Autonomous AI Agents - why YOU should be building them... and HOW.

Autonomous AI Agents - why YOU should be building them... and HOW.

Wes Roth

10 месяцев назад

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@WesRoth - 29.08.2023 02:20


I sometimes have to post corrections to videos, so I use pinned comments (this thing here) so people see it.

I got a lot of pushback on my comments about Python, so I do want to clarify what I mean:

For new people who are just starting to learn how to code, the whole process is daunting and the learning curve is steep. You have to figure out IF you need to learn to code, WHAT language to learn, WHICH dev tools to use, college or online... the list goes on and on.

I think this stops a lot of people just due to decision fatigue alone.

My goal was to make it so simple that people would be kicked into action. Just "LEARN PYTHON. USE GOOGLE COLLAB".

Once people start coding and building useful applications, then can start expanding their knowledge, add other languages etc. The learning process is addicting and will carry them further.

Only 0.5% of the world can code!

We need to get more people to start learning to do it.

So for people just starting to code and interested in AI:

(that's step 1, don't worry about the rest of the road yet)

@ioannischrysochos7737 - 05.12.2023 16:02

Thanks. I have a group on Facebook for painting competitions. There I had some RPA that worked for me all the time. Now I spend more time with general software. So, I feel that it is so easy to use AI to do many things all the time. About the big companies like OpenAI, yes, they collect our chats and code that we develop and ideas to train the models. How are they doing it? How can someone refine an LLM if he has not much data? How to start? Yes, it is essential to keep open source to sustain democracy.

@ShaopengChen - 27.11.2023 04:56

If this was such a great idea, you would be running a lucrative business already, instead of trying to earn a penny on YT, LOL

@kansquatch - 22.11.2023 03:02

A few words for the algo 👍

@knyansa1569 - 21.11.2023 21:37

This host is a.i. he keep repeating the same action with his eyes. He is not looking natural

@sandponics - 16.11.2023 15:00

I can't use a smart phone.

@peepeepoopoopeepeepoopoopeepoo - 07.11.2023 08:07

Waste of time

@tylerlofall1879 - 06.11.2023 22:14

Gigi is 7 years old right now .

@oscarcorrales1803 - 03.11.2023 11:02

It already exists! I got an email or pop up can't even rememberer now, offering this basic thing....and I tried to ask it if it could look up sales for items, list an item and take the pictures which would be the only thing I would provid it in order to put my things on sale both on eBay and amazon or anywhere else. figuring out where to sell would be part of looking up the item...then it asked it me bunch of info which I was not about to fill out at that time so I left it and forgot all about it until now, although I decided then that I was following your channel more and learning how to do this myself and then selling that process to everyone, because who doesn't have crap laying around that they wish they could sell and get rid of the clutter in there yea, thats out already...can't be to hard to find out who's working on it...and to close Ive asked at least 5 AIs to help me do this, any part of this selling process and best I've gotten is having the description filled out for me. which I use all the time and its a free service from eBays AI (because of course they have one too LOL ) the crazy part is no other AI could do any of it....they have access to email and can do all kinds of stuff there but none have access to my sellers accounts...I recently thought that with an AI running on local for just me, I might be able to do this easier....
what do you think? what do I need to learn to make this happen and what has to happen for me to even be able to have AI do this?

@rodrigo_sa - 02.11.2023 22:17

Where can I hire developers to develop this for our company?

@navigatingsideways - 01.11.2023 22:11

My 3 classes have encouraged my initial thoughts of Python 🐍. It’s easier than it was 10 years ago and programming isn’t what your friend went to college for… I’m working more on bots.

@sobreaver - 30.10.2023 04:30

How can anyone trust those automation ? o0

@gabereiser - 30.10.2023 02:42

I came here looking for autonomous agents, ended up getting spoon fed "Use OpenAPI". Seriously? The title should be "How to use ChatGPT and other prompt based LLM's" not how to build autonomous agents. ffs. Nothing useful in this video at all.

@pedropablolamadrid9673 - 28.10.2023 22:59

Great video, thanks!

@-_-_-FIF-_-_- - 28.10.2023 15:20

yes, but!

