Saints Row 2022 Critique - Utter Garbage

Saints Row 2022 Critique - Utter Garbage


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@MaxiusTheGod - 07.02.2024 17:18

This game is a condemnation of ‘writing what you know’

Clearly a game written by resentful progressive middle managers who are narcissistic enough to believe that a mega bad-ass would be jealous of them. Thats why the friend group looks like the queer ally section of the pride parade, why everything is a weird corporation, and runs on corporate America rules instead of gangster shit.

@BigPanda096 - 07.02.2024 06:13

Holy fuck that segment at the start with the talking back and fourth with the sgt is just so fucking cringe it nearly turned me into a blackhole.

@taoisimdrunkard - 04.02.2024 03:58

the drifting looks pretty nice.

@BungieStudios - 31.01.2024 20:06

"How do you do, fellow kids?"

@BungieStudios - 31.01.2024 19:59

Too much cringe.

@nicholashutter1865 - 29.01.2024 07:35

Yeah ik this video has been a while ago for you, but Mauler had some similar complains during his early days before EFAP with the way that he would try to write deep thoughtful analysis of mainstream movies and be called a nitpicker over that.

People have to realize that it is just as valid to write a 4 hour essay about a video game as it was when you had to spend 4 hours writing an essay in high school or college to critique any number of novels the teacher's assigned. There's nothing about games and movies that make them less worthy of verbose highly detailed and well structured criticism. In fact, studies show that as the internet has taken over our lives people are reading the written word less and less.

And I think partly that's because attention spans have shortened, but we don't suddenly have less writing than ever. In fact, when you account for audiobooks, podcasts, and video essays we have more semi professional or professional literature than ever before. I would say thought provoking prose is becoming more popular, not less. Albeit with a sometimes different structure, and presentation that gives the audience something to look at or the ability to "read" and do other things at the same time.

Regardless, I have been binging your videos while studying and gaming you are talented. Keep it up, and don't get caught up in the nitpicker comments time will show (just like with Rogan) those people are just wrong.

@MangasColoradas941 - 27.01.2024 05:22

so why does this game also look like shit and feel super empty

@failedGraphics - 26.01.2024 07:31

Considering Saints 3 was "president with aliens, and also you can fly," I'm not surprised at all.

@scpfoundation8376 - 25.01.2024 21:48

I already had an idea of how a NEW Saints row reboot could be shown in a trailer. We have all these characters doing there typical dumb shxt like playing that wannabe peppa pig board game in their HQ. Suddenly, they hear nothing but gunfire outside the doors in the room they’re in, the “boss” tries calling one of the gang members but nobody is responding. Then they all start heading towards the door, when bullets riddle the door and the “boss’s” body. The three glee club members cry and scream, then look up to see (depending which game) a remastered Johnny Gat along with either Dex and Troy or Pierce and Shaundi. Then the “playa” walks up (face hidden). Neenah asks who the hell are they and Gat says “We’re the saints, who the fxxk are you?” Title card Saints Row

@thanksforreadindmyunusuall3346 - 21.01.2024 22:16

I couldn't even make my characters boobs outrageously large like in the last game 😒

@isabellareynolds9278 - 21.01.2024 21:02

This video inspired me to replay Saints Row 2.....AGAIN😂

@Puttrik87 - 20.01.2024 13:43

As much as I liked your fallout content, the "you use an iPhone though!" is very close to the fallacy "You criticize society yet you partake in it, curious.". iPhones are shit, and Apple is shit, and being a "fan" of them is shit. But there's so much more depth to it than someone having a smartphone. And what's with the making fun of people with college degrees? That's just kinda shitty, comes off as anti-intellectualism. YES claiming to be Commie while behaving all the ways that group are is cringe, and makes for a lame opponent group, but you were really shitty about it and I expected better from you.

