems air conditioner system the marbles that feed the fire to the gasing that traverses to the outer cold where it gathers and makes a new ice ball that gathers dust and dusty ice that compresses becomes a biger solid mass compressing so its a basicly a balanced implo explo system and we are along one of the marbles jumping ship every time it shifts gears so our best average record idea is a 40 day and nights listed twice and we dont know if thats a prophetic measure or normal representation of math since it was belittled down to a kids version of lesser terms so may be more like a 40 years or 400 but listed twice implements two seperat times of light periode and then matched in a dark periode likely representing much larger spacial waters and space travel bigger than just a travel on waters from nation to nation spishhhh and drawings only show the average 2 sections missing out on the 3rd section as animals include water based life hints the reason for the 3rd mentioned in the book but i think most miss out on that fuller description detail so they dont conceive it as anything biger than a normal little tiney earth boat...and yet if ya catch it ya start paying attention to other keys and larger scales and older teck vs generations of decline in attention and big disasters to climb back out of and find little by little till a light bulb flips on and makes ya look closer at what the old hints was saying about the system but the numbers may even be for 40,thousand years in attentional awareness vs another 40,thousand of dim witted blindness but thats an average transition expectancey of the only thing we got in record to base it off of ,,so comparing this goes in hand with ark ship discusions of getting some idea for how long it might take between planetational shifts to get an idea of how long you would have to be able to survive in a ship or on the next planet and to calculate the shortest time without force changeing the system but from the last moment survivable on earth to the next moment of when you can finaly step out of the ship as noah and the knowawes family or "peoples " but that old to that deep in reading for an idea among all the new ideas to reflect on the old ideas to consider its relavance to a somewhat more likely more accurate provided the measures dont have a variational difference vs everythings moveing at a basic standard matching pace to predictate the future of taken our gifts to the next house and celle'braideing our flud into the next planet even if it is a long way off but still worth the coment to notice for the 2 and 2 to be reconsidered but anyways interestin....but noah only had 8 for the 8 continants and yet today its so mixed you wouldnt recognize the old original 8 continental differences even if ya go higher it would be sugested to locate the basis on the same 8 divisable groups otherwise its been known as 7 conts aka 7 spirits but there was an 8th so your talking only two couples from every race and a last extra 6 people? kinda thows it off to a very small chance then socialism instead of seclusionary so ya dont have a shurety that they wont all get sick vs segrational travel to secure the chances because even social disorder causes more chance of disruptional fusses so its about behavioral issues on a crampt ship that acts like a germ in itself crampt tired irrational dis ease can effect all like a bad periode mood swingan the entire ships house so a clasterphobic disease among the paranoyias already associated with space being so close as a thin wall or window as bad as motion sickness on a boat but ok reasonable thought too

Adawg 303
Adawg 303 - 09.01.2023 02:04

We need to find some kind of faster than light travel, or else the large slow ark is our only hope... There are many flaws with the ark however, we NEED FTL drive

yeshua sage
yeshua sage - 12.12.2022 23:10

This is science fiction but i love it

A spinning cylinder to imitate gravity which is a few km long will absolutely drive ppl insane bcuz ppl would feel it spinning, we don’t feel earth spinning bcuz it’s so huge

Tumour island
Tumour island - 12.12.2022 12:44

This was very fun to watch super super high

Same Bsnewday
Same Bsnewday - 15.11.2022 17:11

Do u all sit round a camp fire singing songs or some sht

Educational Documentaries
Educational Documentaries - 03.11.2022 15:27


Danni Danni
Danni Danni - 10.10.2022 15:48

Tankyou so much universe 🙏🌹🌹🌹🙏❤️🇲🇾

Cypress Stones
Cypress Stones - 21.09.2022 12:43


Jason Moray
Jason Moray - 20.09.2022 03:28

They should be polygamous...

Quentin Browne
Quentin Browne - 10.09.2022 10:33

Generation starship are not practical because you would need to re-engineer the human mind to lose its adventure and open space needs..more tinkering would also be need in their minds to make them docile ants or else the whole business with go down the toilet.

