Dead Space Characters - ORIGINAL VS REMAKE

Dead Space Characters - ORIGINAL VS REMAKE

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@blueshit199 - 17.01.2024 01:36

I like what they did with the red shirts of your team in the remake, at least they now have something going for them, especially Johnson is no longer the most forgettable person in the universe

@NinjtechPro - 01.01.2024 15:21

Has anyone else noticed differences in the cast? Some not so subtle gender and skin color differences? I mean, I didn't think the original was ethnocentric or lacking of diversity, but it seems they had to turn that knob up to 11. That aside, the game, remake was a well worth investment. I am just glad DEI idealogy and propaganda didnt get a chance to infect the core of the game and its developers.

@realdomdom - 02.12.2023 18:56

Even Kendra looks worse and let's not talk about the blackwashing of that dude. He almost looks like a chick.

@tuanngo7461 - 06.11.2023 09:19

Nicole just like Isaac's mother, and Kendra is hot

@YourBonesInMyDresser - 28.10.2023 03:34

Notice how these beings are never creative enough to create anything anyone can find interest in?

Quite literally all they ever do is take existing stories, blackwash and gay-ify main characters, slap a couple of their trending slogans into the environment and boom!

Not surprising considering just how uncultured and boring those that push such nonsense are.

@MrAlexbiz - 12.09.2023 10:43

Johnston: Dead space remake developed by Netflix

@joey778alucard - 14.07.2023 11:06

The original looks better

@Boromir237866 - 03.06.2023 01:03

It is getting boring this of gender swapping male characters and "uglyfying" female ones for god's sake. I will just keep playing the original just like I do with the Mass Effect franchise, thanks.

@synestia4005 - 23.03.2023 05:13

Making Nicole a clichéd Marvel villain was a terrible decision. And why can't they create new characters if they want diversity? Why do they have to replace existing characters? So stupid. Bankruptcy of creativity. That's not progressive, that's woke bullshit!

@AlmostAClaireSandwich - 05.03.2023 09:15

They all look so much better exceot Nicole. Kendra and Hammond look good in both tho

@thenerd98__37 - 28.02.2023 04:21

2008 Kendra was packin Fr

@DiavoloGrenadine - 23.02.2023 08:53

Better overall, get over the nostalgia

@totallynotthef.b.i.9444 - 23.02.2023 08:41

Why does the new Isaac like a Chad version of Mark Zuckerberg?

@RexWort - 22.02.2023 10:16

They ruin my boy!! 😭

I wanted to see his porn stash in 4k 😢

@BlueBedouin - 16.02.2023 23:10

The originals are all better

@Aggressive_Men - 16.02.2023 16:13

In space, no one can hear you virtue signal.

@darkpheonix831 - 14.02.2023 22:42

Came here for confirmation bias, but seriously:
OG has better line reads on VA talent,
better scene choreography and camerawork,
better use of its lighting and shadow mapping,
and all-around better tone, especially when it comes to the safe-haven that is the tram system.

Side quests and new rooms were nice, even though the side-access tunnel locations between each station were in odd places.

Also, Nicole is not an important character. She's Issac's reason for being in the setting. Both Issac and Nicole are not bigger than the overall plot, something the remake wants to retcon.

@deathtogabi3867 - 14.02.2023 18:24

developers: we are staying true to the original

me: so your goin leave everything the same and keep your woke crap to yourself right

developers: um well you see

me: yeah thats what i thought honestly someone should sue you guys for this

@netrax3298 - 14.02.2023 05:26

El juego es muy buen remake, pero con algunos diseños se les fue la cabeza. Todos estamos deacuerdo, Isaac ahora es Adam Sandler. Nicole parece mas vieja y no se ve como la esposa amorosa.

Haber cambiado de genero y caracteres a Johnston es una decision bastante innecesaria, y de paso, sospechosa.

Y tambien se han funado el lore de la pelicula Dead Space Downfall al cambiar el aspecto de Kyne, ahora es una version adulta del Flash Thompson del Spider-man de Tom Holland y no se parece nada al de la pelicula (el cual si encaja con el Kyne del juego original).

Me resulta extraño que cambiaran a Kyne, porque esta gente se sabe el lore de la franquicia, hicieron referencias al juego de Wii Dead Space Extraction al agregar un easter egg, entonces ¿Porque no ser fieles al juego?

Hay dos opciones.

O solo fueron decisiones random.

O estan decididos a rehacer toda la franquicia, si eso es asi, entonces, pueden rehacer todo lo que quieran, mientras se mantengan las cosas que salieron antes. Yo esperaria volver a ver a los protas del Extraction y a la jefa de seguridad del Downfall vivir todas estas locuras otra vez pero en 4K.

@swite989 - 13.02.2023 16:55

What an overall downgrade xD

@albertdark467 - 13.02.2023 15:10

More like "Dead Space: NETFLIX Remastered "

@Tetrumo - 13.02.2023 07:33

Dang it Dead Space (2023), give us back our boobs!