@porkers7792 - 18.01.2024 04:00

Alot of the humor displayed in the new Saints Row is "safe edgy", or rather, it can only be a joke if it serves to project the message. Otherwise, no one can be at the butt of the joke because that would be "too mean". Either make SR humorous, and make the jokes CUT, or make it serious with some humor in between, or some subtle yet noticeable humorous commentary on society (i.e. 1 and 2. Both featured humor but it was super toned down and not marvel-esque at all. The radio stations in SR 2 would frequently make fun of modern society, yet it was done in a good way)

@leviathanr53 - 17.01.2024 13:56

Marvel and its consequences have been a disaster for modern writing

@HumungusO_o - 16.01.2024 12:34

I hate to be a sentimental mf but damn. Saints row 2 , mortal kombat 2, terminator 2, fuckin aliens and the thing. This new shit is monkey shit!

@ValkyrissaGaming - 16.01.2024 09:45

Millennial: “how do you do, fellow zoomers”

@zakbrown9256 - 16.01.2024 00:18

I’ve been really sick today and have just binge watched about 15 hours of your content, you are hilarious!!!!

@sintanan469 - 14.01.2024 19:34

Saints Row 3 could have been so much better if they kept the serious but wacky story beats of SR2 and shove all the serious shark jumping into the side adventures involving Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax.

You could then have had the characters begrudgingly deal with SERC and comment on how the show is so gratuitously fake.

@mediokay - 14.01.2024 18:59

The waffle tattoo tells you all you need to know about this pile of crud. I've never been so irritated by a game holy shit. Its like that stupid watch dogs shit but even worse

@AnarchoCatBoyEthan - 14.01.2024 10:57

do you have to be such a whiner about the “politics” of this games? Or I suppose the lack of correct satire for your particular sensibilities.
Also interesting creative decision this game made to have the frame rate randomly tank to almost nothing! Maybe that’s a commentary about how nobody should be playing it

@guard4270 - 13.01.2024 20:41

Nothing like fan-hammering a glock, I can't believe how terrible this game is XD

@Kanezeran - 13.01.2024 20:30

Zoomer writers with no life experience outside whatever they read on tumblr write a crime game. What did you expect?

@BigVorst - 13.01.2024 14:03

Haven't finished yet but, watching this thus far (an hour in) has been cathartic for me, as I was kind of stuck with people who were praising this bloody awful reboot like it was actually some masterpiece and underdog game. I ended up leaving that group pretty quickly.
So thanks for tearing this trashheap a new one, Volition got everything they deserved, honestly.

@PseudonymsAreGovno - 12.01.2024 20:06

I kind of don't understand creator's beef with the portrayal of "idols" (or how the fuck they were called). He calls them "California commies" and tells what they were never called out but then he complains what they are shown as a bunch of middle class morons what have no self awareness.
No offense, but you have basically refuted yourself here.

@Nobody-ud6ou - 12.01.2024 09:35

This game really makes me feel like a broke anarcho communist with a liberal arts degree.

@atrixtussand2369 - 11.01.2024 17:01

Saint's Row 2022 is what you get when you have writers without any real life experience trying to write a heavy life experience story. I swear these fuckers don't even live in same universe as us.

@visassess8607 - 11.01.2024 04:04

I'll be honest, I do think you nitpicked some. It's a Saints Row game and you said things like "The VTOL wouldn't have a place to hold onto" or "The Nahuali was able to open the cockpit from the outside". I understand those aren't realistic at all but for a criticism about the game I expected more of a talk about the story, characters and writing than small, inconsequential things like that.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed your video and agree with your points but stuff like that seems like such a tiny portion of the game and doesn't warrant the time you spent throughout the video covering stuff like that

@JRatKing - 09.01.2024 07:25

"Flandrezation" LMAO perfect

@josephbrown4768 - 09.01.2024 06:59

I like your delivery with your deadpan sense of humor. Nice work. You've earned a subscriber.

