Scandal: Boeing’s 737 Max Disaster | Short Documentary

Scandal: Boeing’s 737 Max Disaster | Short Documentary

Plainly Difficult

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Helen Fire
Helen Fire - 09.10.2023 08:22

This is definitely the scariest use of the term “they don’t make them like they used too”

ryantron9 - 09.10.2023 07:28

Fun fact: the co-founder and one of the chairmen of Airbus (a former Nazi named Franz Strauss) was also the figurehead of the political party that was essentially in charge of Bavaria from 78-88 (the CSU) and during that period (I know this because I wrote a paper on PM Mulroney and the Airbus Affair) while still in charge, Strauss was tried for some sort of conspiracy or affair (the man was known as a controversial politician from the start) and taken to court in Europe (I THINK West Germany) where he was found 100% GUILTY of conspiracy but the judges said AND I QUOTE “he is too influential to be punished” because the figured it’s would break the entire system.

Gaynor McA
Gaynor McA - 08.10.2023 23:46

What about the latest Boeing scandal as recently reported in U.K. tv. - parts were supplied by a company in London acting as broker for the manufacturers that knowingly provided forged safety certificates for them. It mostly affects Boeing and to a lesser extent Airbus. That’s about all I know. As a Brit, I’m ashamed for what this company has done, to not only put flights at risk but to disgrace our long history in avionics.

Defiant GTI
Defiant GTI - 08.10.2023 21:59

fined a few billion dollars only? how much subsidies boeing receives each year from federal and states?

Rodrigo Aranda
Rodrigo Aranda - 08.10.2023 18:25

well this was an max failure for sure

Brian O'Connell
Brian O'Connell - 08.10.2023 16:27

The problem at the time was Trump's "cutting" red tape, eg; regulations. The FAA is just such a regulatory entity. Back in the day, late 2019, when the reports were coming in, they were essentially running untested flight software, AKA FAA unapproved. So yeah, this was literally Trump's fault. At the time we had a government shutdown as well, restricting the funding and operations of the FAA to certify the software. At the time, they also curtailed drug testing. I used to work in aerospace a few years ago, and sometimes toked a little weed (this being Washington State, which decriminalized cannabis in 2012, it was unavoidable).

Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson - 07.10.2023 21:23

fix your mic out mate and dont nick all your info other users.

Niharika Bhatnagar
Niharika Bhatnagar - 07.10.2023 12:36

They had the gall to blame the pilot because he was Indian and claimed he wasn’t trained at the level of international pilots

The Prince Of All Saiyans
The Prince Of All Saiyans - 07.10.2023 11:21

Truly we are all fools when individuals who where givin access to a government run building bought by us are put in jail for years guilty of wondering around. Yet these guys can kill over 300 people, and would of killed more if not caught just to turn a profit, and dont see a minute behind bars but instead get bonuses. All the while we stand by and get shit on and murdered by careless companys and politicians, and dont do a damn thing about it. Pathetic.

MeTwoFirst - 05.10.2023 17:29

The CCP approved the MAX since the tofu software was a commercial grade -

Jocelyn Harris
Jocelyn Harris - 03.10.2023 22:28

I can't tell you how sick to my stomach, this situation makes me. 😱 I have always been a staunch supporter of Boeing my whole life and never dreamed that they would put profits over the lives of passengers and flight crews. I am horrified !! I still love the 757, she is my favorite jet; but I WILL NOT, under any circumstances, travel on a 737 Max! I always said that Boeing made a grave ( pun intended), mistake when they merged with McDonnell Douglas. The profits before people mentality, is what caused the DC-10 to get it's infamous reputation as the " death chamber". Now Boeing has a " death chamber" of it's own and their reputation is permanently stained. What a price to pay !!! Airbus is my new favorite, until Boeing comes to their senses. I loved them, but I won't die defending them 😮😮.

Peter King
Peter King - 03.10.2023 20:30

But the criminals on the board of Boeing just left with their pockets stuffed with cash . Fines cost these big shot nothing .

StrainReign Apparel
StrainReign Apparel - 03.10.2023 14:20

Steph on commercial 😭

Socky Noob
Socky Noob - 02.10.2023 06:34

Boeing sure has a history of covering things up and killing hundreds of people.

Julia - 02.10.2023 02:14


Tek - 01.10.2023 22:38

When I think about how many 737s I flew on with the bad rudder design I feel very fortunate.

Patricia Clark
Patricia Clark - 30.09.2023 01:54

Not clear on how moving the engines forward would cause a nose up. I would think that would move the CG forward causing a nose down.

Blair Mackie
Blair Mackie - 29.09.2023 13:02

I find that clicking noise in the background truly annoying

Carighan Maconar
Carighan Maconar - 29.09.2023 11:27

Technical note: Is the audio just super quiet for me? I compared a bunch of other videos, they're all fine, this one I had to boost to 5x my normal volume. Audio quality is fine, just quiet.

GreenPedal - 29.09.2023 04:08

Did Boeing train our NHS managers or did the NHS train Boeing's managers.

xXBam BamXx
xXBam BamXx - 29.09.2023 03:46

Remember these planes...

Polar Behr
Polar Behr - 28.09.2023 06:02

I prefer my airplanes to be less crashy.

Armchair Spaceman
Armchair Spaceman - 28.09.2023 03:22

yer tunes are cool af btw mucker.

