Sonic Cutscenes Suck Now

Sonic Cutscenes Suck Now

Splash Dash

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@esthernoutsa5638 - 10.02.2024 01:10

Dude dosen't like anything I know I shouldn't say this but I don't care

@ThatBluDude - 10.02.2024 00:24

Pokemon fans would kill for cutscenes like Frontiers...

@djneely2999 - 07.02.2024 10:37

I was very excited when this game came out but I’ve grown to hate it. I’m playing the DLC now, and it’s so underwhelming. The whole game is disappointing to me besides some of the writing.

@gnomish5162 - 04.01.2024 21:24

One hung I can give frontiers credit for is how well they handled the character relationships and personalities. None of them feel like 1 dimensional characters and they actually feel fleshed out. Now if they can improve upon their expressions then I think that would make for excellent cutscenes

@othmancabouni-ot1gg - 20.12.2023 00:46

Honestly I'm not a fan of ian flin writing, i much prefer something like black knight
Please sega bring back shiro meakawa as the writer 🙏

@skeetermania3202 - 13.12.2023 21:58

I think this is just overreacting or cherry-picking.

@noamskplaying - 13.12.2023 14:18

spoke too soon sonic dream team is a game

@doggietreats3247 - 11.12.2023 01:07

Ok but like... No u

@muzaffer9999 - 10.12.2023 21:39

comment "i disagree" on this video to inhale ropium while waiting for the next mid budget sonic game by sonic team

@YosephYostar - 09.12.2023 15:28

I respectfully agree to disagree with everything in this video

@s.kanessuperbiatv6464 - 08.12.2023 03:28

I think the Yakuza series is actually a good comparison. Every story cutscene in that series is so over-the-top and cinematic, I wish Sonic games had that level of ridiculous bombasity

@malachiallen1517 - 08.12.2023 00:55

Tyson Hesse and Sonic Dream Team called, they said they're gonna do us justice

@Theskyisbroken - 07.12.2023 20:10

This has nothing to do with the video but doesn’t this guy sound like LS mark?

@arthurrodrigues4983 - 03.12.2023 01:41

Yall its an opinion, don't take It too serious

@bentacc9217 - 30.11.2023 19:45

I just wish they were more lively.
I think some small fixes they could do to the models to make em better with out fully rebuilding or redesigning them is this.
Shrink the hand and feet.
Add a neck like Prime that’s only visible in very specific angles mainly when looking directly up
Shrink his pupils and give him eye brows that can wrap or move more freely over his eyes (that way you don’t need the eye lids to do all the heavy lifting)
And make his move fully rotational don’t have it skewed to the sides but not also locked to the centre.
(Idc necessarily about other things like his quillls or colour or fur texture or bage or his stomach idc about that atm)

@budybas - 24.11.2023 03:59

It's so fucked up to think that Frontiers cutscenes have about as much movement as the SA1 cutscenes did back in 1998...

@phorchybug3286 - 22.11.2023 22:27

Yeah, Fronteirs' cutscenes quality is what threw me off from the game.
I tried the free demo.
Gave up when something wanted me to collect more pointless stuff.

@maravreloaded - 20.11.2023 03:42

Sonic Boom has the best cutscenes at least in terms of character animation. There's A LOT of stretch and squash the characters are CARTOONISH and they have actual good character animation that isn't mo-cap or characters standing in front of the other.

@_.rens._ - 19.11.2023 16:55

"Old Man Yells At Cloud"

@Victorcolongarcia - 13.11.2023 16:07

I skip most of them. So slow, bad animation, terrible camera work, story is weak and poorly explained…

@Naninanaaaaa - 12.11.2023 02:36

Its really tragic that sega gets like ten people to animate these and then throws it allout there. Like didnt forces have two character animators? Why would you ever do that

@ipwinghei - 11.11.2023 05:34

There’s a reason for this, they don’t have time to render every single cutscene like extra stories and they have to make skins appear in cutscenes so it all so prevents it from being pre-rendered

@callmezeldaonemoartime - 08.11.2023 05:34

I must be playing too much FFXIV and Baldur’s Gate 3, cus I have no problem with them lmao

@Scott... - 07.11.2023 21:37

Why do some characters have centered mouths while others have perspective based mouths? I get why the perspective ones exist, but they feel like a hinderance in 3D. I feel like it would make more sense to just have them all be centered to give every character more definition and a better sense of perspective.

