The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell

The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell


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T D0hs
T D0hs - 15.10.2023 17:13

Thank you

Najmuddin Nuriddinov
Najmuddin Nuriddinov - 15.10.2023 04:40

i got sure many times that im a narcissist, but what you're showing on this video is not narcissism, but much more selfishness mixed with gluttony. im neither selfish, nor gluttony, but i seek attention, admiration; i love myself. the fact that i want to become a very great person is not something like i-am-good-so-give-me-my-honors way, but the hard work, consistency, positive attitude towards others are the basis of expected success. as a narcissist, i just want to be great more than others

baepsae - 08.10.2023 21:23

What if narcissist is watching this video?

James Ruscheinski
James Ruscheinski - 01.10.2023 03:08

human central authority is narcissism; focus on divine central authority substantive human rights

Love Willwinnn
Love Willwinnn - 30.09.2023 11:28

we call that flower,
Nar CISS us.

The emphasis is not on “nar.”

Gary James
Gary James - 27.09.2023 16:46

Working with them is very difficult

Luis Alejandro
Luis Alejandro - 25.09.2023 16:48

scoff narcism? meh. im too good for that

Sanjar Videos
Sanjar Videos - 24.09.2023 13:16

For the first time, i read story about narcissism in The Alchemist book and now i know more about that concept narcissism

Jugg91 - 23.09.2023 16:00

Narcissism is very mistaken by the public, i don't get why narcissism is displayed as someone who is full of themselves and love themselves too much. It's the actual opposite, narcissist don't love themselves, they are deeply insecure and hurt, they are not confident or charming, so to hide this they just display outward confidence. They hate themselves that's why they always hurt others, if you don't have love in you how are you going to give love or even love yourself?. There is no me, narcissist don't have personalities they are empty shell, there is nothing inside them.

PHC Sciences
PHC Sciences - 23.09.2023 13:39

Why was trump cartoon used

Jackal El Lobo
Jackal El Lobo - 21.09.2023 04:22

Should be noted that NPD subtypes, like Grandiose Narcissism is typically associated with Extraverted personalities while Vulnerable Narcissism is linked to Introverted personalities. In addition to those two, the, Malignant Narcissist subtype can be associated with both Extroversion and Introversion.

Carol - 16.09.2023 04:25

Definition of narcissistic sociopathic murderer and killer is you.🤪💩💩💀💀

@Janabrook - 15.09.2023 23:42

When dealing with narcissism, you should know that it's not personal. "It isn't personal" is one of those cliches used to cushion all kinds of bad actions taken by people who need an out for being immoral, but in this case it actually gets near the truth.
Narcissists don't know how to love or be a friend; they can't afford to spare the energy to learn, because they're always in a state of high emergency, cataloging potential threats and redoubling their defenses. When they claim to love you, it means nothing. They may even think they mean it, but they don't understand the concept - they can't feel it. They never attach to you or anyone else. Other people are paper cut-outs to the narcissist, like those cardboard figures of celebrities you pose next to for a selfie. Narcissist value their own children only as mirrors of themselves. When they destabilize you or attack you, it means nothing.
They are stuck in an endless conversation with themselves, in which you are an inanimate object, to be assigned their own faults and used as a surrogate punching bag for their hatred of themselves. When they toss you out, it's no more meaningful than a junkie tossing away a needle; when they try to reel you back in, it only means that they tired of the new drug and need a hit of the old.
None of this is personal. They're too terrified to have personal relationships, opting instead for extraction of admiration from a subservient partner whose range of action they strictly constrain. This is not personal. None of it. The narcissist does not know who you are - it doesn't know how to know other people. Like the vampire or the chainsaw-wielding creature in the horror film, it's from another world, bereft of the concept of human connection.Moreover, People wonder why they end up hurt, seriously hurt, and even killed for their own actions.Cheating is a choice and there's simply a lot of ignorance in the process..Thank you so much for helping me out cyberalbert4@gmail. com.Your advice and services helped me so much. You are a lifesaver !!! The information you gave me about my cheating partner when you gave me access to his phone was everything I needed to get,..thank you very much..

Kikou - 14.09.2023 07:29

So, Just give yourself an honest reflection and truly caring for others.

Dream - 14.09.2023 02:49

I’m definitely special.

khadir m
khadir m - 07.09.2023 15:31

I have been suffered with narcissism friend ...he was my buisness partner.. 2 Years was full of nightmare to me... I knew that he even dont that abt what is narcissism

Natalie Mckinney
Natalie Mckinney - 06.09.2023 05:37

Sadly my mom is the control type

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing - 05.09.2023 13:32

narcissistic are insecure😂

Bbds Hhehd
Bbds Hhehd - 05.09.2023 10:53

so when 2 narcissists meet there eventually will only be one.

Sparkles88 - 04.09.2023 04:21

Its interesting that social media and society can almost trigger narssicism in people.

