The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

The Sins of Adam and the True Nature of Eve

Jordan B Peterson

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@JuroToTheMolnar88 - 21.06.2024 06:50

I saw him in Adelaide, south Australia; Papa Pete is someone i wish I had heard about sooner, it would have saved me a lot of unnecessary heartache and troubles. Oh well, i know of him now and i am forever grateful.

@MadelineHutton - 21.06.2024 07:32

Self-Actualization means Jung's Self, imo - not the small, subjective self, but the individual integrated with the greater purpose of G-d.

@MKULTRAVOLUNTEER1984 - 21.06.2024 17:33

Wonderful broadcast thank you for sharing.

@ReshonBryant - 21.06.2024 20:24

Judges 19:6((C.E.V.))🐻‍❄️

@didierfavre2356 - 21.06.2024 23:26

Misery and self-consciousness are the same thing and they result from pride.

@trillioncrowns - 22.06.2024 03:28

Many think like this but have no guts to show their face

@kmoustakas - 22.06.2024 09:10

Hail Hydra. That jacket though.

@FourReelProductions - 22.06.2024 09:52

I was at his lecture in Las Vegas. It seems he was still working through the material a little bit. This seems more tied up especially the first 30mins. Still amazing to see him in person.

@guleidhasan816 - 22.06.2024 14:05

This guy was my favorite academic and I've been subscribed to his Chennai unless October 7 came when his true nature cames out. Ever since then I unsubscribed to his Chennai and never listened to talks.

@wildolive7758 - 22.06.2024 16:57

For those still dubious about the bible being inspired by a immaterial and timeless God, when even non-christians intellectuals acknowledge the inescapable true of our reality on this earth only narrated by biblical truths and realities. Yet, J.P has numerous times expressed the unfathomable depths and mysteries of the bible that had left him dumbstruck.

@SEIGNREUR7 - 22.06.2024 17:24

Here is the true story of Adam and Eve from Urantia :
The Birth of Man (1/2)
When homo sapiens, a million years ago, had developed to the point where its brain
was perfectly adapted to its shape, a pair of these individuals gave birth to a pair of
twins whose brains could respond to the mental energy circuit of the universe.
This gave them the energy to be able to reason, develop self-awareness and exercise
free will. This event was immediately recorded in the universe and this couple was given
the names of Andon and Fonta.
This is how the first humans were born on this world, named Urantia.
The word earth comes from the Bible and refers to all of creation.
Thirty-five thousand years ago, human beings had fully developed their brains and
found themselves at a crossroads. They either looked upward in search of their origin,
or they looked down to the things of this world and became beings dominated by their
intellect, with an atrophic cerebellum due to lack of use, but the evolutionary plan is
Then Adamic Sons descended on this world. This Adamic couple had the mission of
generating a million descendants over a period of a thousand years. These
descendants of Adam and Eve have a body irrigated by purple blood, this blood vibrates
at a higher frequency than red blood. Their mission was to mix with human races to
pass on purple blood to them. This blood would have raised awareness of human
beings towards the higher realities of life.
Unfortunately, Lucifer's Rebellion would short-circuit this plan and these creatures
subsequently became creatures of Lucifer, they are the inhabitants of this world.
The Cerebellum (2/2)
If the brain responds to the mental energy circuit of the universe,
the cerebellum responds to the spiritual energy circuit of the universe.
Smaller and more refined than the brain,
the cerebellum receives and captures spiritual energy, amplifies it and
transmits it to the brain in the form of a thought or in the form of an image.
Lucifer subjugated humanity by depriving it of all contact
with the higher realities of life.
To do this, he favored the unilateral development of the intellect.
We call intellect everything that the brain develops and it is this intellect
which dominates you today, unfortunately.
Over time, the cerebellum, which was supposed to maintain contact with the Spirit,
has become completely atrophied.
The human beings of this world are born with an overdeveloped brain,
which is subject to the mental energy circuit of Lucifer.
Your intellect has become his throne.
This is the reason why I came into this world.
I came here below, in the flesh, to rescue you from its grip,
by revealing the truth to you.