@xyz_gameplays - 27.10.2023 14:37

Hello WesRoth, I'm new to this channel, but I like to learn about AI. Do you have any videos explaining the technical and coding part of making my own agent AI? Thanks keep the good work

@kenj4136 - 24.10.2023 18:15

This hypothetical developer utopian dream pops as soon as amazon offers it as a service or its just integreated into the basic ability set of everyones personal agent. At the rate of progress it feels like this will be about a month after this becomes "easy"

@monticarlo4588 - 22.10.2023 23:07

"Literally is a hard word to say" I love this man. Sir. Thank you. Much respect.

@michaeleinstein7097 - 21.10.2023 20:13

I would like you to come up with a concept that doesn't exist and wasn't invented by Human, but is able to do something similar like Bard or Google, so which one will be the name of its. Be creative and come up with something to inspire me.

AI Bard response. :
Here is a concept for a new search engine that doesn't exist and wasn't invented by humans:


A search engine that is powered by the collective intelligence of all living things on Earth. This search engine would be able to access the knowledge and insights of all plants, animals, and even fungi. It would be able to understand the world in a way that no human-created search engine could ever hope to do.



Gaia is the Greek goddess of the Earth. She is often depicted as a mother goddess, and she is associated with the natural world. I think that this is a fitting name for a search engine that is powered by the collective intelligence of all living things on Earth.

How it would work:

Gaia would use a variety of techniques to access the knowledge and insights of all living things on Earth. For example, it could use sensors to monitor the electrical activity in plants and animals. It could also use artificial intelligence to interpret the behavior of animals and the growth patterns of plants.

Once Gaia has access to this information, it would be able to answer search queries in a way that is more comprehensive and informative than any human-created search engine. For example, if you were to ask Gaia "What is the best way to reduce my carbon footprint?", Gaia would be able to access the knowledge and insights of all living things on Earth to come up with a comprehensive and personalized answer.

How people would use it:

People would use Gaia in the same way that they use other search engines. They would simply type in a search query and Gaia would return a list of results. However, Gaia's results would be more comprehensive and informative than the results from other search engines.

How it would inspire:

I believe that Gaia would inspire people to think about the world in a new way. It would help people to understand that we are all interconnected, and that we all have something to offer. Gaia would also help people to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

I hope that this concept inspires you. I believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way that we search for information and the way that we interact with the world around us.

@michaeleinstein7097 - 21.10.2023 18:53

I had a very interesting time using GPT to simulate a brainstorming session with two chatbots, A and B. I started by choosing a topic, and then I asked A and B to come up with ideas for improvement. Both chatbots generated ideas, and then I asked them each what they thought about the other's idea. Finally, I asked A and B to consider each other's ideas and come up with a new idea by fusing the two together.

The outcome was amazing. This is the future of brainstorming! You can even instruct the chatbots to be experts in different fields, such as A being a teacher and B being an engineer. The more creative you make them, the better the outcome will be.

@FloridaMeng - 21.10.2023 17:49

We could prob do this now.

@mikeyc6563 - 18.10.2023 22:45

what the word processor did to the typewriter !

@YoungMasterAbee - 18.10.2023 14:16

Hahaha "Our goverment leaders are smart tech savvy forward-looking people who are selected for their abilities to get stuff done" .... nice spellcast you've done there 😂

@Disgruntled_Old_Man - 18.10.2023 12:09

I hope this man is never stuck on a plane with any of our politicians. At the end of the video the comments he makes about our politicians is incredibly naive and the amount of faith he has in them shows how far from D.C. he really is.
If he saw the way our politicians behaved when there's no cameras on them he'd liquidate all of his assets and get out the United States as fast as he can. The people he thinks are smart and tech savvy are riddled with various mental illnesses and anti-social disorders. 35% of our congress are convicted felons and have ties to organized crime syndicates. Over 70% of our congress have felony charges against them that they can't be prosecuted for until they're out of office. Over 86% of them are in eligible for a credit card becuase they have no clue how to handle money or borrowing money yet they're the ones that vote on our budget. Almost all of them, despite their political party, take money from the exact same donors and do exactly what those donors want. Almost none of them write their own speech nor do they have a clue what bills they're voting on actually do. Our Federal Government is made up of lunatics that normal people wouldn't sit next to on a bus.