@lokkomotive8153 - 05.11.2023 18:15

Sonic when they can’t just make a 1 2d animated cutscene and call it a day

@ShockHat734 - 02.11.2023 22:47

Glad im not the only one who finds the cutscenes in this game insanely boring

@LucasHopkins2006 - 27.10.2023 23:43

I think something that could really improve the cutscenes is having more action in them, I mean we’re in the era of the PS5, I don’t think it’s that crazy to want at least an effort to make something like the opening to Unleashed or the cutscene in Black Knight when Sonic and the Knights were escaping the castle. Sonic’s first encounter with Giganto in Frontiers feels like a step in that direction but that’s mainly it. And because I know there’s a chance at least one person will say that “it’s probably too much for a bunch of action regularly in cutscenes”, then I’m gonna call bull crap because once again, we’re in the era of the PS5, you’re really telling me it’d be too hard when games like Batman: Arkham City on the PS3 in 2011 had cutscenes like the Wonder Tower one where Batman is quickly knocking Hugo Strange around the place and tackles Ra’s Al Ghul out of the exploding tower before having to push himself off of Ra’s when he stabs himself also trying to get Batman, or if you want a more current example then look at Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (yes I will be going over something that might be considered spoilers so if anyone is avoiding them then you might wanna stop reading this), I mean the Coney Island mission has Peter very quickly catching and dodging arrows, throwing fireworks at a couple of Kraven’s men (how are they not dead), all while trying to stop two roller coaster vehicles, or in the final boss where Peter and Miles are fighting Venom in the sky, slingshotting and sky diving throughout with Venom at one point slamming Peter through a truck, at this point more than ever, I don’t think animating action scenes is the problem, we just need to hope Sega doesn’t go back on giving Sonic games a bigger budget because I think either that or the animators not trying hard enough is why it feels rare we have a cutscene where Sonic and co. aren’t just standing around waving their arms like it’s Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

@sonicmightcouch - 27.10.2023 16:29

At least they don’t just use generic pngs COUGH COUGH FREERIDERS

@RollinsFN - 27.10.2023 09:23

Dude, I came across this channel completely organically through recommended, but I recognized LS Mark's voice immediately. I've watched too many hours of you complaining about Butch Hartman to not recognize it lmao.

@DemonDethchase - 26.10.2023 22:36

I'm not seeing much of an improvement in the writing, even with Ian Flynn, given that things are still very much like the Meta Era, where nothing really matters.

Colors: oh no! Tails is being mind controlled and- oh, its resolved already? K I guess...

Lost World: oh no! Tails is being mind controlled, again, and- oh, its resolved already? K I guess...

Forces: oh no! Sonic has been sucked into Nullspace and- oh, its resolved already? K I guess...

Frontiers: oh no! Sonic has succumbed to the cyber corruption and- oh, its resolved already? K I guess...

Then comes the Final Horizon DLC, where after Sonic's friends sacrifice themselves to bring him back, its undone immediately after that. Which not only completely undermines their sacrifice in the main story, but also the cyber corruption itself further. It just seems a lot like more of the same, to be honest.

Though I do agree with you about the English voice acting direction for Frontiers, because lowering ones voice and sounding older than what you are does make your story come across as mature, despite what the English cast would have you believe. Instead it screams trying way too hard to be taken seriously. Especially when the Japanese cast continue to talk normally, as they have done for the near 25 years they've been doing it.

@asswipe-fl7hq - 26.10.2023 03:55

"It stinks, It stinks, It stinks!"
"Yes Mr. Sherman, everything stinks."

