Why Elon Musk Hates LIDAR and Tesla Won’t Use It

Why Elon Musk Hates LIDAR and Tesla Won’t Use It


3 года назад

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@ngenes1 - 31.12.2023 21:55

His arm position shows he’s wrong and will lose this race.

@kerron_ - 16.11.2023 18:54

Thermal vision also

@Nic7320 - 21.09.2023 00:23

Self driving cars without a steering wheel will need better adhesive to hold the carpet in place. Otherwise, the carpets will get pushed forward when nervous riders push on the imaginary brakes.

Like all the driver's ed cars.

@takiyaazrin7562 - 12.09.2023 21:25

Terminator comes from the future to terminate Elon Musk

@oby-1607 - 12.09.2023 05:38

The Teslas use a Beta program with cameras. Very failure prone and uses no hardware but only software. Want to bet your life on that?

@chunderground9880 - 10.07.2023 13:48

I think LiDAR as with all tec products will get cheaper every year as it scales. I really want to buy a Tesla for my next car as they are currently a far superior product compared with the competition . We shall see in 4 years who offers the safest and most relaxing driving experience. I think that Elon will change his opinion once the price / performance of LiDAR improves

@mpirokajosephmgcokoca2355 - 28.06.2023 18:57

Lidar doesn't look nice though🙄

@renz8159 - 02.06.2023 12:21

elon doesn't hate lidar as it sounds since spacex dragon uses lidar to dock in ISS.

@IngeniousDimensions369 - 20.04.2023 17:56

Level 5 is going to be lit.🔥🔥

@john-lenin - 27.02.2023 07:41

Musk has murdered half a dozen people so far - but think of how much money he’s saved.

@john-lenin - 27.02.2023 07:40

Turns out Musk is a moron. What a surprise.

@estebanod - 11.02.2023 18:06

Yeah and that is also why his cars killed multiple bikers and cyclists.. "fool"

@voltairecarlos2398 - 30.01.2023 13:56

And Lidar wins!!! Anyone relying on Tesla Vision is doomed.

@merryfergie - 07.01.2023 02:30

Lidar is radiation

@MacVonFung - 05.12.2022 06:40

Tesla feeds on human driving data and grow their AI. Car manufacturer who use LiDAR thinks it's more achivebale and reliable at the current stage.

@BritskNguyen - 29.11.2022 23:32

I give u one example: the cheetah is the fastest animal and it uses legs to run. Wheel does not appear in nature. By Elon's logic we need to solve leg-based locomotive mode, wheel is a fool's errand, anyone depending on wheel is doomed.

@TheaPeanut_69old - 07.11.2022 05:13

Why not lidar and cameras?

@SinhVTruong - 03.11.2022 19:25

He’s all in on cameras and can’t walk it back having sold FSD prior to completion.

@SoylentGamer - 01.11.2022 05:39

Elon wouldn't look so silly right now if he just gave his AI FLIR cameras to work with too. Would make all the difference in the world, might even outmatch LIDAR and RADAR for less. It's literally what the army uses, and due to economies of scale that makes them cheap compared to LIDAR and RADAR.

@ankitmandal6953 - 22.10.2022 15:41

That's why once tesla detected moon as traffic light🤣

@THE_ONLY_GOD - 01.10.2022 05:56

Today AI day 2022 proved musk was WRONG! That was easy to predict though. An omni-directional cam (Lidar) vs 8 cams…. Thankfully though, Lidar can be used by people that don’t own 14000 modern GPU’s. (Yes, cameras cost less than Lidar…but a 14000 GPU computer would cost MILLIONS). Basically today musk admitted that the company already switched to a method that is easier to do with lidar, but he is too stubborn (and deceitful and egotistical) to admit that!!! If any here are up for investing in My wearable computing and personal robotics company, post a reply saying so.

@boyyang9007 - 18.09.2022 11:58

Lidar companies are substantially overvalued. Self-driving cars need to not only see but more importantly recognize what it sees. To do that, self-driving programs need to study a lot of data(hey program, this is what walking person look like vs a running person, etc). However, there is no data available for lidar sensors to study whereas data for cameras such as pictures and videos are everywhere. Lidar is a very useful technology but not for self-driving cars.

@lyravans40 - 31.08.2022 14:46

It seem Lidar is a health hazard technology. Its radiation fill the environment.

