Aliens are here, and they're not our friends, John Lear says -- Part 1

Aliens are here, and they're not our friends, John Lear says -- Part 1

8 News Now — Las Vegas

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Asrul Amru
Asrul Amru - 20.09.2023 15:14

Aliens are here. True
They are not our friends. True
Are they our enemy? Not necessarily.

mgman - 20.09.2023 14:31

When given permission by God,Aliens which are demons will destroy much of mankind.

Heath Cox
Heath Cox - 20.09.2023 06:36

"Millions/billions of years advanced", But you capture one then know it can't travel thru electromagnetic??? How was that knowledge gained so quickly?

Im Mojo
Im Mojo - 20.09.2023 06:18

70 different species

Eulavist - 20.09.2023 03:07

This is why I am so reluctant to trust Dr. Greer on anything, as he often claims that there are NO malevolent aliens. How could one be so arrogant as to make such a statement?! It's absurd.

Peaches Rodriguez
Peaches Rodriguez - 19.09.2023 23:53

Not benevolent...doesn't ask their

wrknathome - 19.09.2023 23:40

Can someone comment on whether there was a crash prior to the one in 47? For example, I thought there was a crash at Cape Girardeau, MO around 1941.

Denise Scutt
Denise Scutt - 19.09.2023 21:12

They are DEMONS not Aliens. Wake up. Read the Bible

Joanne Reeves
Joanne Reeves - 19.09.2023 17:34

I do believe that they are here, but they are fallen angels - they are demonic beings

Christine - 19.09.2023 15:22

Bcuz wpe sphoot at them

Church of the Poisoned Mind
Church of the Poisoned Mind - 19.09.2023 14:53

More bullshit for the tinfoil hat brigade.

Janico Tremblay
Janico Tremblay - 19.09.2023 08:56

That's a lot of bullshit for only one video. :)

New Edge Designs
New Edge Designs - 19.09.2023 08:30

They are at least half a billion years more technologically advanced than us…Also we trapped them in static cling..😂😂😂 Ridiculous.. Don’t be naive people, you’re being manipulated by your slave masters..

Tammy Smart
Tammy Smart - 19.09.2023 07:38

Some people talk about cube shape ufobjects, or hexagon shaped ufobjects. This one seems to even show a dice like appearance with the number 1 on top! Taking on all kinds of shapes how fast can this be spinning? And are those camera " windows " taking in all sorts of information? Surveillance from here,or " out there"?
Seem even with covert operations, this technology is too far advanced for our propulsion understanding. Mothership release?
Hmmmm, where's the logo or " flag, or " license plate" (😂) if it's from any Nation on earth.
Even covert needs a mark. Besides that we use satellites and uh,,balloon design.
Interesting? ,,,,, I watch these and pause them to try to see the engineering of these phenomena.

loonylinda - 19.09.2023 07:34

where is pt 2 ?

David Werking
David Werking - 19.09.2023 06:21

Should find out how much the aliens appreciate glitter

YURIRUSSIANSPY - 19.09.2023 05:02

Absolutely nobody in their right mind whatever visit the planet Earth you think that aliens will actually travel light years to come see this crazy planet and we live on absolutely not and anybody who think so well you must be a Democrat which explains everything because they are the dumbest people that this planet has

Heu T
Heu T - 19.09.2023 04:13

No, you should never posting that alien's are "not friends". They've been here for more than 10,000 (plus) years. If they wanted Earth, we would had died long time ago. If you post like this, all average "mom & dad, uncles, and friends" will buy all ammo, guns, and everything that's bad...and they will hunt and kill aliens and everything else. This is bad.

alexander roos
alexander roos - 19.09.2023 03:29

Now the green one's are the really bad ones because they come down and rape all the humans and eat are children 😮

rdkndr1 - 19.09.2023 03:28

G Knapp is a great host. Great voice.

alexander roos
alexander roos - 19.09.2023 03:26

The gray one are the ones will eat all the human on earth 😂

LinusSpacehead - 19.09.2023 02:16

I want to mate with the nordics.

LinusSpacehead - 19.09.2023 02:16

Interesting the very tall aliens fits that description given of the aliens in that Las Vegas incident.

