What Was Life Actually Like During The Great Plague Of London? | The World History Channel

What Was Life Actually Like During The Great Plague Of London? | The World History Channel

The World History Channel

1 год назад

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The Great Plague of 1665 killed 100,000 Londoners – one in three of the people living in the city. While kept diaries have provided terrifying testaments to the horrors of that summer, other stories have been hidden in the archives of London churches for centuries. Rare documents unearthed in some of the cities oldest places of worship now tell the story of what it was like for an ordinary person, more often than not living in poverty, as the plague swept through London. This factual drama follows the lives of those living in Cock and Key Alley, one of the dank and dismal yards squeezed between Fleet Street and the Thames – and brings to life 17th Century London at one of its most frightening moments.

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The World History Channel is in partnership with the History Hit network.


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Patti Ford
Patti Ford - 16.09.2023 23:46

Very well done. Thank you.

Jozi Horror
Jozi Horror - 15.09.2023 20:29

Maybe they shouldn't have murdered innocent dogs and cats...

Massimo Ricciardi
Massimo Ricciardi - 15.09.2023 10:13

Humans are the plague.

Joel Spaulding
Joel Spaulding - 15.09.2023 09:46

This is fabulously produced, edited and scripted.

nelson lariccia
nelson lariccia - 08.09.2023 15:13

Interesting facts about congratulations facts SLUMS AND HIGYENE MORE ABOUT

Richard Christie
Richard Christie - 08.09.2023 14:39

Who the hell thought it was a clever idea to have one of the narrators deliver her commentary from up high on a ruddy church pulpit?
Peculiar doesn't come close to describing its bizarreness.

Parama Devi
Parama Devi - 06.09.2023 14:57

"Among the poor, some believed it was the hand of God". Are you kidding? ALL THE PREACHERS/ PRIESTS and practically all the public firmly believed it

Howie and Olivia
Howie and Olivia - 06.09.2023 14:13

That’s what happens when you kill the innocent dogs and cats.

Goodiesfanful - 06.09.2023 11:40

When they shut up a house because of plague, they put the notice “Lord Have Mercy Upon Us” on the door. The documentary overlooked this detail.

Goodiesfanful - 06.09.2023 07:02

Even as they were bracing themselves for plague, they had no idea it would be the worst plague epidemic London had ever seen. 😮

Kari B
Kari B - 05.09.2023 07:28

This is one of my favorite documentaries. I've watched it dozens of times. It's great to fall asleep to.

A D - 04.09.2023 00:59

"The summer of 1665 was unbearably hot. Temperatures soared to a hellish 70 degrees Fahrenheit. "😏

Jenn Righter
Jenn Righter - 02.09.2023 13:28

I read a bunch of science articles and watched various videos some time ago that claim to dispel the rat/flea theory of how the plague spread. But I don’t see this discussed anymore.
Regardless, the rats and fleas spreading the plague is a theory, not a fact. It is clearly still the most widely accepted theory, but nonetheless still just theory.

Matthew Roberts
Matthew Roberts - 29.08.2023 09:20

Real life straight out of an Edgar Allen Poe nightmare. Terrifying.

Diane Tomecko
Diane Tomecko - 27.08.2023 00:13

Hygiene and cleanliness was almost non existent back there. Disposal of human waste was next to nothing. People had animals in their houses whose floors had hay and reeds probably full of vermin and food debris. Not surprising.

Moon Dancer
Moon Dancer - 24.08.2023 11:42

Did some of those people get buried alive?

DJL - 23.08.2023 10:52


이 이
이 이 - 19.08.2023 22:46

Couldn't watch, the narrator is abominable.

trombone113 - 14.08.2023 09:49

And 450 years later, our government once again shut people up for "the plague". We were told where we could go and when. What we had to do and the "medicine" we had to take. Yet, they didn't force it on anyone. 🙄 But rather than physically locking you in your house, they did it by making private parties do their dirty work. So thousands of companies could now actually fire you from your position for refusing to take an unproven and improperly tested shot. You were denied entry into society if you refused to wear a compleatly fucking useless facemask. And if you didn't buy all the bullshit, you were canceled. You would lose your job, you could not participate in society and even your family and friends would call you selfish for not following orders. And then there are those of us that told everyone to go eat a Bag O' Dicks.

The ones who refused a mask, the ones who lost their jobs because they refused to let government or society to tell them what medicines to take or what to where and say, the ones who put up with completely unwarranted ridicule and disrespect. The ones who were proven correct since the very begining. I will NEVER forget how completely fucking mental society and government got, all over the world for a man-made disease with a 99.4% survival rate. How we the people were stolen from daily to pay for bullshit medicine that made things worse and to line the pockets of drug companies and their CEO's and the encorangement for doctors and hospitals to lie on death certificates to collect that big check from the government because they had reported yet another Covid death, something with that 99.4% survival rate.

I will never forget any of it nor will I ever forgive those who participated in the bullshit and even committed felonies all for money. You make me absolutely sick. And I am not the only one. So, if you are looking for forgiveness, you are gonna have to wait to get to heaven and then beg God to do it cause you ain't getting it here.

steve kocinski
steve kocinski - 14.08.2023 05:28

That was eye opening! Real good!

waffleslayer3000 - 10.08.2023 11:40

What a terrible time to exist

Amy Raszipovits
Amy Raszipovits - 08.08.2023 20:12

The rats were not what spread the plague. It was human fleas and body lice.

