I tried getting the HARDEST achievement in Overwatch 2...

I tried getting the HARDEST achievement in Overwatch 2...


1 год назад

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MindofG - 27.04.2023 18:54

i was in these games omg! lmaoo
i was the soldier, LGSMindofG

PortalBrawler54 - 22.04.2023 06:36

Finally got this achievement in October after 3 years of doing it solo. For those still trying, I recommend only trying this achievement when you get a Push map. The 10 minutes you have in Push helps immensely, as (at least in my attempts) time is possibly the greatest enemy in your challenge than any pesky widow catching you off guard. I was screwed multiple times out this achievement because the match ended too early for me to get one final matrix in.

Here's some other tips to help get this achievement:
1. Remember that you need a combined 2000 of amplified damage AND healing. So, you'll need 2000 amped damage, along with 2000 amped healing for a grand total of 4000 amped, to get this. On average, you can get this achievement in about 4-5 matrices.
2. The position of your matrix is everything. If you can, try to place your matrix in a way that allows your allies to rack up the amped damage while you focus on amped healing. This can definitely help you get a good chunk of this achievement done. Don't feel bad about selfishly using matrix though, as Bap does output fair damage and heal a lot by using a personal matrix.
3. Good game sense is absolutely required to do this challenge. Be very mindful of your surroundings and what heroes the enemy team is running that can easily shut you down. Flankers and snipers will be the biggest threats to you in your attempt.
4. If your team is starting to lose a fight, don't be hesitant to retreat, especially if you've placed your first matrix. The count resets to 0 when you die, so be ready to retreat swiftly if a fight turns sour.
5. Attempt this achievement in QP only, as attempting this in competitive lobbies might get you reported. If you are doing it solo, stick to Role Queue QP. If you have friends, try it in Open Queue QP.

Good Luck!

Mel Kheios
Mel Kheios - 21.04.2023 11:46

there's one achievement that's harder than this.... zen's rapid discord. unless they changed it to 5, the only way it's at all possible is if there's an enemy mercy, you discord-kill someone, then while she's rezzing, discord-kill everyone else, then her, then whoever she rezzed. even then i don't think it's fast enough.

Talia - 21.04.2023 02:45

so the way I got orisa's 1k damage achievement in OW1 was by pulling a bob to the other side of a bap window. perhaps if you're up against an ashe maybe you should just window every time he uses bob? bonus points if tank stands between window and bob so you can get healing in too. might be worth a shot :P

Deevoo - 20.04.2023 02:33

Took me WEEEEEEEEEEEEEKS but I did it with the help of a 5 stack and PURE luck not getting dived

Evias 99
Evias 99 - 19.04.2023 21:18

How am I ever gonna get this?

T - 19.04.2023 14:47

Hardest ultimate in the game

Frank MC
Frank MC - 18.04.2023 20:20

Does Bob healing count? Could you have Ashe toss in a facetank Bob and pocket hime really, really hard?

Nicolas Chapados Girard
Nicolas Chapados Girard - 18.04.2023 19:32

In the end he did had it!

some1upoyo - 18.04.2023 05:24

as a bap player it hurts to see emongg trying to farm ult only by healing grenades

Sam - 18.04.2023 04:00

IVE BEEN CONSTANTLY TRYING THIS CHALLENGE AND I KEEP GETTING REALLY CLOSE BUT MY TEAM EITHER WINS OR I DIE. Once I got to like 1400 and then someone killed me. I said "no I was soooo close to the bap cute spray" and the rest of the Game the enemy team solo ulted me even if I never used the window. They lost the match tho so I guess I win one way.

MooshPaw [ENG]
MooshPaw [ENG] - 18.04.2023 03:39

Tips for this achievement

I think Orisa bastion is the best combo due to having nice range, being able to amplify quite a lot of damage without putting themselves at that much risk

To maximize each ult, it's best for you to heal while Orisa and bastion do damage, a very nice spot is on route 66 on checkpoint 2, there's a pillar right beside the big door, you can set up there with Orisa and bastion, they shoot towards the payload, and you heal them from behind the pillar, but still through the window

Some extra nice alternatives is to put immortality and go in front of them, so you take a bunch of damage but don't die, and what ends up happening is that Orisa and bastion damage a lot, while you heal them back up with window
Just watch out for hog on this specific strat since you're an easy target

And lastly, always have an escape route, boots charged up most of the time, always having immortality or heals for yourself, unless you can give them to a teammate because you're confident on your safety, and just watch out of any 1 shot and genji

imn1ppystr - 18.04.2023 01:27

man i forgot about lamp flats lmao

J FK - 17.04.2023 23:54

why not... and hear me out on this one... just window an enemy sym wall? and just go at it wherever you are on the map? or does shield damage not count?

