How To Get HER To Start Flirting with YOU (Say THESE Lines To Women)

How To Get HER To Start Flirting with YOU (Say THESE Lines To Women)

Marni Your Personal Wing Girl

1 год назад

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Anonymous Anonymous
Anonymous Anonymous - 29.09.2023 13:47

Marnie is 100% trying to get Men fired. During the covid shutdown a woman I used to work with started calling me names and attacking my reputation behind my back online. I had blocked her two years earlier and I knew not to address it directly so I posted something on my own Facebook and she said her roommate and her boyfriend to attack me so I blocked them and then I went to HR and ask them to help get these people to stop harassing me online. My company investigated me for longer than we were shut down for covid which was a matter of months and after interviewing every woman I've ever met they told me they were thinking about firing me over little incidences they found like a time I offered somebody a pretzel when she didn't have food and another time I gave someone a Gatorade. Shit like that. They said that this made them feel uncomfortable and I said they were on a fishing trip because I'm the one that started the investigation in the first place and if you go around asking people to pick their brain and come up with reasons why they might feel uncomfortable they're going to find something. People who literally consider themselves my friend said things I contributed to the company trying to fire me. They all assumed that I did worse because so many of them could just recall me being a little slightly socially awkward over many many years. I almost lost my health insurance during a pandemic at a time where there was no vaccine all because 1 insane drunk woman felt a little isolated and decided to attack a person she hadn't seen or talked to in months who had blocked her years earlier. It was right out of Mean Girls. I thought about killing myself. I'm not even a man. It was during this incident that I added myself as non-binary after having struggled with my identity for a long time and I even talked to some of her friends so these people knew that I was queer in some way and they still acted like attacking me personally was somehow attacking the patriarchy. Immediately after I was transferred they started trying to get someone else fired for attending a political rally. I realized that this was never going to stop. These people were getting rewarded for being harassing bullies. I still work for that company but I do not trust them. I don't trust management and I don't trust human resources. I work as little as possible and I'm making them pay for my education through their benefits program and my plan is to get the fuck out as quickly as possible. It'll take years but as far as I'm concerned these people are killers. They tried to kill me and the company in the way it operated during covid try to kill a lot of other people. I know a lot of people on your probably have right-wing politics and don't even believe in covid but even if you are left wing, this advice will get you killed or jail or at the very least fired. I didn't even engage in this Behavior all I did was try to be a good Community Builder feeding people when they were hungry and shit like that and they came after me hard.

Bryce Danner
Bryce Danner - 29.09.2023 05:52

I’m seeing a lot of thirsty simps on here!

Gerard Jennings
Gerard Jennings - 29.09.2023 01:11

PE doesn't exist. You finish quickly then you can have a kip. its a win win!

Mark Cornelius
Mark Cornelius - 28.09.2023 09:30

flirting is mostly about being able to think quickly and be funny

William David Janda
William David Janda - 28.09.2023 00:56

Nice threads😊

stan dimitrov
stan dimitrov - 26.09.2023 23:56

It was much easier when I was young. We just acted like idiots and girls were engaged in action.

Mike Hindle
Mike Hindle - 26.09.2023 06:13

here for a friend

Stan Palmer
Stan Palmer - 25.09.2023 23:39

This only works if the girl likes you. It doesn't work for everyone.

John Raymond
John Raymond - 25.09.2023 02:32

"Thank you Marni! Since watching your tutorial about pickup lines, I've been slapped over 12 times by 14 women! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Marni if you have a fetish to be slapped"!
--John, Satisfied watcher

trallfraz - 24.09.2023 06:05

lady......who cares, I'm on my way to Thailand, then Korea. MGTOW!!

MaryKay - 24.09.2023 04:14

That suggested response to how a woman spent her weekend is absolutely disrespectful to a woman.
Why would you suggest a man give such an offensive reply to a woman when she shares how her weekend was, seriously dude, ignorant!