El Sa
El Sa - 08.08.2023 07:24

What's funny is we probably giggle when we think that ancient and medieval people thought comets brought disease....AND THEN we discovered lithopanspermia and space/meteor viruses.....who's laughing now, eh??

Dr. Hrishiraj Sen
Dr. Hrishiraj Sen - 07.08.2023 23:18

It's comforting to know the human bent to abdicate responsibility by the rich and privy has not changed. Covid was a very good example of that.

Lacey Pelham
Lacey Pelham - 04.08.2023 05:58

this is too disgusting to sit and watch. nasty bodily noises are gross.

Spills51 - 31.07.2023 09:52

Im shocked we are even here today...those people were so gross its hard to understand anyone wanting to get physical with another without throwing up....not that they had much of a choice...but god they were disgusting.....

boo - 27.07.2023 08:30

Lmao "and California" 😂 shocking! Not.

Meserbee C.
Meserbee C. - 23.07.2023 23:30

If you live in the country and have pets it is scary to see a rodent-like animal scurrying in the yard or in the basement.

MrMalvolio29 - 16.07.2023 11:05

It makes NO sense logically OR economically to say “The people of Cock and Key Alley were pretty low down on the social scale, but they weren’t the sort of *BASE FROTH.*
First of all, if we think logically about the metaphor being used, the “base” is the “foundation” upon which everything else is built. Since the historian is using “beer” as a metaphor for the structure of seventeenth-century London society, the “base” of beer would be water, barley, yeast, and hops. It strikes me that the average city citizens of Cock and Key Alley are the base of English society at the time: the vast majority of English folk of this period were of this social class, and their labour and taxes are what “held up” all the other social classes, or “parts of the beer.”
A beer’s “froth” is not *essential*, as it doesn’t contribute to the body or taste of the beer, yet it is a somewhat “special treat” sitting on top of the structure of the beer. The metaphorical referent of “froth”, therefore—-at least insofar as economics are concerned—-are the “surplus” leisured classes, the gentry, nobility, and royalty. They neither labour nor contribute any kind of “product” to the structure of society other than “beautiful spectacle,” much as the froth does for a beer.

The poor metaphorically challenged historian trying so hard to sound sophisticated should have said “The people of Cock and Key Alley were pretty low on the social scale, but they were not quite the *DREGS.* The “dregs” of a beer are the useless, foul-tasting “leftovers” at the bottom of the mug that one throws out——according to this silly historian’s tortured metaphor, these would be the unemployed, homeless vagrants and beggars. These would be the “dregs of the beer we call society.”

James Burke
James Burke - 15.07.2023 19:38

Dogs and cats got their revenge... stupid and uneducated.... like so many today...

Cha Cha
Cha Cha - 14.07.2023 18:06

in 1347 to 1351 I think the saddest thing is the people turned to the ones associated with the man (POPE) at time was the main reason it was so bad as just before it started the cat hating Pope had all cats killed as witches pets or devil's pets that led to the mass boom of rats that in turn got infected the fleas I am not saying the plague would of never happened if that Pope never went on his mass cat killing spree but it would of not wiped out 60% of Europe and during this one the made same mistake killing all the rat killers

Corvid flight 19
Corvid flight 19 - 13.07.2023 07:44

Its nice to know that politicans have not changed, they still flee when things get bad!

Wade Evans
Wade Evans - 12.07.2023 23:16

I love how we assume people before present day just walk around their entire life covered in mud.

Sarah Kelson
Sarah Kelson - 12.07.2023 20:18

So, what's changed? Recent history seems like a repeat. Guess we haven't learned much in 300 years.

Jenifer Jordan
Jenifer Jordan - 10.07.2023 23:43

Kill animal for any disease here or over there and watch your children die first Love the Cat

BananaSpliitz - 08.07.2023 17:26

Listening about the ‘shutting up policy’ is this where the phrase shut up comes from? Shut someone up >silence

David Tate
David Tate - 07.07.2023 16:58

The black dead change the course of history.ended the middle ages. .

Pariah Thistledowne
Pariah Thistledowne - 06.07.2023 07:10

brilliantly acted!

Troy Chambliss
Troy Chambliss - 05.07.2023 23:30


sandra grundy
sandra grundy - 05.07.2023 17:16

We live in privileged times and don't appreciate it. I think our ancestors were made of stronger stuff than our generation.

Nigel Worters
Nigel Worters - 05.07.2023 11:08

One minor complaint on an otherwise excellant documentary. Excavations of several plague pits show that even at the worst height of the epidemic victims were given the best attempt at Christian burial as possible. Pits were dug in alignment East to west and the bodies weren't just dumped in. They were placed in lines. Christian belief was incredibly strong back then and the idea of just dumping bodies in a hole was unthinkable because a proper burial was one of the necessities for getting in to heaven

Anna Russo
Anna Russo - 05.07.2023 02:41

Beautifully done! But all those clean shaven men and their short hair!

Amy Ezell
Amy Ezell - 05.07.2023 00:17

Killing dogs and cats, I just turned this video. I'm done when u go killing dogs and cats. I'm done. I love animals it was coming from rats

Seven Stars of the Dipper
Seven Stars of the Dipper - 04.07.2023 22:22

The true human cost of the Plagues was that the Europeans spread their diseases and way of life all over the world to the detriment of every other population.

Jenny Windsor
Jenny Windsor - 04.07.2023 13:23

I feel pity of the dogs and cat killed.....maybe the plague is the karma to them since they killed the poor animals

twiggyjali - 04.07.2023 09:45

someday, people will look back at covid's effect on the world and call us foolish, superstitious, uneducated, lacking in medical knowledge.
