My Ectopic Pregnancy Story

My Ectopic Pregnancy Story

Hapa Family

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@wonderingsoul8021 - 01.01.2024 18:57

I appreciate you telling your story. I found out about 3 weeks ago that I was pregnant with my 5th child. Two weeks later I thought I was sick, after two days I started bleeding and went to the ER. I was bleeding internally, my right tube ruptured and I needed emergency surgery and a blood transfusion. I came home like 4 days ago and it's absolutely traumatic. I'm so sad and sore and I'm so scared of this ever happening again. I feel so alone and seeing people's stories some how help. Best of luck to anyone who's suffering or ttc!

@stellac3346 - 29.12.2023 02:15

Had one years and years ago (2011) and was borderline (before the rapture) I guess. Because I found out after having pain already. Luckily it was still caught in time. I think it was the same drug I got. Can’t recall, been a while. I can tell you I never want to repeat. Glad all worked out for you in the end :)

@emmasheridan9306 - 19.12.2023 00:00

Omg your story sounds nearly the exact same as mine right now, 3rd week of blood work and they finally called it ectopic today. I've been lucky enough that my body is clearing the pregnancy on its own but extremely slowly so they still want me to have the injection, maybe go in boxing day for it .... thank you for your video and to raise awareness I don't think it is spoken about enough so thank you. Xx

@tyraellis9139 - 14.10.2023 21:18

My numbers were doubling and still was ectopic .

@kanekimuru826 - 13.10.2023 18:11

For how long did you had a period when you didnt knew you had an ectopic pregnancy ?

@KarlaEmmerson - 13.09.2023 13:06

Watching this as I have a slight poking pain on the right side, far too down and local to be appendicitis. Also the same period pattern as you described. Need to book an appointment immediately as it’s either ep or my iud is poking a hole 🥲

@kierra17 - 12.09.2023 18:27

Well I got my tubes burned I already have 3 kids didn’t want anymore cause of c sections so I’m like how did I get pregnant it happening too me right now I’m so upset and I’m like this is the reason I got burned not tied so I understand how this happen and I wanna go home

@alexahany4498 - 20.07.2023 09:10

I feel you, great videos. I just discovered my hcg didnt doubled up.

@char153 - 12.07.2023 00:34

I had a ruptured ectopic and almost died a couple months ago. It’s been pretty difficult emotionally. Doctor said we are okay to start trying again but I’m scared. I had a miscarriage before my ectopic as well :( it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one whose experienced this.

@lattymom1 - 27.06.2023 13:35

Did you have any side effects from the Methotrexate. My daughter is in this position. Very afraid of taking the chemo drug. Thanks for your video

@ashbri8699 - 20.06.2023 00:53

On 4/25 it was my daughters 5th birthday. I also had a 6 week doctors appointment that day. I thought it would be a normal visit but they discovered I had an ectopic pregnancy and needed emergency surgery. It was the most traumatic experience of my life & im only 25. I’ve been fighting my hardest not to be depressed. The doctors say I should be able to have children going forward but I’m scared to go through that again..thank you for posting this and thank you to everyone sharing their story I still have hope 🥺

@christinemichelle480 - 21.04.2023 22:35

Thank you so much for sharing your story! ❤ I had an ectopic pregnancy a couple months ago and had to get my left fallopian tube removed. Your story helps my heart knowing I’m not alone, although I wish it never happened to you or any of us!

@haileyroach5305 - 01.04.2023 23:26

Your story sounds very similar to mine. My ovulation tests were coming back super strong positives. I took a pregnancy test 8 days after my period knowing it wouldn’t be positive and it was. My HCG was through the roof and we were hopeful for twins. Unfortunately my hcg ended up plateauing and after multiple blood draws, ultrasounds, etc an ectopic was diagnosed. The methotrexate has realllyyyy messed with me and I feel awful. How soon after your methotrexate did you become pregnant? I’m terrified of trying again too soon.

