I hate my art.

I hate my art.


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@sanityshorror - 09.09.2024 06:02

This made me feel better, thank you ❤️ i needed to hear this

@FirelillyHeals - 06.09.2024 23:19

No, I can see why you hate them.

intrusive thoughts to troll won..

@MarieChaw - 06.09.2024 00:37

My sister who is a great artist told me that her art journey feels like seasons: if she creates a lot and is really inspired she will call it summer. In the contrary, if she’s not inspired and struggle she’ll call it winter. Art is like cycle. I already feel this but I’m still a beginner

@ElizabethGalliano - 04.09.2024 11:05

I've been in the "art slump" for months now, I've tried everything to get out of It but It just doesen't work. I always end up trying to reach for perfection and It only takes one minute for me to look away from my pece and that look back at It to feel like It sucks. I'm starting to question if this Is realy what I want, It feels like I'm never gonna get out of this. But I also don't wanna give up yet.

Also: I'm glad someone as big as you in the art comunity Is making a video about this, thank you!

@krampus7520 - 31.08.2024 04:00

i perosonally love all your art peices with the Merida Knight lady, they're really cool (not just my bias toward liking venty/angry/bloody art)

@Butterwchilli - 25.08.2024 07:50

if u r not in a slump, i hate u. If u r in a slump, get out.


@VulpyArt - 23.08.2024 18:52

I think, I'll put this video on repeat, I need to hear that A LOT! owo

@loriannelespuer2174 - 21.08.2024 16:15

i want to draw like you but i have to ask this question why so many beginner artist art into anime and then stop

@loriannelespuer2174 - 21.08.2024 16:08

dont be hard on your self they look amazing im 11 and im way more terrible they look so pretty

@Toriko_3 - 19.08.2024 23:23


@7wolfgaming710 - 18.08.2024 20:35

Ive seen quite a bit of your work man and I have to say most of the ones you posted Ive loved more then ones you post, dont be afraid man

@lenoirrose - 15.08.2024 13:34

Thank you - it's amazingly refreshing to hear "if you're in a slump go challenge yourself to LEARN" instead of "if you're in a slump you just have to force yourself to do more", and it's exactly the push I needed right now to go crack open the new anatomy book I got.

@mikelezhnin8601 - 14.08.2024 17:09

lmao Sam is gonna be mad at me, the concept of self-loathing just doesn't apply to me with regards to art

@budrothefox3666 - 14.08.2024 13:04

im feelin even worse than you are about my art and i have every reason to cause when i review my sketchbook its almost all trash. i have not improved in drawing in soooooooooooooo long i'm starting to think about quitting although i don't want to.

@angelascannell2952 - 13.08.2024 21:25

I’m a writer and I love you for sharing your pain and insight. I have a note over my computer to remind me: “DARE TO SUCK” Take risks and push through the doubts and you’ll grow. Stay in comfort and your art will become stagnant. Go for it! ❤

@leoerus - 13.08.2024 13:26

I always thought that if I achieved a high degree of art skill id be free of this type of feeling

Guess not

I appreciate the venerable video, but im also kinda filled with despair knowing that these feelings may never end

@eraba661 - 12.08.2024 18:11

This is not something I suffer from right now even tho I relate to many points in the video but I might in the future so I will look out for it

@Ray4YourDay - 12.08.2024 02:21


@djwaglmuffin - 09.08.2024 12:43

I feel like my problem is I keep falling back into bad habits even though I made progress on better habits. 'overthinking' is the bane of my art existence.

@Outofpocket2d - 09.08.2024 00:11

Honestly when you get tired of art it’s usually when you get so tired that you’ve been doing the same thing for days and days honestly I would try doing different styles different kinds of art like sculpturing paintings or crafts something to make you feel happy and have fun!

@100daystopass - 07.08.2024 01:41

this is exactly whats happening to me rn except i just stopped drawing

@ryanrdlps - 06.08.2024 18:55

Glen Keane signed a multi-million dollar contract before he retired from Disney. Millions... as an ANIMTOR. He IS the Art GOD.

@FoxkøøStudios77 - 06.08.2024 03:08

“Not in that way”

Thank you, Sam, for stating this…

@donda2111 - 04.08.2024 04:52

Damn, if even you feel like this about your own art, I guess there's hope for me yet lmao.