Billy T. cat
Billy T. cat - 04.09.2022 22:26

Blisstonia awaits

TheMasterblaster32 - 01.09.2022 07:27

Hope they aren't listening to drill music.

Chad Humphries
Chad Humphries - 27.08.2022 02:42

There are more stars than grains of sand on Earth. Most stars have multiple planets orbiting them. Definitely life out there somewhere.

Ranjeet Singh
Ranjeet Singh - 25.08.2022 18:02

On one hand I want humans to succeed and be multi planet species and on other hand I worry that we can't even get along on the planet, where life exists. Let's be worthy of living on this planet before we find another planet to live on.

Tim Rock-It
Tim Rock-It - 18.08.2022 11:13

If Life is possible "beyond the universe", then there really would be no need to travel across this one first to find out. I mean, the only thing "beyond a universe" is a Multiverse Network, which you need to bend the laws of physics (or add to the laws of physics) to navigate, and if you're capable of doing that, then be ready to pop out and back into existence without physically having to travel any-dam-where! No cryogenics. No generation abuse. Simply POP out, zip over, POP back in ... and ... Honey, I'm back from Universe-42 Galaxy-MW1. Got a Deer this time! --- Errr, What's a Deer? --- Don't know exactly, but the locals said it would be very tasty.

tdb65 - 14.08.2022 06:48

Not 2mention twald need 2b built like the Parker probe

John Rudy
John Rudy - 01.08.2022 03:04

Fermi paradox. Components and elements needed for some kind of life?,,yes. Others traversing the galaxy , let alone the universe?,,,,questionable as to using resources to with us?.....doesnt seem practical.
We will go, get better at it constantly and benefit. How long? man can say.🤔

Antonio Montana
Antonio Montana - 30.07.2022 05:20

Don't use music

Grayson Oliver
Grayson Oliver - 27.07.2022 08:36

I clicked on this for background noise while I procrastinate like my future isn't on the line. And I got totally absorbed into it.

I wish I could step foot on a different planet, especially a planet with a view.

Olando Anônimo
Olando Anônimo - 25.07.2022 14:01

Need this for sleeping reasons.

Cripkie - 24.07.2022 18:40

Wouldnt you just send dna with machines that could clone humans from it. seems like its unnesasry to send grown people.

UNUR GOMBO - 23.07.2022 23:46

Interesting and beautiful documentary…
Well done .. Thank u for sharing..

Peter Zinn
Peter Zinn - 21.07.2022 15:46

I love the documentary, though

Peter Zinn
Peter Zinn - 21.07.2022 15:45

It's never going to happen or be possible.
But we can do anything achieve anything in one's imagination.
That's why it's called Fantasy .

DELAS C - 21.07.2022 13:54

I watch to sleep it's so well produced

JC - 18.07.2022 16:50

is possible 1000 years from now if we around technology will be amazing

Echo Ferret
Echo Ferret - 15.07.2022 23:36

Most of this was extremely long intermissions of visuals and sound…

David Barnard
David Barnard - 13.07.2022 14:11

Or just freeze sperm......

Thenuja Bandara
Thenuja Bandara - 13.07.2022 07:56

Your voice is like T2S

Randy R
Randy R - 12.07.2022 12:13

This will not ever happen if our governments and regimes keep making wars!

Wouldn't it be great If every country would get along and set the same goal for space travel!!!!

G Wilson
G Wilson - 12.07.2022 07:06

Crap, combustion technology based upon our current science will never accomplish this. I mean we haven't been back to the moon since'72, if ever. We send a blue phallic symbol into low earth orbit and that was supposed to be an accomplishment just for high altitude tourism. Until we crack antigravity code and follow Tesla's lead of sourcing power from the ether itself all of this is just entertainment.

Kaos Kryst
Kaos Kryst - 10.07.2022 11:24

Impractical, test tube babies would be so much more effective.

ninzapou - 09.07.2022 00:38

Perfect voice for the awesome space journey.

Troy Wilson
Troy Wilson - 08.07.2022 17:32

I wish everyone could watch this. I think it would change the way we are living right now.

Scandy Oz
Scandy Oz - 08.07.2022 13:13

Imagine your great great great grandparents was born and died on that ship and now its your turn