Miguel Sánchez
Miguel Sánchez - 23.09.2023 22:22

Ambition is never attractive in a woman

Jared Shaw
Jared Shaw - 22.09.2023 17:55

As far as sexual comments I one time was going to buy a car from this really gorgeous looking lady. The only reason I didn’t buy the car is because it was automatic as up posed to stick. Could I have asked her out saying “you have Betty Davis eyes”and is it appropriate to ask her out being that she’s the one selling me her jeep.

Alexandre Hebert
Alexandre Hebert - 22.09.2023 04:56


Andres Gonzales
Andres Gonzales - 21.09.2023 22:50

My wife says I last too long and I think I don’t last long enough. She says 15 mins is the max, so I’m ready to try some wipes for my new adventures in life as we are on our way to divorce. Which is why I followed this video since I’m new to the market after 18 years

Robert Morgan
Robert Morgan - 21.09.2023 01:46

This works great, on everyone I DON'T want it to, and no one I DO.

Richard Nolan
Richard Nolan - 20.09.2023 15:11

The 1970's called and they want their dating advice back. These 'techniques' will get you fired or arrested in 2023.

James McCabe
James McCabe - 16.09.2023 12:34

I think the American woman and British woman have diff likes bcoz everything on this vid would prob get me arrested for sexual pestering 😂😂😂

James McCabe
James McCabe - 16.09.2023 12:13

I was told all pick up lines are sleazy are girl's hate it?

SuperZippyzippy - 16.09.2023 06:29

Marni I'm sorry but I can't watch a sponsor addict

_ noobder
_ noobder - 16.09.2023 02:24

Tbh i find those 'sexually driving conversations' more stupid and boring than the general normal talk, but well, when it does the trick, why not ..

David Sean Macdonald
David Sean Macdonald - 13.09.2023 03:20

I'm not doubting your tips and tricks but most of what you said worked for my Grandfather. Need a bit more unless "thank you, good bye's" are the goal

Jon D
Jon D - 13.09.2023 00:51

I dig u marni

Macca - 10.09.2023 03:33

Guys, if you want to learn how to catch a fish, do NOT get advice from a fish !!!

Rafael Carrasquillo
Rafael Carrasquillo - 07.09.2023 01:59

The best way to seduce women is to ignore them - works every time.

Jason Barnes
Jason Barnes - 04.09.2023 13:23

Marni in bed and shoulder drop is already a turn on.

Zero Grey
Zero Grey - 03.09.2023 21:14

3 lines attract all women. Here's what they are after 58 years of life an experience.
I'm rich.
I'm traditionally attractive/hot.
I have a big dangle.

If you believe otherwise, you're an idiot.

LowKey - 03.09.2023 14:21

My partner is way out of my league. To this day my family and friends think I used black magic to get her. 🤦

Jeremy Hampton
Jeremy Hampton - 02.09.2023 20:31

My favorite Offensive Coordinator lol you are the bomb 💥💣💥

Manny Santana
Manny Santana - 01.09.2023 23:53

You can’t generalize all women. There are hypersexual women and there are women who are not hypersexual. Your advice pertains to women who are not hypersexual. It’s always a safe space to flirt with a hypersexual woman. Not doing so is the fastest way to get friendzoned. The key is for a man to identify if a woman is hypersexual or not right from the beggining and first point of contact.

Rimon Miah
Rimon Miah - 31.08.2023 11:54

Talk less please and try to get in exact topic 🙄😬

Khelmik Yahvyer
Khelmik Yahvyer - 30.08.2023 10:02

Compliment her, "you have nice teeths what is your toothpaste?"

m malon
m malon - 28.08.2023 17:33

You gave an example as a "semi-sexual compliment," as "you look amazing in that dress." Some women get offended at statements like that. Instead they prefer "that dress looks amazing on you," because they are so insecure they assume you meam 'they' only look "amazing," while wearing that dress.

3rdshift_spellslinger - 27.08.2023 08:52

Bull shit all of this

The REAL Naoki Minamo
The REAL Naoki Minamo - 26.08.2023 18:08

I'm a girl myself, so... I need the same advice but for men.

Jason Sandoval
Jason Sandoval - 24.08.2023 21:48

Are you sure it's not, money, money, money?