@nicolelewis5554 - 28.03.2023 14:06

I'm really sorry that happened to you

@rinarom4843 - 26.03.2023 08:54

I never thought in my entire life I’d be looking up ectopic pregnancies. I had an ectopic pregnancy laparoscopic surgery 5 days ago along with getting my right fallopian tube removed. I’m devastated!! It was a traumatic experience, I’m still shocked and still trying to mentally process it all. I’m thankful I caught it on time, I believe I was about 5 weeks along. Prayers for those going through this.. you are not alone! ❤

@philomenamushi5606 - 10.02.2023 12:29

😭i had very same situation as your

@Immilifemelb - 29.01.2023 01:19

I had same situation as yours, got medication recently. I m so scared

@Rednyc1979 - 20.12.2022 22:14

Thank you very much for sharing your story ❤

@UnaccountableChannel - 20.10.2022 04:09

I've heard of it but never knew what it was until the Dr diagnosed me Sept 21st

@saramikkelson8859 - 29.07.2022 20:59

Hey Ashly! Thanks so much for sharing this. I’ve followed your vlog for years and remembered you had mentioned it. I just had a surprise ruptured ectopic that we thought was a miscarriage weeks ago and lost a Fallopian tube. I never had any pain or other symptoms

@ruemunhuwa5450 - 23.05.2022 18:42

thank you for sharing

@ramya88kkalani - 12.03.2022 06:59

This was so clear for me. I also had ectopic pregnancy and I had to use same medication methotraxate. It was a week ago and my bhcg level is going down and I'm waiting for next doctor visit. Just a question, when did doctor recommend to have your next pregnancy after methotraxate?

@juliarojas2198 - 13.02.2022 19:44

I have a daughter and being pregnant with her was so easy. I had no morning sickness no pain. But I found out a couple days ago I'm pregnant with my second baby and I feel so horrible. I'm weak, sick , I keep crying for nothing, and my body just aches.. 🤦‍♀️

@nerdybutnice2267 - 21.01.2022 00:23

Thank you for making this video. The thoroughness and openness of your story means so much with such a sensitive topic.

@lianmyles9877 - 02.11.2021 18:07

I lost my baby from ectopic pregnancy as well as my right fallopian tube. It was the most traumatizing experience I've ever had in my life and that was in the middle of pandemic where they didn't allow visitor in the hospital so I was alone for 3 days. But i’m currently 5 weeks pregnant again after 17 months! After being told I might not conceive naturally anymore and should prepare myself for IVF. I just had an ultrasound last night and baby is there and my hcg is tripling up! Dont lose hope ladies! God Bless! 🥰

@jessamay28 - 24.10.2021 17:11

I have only 1 fallopian tube too and it's still blocked.But I'm still hoping .

@catherinekatehis6900 - 19.10.2021 13:36

Thanks for sharing

@koneal8190 - 19.08.2021 08:20

I think I am going through this now but I am not sure. I have been bleeding heavy like a period however I have done blood work hcg was 257 and I got blood work again it was 488. I thought it was a chemical pregnancy but I don't think my hcg would be going on if so. I was told they did not see a sac I was to early so they stated it was a threaten Miscarriage since I've been bleeding. I do not have any May cramping on one side or anything usually but they fact that my hcg is going up and when I did get a US it lead me to believe it could be a ectopic pregnancy any thoughts

@ShayOkaii - 01.08.2021 08:38

Today July 30,2021 I just got surgery. Honestly I’m having a hard time processing what I jus went through.. I have a 2year old son so I’m completely confused. But the Doctors removed my tube the same night. I’ve been reading the comments and I been feeling a lil relieved but honestly is hard for me. Thanks or this video ❤️

@taylerpatterson498 - 29.07.2021 19:36

Thanks for sharing. I had an ectopic pregnancy right after getting off BC too. My doctor couldn’t get me in for 3 weeks so within the first week of finding out I was pregnant I started cramping. My tube ended up rupturing and had to be removed. I had over a liter of blood in my abdomen. It was honestly so scary!! My husband and I believe it wasn’t God’s plan for us to be parents yet. We are praying it doesn’t affect us conceiving in the future.

@roso827 - 11.07.2021 22:54

So my HCG levels are going up normally I also dont have any pain or vaginal bleeding. I am currently 6 weeks along do i still need to worry?

@hollypelletier1024 - 01.07.2021 23:08

I know this was posted three years ago, but I really just wanted to say thank you for sharing. I have two healthy babies but am currently going through this. After two normal pregnancies I kept getting positive hpt then negative so that it made me think I'm crazy or something. This pregnancy was not planned but I'm just so sad about everything. Thank you for sharing and these videos let me know that other people have gone through this too.