@Mojo1800 - 09.01.2024 06:43

I keep coming back to this video for the sledgehammer having ammo bit (though I wish it were). Of all the oddities of this game, that one baffles me the most. I mean, the concept of somehow limiting how often yo can use it isn't even that far out there, maybe you quickly run out of stamina and have to wait to replenish it or something (though even that doesn't sound very fun, it's something), but they choose the single most baffling and hilariously stupid option that you could've possibly went with, just giving it "ammo" akin to a gun with no obvious rationale for why.

Of all the things I remember this game for in the years to come, it will be giving melee weapons ammo.

@HeyKyle - 08.01.2024 01:35

Epic Games gave this game away for free and I didn’t even redeem it. I’m not playing this trash even if they paid me.

@Hobbityfus - 07.01.2024 21:12

Only one word for SR2022: Cringe.

@SqualidsargeStudios - 06.01.2024 21:20

Of course this game is trash. It’s a hasbeen series made by a hasbeen company. This is saints row : millennial boogaloo

@BilisiFunfun - 03.01.2024 21:59

Its funny how they think illegally dumping toxic waste is 'sticking it to the corporations'.
I'm sure they'd be very upset if they knew their disposable sub-contractor that is legally distinct from them was doing something like that.

@friendlylaser - 03.01.2024 13:16

Wow, it's not the first time I notice THIS kind of writing. In my theory it comes from millennial shielded kids who in their 30s mentally never left the college. EVERY character acts like an abrasive smartass insufferable teenager because they think this is what cool is. They studied writing, but got only leftist politics out of it. Their understanding of people and the world never goes beyond high school. No matter who they describe - deep space pioneers, gangsters, financiers, survivors of post apocalypse - it is always the same exact character - high school smartass who can't stop inserting snarky remarks about social justice causes. And all their characters are just magical super geniuses professionals in everything because of course they are. They literally can describe only one character type - unhinged ideal version of themselves, they are incapable of creating anything besides it.
These writers and their writing style consume the media landscape like a plague, I guess they have really nice college credentials and do not ask much of a pay. Show after show game after game become this insufferable gray undifferentiated sludge. They do not write stories, just kind of throw in things and concepts that should be cool and think they magically translate into a good story without ever actually presenting or exploring them.

@Rietto - 03.01.2024 05:24

These devs are wanna-be auteurs who think they're making ~art~ that is pure subjective expression above criticism, when in reality games are entertainment products meant to please CUSTOMERS. This is why they get so offended when the unwashed masses refuse to acknowledge the superior ~vision~ being shared from On High and actually demand quality entertainment. The delusion that seems to have taken over so many devs like Bethesda, etc. is wild. They want to be film makers or something, yet can't even be arsed to build a basic functional video game under all the empty flash and nostalgia bait.

Games CAN be art, sure. But the cart has to be behind the horse. The flash has to enhance the substance under it. But these games are all horse without even wheels on the cart.

@mlembrant - 02.01.2024 20:09

Honestly, I always saw Saints Row as crappy, poor mans version of GTA. A game, that tried to be funny... but it's cringe instead.. dumb jokes, childish scripts and boring gameplay..

@macdaddysteeze1659 - 01.01.2024 14:35

Something tells me the saints where modeled after the creators themselves lol

@acetrigger1337 - 31.12.2023 22:07

Neenah's motivation being around her Car and "Family" is probably the hardest reaching reference to the Fast & Furious franchise...

@acetrigger1337 - 31.12.2023 22:06

It is incredibly offensive that, Nahualli, the only good part of this game is tainted so badly with it's cringe... that he becomes the worst villain of the year, with the worst motivation of a decade.

@areufreal - 31.12.2023 03:21

eating ass is too much for me to bear, moses could not bear it either, please ubisoft, spare us the rimjobs

@areufreal - 31.12.2023 03:05

They put the gun... on the coat rack. Okay. That's the dumbest shit I've ever seen, hands down, why do you think thats a good idea

@areufreal - 31.12.2023 03:03

Can confirm, as someone who swears like a sailor this seems like a little kid's attempt to emulate frustration