Avrin Rose
Avrin Rose - 24.08.2023 17:16

Don't said all women! Not all women like men

Josh - 23.08.2023 00:00

I think this video is a good way to end a date fast and have her never contact you ever again. Bad advice

Tony - 22.08.2023 23:18

So the secret to getting a woman to flirt with you is to flirt with her. Groundbreaking.

Peter Parker
Peter Parker - 22.08.2023 04:01

REALLY? any woman? I like a female supervisor at a busy grocery store

Matt Graves
Matt Graves - 20.08.2023 03:59

They're much better ways to deal with ED versus using those swipes don't use those swipes that is a bad idea. You will desensitize her as well. Not a good thing

Rodolfo Oliveira
Rodolfo Oliveira - 18.08.2023 06:37

Damn what a great video! Thanks a lot brother!

Letha Kendrick
Letha Kendrick - 18.08.2023 04:49

I am an older man. I was married 25 years. My wife passed away recently, and I’m back out trying to meet women. I’m retired and I need help in dealing with women in this era. I’m in pretty good shape and I’m healthy. I’m just starting to think I should be more aggressive in finding what women want and what their looking for. Without going to a dating service. I enjoy the opportunity to flirt and possibly getting to know someone or many someone’s to share time with. I’m 72 and this is the final chapter of my life and I believe it could possibly be the best yet! What are some lines to help me break the ice, without coming on like a dirty old man. Age of women is no boundaries
Thank you

Sherif Khamis
Sherif Khamis - 15.08.2023 22:03

All your videos is just lead to your courses. This is not a quality videos you could rely on it.

ss. team
ss. team - 15.08.2023 10:34

Your awesome 👌 👏 pls make more videos like this

Mr Skills
Mr Skills - 10.08.2023 09:23

I'd love to use these tips on you! God you're beautiful.

Doctor Kayak
Doctor Kayak - 09.08.2023 23:12

I will pass on every one of your tips. The last thing I want to do is work that hard just to get a lady to give me the time of day. Frankly I don't care if a lady is attracted to me, I am a catch, that's all there is to it. I don't need to prove it. Whatever anyone thinks the "secret" is to getting a girl, there is no secret.

You're a funny little girl, I have lived a full life and I have had no shortage of girls in my life, actually TOO many. Once you grow up and learn that getting a girl is not really a thing the sooner you will realize that if you want to be with a real man all you have to do is be honest and truthful and most importantly DON'T PLAY GAMES.

Rule #1 you cannot possess a human being. I am an individual, I am not part of a couple. I do not answer to anyone and any lady in my life will not answer to me. I won't ask her what she did or where she went or who she was with while I was at work or out fishing with my friends. If she starts giving me the third degree and starts asking me questions, I simply ignore her until she either get the message or she LEAVES!

Rule #2 Trust implicitly. Don't worry if she's screwing around on you, it will come out and vice-versa. Once the trust has been broken it's time to move on, no second chances.

Rule #3 RESPECT! No matter what respect has to happen. Pretending to be jealous or angry is not funny and it is not a game. Never "mansplain", never talk down and forget about sarcasm. We are all equals, if the one you are with is not cutting it, be respectful and MOVE ON.

Rule #4 If it doesn't feel right you need to throw in the towel SOONER THAN LATER. This is a problem that will not fix itself with time.

Bottom line I don't need a girl in my life to be complete and life is too short. Guys, what you are feeling is a WANT and not a NEED. Our society has trained men's minds to focus on physical relationships, for lack of a better term, SEX. This is something that can be "handled" quite quickly on your own. So get that out of the way before you consider that you need a woman in your life. If you still feel like that is what you need, go to a state where prostitution is legal. Because remember this if anything, you don't a prostitute to have sex, you pay her to LEAVE! Once you get into a "no-cost" relationship with a woman you "love" just take a look at the divorce statistics and think about how much a divorce will cost you...

Been there, done that, wrote the book!

Don't "own" your object of desire, because you can't. Don't sign that marriage license because it is a binding contract and you WILL end up losing in the long run. Oh, what about having kids? LOL... DON'T! they will ruin your life if the lovely bride hasn't already.