Carson Pup
Carson Pup - 17.04.2023 21:25

My friend and I got this both first try in back to back games just playing with bastion and spraying through window with turret form. Lucky we played a hog both games

Nate 098
Nate 098 - 17.04.2023 21:12

I had both bap achievements but it wiped the both of them specifically when we swapped over to 2

FractalElf - 17.04.2023 20:46

Yeah I hate this achievement.

keyfragz - 17.04.2023 16:56

Ngl I think an actual support player could do this

CT2172 - 17.04.2023 15:25

Best comp would be Roadhog, Zarya, Bastion, and Ana

Jason Morgan
Jason Morgan - 17.04.2023 13:31

I've always wondered why it is in one life and not one game since that would still be quite hard to do. Especially when other heroes have achievements that are laughably easy like "Kill someone with a Brig shield bash" You're joking right? The spectrum of difficulty with their achievements is ridiculous.

Zac Rusk
Zac Rusk - 17.04.2023 11:22

Bro the kiri one is harder. Clean 5 things with one suzu. I think I had 90 hours of gameplay before an orisa ulted my team into a anti Ana nade. That made my day

Vicente Reyes
Vicente Reyes - 17.04.2023 07:49

Literally the easiest achievement

abdulla alsuwaidi
abdulla alsuwaidi - 17.04.2023 04:13

i got this without trying :) feels good man

Slapnutz_XD - 17.04.2023 02:38

Legend says its the final boss of overwatch 😂

undecided - 16.04.2023 21:33

holy youre insane for this

Nysvarth - 16.04.2023 21:31

One pharah ult into enemy support ult would have done the trick

Dogmuncher_ - 16.04.2023 21:20

On junkertown at the very end all he had to do was lamp and I got so triggered looking at that aluminium 5 gameplay 😭

ComptonEMT - 16.04.2023 21:11

ana healing nade also amplified healing counts for window if I'm not mistaken. Bap window + ana nade + tank taking damage + bastion + ... um... sojourn?

numnums - 16.04.2023 19:45

you just gotta shoot through your own window more

Whatit Do
Whatit Do - 16.04.2023 19:44

I play Bap a lot and I have yet gotten this. I feel double support ult plays are the only viable option and that's something we know is risky

BigBitez - 16.04.2023 18:07

Floor is lava: finally, a worthy opponent

Rab Huhn
Rab Huhn - 16.04.2023 18:02

I have this with only 10 hours of bap

ProxUrAimz - 16.04.2023 17:46

* Gets 300 dmg per ult * *30 sec left * "1400 we almost have it" 🤣🤣

Eric Hodosh
Eric Hodosh - 16.04.2023 17:26

How about trying in Total Mayhem?

TheGamingKoala12 - 16.04.2023 16:54

That trophy is the only hard trophy is the hole game

That Skittle Guy
That Skittle Guy - 16.04.2023 16:52

I gonna see if it’s possible in total mayhem so I have more help and faster ult and ability’s

Zachary Lekfield
Zachary Lekfield - 16.04.2023 16:33

This man has been my main for three years and I still don't have this achievement.

Greed - 16.04.2023 16:12

I got this by accident is not that hard

William Dupont
William Dupont - 16.04.2023 15:58


Combo Grav, window and Hanzo's dragon.

Enemy team gotta use Lucio's or Zen's ult at the same time.

Think this is how a friend got his.

Shiny - 16.04.2023 15:57

Cant you amplify hanzo's dragonstrike? If so, you should try to use grav, get like a tank and at least one other guy and amplify the dragonstrike, easy 500+ damage to the counter. Then you use the last of the window to heal and poke. Of course its much easier if you get another 2 people but i think its doable with this comp

Mahmoud Lachine
Mahmoud Lachine - 16.04.2023 14:49

I think an easier way to get this achievement is to use it when most or all of your team is in a grav to power heal them, and shoot a few enemies in the process. So both damage and healing are done.

naelbse - 16.04.2023 14:29

I know we call chat 'plat chat', but I feel like chat's got brain worms these days and is bronze 5 chat. Sigma ult through the window, wth.

VivoLaVince - 16.04.2023 14:27

Have you thought about Ana and bap through the window?

Grenade doubles with the amp so that’s 600 healing alone a shot

Fabilegends - 16.04.2023 14:19

I was so lucky with this one my whole Team left the ranked match and i asked the other Team if i could do the achievement

Maceventura - 16.04.2023 13:54

sad to watch when it is more interesting to get a 4year old achiv then the highest ranks making plays

Shanon Francis
Shanon Francis - 16.04.2023 13:23

That's like atleast 4 ults with ppl caught in it without dieing yourself.

stargateheaven23 - 16.04.2023 13:12

if you play open queue, have your entire team be tanks, let them take damage on purpose and heal them through window it might be easier.

this achievement and hanzo's storm arrow are the hardest. especially since they nerfed storm arrow.

YouTubeAndy - 16.04.2023 13:00

Oh I randomly got this in ow1
