The Main Thing

The Main Thing

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@dictumfactum9468 - 11.01.2023 16:12

Thanks Jeff. Im a dopeless hope addict too. Jesus reigns!

@offpherj7884 - 11.01.2023 18:19


@Lunchladydoyle - 15.01.2023 17:39

Happy New Year Jeff !!
Hope 2023 is your most joyful and abundant year ever. Jesus saves. 🙏🏽

@secondchancegarage - 03.02.2023 18:15

Brother, we're here because I ran across your biker etiquette 101 video. Lol! Loving your message! Keep it up. God speed! - Nate
P.s. if you ever come through NE Oklahoma hit us up. We'd love to hang out and have you at our shop.

@DaChamp215 - 02.06.2023 20:20

Thank you sir for all you do for the body of Christ. You’re doing a great job. Continued blessings to you. I hope to meet you one day soon. 😊

@NancyHilliard-yy5ge - 06.04.2024 18:31

Jesus Christ is the only way,since I was 12yrs old I was baptised,Baptist,now I'm 70 going on 71,Jesus has blessed me and my mate in Health conditions,for many years,Thank you Jesus,followers Amen.
