The Philosophy of Rick and Morty – Wisecrack Edition

The Philosophy of Rick and Morty – Wisecrack Edition


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Nicholas Burch
Nicholas Burch - 15.09.2023 00:19

Just laugh at the horror of existence? Thats stupid. You think your human existence is of an arbitrary nature? That is ridiculous. Your life does not happen at random. Thatd just mean you couldnt explain it yet.

MrKW - 12.09.2023 21:49

Very simply said, Rick and Morty is something that just simply shows how useless, dumb and insignificant we are. (which by the way we are, even after all the stuff we went through, its all just NOTHING)

Jen Emits Light
Jen Emits Light - 02.09.2023 23:08

And also Rick's arc is becoming the absurd hero. But I know this video was years ago, so you're forgiven 😋

Jen Emits Light
Jen Emits Light - 02.09.2023 23:06

I almost wrote an angry letter until you did talk about Camus

Elias - 26.08.2023 20:28

I havent watched the video yet amd im scared becuase I've seen video essays on books/movies i really like and they ruined them for me

humanvoice - 14.08.2023 16:17

This is exactly why this series never appealed to me even after being so funny. Rick could never find God or meaning of life, so he isn't that smart. He just thinks he is smart based on limited science, like billions in the world. Nietzsche and Camus, what a cheerful combination to approach life with. 🙃

Lion Ra
Lion Ra - 08.08.2023 02:26

Thank you!

Maddox Oehlke
Maddox Oehlke - 08.08.2023 01:05

What should I gain from this video?

Lukenithepolyglot - 07.07.2023 23:18

I sadly identify as Jerry and it kills me inside..

Hollowdude15 - 22.06.2023 17:10

I like how people was talking about rick and morty for years all because of their cool series and great video man :]

Iam_ALEX WHAT_ - 17.06.2023 04:41

... Thanks for letting me know. This show isn't SH1T

Eesham Bhattacharyya
Eesham Bhattacharyya - 12.06.2023 03:54

the fact that the galactic federation was run by bug people proves this point quite well

Deanna L. Newton
Deanna L. Newton - 06.06.2023 20:47

I think I understand why I never came around watching that show because it has a lot of scary stuff in it and I'm not a fan of the horror genre as a whole because Rick & Morty is essentially showing cosmic horror albeit in a comedic light, it's still cosmic horror no matter how you slice it. I'm mostly into cosmic realism, which shows that technology and the sci-fi trope can be used in ordinary life as shown in Futurama. While I do appreciate the fact that they incorporated existentialism on an animated show about an alcoholic scientist and his grandson, existentialism doesn't really scare me as much as it facinates me on how infinite our possibilities could be with every decision we make.

First name Last name
First name Last name - 06.05.2023 13:07

no this show is a celebration of science and rationality you dumb s***s

Leo Zendo
Leo Zendo - 05.05.2023 09:22

funny but not quite as spcific as nier automata or similar.

Nico Ram
Nico Ram - 08.04.2023 09:17

Rick lives in a godless world cuz he is a creation of humans in this reality meaning he's godless cuz we are imperfect in the imitation of creating life thru animation ot writing cuz we are immature beings trying to imitate what our creator did so of course Rick know there's no God in his reality he jumps around in cuz we barley understand our own creator but we imitate that creator habits of trying to create from books ro games ro movies to now AI we have been imitating what the one who created us did but we imperfect no were near his glory so all we can creat is stories n reflection of stories but that don't mean they don't hold life within them even if just a tiny bit cuz we where created in his image not physically but in out characteristics n in our emotions meaning why we have been trying to create sumthing beneath since the beginning of modern human ....... maybe I'm being to much of a Rick but I highly doubt it lmao he made us in his glory to be capable to be in his glory in all aspects .. we didn't take clay or dirt n molded life but we took what he gave us which was his breath if life n spoken n written universes into exciting cuz like he said let there be light n the vibration n intent of our spoken word can change the molecular essence of water when intent is spoken n pushed on it what makes yall think that the fact of the amount of intent n brain power that has gone onto this amazing stories n then the simple n immature animation of our thought that are projected world wide.. n yall think Rick is just a character lmfao no he n every story is a sentient being lower then us in the dimensional spectrum but they are there my brothers n sisters .. remember stories came from factual events before be stated making our own version of things lol..... it sucks to be truly awoke n see this 3D reality so lame like I do hahaha... I hope there's someone out there who understands what I'm saying ...... I hope n pray to meet the few who get what I'm saying

Frank D
Frank D - 02.03.2023 22:24

Subtitles not working?

Alena 03
Alena 03 - 14.02.2023 03:53

the thing is, in his multiverse there IS a god, Anne. he just refuses to acknowledge it because "shocker" anne may be smarter and more mature than him

Smilthy - 07.02.2023 23:45

What is up with the captions??!!?😢

Juliana Witzke de Brito
Juliana Witzke de Brito - 30.01.2023 02:16

This is the best video ever

Yrva - 31.12.2022 11:12

He's so cool

Yrva - 31.12.2022 11:12

I know

DampPuddle - 28.12.2022 19:57

FIRST, hey wisecrack, I love your content, and I was just thinking, do you think the suden appearance of Mr. PB (haha), is a SUBTLE commentery on the unpredictability of life, and how we've just gota roll with it,

love ur content btw,

inferno0020 - 20.12.2022 18:50

Rick Sanchez and Punisher, two icons of the most narcissistic followers, should fight each other.