Armchair Spaceman
Armchair Spaceman - 28.09.2023 02:44

there are no ''Brits'' mate. Your cultural foibles and attitudes are uniquely and specifically English. ''British'' is NOT a synonym for English. if you mean UK when you say ''British'' or ''brits'' then make sure what you're on about is ACTUALLY common to all three nations, all three dependencies and all seven of our native cultures within said nations etc. I'll let you off about guns simply because you used the term ''gun shy''.. In Scotland it's more open hatred than shyness. I bet you didn't know that even before Dunblane we had the strictest gun-control in Europe up here? AND our laws on such things were always Independent of UK mandates? Crims here need to go to Carlisle or Newcastle to buy firearms thesedays, buying a gun here is harder than finding a chippy that does a haggis supper in London. See.. deep doon inside every Scot.. even our lowest of lowlifes.. we think guns are cheating at war.. a coward's weapon.

Danny Lam
Danny Lam - 27.09.2023 03:02

Stupidity and mainly greed is how we got there

Calvin Henshaw
Calvin Henshaw - 27.09.2023 00:26

This proved that pilots need to be in control. not software. Also Airbus is having a software issue trying to kill people also and is being covered up. they say they fixed the bug, but did they ??????

Calvin Henshaw
Calvin Henshaw - 27.09.2023 00:18

thanks for sharing

Travis Ryno
Travis Ryno - 27.09.2023 00:14

Adding a layer of electronic manipulation between the pilot and control surfaces for the sake of making one plane feel like another is insane. Just one more thing to fail and cause a crash. They're building a house of cards here.

Literally three short, 1 hour trips to the simulator to practice surprise low-power-to-full power scenarios and go-arounds would have negated the need for TCAS.

As long as they never went back to the old plane, that should be good.....and especially if they continued to do that same one hour like once a month or so for the first year.

Calvin Henshaw
Calvin Henshaw - 26.09.2023 23:50

I hope one day Boeing is held responsible for the deaths they cause for the all mighty dollars. Karma....

Mel Plishka
Mel Plishka - 26.09.2023 15:16

Also Boeing losing over billions on the star liner as well lol. I think starliner had the biggest effect on Boeings 737 max short cuts.

Darrell Montgomery
Darrell Montgomery - 26.09.2023 08:52

Why don’t you say say pilots can’t fly anymore? Make it simple.

Patricia Gregory
Patricia Gregory - 25.09.2023 18:56

"Less crashy"? Hilarious!

Stephanie Elizabeth Mann
Stephanie Elizabeth Mann - 24.09.2023 03:52

Funny how the idea of rich Americans going to gaol is just a bit ludicrous. Rich American executives don't go to gaol they resign and take their early retirement packages, bonuses, and wads of money from sources.....

William Healey
William Healey - 14.09.2023 23:50

I remember this!
I forgot all about it because of the pandemic.😮

Just Benjamin
Just Benjamin - 12.09.2023 12:55

I know of someone who died because of this

# 1 Ed Sheeran Hater
# 1 Ed Sheeran Hater - 10.09.2023 05:34

I can only imagine that the executive reaction was the exact same as in Robocop 2 when Cain starts massacring civilians:

“This could look bad for OCP, Johnson. Scramble the best spin team we have.”

They didn’t give a shit.

Ahren Groesch
Ahren Groesch - 08.09.2023 20:32

How many bodies need to accumulate before we start holding executives and shareholders personally responsible for fatal illegal actions rather than letting them off and just fining the companies?

K - 08.09.2023 19:27

Good original beats and horrors, the whole package.

Ghostinng - 08.09.2023 18:56

Youd be surprised, as a 9 year old boy scout i fired off multiple muzzle loaders, an AR 15, and a 12 guage. The 12 guage knocked me back like 4 feet but I shot it a second time

Thad Butterworth
Thad Butterworth - 30.08.2023 03:58

QA consultant. I’ve read that one of the major problems was Boeing management’s determination that the software development be handed over to an offshore, low priced firm. Onshore software engineers predicted this disaster, but they weren’t listened to.

Offshore development can be done successfully, but never go with the low price bid and always assume that you are going to spend as much, if not more, to get the same quality product.

James Freeman
James Freeman - 30.08.2023 03:47

English speaking British adults sound like English speaking American toddlers. Can hear him say “free” instead of three again. Thank god we won that war

Cairn Stirling
Cairn Stirling - 29.08.2023 23:36

" new and less crashy" - haha I love your narration and presentation style , keep up the great work John.

Ka G
Ka G - 29.08.2023 02:08

MAX debacle, 90s 737 craches, and 747 cargo hatch opening mid flight causing explosive decompression and subsequent attempted coverups of each made me avoid Boeing like fire.

its d0nk
its d0nk - 28.08.2023 03:48

Having a hidden control module that crudely augments the flight characteristics of a new plane, just to boast to clients that they wouldn’t require type training for existing pilots is some cartoon villain level bullshit. Obfuscating its existence is the real smoking gun for criminal negligence, even though the entire concept is rotten to the core. This was some great quality research and reporting. I never heard these details back when this was in the news cycle.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 26.08.2023 16:55

In my family, we call the airbus the "Scarebus." Many, many of its components are made of plastic instead of good-old Boeing metal. We never wear synthetic fabrics that would melt to one's flesh in a fire when we have to fly a Scarebus, and we never wear flip-flops - always closed and sturdy shoes. You never know when you're going to need to run through burning wreckage. That's a good rule of thumb for any flight on any aircraft, actually. It always amazes me when I see the footwear some people wear on a flight. The odds are in your favor, but still... at least throw on a pair of shoes you can run in.

The Duke
The Duke - 25.08.2023 07:19

Its the DC10 cargo door all over again

Requiem100500 - 25.08.2023 00:58

Not even convicting anyone of corporate manslaughter.
I guess Boeing and FAA are so big they are untouchable (being US companies also help).
Also, Indonesian and Ethiopian airlines and passengers were the victims, but who gets $2.5B? US government of course.

Gabelhelm Sogarbraten
Gabelhelm Sogarbraten - 24.08.2023 21:32

This shows how corporate greed and corrupt officials can ruin even the safest and most successfull airliner in existence