@LionofDawn - 12.02.2023 23:02

What the actual fuck? So they 'uglified' some characters and just race and gender swapped others?
And whats the deal with the transgender bathrooms? Do they really think that in the future, people are gonna obsess about gender as people do today?

@briandeluca4318 - 12.02.2023 20:58

More you look into this game it seems the more woke you find.

@noone3939 - 12.02.2023 19:54

Why is Nicole old and ugly?

@csnation - 12.02.2023 19:15

Don''t like they sneaked in the Johnston gender swap and all gender bathrooms. But as they don't matter too much, I will let it slide as this is an excellent remaster (remake? Boss fight mechanics are exactly the same, a remake will be in the vein of FF7 remake, hence remaster is more accurate).

But if they turn Carver into girl for whatever goddamn reason, I will riot.

@brian_belmont87 - 12.02.2023 18:00

Lets see all these ticked boxes for 2023.... Race swap, tick, Gender swap, tick, no booba, erase booba tick. Why pander to the minority on twatter when remastering a classic iconic game like this?

@itwsntme - 12.02.2023 11:11

Definitely sticking with the original

@blumiu2426 - 11.02.2023 13:37

I think what we're seeing now is they are revisionism now, not remakes. Many unnecessary changes, whether devs are that self-centered or ESG policy. A lot is missing in the remake just for a bit better graphical fidelity when in truth, the original game still holds up and executed various areas better. It must be easy going over other people's work and sticking in what you want that doesn't lend itself to the horror or storytelling.

@thecoolzguy832 - 11.02.2023 12:01

The new Isaac look like mark Zuckerberg

@kidcheater5786 - 11.02.2023 08:07

Honestly, I don’t mind all the race swapping stuff. It’s a little stupid that they did it, but I can ignore it because of the gameplay additions.

@alexanderstilianov - 11.02.2023 02:05

Besides having the faces of different actors:
Cheng -> same but is part of the plot
Johnson -> different race and gender, also limping
Kendra -> flatter and somewhat nicer
Hammond -> younger and more naive (or under the Marker's influence)
Mercer -> literally the same
Kyne -> younger but still looks like a nazi doctor
Nicole -> older and obviously evil
Isaac -> younger and basically Adam Sandler for some reason

@theAZenf1sh - 10.02.2023 15:27

Ngl, the voice acting quality and the facial expressions of the original still feel more realistic than the remake. There’s more natural intonation to their words than the remake that kinda has a “reading off a script,” feel.

@Loli_lover206 - 10.02.2023 15:22

Why tf did they make Johnston a black women?

@finnandjake6653 - 10.02.2023 07:53

They did everyone so dirty in this remake except for Nicole…. She’s always been a mess until dead space 2 came around

@chiming12081208 - 10.02.2023 06:03

Wondering why nichole becomes an Aunt however Issac becomes an early 30s man.

@roaddorado9905 - 10.02.2023 05:46

They made the girls uglier

@spawnersiak - 09.02.2023 23:01

Daniels had better tits.

@binarywinchester1225 - 09.02.2023 18:47

is it really has to emphasize the people of color in every movies and video games ? for the political-correctness's sake ? if not then you are making discrimination ? the discrimination is made by those dumb4ss cyberbully maker + rumormonger not races I have to say.

@graye2799 - 09.02.2023 13:53

Diversity washing.

@joseschultz447 - 09.02.2023 05:52

Oh God Issac its Adam Sandler now

@yannickcarter2533 - 08.02.2023 23:55

Older characters looked better, and their force liberal diverisity agenda is really cringe, they are lucky it was one of my all time favorite games, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. Kandra looks like shit and Hamond like a racist version of a black character

@otogiritobi1342 - 08.02.2023 08:16

This was worse than the live action of Avatar the last airbender.

@imarock.7662 - 08.02.2023 07:43

I wonder how many will complain over this?

@eded9157 - 08.02.2023 07:15

So, it IS a woke ramake. What a shame, the original was such a good game, i guess we still have that one.

@theonemasterwarhero - 07.02.2023 23:08

Honestly the original looks and feels more genuinely real..despite the graphics and thats saying something.

@turtlebeef - 07.02.2023 19:19

Anyone else notice there wasn't much arguing or animosity between Hammond and Mrs.Danials in the remake? I noticed it right away at the start when they don't even bicker once when the ship slams into the Ishimura.. I like new Shiney graphics, but it's the characters and the voice acting in the OG that felt so immersive and cinematic when comparing it to the remake. Original is just better imho.

@TheM9lta - 06.02.2023 23:57

Remaked look like:
Chen - Bruce Lee
Kendra - Shrek
Johnston - Ladyboy
Hammond - thug from "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood"
Nicole - mommy Klarke
Mercer - Bollywood hero
Kyne - arabian Mads Mikkelsen
Klarke - average briish sailor

@weebslayer3411 - 06.02.2023 08:48

OG Isaac Clarke was the scariest thing in the game

@jeanvitor8457 - 06.02.2023 06:26

Isaac Clarke is Adam Sandler
