QI | How Do You Land A Plane?

QI | How Do You Land A Plane?


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porticojunction - 15.09.2023 17:43

Since this recording it has happened that a non-pilot landed a small commercial plane at a Florida airport in May of 2022.

William Jones
William Jones - 08.07.2023 09:27

I have flown a 737 in Microsoft's FlightSim 98. I was always able to take off but landing always ended in that sudden stop in the end. Damn Gravity.

yorkaturr - 12.06.2023 01:31

After watching this I get recommendations for Heath Ledger's performance of the Joker. Maybe the Joker would come up with a plan to cause this situation.

darthmarticus - 16.04.2023 18:45

I've had Bill's 'I've got your lunch' stuck in my head all day. Had to find the video to get it out!

Brian Barber
Brian Barber - 23.03.2023 20:49

How would I land the plane?


Yoctopory - 18.02.2023 15:43

I was once on a flight where we approached landing, when suddenly the plane pulled back up and then just circled for a while. Eventually they told us that because of "difficulties" they would let the automatic pilot land the plane.
So was that not true? I still wonder to this day what happened back then.

John Nunn
John Nunn - 02.01.2023 21:49

Might as well have a go, or you’re going to die anyway 🤷‍♂️.

Matthew Deavitt
Matthew Deavitt - 05.09.2022 18:38

Funnily enough it Has happened since this video posted.

Unlocked - 19.08.2022 09:56

Fun fact, this actually happened in May 2022 and a passenger safely landed the plane.

Hal Kael
Hal Kael - 15.08.2022 00:02

Why is it called “cockpit”?
Because back in the day, only men flew planes. When a woman is flying… is it called a “box office”? 🤷‍♂️

Circ Omnia
Circ Omnia - 14.08.2022 14:01

The best way to land a plane, is on its wheels.

mikelheron20 - 09.06.2022 11:29

This has actually happened quite recently.

Raymond Davis
Raymond Davis - 09.06.2022 09:42

Has any passenger landed a plane?
The passenger who successfully landed a plane after its pilot fell "unconscious" is speaking out about the experience. In a new interview with Today, Darren Harrison explained how was able to safely land the single-engine Cessna 208 aircraft on May 10 despite having no aviation experience.May 16, 2022

Aim - 27.05.2022 14:54

that florida bloke beat all the pilots in the jet simulators at landing the plane

malis61 - 16.05.2022 07:43

QI has predicted the future here. This happened recently in Florida on May 13, 2022. Apparently he was wearing shorts and flip flops.

Scavenger Tag
Scavenger Tag - 12.05.2022 02:22

They just did this in Florida!!! Someone landed it who had never flown before while being talked down

Jeagles - 20.04.2022 23:26

As they say, any landing you can walk away from is a good one, any landing after which the plane can be reused is an excellent one!

photobackflip - 09.03.2022 13:02

Has actually happened since the time of recording. Pilot died and passenger landed the plane by being talked in.
Look up "Doug White - King Air"

black bird
black bird - 20.01.2022 21:13

"How far are we going?"
"All the way to the crash site."

MBJ - 03.01.2022 16:25

Surely this is proof that those idiots could never have flown those planes into the WTC on 9/11 if they only had a few hours training on a Cessna?

some polish girl
some polish girl - 01.01.2022 13:37

I could fly a plain.. If I learned it as a kid. :P
I was never scared of the air; the moment of plain starting is one of my favourite things on the planet.

DownundaNow - 20.12.2021 02:24

A plane can land by itself using a system that is often referred to as “autoland”. The pilots can program the auto-pilot to carry out the landing automatically whilst the pilots monitor the aircraft. ... Automatic landings probably account for less then 1% of all landings on commercial flights. The only problem is that the pilot or co-pilot has to engage autoland before passing out. Otherwise, forget it.

Spotty - 09.12.2021 07:57

To Bill's point (about landing remotely) latency is a huge issue with a system operated remotely. That's why no such system is used.

Mithereal - 27.11.2021 20:36

Did you know, a commercial passenger plane can take off, land, and fly perfectly well with just one engine, and with 0 engines can glide for a 100 miles and then land safely. Also, once the buttons are pressed to establish on the ILS (Instrument Landing System, in sync with the runway laser), the plane can approach, and do an auto land on the runway.