@geese5170 - 18.08.2022 21:44

Please let people see this comment. The reason Lidar is so hated by Elon, is because he has already sold one million+ "self driving" cars that do not have LiDar built in, just cameras. He hates it because he didn't foresee it being so use full and its too late for him to use it

@mysticchicken5352 - 18.07.2022 09:33

The future will be a fusion of both camera and Lidar.

@cmnhl1329 - 21.06.2022 06:23

Valeo Scala 3: “am I dead to you?”

@foxmore262 - 14.06.2022 22:32

if you don’t use radar then what about fog

@gary8397 - 25.05.2022 15:02

I have an upmarket dashcam that is supposed to warm me if I am drifting out of a lane and if I am too close to a car. On average it warms me I am drifting out of my lane twice in 10 kilometers both times it is as I pass a right-hand turn lane. The warning of traveling too close varies with the colour of the car. No way would I want to sit back and use this as part of a self-driving system.

@heavensfugitive6447 - 27.04.2022 08:52

never mind Lidar how bout that Mustang Sketch!!!

@bbmindianhi-techsongs8741 - 27.04.2022 05:41

Hey guys when we focus on every hypercar there are lot of factor gliches on sensor for a sensor we need more precise and multiple feedback system wheras lidar is also advancing
It is good idea to use lidar with camera and other sensors

@blower1 - 26.04.2022 07:30

The issue here is the camera only solution is only as good as the cameras - which currently are no where near as good as the human eye. They have a small fraction of the effective resolution of the human eye which is estimated to be ~576 megapixels, and even less dynamic range. Yet there are sensors which are superior to the human eye in some respects - Radar & Lidar can see in the dark, through rain, fog etc - their resolution is very low of course but still they can calculate precisely where an object is, in complete darkness.

To solely rely on one set of sensors (cameras) which are far inferior to the human eye in ALL respects and then ignore / remove other sensors which offer some abilities greater than the human eye - is short sighted to say the least (pun intended).

@reyalPRON - 20.04.2022 09:59

What come to mind first for me is that Tesla might be using the data from the lidar collaboration to justify the insane amount of processing power needed to achieve "vision" system.

If it is anthing like the Deep Rain or whatever they call their wiper system for model 3 it WILL be bad. I have a m3 myself and the worst thing about it is the wiper auto function.

@fcaceres8539 - 04.04.2022 00:20

At the end it will switch for Lidar

@lyravans40 - 23.02.2022 12:36

Radiation from Lidar infrared laser will fill the surrounding and we need to wear suits too in addition to mask?

@namanish450 - 23.02.2022 12:18

I'm glad LiDAR has finally grown on Musk. Now that it is affordable, it makes WAY more sense.

@AmusementForce - 27.01.2022 13:14

I want top level safety using multiple redundant ways to detect and verify surroundings. Without that I won't let a computer make decisions as it can potentially kill me. I want cameras, lidar, radar, the whole nine yards. And if the computer is absolutely certain that no matter what happens, snow, rain, dark, it will be bullet proof, then I will happily hand over the steering wheel.

@7jahson - 26.01.2022 20:25

Hmmm but has an contract with Luminar…

@wernergmeineder7725 - 14.01.2022 07:42

Money more important then safety ! That's why I will not purchase a Tesla ever.

@mrtracyselby9351 - 13.01.2022 22:45

Musk im a fan of everything you do brother but i think partial lidar assist would up your effectiveness especially in fog and snowfall even if its just forward facing

@thevinceberry - 05.01.2022 19:58

Lidar is an easy way for startup to call themselves autonomous company and get a bunch of funding.

@huajie666liu8 - 23.12.2021 12:10

Lidar is a technology to calculate the distance between lidar and objects and eventually to map out 3D models.

@aadhilahamed3796 - 20.12.2021 03:03

His ego will completely destroy him.

@wanickiagustin - 15.11.2021 15:24

It is quite obvious that if we can drive only using our eyes, these cars will be able to do it too. It is only to improve the data processing systems

@Paul_425 - 20.10.2021 21:46

If people can setup lidar with their current cars, this will take a large cut from tesla. Seems Elon doesn't want to spend the money at the moment, but once the tech is streamlined and improved. People will purchase the tech.
Especially for drones to walk dogs. Or possibility would be using drone with lidar tech for search and rescue.

@Wingly113 - 15.10.2021 08:47

Is there any reason to doubt a guy that built a space rocket company from scratch and putting up people on Mars? seriously?

@kayjapco3975 - 14.10.2021 05:14

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@nat0106951 - 13.10.2021 07:31

Title should be "Why elon hates LIDAR for TESLA self driving cars."