@Mr.Pancreas - 24.10.2023 11:40

hmm yes "friend's"

@AustinMSmall - 23.10.2023 13:31

This is just proof that Sonic Unleashed cursed the franchise.

@ShadowTheHedgehogCZ - 22.10.2023 17:02

I think that facial animations are fine, at least a step up from the previous games.
But what the cutscenes in Frontiers lack, and what the overall story lacks, is "staging".
All the cutscenes make you feel like the game is devoid of life, because they all take place in a generic grass, sand or lava landscape with floating abstract shapes. Because of this, the story isn't grounded. The characters appear like they are just floating in a void, and dialogs are all that matters. The lack of dramatic environments is what contributes to this.
Usually in fiction, when dramatic moments take place, they take take place at some ominous or important location. Ratchet Crank in Time for example has final boss taking place on an installation designed to control time of the entire universe, and it looks imposing. When Obi Wan fights Anakin, they fight on a lava planet and jump over rivers of lava. Heck, most of the previous Sonic games have their big moments happen on some magnificent looking installation or location. In Frontiers, everything happens on a grass field. The freaking last boss just materializes out of nowhere on a grassy clearing surrounded by trees... Though at least you have the Moon descending close to the ground and the purple sky. But the way everything just materializes on generic grass field is lame.
Sonic games every since Lost World suffer from a huge ludonarrative dissonance, by having all of the levels feeling like they were a huge afterthought, and that the story was written completely independently from them. Forces at least had some set pieces and interesting locations, but Forces problem was that those still felt completely disconnected and illogical to the story progression. Sonic and other characters just appeared in a level and the story excuse why they are there was usually very weak. In Frontiers, the excuse is better, but the locations suck.

@Crash_Bash89 - 22.10.2023 08:15

I’m sorry but I don’t see any issue with the cutscenes, to me they get the job done

@danieu1510 - 22.10.2023 02:37

SEGA needs to reboot 3d Sonic's models and stuff, they're using the "same base" since unleashed. Honestly i would love to see how a Cel shaded mainline sonic game would look, i think it fits sonic's expressions and moves pretty well in gameplay (wich i think is even more problematic than cutscenes, Sonic is stiff as hell when transitioning trough his moveset) and obviously in cutscenes

@a.d.9825 - 20.10.2023 21:08

Skipped most of frontiera cutscenes

@theringmaster6434 - 20.10.2023 17:53

Honestly beside the side cutscenes with barely any animation, I like the cutscenes in Sonic Frontiers, the voice acting is top notch and while the animations haven’t improved since forces, the camera has and makes all these scenes feel a lot more dynamic. Hell the animation during the final fight in the final horizon was top notch, ESPECIALLY the final qte.

@lordadz1615 - 19.10.2023 11:09

Forces is the worst

@BashyMcBash - 18.10.2023 05:50

From what I’ve heard, Kishimoto said that improved character animations would be a priority, so that’s nice to hear

@Terminated_Account - 18.10.2023 01:32

didnt know LSmark was a sonic fan

@zestytriss5282 - 16.10.2023 03:07

Sonic right now cant be too expressive because of the sudden change of seriousness of the story in the future games.
Old Sonic fans criticize the IDW for having a overly expressive faces calling it a meme face. To them they see it very childish.

@Criticalload2009 - 16.10.2023 00:47

Well I like to say that sonic frontiers are sometimes pretty good like the first between sonic and knuckles but a majority of the game is standing a talking I wish the cutscenes had some impact like Sa2 cutscenes or like the mini cutscenes in the titan fights in frontiers they can obviously make sonic look good and expressive and well directed so they just need to do it.

@blaquelinktriforce4234 - 15.10.2023 18:08

This is a great video.

@JustSomber - 14.10.2023 19:28

I think the cutscenes wouldve been beautiful if the cgi ones were in the game

@letsnot27 - 14.10.2023 04:15

I was just thinking about this today after playing Colors.