Grease_Monkey - 27.11.2021 16:19

I love that David always reverts to laws and insurance answers "we are not covered for giving advice" etc, not only is it funny its also realistic. In the 21st century there are so many rules and regulations that jokes about them are funny

Dr. Tetramin Flakes
Dr. Tetramin Flakes - 12.11.2021 20:51

you line the plane with the runway and said nope it's not a landing, it'll be a control crash

Tim L
Tim L - 11.10.2021 19:44

If the pilot and or co-pilot were unable to fly, you wouldn't want to announce it to the passengers

Callum Gunn
Callum Gunn - 13.09.2021 18:50

If Murphy’s Law is anything to go by, then this is a genuinely scary scenario

pete smitt
pete smitt - 04.09.2021 14:21

Reminds me of those gentlemen of Middle Eastern ethnicity that learnt to fly a plane but showed no interest in learning to land a plane.. 'A pilot they consulted at one school, the Sorbi Flying Club in San Diego, spoke Arabic. He explained to them that their flight instruction would begin with small planes. Hazmi and Mihdhar emphasized their interest in learning to fly jets, Boeing aircraft in particular, and asked where they might enroll to train on jets right away. Convinced that the two were either joking or dreaming, the pilot responded that no such school existed. Other instructors who worked with Hazmi and Mihdhar remember them as poor students who focused on learning to control the aircraft in flight but took no interest in takeoffs or landings.'

jmalmsten - 27.06.2021 14:08

Remember, kids. If you are a pilot and during the flight you are given the choice between Steak and Fish. Always opt for the Lasagna.

David Jackson
David Jackson - 23.06.2021 14:15

Many years ago, when I was in the RAF and fresh out of engineering college, I met a guy who told me a tale of being on an airliner where both pilots were incapacitated and he became the hero who landed the plane and saved all the lives, He absolutely swore the story was true, despite the incredulity of his audience who, to a man, walked away in disgust. Subsequently, I relayed this conversation to someone who had been on the base much longer than me and he replied "Oh him! Yeah, he keeps telling that story. He's an ambulance driver and we have nicknamed him The Flying Doctor!"

aluisious - 05.06.2021 07:02

Bald + mullet is the worst combination

wildste - 30.05.2021 02:06

You know how old this episode is when Bill asks if the plane could be landed with a Wii

Doran Martell
Doran Martell - 15.05.2021 07:41

No one in the comment section remembered to turn off the engines.

Sigma 1
Sigma 1 - 09.05.2021 19:15

1982.. flying to be J.F.K. international airport from Manchester..I was 12 yrs old and was bored out of my tree so I started cleaning up the cups and glasses and plates to help the "stewardesses" and as a treat they let me into the cockpit and I sat on the captain's knee and flew the plane for about 5 minutes, it was the most incredible feeling in the world.

Mc Carthy
Mc Carthy - 09.05.2021 19:05

Flying remotely... Maybe one day? 🤔 Nope. Try the early 60s and plans for Operation Northwood

ThirdFront - 06.05.2021 09:49

Stephen is wrong.. Helios Flight 522 experienced this situation, April 16, 2004. Both pilots passed out, and so did all but 1 passenger due to loss of cabin pressure. The last passenger held on until plane crashed due to engine flame out. he couldn't contact ground because radio was set to different frequency.

Bloody Marvelous
Bloody Marvelous - 02.05.2021 06:40

There was a flight in Greece where both pilots were unconscious due to oxygen deprivation, but then so were all the passengers, so there really wasn't anyone to ask...

BedsitBob - 27.04.2021 20:16

There's a fair chance there would be a pilot in the passengers, because most airlines have reciprocal free/cheap flight agreements, for their pilots.

Jeremyk 541
Jeremyk 541 - 20.04.2021 21:38

Just close your eyes take a deep breath and let Jesus take the wheel 😂 Gravity will take you to the scene of the crash

James Sylvestre
James Sylvestre - 13.04.2021 01:08

Any landing you walk away from is a good landing.

Landing in one piece is recommended but unnecessary

John Mc
John Mc - 13.04.2021 00:38

You don’t.

NomadSoul76 - 12.04.2021 12:46

It's honestly not that hard. But nobody offered me simulator time to demonstrate it.

Twinrehz - 08.04.2021 15:10

But what if I fill the airplane with venomous snakes, and it's the worst designed airplane ever with wiring that can be pulled out just by rubbing against a specific console?

Mjhavok - 05.04.2021 23:08

They tried a flight simulator on Mythbusters and both of them crashed. They then tried with assistance from a former pilot and control tower guy and they both landed successfully while being spoken to via radio.

Michael Hoffmann
Michael Hoffmann - 02.04.2021 12:07

There has been at least one case in which a general aviation (i.e. little small planes like Cessnas) has assisted in bringing down a plane when one of the pilots has become incapacitated. Working radios, reading checklists, that sort of thing. If I still had my aviation books I could quote a source, but they're now all in the possession of a kid who's learning to fly. :|