@gamalderman2370 - 02.08.2024 17:54

That's a lot of sucking

@SSS_ZERO - 01.08.2024 07:09

Artists are like gym rats. A lot of gym rats have body dysmorphia and a lot of artists hate their art sometimes even though it looks fine.

@falliscrispy1234 - 31.07.2024 20:53

this was timed perfectly because I’ve been having this problem all summer but maybe I can get out of it

@PrimaryRum - 30.07.2024 03:14

Personally when I start to feel uninspired by what I'm doing, I need to put the pencil down and go live a little. Stagnation is not just something I do on the page, its what I do in everything. Get stuck doing the same daily routines, then it loses its shine. So I do something I haven't done in a while or find something new I haven't tried before. So finding ways to feel excited again helps me to feel excited about the page again because I feel something to put down and share.

@Tyronesdoorstop - 27.07.2024 04:37

It’s genuinely hard to get out of a slump, I’m in one right now and that “if your not in a slump, I hate you” IS SO REAL 😭😭😭

@CaptainNim - 27.07.2024 03:06

this was comforting. thank you.

@RiceWingArt - 26.07.2024 05:31

Man i should have saved this for later im at my peak from binging your videos. Now im getting insulted 😔😔😔😔😔

@va1er1e22 - 25.07.2024 16:35

So we are all goimg through the same thing rn?😔

@va1er1e22 - 25.07.2024 16:31

So were all goijg through the same thing rn?

@outandabout259 - 25.07.2024 15:06

I have been learning to draw for around two months now after a decade long break. I used to draw as a kid but just stopped at some point and now, in college, I finally decided it's time to learn it for real. I'm lucky as I'm still at the stage where every time I draw I learn something new and keep drawing things I'm more and more happy with. I'm sure I'll experience similar stuff as you a lot in years to come, but for now I'm just enjoying the ride and having fun leveling up my abilities!

@ReiShs - 25.07.2024 00:38

For me it is always the same: the basics. Never learned them properly, and it shows. I just practice and hope one day it will be better. I have many ideas, but lack of skill limits what I can draw :<

@MontshengKhauli - 24.07.2024 20:53

Sam going through existential angst

@erenshuhkart8134 - 23.07.2024 20:47

what a MAGNIFICENT monstera is beside you! cooooool

@michaelmerritt793 - 23.07.2024 01:24

Thank you for sharing. I've learned to show my work to other people because I've learned that some of the pieces of work that I do which I am not happy with or think is 'bad' (relatively speaking) are the pieces that many people think are my better pieces. Even though it doesn't change my mind of the piece that I did, I do ask questions of what they liked about the piece and what they didn't like in order to learn what it is that makes them think the piece is better than the pieces of art that I've done which I think are better pieces. I've learned alot about my own drawings, style of drawing, my weaknesses and strengths, and what others see in my pieces. It has helped me to grow more confident even if I don't think a piece is worth the time spent....there is aways something to learn.

@UUZAI94 - 22.07.2024 18:59


@insomania-6141 - 21.07.2024 16:59

Yeah i feel like if you get stuck in this phase you just got to "try something new" draw accessories, stylised clothing, animals, bugs, dogs, furriers or something you haven't tried. you will be learning in the process and might discover something new.

@chaoswolf7976 - 20.07.2024 13:52

Ok. For real.... I need that chicken xD That introduction made my day xD

@Malle-jz1fg - 19.07.2024 16:57

I looked at myself and sighed (it’s totally understandable but I think we are all just much worse 😭)

@rifdifirebolt - 19.07.2024 12:18

I am on week two of learning art a little more seriously, the cool thing about learning is you always bump into "new" things. New struggle, new concepts, new perspective. Every day it's a new thing, which also make every day a little bit novel. It is refereshing and makes me feel like when we are kids. It is all excitement and it makes me to only want to keep going.

@milksalute1497 - 19.07.2024 06:02

This got recommended to me after deleting a whole canvas of progress out of frustration (I’ve been going through a long time of art block and I’m trying to practice again lol).

@nopenotmeatall - 18.07.2024 03:52

rule of the 20s: You learn the same every year again💀

@keniagutierrez1463 - 17.07.2024 23:06

I stared at the title with the most deadpanned expression ever 😭

@Enayru - 17.07.2024 01:07

*hugs *

@aylavue4609 - 16.07.2024 21:29

" We're always learning and we'll never stop; We can't know everything " - Anonymous (someone who never stopped learning)