@AnastasiiaKing - 26.04.2021 10:43

You need to check that tube! Hope the egg didn’t scar it and it can attach again

@danielleabernathy6225 - 07.04.2021 08:20

Currently waiting to see if I have an ectopic pregnancy or a cornual uterus. 😭

@shaniacarroll1937 - 01.04.2021 07:12

I just found out that I was having an ectopic pregnancy yesterday. They gave me the shots of methotrexate. My question is what happens from here? Does it hurt when the process starts of the body getting rid of the egg? No one at the hospital told me anything and i don’t know what to expect at all.

@seniaslifee - 31.03.2021 02:49

How long did it take for your hcg to go to 0? Did u have symptoms from methotrexate?? I just had the shot on Thursday and im so scared for rupture😭😭😭

@yibitibunny - 15.03.2021 18:07

I'm going threw this right now. How long was your process from finding out to starting your period?

@islanddouglas6741 - 06.03.2021 07:24

I just had surgery for this same thing yesterday thank God im still here and healthy

@growwitharie - 10.02.2021 07:03

It’s really comforting reading everyone’s comments and knowing that I’m not alone in this. Just got home today from the hospital. I was pregnant with twins, had a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in my right tube rupturing, a lot of internal bleeding and an emergency surgery. I went a whole day and a half maybe even longer, not even knowing that my tube had ruptured. I am just so unbelievably happy, thankful and grateful to be alive today. And now I just have to recover and heal❤️

@TubeIlluminati - 04.02.2021 01:21

Awesome that everything ended with you ok. My girlfriend's story in 2013 ended in her death after her 4 days in a coma in which her body bloated to at least double her size. From symptom 1- dizziness in a restaurant to her final symptom before going unconscious- urinating in bed with her eyes rolling back and lips looking like she had white lipstick on, it took 13 hours. It is the most devastating possible way for a relationship to end- and with it goes all the other relationships a guy had with her family. If there are some fatal ectopic pregnancies that end with the partner staying in touch with her family that's great, but I don't see it as very likely. Yeah definitely avoid getting killed by that at all costs... Congrats

@HeyJennaLack - 27.01.2021 23:09

So glad I found this video - I had all these same symptoms. Hcg levels going up and down, spotting for weeks, etc. Doctor just diagnosed it as ectopic and hoping it goes away on it's own or else I'll be getting one of those lovely butt shots... You explained everything so well, thanks!

@kattterina - 06.01.2021 04:07

i also had an ectopic pregnancy and i lost the whole tube. the pain wasn’t even as bad as i expected but i felt very bloated and had trouble standing bc i kinda felt like i needed to poop. anyway it was very devastating to go into ER during covid . no visitors can go in ... period :( . just a friendly reminder to everyone that if something feels wrong during a pregnancy make sure u go into ER right away.

@dbzchick1690 - 09.12.2020 19:00

I just had this done yesterday ☹️ luckily they could save my tube

@one_step_ahead - 04.12.2020 18:16

I suffered an Ectopic Pregnancy and think it's so important for more awareness to be made of it. A mother can be at risk of losing her life if it is not seen to! Way too many articles online that say vaginal bleeding in first trimester is not major concern or that it is 'spotting'. I wanted to believe they were right, i wish i'd visited the hospital sooner. Luckily i am still here and have 2 wonderful children after suffering my ectopic. I share my story on my channel

@kelseywoods9541 - 20.11.2020 02:46

I’m in tears, I lost my daughter due to a bad pregnancy, I just found out yesterday I’m pregnant and today I found out I may have this...

@xoilylynn5993 - 29.10.2020 00:42

They had to give me two doses of it. A women knows her body. I’m in a situation now. It’s horrible because now we are in covid so everything has changed.

@xoilylynn5993 - 29.10.2020 00:41

Hahahahaha super depressing I get it girl. I’ve had methotrexate. It’s better than going under the knife. It does work

@angiebelle9440 - 18.09.2020 00:06

Looking back, did you feel any warning signs?

@kathrenhatayama3982 - 17.09.2020 21:33

I had an ectopic pregnancy and my left fallopian tube was removed after it burst while I was on vacation in Tokyo.


@angelachapman2541 - 06.09.2020 09:28

Your so brave thank you for sharing this♡
I had surgery 6 to 8 weeks they removed my fallopian tube...
2 kids later.
