Why Did Monarchies Disappear?

Why Did Monarchies Disappear?

History Scope

1 год назад

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MAGDELYN LAW - 21.10.2023 15:48

😂😂😂😂😂,Yes right

Nathon - 16.10.2023 21:16

"rome and china are the exception for centralized government"

>proceeds to mention the ottoman empire's centralized government, which would also be an exception of the time.

Андрей Марқус Гвердыр
Андрей Марқус Гвердыр - 12.10.2023 18:00

Switzerland was never a Monarchy. Why is western history always pretending like Switzerland never existed?

David Lucey
David Lucey - 06.10.2023 06:53

So many dictators are de facto kings

Acel Nikitta
Acel Nikitta - 06.10.2023 02:40

Communism, world war 2 and the US hegemony

Ovo - 05.10.2023 14:59

Nice video, but there's one problem. Governments still derive their power from the threat of force

AgentOfFortune36 - 05.10.2023 12:05

Bring back monarchies.

Adam Jutras
Adam Jutras - 05.10.2023 08:40

We still have them in the form of nepotism. There are all kinds of families that have had multiple generations enter politics.

Your votes aren't worth what you think.

Strahinja Krstić
Strahinja Krstić - 05.10.2023 07:59

Gone to graveyards everyone.

John King
John King - 03.10.2023 18:12

History? How did you get that ignorant? I am British and constantly disgusted by the servility of my fellow citizens, they are happy to be described as 'subjects'. Millions of them are believers in the state church of which the monarch is the head. Britain is falling behind Europe because of its retarded constitution and the core and heart of the disgusting British class system is the monarchy.

Ashari Ad
Ashari Ad - 02.10.2023 15:15

your channel is very content, thank you very much, I just started college majoring in government

Jonas Biebusch
Jonas Biebusch - 01.10.2023 10:59

germany wasn't an absolute monarchy but a constitutional one

Kenny Carter
Kenny Carter - 01.10.2023 08:03

I wonder what kind of govt will replace congress and parliments

Case in point govt shutdown in America soon it seems due to crappy congress

sLx Gaming
sLx Gaming - 29.09.2023 14:10

Morocco is also an monrachie

Grunge - 29.09.2023 06:31

Morocco Is a constitutional monarchy

Djocko Mir
Djocko Mir - 28.09.2023 12:39

Thanks for this video, i have exam in constituional law tomorrow!

Willow Forest
Willow Forest - 28.09.2023 08:51

I love looking into history, and I found this quite fascinating....thank you very much

William Rockwell
William Rockwell - 28.09.2023 07:10

It sounds like the French invented a job ponzi scheme.

Beniřa Dažel
Beniřa Dažel - 26.09.2023 15:24

Because ppl woke up ❤

G.Grindelwald - 25.09.2023 20:31

What about thailand?😂😂😂😅

Raquel Chapa
Raquel Chapa - 25.09.2023 20:12

i wish you were my history teacher

RP - 25.09.2023 09:33

So... where was the constitution written in England? 😁😁

Necropolis TC
Necropolis TC - 25.09.2023 05:01

monarchs disappeared because it's easier to trick people into servitude when they think their vote matters

Hark eerat
Hark eerat - 24.09.2023 19:41

What i want to know is how nobles gained land and power in the beginning during pre feudalism. Did they start as village chiefs or tribe leaders or village elders?

Not Pro
Not Pro - 23.09.2023 22:40


Jacko From South
Jacko From South - 23.09.2023 18:31

I find it wild that you didn't mention the rise of Liberal ideas that inspired both the American Revolution and French Revolution but you did mention the Communist Manifesto

PingvinAnd1 - 23.09.2023 15:31

the way denmark got an absulute monarchy was that denmark was in a war against sweden, copenhagen was bieng besieged and the king got the high officials into his house, he than locked that doors and ordered all men in the room who had a gun to aim at the high officials and sayd that if they didn't let him get all the power he would order the muricans to shoot them, they didn't want to die so they gave him all power and the pewdiepie army was sent back to the land of minecraft

Wotplayer 332
Wotplayer 332 - 23.09.2023 05:15

Byzantine Empire: the emperor are choosed by god but if you kill the emperor and declare yourself as the emperor, god choosed you to be the emperor:)

A A - 20.09.2023 21:26

Because 🇺🇸

FunnCubes - 18.09.2023 14:09

You should look into Lichtenstein and it's current government.