@baselbob8012 - 22.06.2024 21:24

The bible is just one set of stories trying to explain our existence- where we came from, what we are here for. Other religions have their own stories. If it wasn't for the move towards rationalism and scientific discovery we would not have improved our living circumstances. Doesn't mean that some might try to take advantage, after all capitalism, for example, has brought us prosperity rip-off "pastors."

Science has given us a much better idea of what is going on but it doesn't mean that our value systems should be ignored. We have evolved an inborn moral sense which has increased our chances for survival and various religions have built moral 'commandments' that reflect this along with some non-sequiturs like 'have no other gods before you' and 'don't covet anything'(ah oh, that make marketing in a capitalistic system a no-no). Peterson has made his own big story to try and justify the Christian religion as somehow the ideal. He will cherry pick like crazy to avoid dealing with things like how if you work on the sabath (men, slaves, animals, but not women!) you should be killed, or eating pork, and how many other crazy claims.

@beerman204 - 22.06.2024 22:08

You may not agree with Jordan, but you need to work damn hard to explain why.....

@billnorris8457 - 23.06.2024 01:25

The Judeo-Christain Bible is not a collection of simply moral stories. Which ends not with the intellect of the towering academic. No, unless we are like innocent children simply accepting the Transcendent Golden Rule Ethic, heaven is not for us. The conceit or pride must be jettisoned. Tinsdale was no Buddhist light. Rather the yoke is easy and the burden is light, if we accept the transcendent ethic. As healthy protected children do naturally. A choice all human beings are free to make.

Good Jason Whitlock interviewed the more mature Pastor Brooks of Chicago. True enough, American blacks unknowingly volunteered to be the guinea pigs of arrogant academics. Now blatantly material nihilist progressive political faction. Aware men and patriots like Honorable Woodson and the Southern Baptist Conference Clergy (which defrocked and excommunicated MLK) saw the danger.

They did not express the danger as PhD Peterson has. But they fully understood this dynamic.

Then disgusting Lamot Hill comes into the politically forged desert of O-blocked. Exhorts alienated young men to be like the African warriors, and the states, who enslaved their ancestors. Base servants of tributary Empire overlords. They take pride in having the power/strength to do the dirty nasty work. While in reality having no power or strength. Fully disposable cogs.

Which is what a street gang is. There is not much difference between pushing drugs and modern American sex slavery. In the case of modern sex slavery, they are still grabbing bodies and selling them. While the Mexican syndicates hold the real wealth and power.

Honorable Woodson testifies to the radical transformations he has witnessed. PhD Peterson can explain the radical re-organization of our mental structure. Which I am certain Pastor Brooks accepts as an element of his mission.

Poor cursing (deserves decades of steamed broccoli delivered by his loving wife) Elder Loury sees it too. But it can not be resolved by the advanced mathematics of his powerful mind.
All those completely possible equations of community economic development are contingent on civic ethics. A story of vision, enough but not all citizens, of the progressive forged ghettos must share.

Impossible you say? Well, then you explain to me how the life journey and good fruit of Booker T Washington was made real. Despite the democrat/progressive democracy of Jim Crow. Along with the progressive political street militia of the Klan.

Hum, Golden Age Harlem was real. Made possible in reality by the bone structure of 1,000 packed churches.
Think of all the brand new 'ethnic' wealth that would be created. All other Americans on waiting lists to share the experience. (If rap music can be reform into an art again. Rather than political exploitation by the most useful idiots. Stevie standards)

Free market economics is not a zero-sum game. A rising tide lifts all boats. Stealing wealth from someone else does not create wealth.
In the end like spending $50k per student on poor American children. In the end, the political masters take it all. As they self evidently have with the failed schools.

Now those political masters are replacing poor Americans. With illegal immigrants, they have near total control over them.

Cursing Elder eating massive amounts of steamed broccoli Loury's work and prescriptions are sound and could work. All that is missing are the true sons of Booker T, Woodson's leaders. As Pastor Brooks self evidently is.