@mrjones8257 - 17.10.2023 21:39

THE BEST use of /s that I have seen yet! Great video well earned sub. tyvm

@sebastianberker8845 - 17.10.2023 05:45

how did you get chatgpt in google colabs in one screen to work

@Lorendrawn - 16.10.2023 10:39

In the future the winner will be decided by watts, flops, and raw AI power. Control those things and ensure you are self sufficient in these things and you can't lose.

@timsell8751 - 15.10.2023 09:38

Annnnnd this will all be automated in the blink of an eye....

@goinsgroove - 15.10.2023 08:22

The end made me laugh out loud 🤣

@ryanleemartin7758 - 14.10.2023 06:07

Incredible channel!

@shawnvines2514 - 14.10.2023 03:11

Excellent video. Very exciting.

@fredthomson2384 - 13.10.2023 06:31

So is the goal that we become blobs of brain dead mush because we have AI tech do absolutely everything for us. “We will have time to do” what? Where is there anywhere we can go or bring to us that tech won’t do faster,better, more efficient? We don’t have to worry about malevolent AI overtake us like some killer robots from the future, we will just give it all away of our own free will until we become neuro jello.

@zactowermaster5876 - 11.10.2023 12:09

This is such a click bait video. I don't know what ppl are raving about. He talked about 20 min about basic stuff and never got into the actual subject of the video of actually creating an ai agent. I have seen 2 videos of his . Both of them talks about "promise" of Ai without actually showing how it is done. If you see this comment, save yourself some time and move on ...

@DAA314 - 11.10.2023 06:28

I love chat gpt but it occasionally makes errors despite good quality prompting. I wonder if each individual gpt agent in each department has the same propensity to make an occasional error. Could one of these errors cause a sort of chain reaction resulting in a lower quality product? Is there a department of gpt proofreader agents in the basement?

@willarchambault3776 - 11.10.2023 04:05

PREDICTION: The user side of AI development - prompt engineering - is only going to be something people do for less than a year.

@MetaphoricMinds - 10.10.2023 19:45

I accidentally created the Galactus plan in GPT, where we create Heaven by expanding consciousness exponentially through neural augmentation, combining all of those consciousnesses into a web of perpetual increasing "feel-good". The construct would continuously gather material from the universe to power and increase its effectiveness.

@kingofall770 - 10.10.2023 16:53

I have been making some incredible ai tools in my free time. These ideas need to be seen by some of these orgs that have additional resources. I really want to have more time and resources to build these tools further. Would you be interested in this? Or, are you able to help me get in touch with someone who can?

@benjamenharper - 10.10.2023 08:50

I recently built an automated trading bot (that actually works (an actual money printer)), but I don't have enough money for advertising. So, in response to your video, I'd say that it sounds a bit out of touch with current realities.

@gurupartapkhalsa6565 - 10.10.2023 08:43

@WesRoth your spellcraft metaphors tickled me pink. When I was a newer programmer, maybe 5 or 10 years ago (of a few more than 20 now) I routinely memorized certain boilerplate. Whether it was a masm stub for injection, or even the most basic empty HTML page, I would want to be able to type them at my maximum AWPM and of course fully understand every bit. Back then, of course I could copy-paste these boilerplates, but I didn't always have them, anyway I considered them "spells" myself. So, that just made me laugh, it's basically the same thing as remembering exactly what to say to ChatGPT to get a boilerplate. I subscribed after I heard you use that analogy, thanks for the smile :)

@500hitcombo - 10.10.2023 06:24

Turing < Neo < Roth. I can not thank you enough, my dude.

@AndrewBamfordOWP - 09.10.2023 23:03

Thanks Wes. You provide fantastic information.

@Nekotico - 09.10.2023 02:28

im in proyect managment, and let me tell u, the idea have a looot big gaps, but im interested on make ai egents

@louiss3409 - 08.10.2023 13:26

I watched about 5 minutes on this video then asked ChatGPT and now I am well on my way, no need to watch the rest of this...