Jarl Aimery Lim
Jarl Aimery Lim - 12.12.2022 14:33

What happened to the thumbnail lmao

Carson Powell
Carson Powell - 18.11.2022 08:57

i feel like you copied basically what will schoder said about this

Gregory Carr
Gregory Carr - 04.11.2022 15:11

Watching this explanation of the meaningless Ness of existence, and it is David with political ads… That was too good not to share.

Michael Gutierrez
Michael Gutierrez - 02.11.2022 02:35

Y’all need Jesus

Kelvin Ivin
Kelvin Ivin - 22.10.2022 12:54

A perfect world is a world without humans.😁😁

M C - 02.10.2022 21:51

Morty's gone to school and college probably a dozen times as Roy, but is still failing.

501 Devincci
501 Devincci - 27.09.2022 05:43

Bruh this video six years ago 😳

Joe Bitters
Joe Bitters - 26.09.2022 10:21

Space is a freemasonic lie. The earth is flat, dumbass

i dunno✅
i dunno✅ - 24.09.2022 16:51

When Rick and Morty die you got it wrong the one that replaced the dead ones are our Rick and morty

Mycelium nature
Mycelium nature - 23.09.2022 05:32

The messengers being ignored.

Mr. Walu
Mr. Walu - 20.09.2022 08:09

And every ten seconds it stabs your bowls 😅😅

Kitsune Palmer
Kitsune Palmer - 13.09.2022 04:17

Dan Harmon speaks the language of the human condition. How he is able to create and navigate conflict for what it actually is, is incredible. From Community to Frankenhole to Rick and Morty he really is something broken and special

Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong Un - 30.08.2022 13:28

Everyone's talking about Ricks and Jerries and here I identify as a Morty.

TheAllSeeingEye - 27.08.2022 10:43

The closed captioning is out of sync

Samuel Mensah
Samuel Mensah - 14.08.2022 00:26

we are none of them and all of them, there are parts of us we can see in every character, that is the hallmark of a timeless show

Sky Darmos
Sky Darmos - 13.08.2022 05:38

The only thing that is fucked up is the brain of this commentator. I have to through up just listening to this.

Sky Darmos
Sky Darmos - 13.08.2022 04:43

“The active nihilist seeks to destroy the old values”? So this is Antifa and this was the communist culture revolution ... and so are CIA funded Middle East terrorists.

Sky Darmos
Sky Darmos - 13.08.2022 04:42

“Love is a chemical reaction” is such a pile of nonsense.

Sky Darmos
Sky Darmos - 13.08.2022 01:32

The atheism/nihilism is very backwards. Everyone knows that this nihilism stems from Newton’s deterministic theory, and that Quantum mechanics has shown us that none of our ancient spiritual believes are wrong.

Marsden Balaska
Marsden Balaska - 09.08.2022 22:06

Just shows how twisted we have become yet we may save ourselves bc as adults that's what we do about taking responsibility for ourselves bc we really don't bc look at how we destroy the planet but if you think we will be permitted to leave Earth well I have important news for you then

Ku'gath The Plague Father
Ku'gath The Plague Father - 16.07.2022 17:15

Cosmicism. that's what rick has. atleast umong other things.

nun is that high
nun is that high - 24.06.2022 08:56

In a meaningless existence, meaningless meaning must be found where it lies and where it can be achieved. Yes, everyone dies no matter what, time itself will kill everyone. Neither you, nor your siblings, nor your aunts, uncles, parents or grandparents will be around 100 years from now or even close to 100 years from now. They will all be dead. But meanwhile, many people spend so much of their fleeting life ignoring all of that, pretending it's not an issue, all so they can addict themselves to media. So they can dependently attach themselves to the social status. So they can entrap themselves, even if their entrapment is in and of itself, suffering and misery. The media, social media, etc, spreads anxiety, it fearmongers and spreads fear. The media also teaches the public to buy into the same denial, ignoring and etc, of mortality in replace of embracing the establishment (and their own media addiction).

And so it continues. This is the central reason why there's so few options to utilize against the purposeless, chaotic, irrational, etc, the utterly absurd universe around you. You're subject to the rules, regulations, guidelines, etc of the robotic society around you. Most people are zombies this way. But the thing is these rules, regulations, guidelines, etc, are also holographic coding. It is illusory too. Not necessarily pure illusion, but the exterior world can be played, the universe hacked if you will, but for the right side, not the systematic side. Don't fall into the robot collective. Learn from the power of rebellion. It is all a hellish tableau, it is a digital fire. A paranormal action horror-fantasy video-game much akin to playing Splatterhouse off the NES, a video-game waiting for the right people to press the start button (though not many). Stop being puppet-directed by the movie company of the movie theater production. Write your own script for once. It probably wont get you much farther than survival, but you'll certainly get farther than everyone else.

Hisham Alaker
Hisham Alaker - 17.06.2022 14:32

as a person who is religious i want to say that rick and morty gives us a athesits view of the world, basically how an atheist would see the world.

Mari A
Mari A - 05.06.2022 17:29

I missed so many references!

C8H11NO2 - 28.05.2022 12:24

The most overrated show of all time