I personally want to eat pit master BBQ while listening to artful music. Matched with an excellent microbrew. (Before it becomes trendy/expensive by attracting the situational ethics Hellenists like John McW! JOhn McW probably thinks grass-fed beef is a good real thing too! That minds of refined education resulting in peculiar structure is nothing new. In fact, it is overly common today.

@acts238believer1 - 23.06.2024 03:50

Would that support what Darwin says that it’s a survival of the city? Yes it was all about power? Is that what life is about?

@acts238believer1 - 23.06.2024 03:52

Would that support what Darwin says that it’s a survival of the city? Yes it was all about power? Is that what life is about?

@acts238believer1 - 23.06.2024 03:54

But directions to story include sex and power? Just think about our life story that includes someone with us. You’re gonna have sex and that’s gonna include that. A man has the role of protecting the wife, right she hast to have stronger powers as a woman so that he can protect her, but yet she also needs to treat her like a delicate special. How can you separate?

@acts238believer1 - 23.06.2024 03:56

So wouldn’t the fundamental component of life the good versus evil? That would be God versus Lucifer, who was kicked out of heaven because he wanted more power than God?

@kidohchi - 23.06.2024 04:57

Will always be,
A true savior to me-
In 2017,
My life turned obscene,
Once blind but now I see-
In the worst year of my life-
I ran across him twice-
1st on Real Time,
Then on Joe Rogan, Nice!-
And then of course, I watched and consumed everything I could find on him - Amazing man.

@Red-zh7vq - 23.06.2024 06:32

Countless stories have been told about gods or supreme beings who lay out the foundation for ethics and morality, who say it is my way or the highway, and many who ultimately were wrong and the creations overthrow the creator. I struggle with my faith, and I fear sometimes that the postmodernists have a point in that we can’t talk to God so what if He isn’t the ultimate authority. Is faith all we have to go on? Is it only faith in institutions that have been around for centuries? Is there really a right or wrong, or did we just become lucky when our ancestors made up the rules? I curse my fear and my brain’s tendency to constantly overthink everything. Does anyone have a perspective that might put my mind at ease?

@randyriot283 - 23.06.2024 22:52

Hey Jordan can you come up to Alaska we're not Canada

@user-dx3dd9dx7q - 23.06.2024 23:35

Dr. P, you got a lot of things right.
However, there is something missing about Adam and Eve. They were in the presence of God in the Garden. In order to begin mortal lives and be tested, they needed to leave His presence. They were given two conflicting commandments: 1) Do not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and 2) Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it. These directives are mutually exclusive, because in the Garden, Adam and Eve could not bear children or progress. Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit, not knowing that this was part of God’s plan. Eve, thoughtfully decided to break the first commandment, so they would become mortal, taste of death, be able to procreate (create life in partnership with God), know good from evil, and make choices without God’s immediate presence and influence. Adam, understanding this, and that he needed to be with Eve in order to bring about this plan, thoughtfully also ate of the fruit. The Fall of mankind resulted; they broke a commandment and left God’s presence, which was necessary for further progression. God chose Adam and Eve from all His spirit children to be first, to make this critical choice, and to be the parents of mankind.

@sethgunn2385 - 24.06.2024 09:35

Aim at Jesus!

@bakenryu - 24.06.2024 15:47

"It's her fault!" 😂

@michelleadams1212 - 24.06.2024 18:27

He is phenomenal!

@JurOz1980 - 25.06.2024 00:17

The aim is good, god is good, they shall only worship good

@Panderson1313 - 25.06.2024 00:48

It's rare that I like someone as much as I like Dr. Peterson (and only several other teachers). Very impressed :)

@nelsontragura1441 - 25.06.2024 04:06

Feels like Keanu Reeves would have been a good co-host for this, he could just sit down on the sofa. I will watch this later -- still at 10 min.

@ensigntothenations - 25.06.2024 07:40

Oh that was nice… that was so nice. Good and thank you!

