Soviet Metal Song Compilation #4 (Thrash / Death Metal)

Soviet Metal Song Compilation #4 (Thrash / Death Metal)


55 лет назад

617 Просмотров

Soviet Metal Song Compilation #4 (Thrash / Death Metal)

1. Железный Поток - Рай, изувеченный насилием - 0:00
("Железный Марш №3", Thrash Metal, 1995)

2. Comavigil - Realm of Cant - 3:14
("Realm of Cant", Thrash Metal, 1993)

3. Shah - Age Of Dismay - 7:48
("Beware", Thrash Metal, 1989)

4. Круиз - Possessed - 13:49
("Kruiz", Thrash Metal, 1988)

5. Phantasm - Stick In Back - 21:04
("Keeper of Death", Death Metal, 1992)

6. Graveside - In The Name Of Incarnation Of The Great Faith - 27:15
("Sinful Accession", Death Metal, 1993)
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