Fred habibi
Fred habibi - 02.09.2023 16:38

Chinese people are the most narcissist human in the world they always wants to show their faddism

Atharva Dhomane
Atharva Dhomane - 31.08.2023 17:54

Trump ' s there perfect example

M I S - 26.08.2023 04:46

i cant believe people think and act like this. Honestly i couldnt imagine being like that seeing as im so perfect and amazing and not to mention beautiful.

Protogen Jas
Protogen Jas - 24.08.2023 23:10

A lot of Lolcows have Narcissistic personality disorder

Niti Dave
Niti Dave - 23.08.2023 23:40


Eran Deser
Eran Deser - 23.08.2023 04:57

Amazing that the origin of narcissism is traced back to a man admiring his reflexion. It must have been before the selfie was invented, which, as anywhere to be seen, is overwhelmingly feminine. Narcissism is a feminine trait, and your graph showing its rise from the 70s onwards rhymes with the rise of feminism and the anti-masculinity movement that started then. Any analysis that fails to recognize these issues is biased by the fashion of the time. So is this video.

jinyaaaaa beeee
jinyaaaaa beeee - 21.08.2023 13:27

Hey guys 🙋‍♀️ give christ a chance

@fullgorillaz - 21.08.2023 02:37

Can it be broken down to individual communities? Like let's say w white folks. -- and generally mental Health issues.

And agree social media definitely can make it worse unless you watch good things like this 😅 more positivity in the world and good changes!

Ronya S. The Diamond Star
Ronya S. The Diamond Star - 18.08.2023 14:19

Confidents are more intelligent, they have higher self esteem, they like "I LOVE MYSELF AND I BELIEVE IN MY ABILITIES" and have intellectual humility.
but Arrogants or narcissists are Stupids and ignorants, they just say "I AM BETTER THAN YOU" and they do not know about thier mustakes.

its_ok - 18.08.2023 00:20

Talking about biden and son?

A Limit Live
A Limit Live - 14.08.2023 23:38

If iam an attetion seeker and wants other to treat me better than others and admire me,
Is it narcissism?

I do see myself like ( almost) everyone else,
It is just tha i deserve more as myself,
An attetion seeker

I do played Judo and I did not felt better than the others much in competitions

only when i won

Uday Upadhyay
Uday Upadhyay - 13.08.2023 19:58


Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar - 13.08.2023 09:27

It's all in the mind and the thought process that can be changed, so narcissistic traits can be done away with or put on anytime of the life, choice is yours

ALBERT YO - 12.08.2023 23:45

When you don’t do anything to live.., just disturb around,..

Harinder - 11.08.2023 23:52

Video what is narcissism?
The thumbnail:

Rasheed Fraser
Rasheed Fraser - 09.08.2023 17:27

Trump and Kanye West have entered the chat

Kamikazi Spud
Kamikazi Spud - 07.08.2023 09:24

Hey, nice fake Trump as a grandiose narcissist, shitters

Dave Ocampo
Dave Ocampo - 07.08.2023 03:23

we are all narcissist

Ronnie Turner
Ronnie Turner - 05.08.2023 08:36

I came a docter to help others. Not for my self

Lear Lear
Lear Lear - 03.08.2023 21:24

Narcissism is a developed egoism. it is an instinct and an intention that is absorbed in protecting its boundaries and increasing its own sense of value, sense of being in control and pride. all in contrast with others. to achieve that, they have to do the opposite to others; disarming others, lowering their self worth and shaming them. Narcissistic people live between fear and greed. they didnt develop a better human intention, they developed their egos instead. a relationship for them is a war to rise above you. And they use all types of tactics from overt to covert to the very subtle in order to serve their own purpose. they can even rise to be at the top of society, like Trump and many more. we are all narcissists to a certain extent. and no one can change in one lifetime except through a reforming environment that he cant escape, or through seeing his own faults hurting him personally. and they never think their best friend and protector is their enemy and an enemy to everybody they get close to. so i think the best advice is to get away from them.

Omoniyi Ojo
Omoniyi Ojo - 03.08.2023 17:57

Really broken down for easy understanding. Thank you for sharing

Nitish Raju
Nitish Raju - 03.08.2023 15:11

Eating rice everyday

Kentaro - 03.08.2023 14:47

I deal with this so many times at work.

Maartje Goede
Maartje Goede - 31.07.2023 21:58

Why do more man have npd?

WyattSki - 30.07.2023 11:15

This is everyone on twitter explained in 5 minutes and 9 seconds.

Matt A
Matt A - 28.07.2023 07:07

The narrative of narcissism rising since the 60s because "the communal focus of the 60s gave way to the self esteem movement and the rise of materialism" is such a blatantly idiotic assumption of causality that it's hard to believe this video passed any level of quality assurance. Pop psychology BS like that is what's turned the field into the laughing stock of the scientific community.