@user-ww3jc5rm6j - 25.06.2024 14:30

Look up ai quantum computer sycamore, then why that tree get cut down, sycamore is a code word

@appalachianpatriot1796 - 25.06.2024 15:23

I knew when watching some lectures six years ago, this man would definitely find God and definitely help millions of people along the way. I have cried like a baby with him many times because he can’t restrain how much he cares and I have become a better man for it.
The three books for anybody needing encouragement: The Bible-12 Rules for Life-The Warrior Poet Way

@AdvogadadeDeus - 25.06.2024 20:33

Did he actually say “for those who are NOT believers like me”?

@Elephantshew - 25.06.2024 21:06

Very good leadership skills. His ability to expand perspective with the audience is critical in his speeches.

@Ian-vl3cm - 25.06.2024 23:27

I don't believe you found God Jordan not all I think you found something else but you know you can't say what, so you have said you believe in the accepted one . A fool thinks he's a wise man but a wise man knows he's a fool ...IH

@MrsRichardDalloway - 26.06.2024 05:04

What happened in evolutionary terms to the eyes of Jordan, Tammy, and Mikhaila? I've never seen such miniature eyes. How can they even see out of those tiny little pinholes?

@BB-cp5re - 26.06.2024 08:09

Funny he mentions Dawkins and Sex but never mentions Nematodes

@thisguy9078 - 26.06.2024 08:29

This really helped me thank you.

@gabriellem.5519 - 26.06.2024 12:56

Mono oriented stories made on top of heard magical stories. Ok.

@AdamLong1973 - 26.06.2024 19:41

Peterson’s the best preacher I’ve ever watched.

@loriwilliams5565 - 26.06.2024 21:59

Is JP a Christian?
If yes, when did he accept Jesus Christ as his savior?

@JamesJohnson-pw9bn - 27.06.2024 01:19

Absolutely profound.
I now understand what a stimulant does to my brain, and why it’s no longer necessary in my life.

@user-wm1ro6bj9q - 27.06.2024 03:54

Why do so many people take extreme positions, believing they are absolutely correct? I recently heard you argue that there is something fundamentally wrong with the reductionist basis of science, favoring an expansive view of the world instead. Your position is flawed. What is correct is that we need both context and content, experience and knowledge, as well as analysis and synthesis in our view of the universe. These characteristics are not mutually exclusive as you presented, pitting science against religion. Yes, science has become a victim of its own success, but ridiculing it for following principles of logic in favor of religious tenets is misguided. We must explore the realm of spirituality as we discover the realm of science. They are not mutually exclusive; they are integral to each other. The problem lies in our tendency to divide rather than unite. For us to be right and for them to be wrong. The perception of the world should not be a matter of choosing one over the other. It is about embracing both. We should be working towards that end. As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." PC

@homiej8017 - 27.06.2024 03:55

I love how Jordan just keeps asking why 😂

@DSMEmanuel - 27.06.2024 07:29

People would rather live in a world of fantasy they believe they control rather than face the harsh truth that life is challenging and you’re only hope of truly living is to face those challenges while keeping your heart and mind open enough to really find out what it mans to live a good and fulfilling life of love and wonder. But it’s more satisfying to complain and moan till the world just caters to you to get you to shut up and go away 😂

@andorandor5462 - 27.06.2024 15:04

I like Jordan to the point where he talks religion =).

@TonyWoW01 - 27.06.2024 19:02

I like how much information was presented succinctly and in such a structured way.

This lecture could be viewed as a biblical sermon and I usually avoid such because I feel like many are redundant and ignore arguments in order to cast the message in a positive light like some kind of door to door sales pitch. That kind of act really makes me skeptical of the truth of the matter and the aim of the speaker involved.

This one however was wonderful. It stayed on point and delivered a powerful and important observations. I appreciate your work and thank you for making it available to the public.

@user-rx6cr5iz1s - 28.06.2024 04:14

Too bad the ones who need to hear this never will. They shut logic down