AJ Ford-Arausa
AJ Ford-Arausa - 14.09.2023 02:31

North Korea could be considered a monarchy

AJ Ford-Arausa
AJ Ford-Arausa - 14.09.2023 01:40

What’s going on with America in the map in the beginning

Adho - 10.09.2023 22:26

Otto Von Bismark was the reason why world war was at halt. His removal created a vacumm which resulted in discontent from Balkans. Placing him with Hitler is not very accurate.

Jan Kai Premec
Jan Kai Premec - 09.09.2023 22:04

There are a few very minor mistakes in this video but one thats very funny is that Haiti didnt elect a king, they elected an EMPEROR.

Meso Anto
Meso Anto - 09.09.2023 09:33

Science is a creation .
Science Is an instrument of measurement it doesn't describe or cannot describe a creator.
A created god is a delusion.
Science measures point to point
Science cannot describe God

Word is cognitive
Sight is perceptive
We understand God by using the bible

Nathan Wilson
Nathan Wilson - 07.09.2023 00:38

This episode was fantastic! Thank you. The description of the development of increasing centralization and the politics of feudalism was excellent.
God be with you out there everybody. ✝️ :)

Jacob Bumgardner
Jacob Bumgardner - 06.09.2023 08:34

Monarchies died because a military alliance whose leader was the United States conquered the world in 1945 and set up governments all over it which were mini imitations of herself (mostly failures). I think the criticisms of bureaucratic excess in monarchial England are pretty silly in contrast to modern government.

Daniel M. Nyberg
Daniel M. Nyberg - 05.09.2023 16:27

A monarchy and an absolute monarchy are two not exactly the same thing. Sweden is a constitutional monarchy, so is Norway, Denmark, the UK, Canada, Japan, Australia and other countries.

Gboygaming789 - 02.09.2023 22:51

I’d agree the British monarchy had power (religious power cause they are the head of the Anglican Church)

Magnus Outlaw
Magnus Outlaw - 01.09.2023 19:57


Templar - 29.08.2023 18:36

The French Revolution and its consequences...

G Nk
G Nk - 27.08.2023 17:49

As an American, I am used to seeing an over-exaggeration of US influence in the current world order (often comically so) being either for the positive or the negative. This is perhaps the first time I have seen (in a long time), de-emphasized to a degree that I disagreed with. Only moderately (maybe just mildly) mind you, but yeah, I definitely think it was downplayed a bit too much.

The knowledge of Rome/Athens/Renaissance also seemed to be ignored. Similarly, a decent downplaying of the rise of the Merchant/bourgeoisie as influenced by the black death.

I don't mean to say it isn't better than an overemphasis on those subjects, but I certainly noticed their glaring absence.

Like how the American Revolution's success in the US helped influence the push in the French Revolution was ignored. Or how the US, coming out of WWI/WWII nearly scathed and thus could pressure the European dominance/systems, was practically ignored. Also, how Marxism didn't wasn't the only socialist/idea floating around to drive future change... anyhow I liked it, but it was funny to see.

Mark Pong
Mark Pong - 27.08.2023 05:35

It boils down to the most important question: which political system is better? For a start we must accept that none of them is perfect. To compare the systems we have to ask: what is important for citizens of a country? What do people want from their government?
1. Economic prosperity.
As little as possible government involvement in the economy. To be only a judge in economic disputes.
2. Bureaucracy is limited with a monarchy as the king must spend his own money. With any kind of democracy bureaucracy constantly increases their numbers. Kings might risk their lives by increasing taxes. Presidents and ministers do not. During monarchy rules taxes were very small when compared with those during democratic rule. Democracy makes responsibility for any failure diluted between the government and the citizens. It is almost impossible to find a politician who is responsible for any mistake made by the government.
3. A king looks at the country as his own. He also wants to leave the country to his son in the best possible condition. A president or a minister are in charge for a short time and have to take country resources for themselves rather quickly. Many of them become rich on a government's salary. A king always tries to reduce expenses. Presidents and ministers always increase expenses. Kings think about the future, presidents and ministers think of personal welfare not the country's future. If it is possible "to kick a can down the road", they always do that.
There are many factors indicating that a monarchy is preferable to any kind of democracy. No prominent thinker ever preferred democracy. Democracy gives some power only to the groups by taking it from an individual. Democracy divides people and produces hatred between different groups. Democracy leads to one of the forms of socialism: communism or fascism. It doesn't care about individual rights.
In all countries with constitutional monarchy the king is the head of state and as such has no political power. The king should be the head of the government and as such have responsibility for the country. Then monarchy will become the best system for any country.

Akmon - 26.08.2023 12:12

Well the Romans empire was at start a republic

Frozen - 26.08.2023 08:00

Europe choose democracy, ... and thus its downfall began!