LinusSpacehead - 19.09.2023 02:09

Beware of those bearing gifts.

Intl Spy
Intl Spy - 19.09.2023 00:09

Project blue beam, carry on

Gary Francis
Gary Francis - 19.09.2023 00:03

Henry Kissinger is still alive at age 100

Kevin McManus
Kevin McManus - 18.09.2023 23:24

American Traitor CIA asset monumental liar

mr_fold113 only on TikTok
mr_fold113 only on TikTok - 18.09.2023 23:24


Ken Sahib
Ken Sahib - 18.09.2023 22:01

And they are not our friends. For real.

ELUSIVE - 18.09.2023 16:25

Aliens are actually demons

Michael Rupf
Michael Rupf - 18.09.2023 15:36

Any so called "Alien" is in fact a demon masquerading as a alien in order to not get people into finding christ.

Google is a transbitch
Google is a transbitch - 18.09.2023 14:39

If there are 70 species of aliens then I would love to meet each and every one of those....

Ricky Water
Ricky Water - 18.09.2023 12:46

So they are called humans

David tuchi
David tuchi - 18.09.2023 11:02

It actually started with the oldest civilizations like Egyptians they are in reality fallen angels they will decide you and like in the past advancements are the bait they have used every time but when they mingled with women they had angels and put man to labor and you can't trust anything they are deceivers they could very well do is leave their bodies to die but their essence transfes etc you can't trust them if you negotiate with them you will lose

Charles West
Charles West - 18.09.2023 06:44

Probably following the prime directive of NO contact. I would. Humanity may not be ready for them. 😮

Bob C
Bob C - 18.09.2023 05:21

I agree, I saw them invade the Capital on Jan 6th

Athena - 18.09.2023 03:46

Most of those UFOS are from our own government.
Some aliens are friendly and some Reptiliens are underground here on earth and think they are our bosses.
There are many benevolent beings.
Our government is trying to prepare us for a FAKE:Alien Invasion.
Just another diversion from the Elitests corrupt activities.
So wrong to control the Aliens.

Philip Giacalone
Philip Giacalone - 18.09.2023 03:06

If you believe this nonsense then I have a bridge to sell you.

discoqueen - 18.09.2023 02:52

It depends on which side you have CHOSEN to stand on. Their "eyesight" is unmeasurable ✨🌙🥰

Exxxtrasauce - 18.09.2023 01:19

When are people finally going to realize that aliens are just the smartest human beings that have evolved and have access to technology and knowledge we don’t…look how scientists experiment on other humans and animals and tell me we aren’t the aliens here.

CEO Clairvoyentspeaks
CEO Clairvoyentspeaks - 18.09.2023 01:14

I’m experiencing some weird activity outside my home in Hudson valley ny. If u asked me are Ufo real in past I say not sure , but my security footage is picking up orbs flying lights and weird shapes . I guess it just my luck lol after all I’m psychic so maybe it drawn to me lol ..

Joe Mulica
Joe Mulica - 17.09.2023 23:04


Burke Moras
Burke Moras - 17.09.2023 22:28

When he started talking about the Grey ailens having genetic problems and are declining, all I could think was, "Man, this guy's been watching too much Stargate"

Dino Tornarides
Dino Tornarides - 17.09.2023 21:00

The hole on the plot is the fact that they can disappear, and they built special cells to prevent them escaping. Well Surely if they can disappear they would disappear before we got to the crash site preventing us from capturing them in the first place ?! Also if they half a billion years more advanced then us, then why do their craft keep crashing! Hmmmmm

Ansel Rod
Ansel Rod - 17.09.2023 20:53

Sounds to me like a lot of BS and I believe in aliens.

Steven 101
Steven 101 - 17.09.2023 20:11

George Knapp and John lear !
looks like they were right all the time !
everything theyve said is true and more .
Remember when people used to laugh,not now !

Michael Thornton
Michael Thornton - 17.09.2023 18:57

1987 - So little publicly known evidence, only a nut believes in Aliens and UFOs.
2023 - So much publicly known evidence, only a nut does NOT believe in aliens and UFOs.

Clean Wave
Clean Wave - 17.09.2023 18:54

Why? Genetic experiment's.. nano MRNA ? Vaccine DNA therapy
