InvestmentPitch Media's CEO discusses launch of new investor relations communications service

InvestmentPitch Media's CEO discusses launch of new investor relations communications service

InvestmentPitch Media

1 год назад

539 Просмотров

Katriina – I have Barry Morgan, founder of InvestmentPitch Media with me today,
Welcome Barry
Barry – Hi Katriina, it’s a pleasure to be here today
Katriina – I understand that InvestmentPitch Media is launching a new subsidiary,
what’s it all about?
Barry – Yes, that’s right. After producing more than 8,000 news videos for 100s of
clients over the last 12 years, we were always surprised by how little our clients
make use of these videos.
Katriina – What do your clients currently do with their videos.
Barry – Very few of our clients do anything with their videos.
I find this surprising when you consider how valuable a video is for telling a story.
In fact, it is 5 and a half times more effective for generating leads when compared
to a news release.
Most clients just assume their investors would see their video in our news
release, which we publish under their symbol, and on the other platforms or on
our social media platforms.
Clients fortunate enough to have support staff, often place our video on their
website and on their various social media platforms, and some even email it out
to their database.
Most clients claim it is too expensive to have someone in their office dedicated to
maintaining a database and sending out personalized emails and that the skill
level to handle all the social media platforms is beyond their budget.
I can certainly understand where they’re coming from. I’ve been in the financial
markets for more than 50 years, and I’ve never seen things this bad.
Katriina – That is a bit surprising
Yes, most small companies don’t have a strategy for communicating with
investors, and as everyone knows, it’s easier to keep a shareholder than find a
new one.
Companies fortunate enough to have an IR person should not expect that person
to maintain a database, send out emails, and post on the social media sites.

Not the best use of their IR skills and we’ve all received poorly formatted emails.
Kat – with companies that do have an IR person, what happens if that person
quits or what happens if a company uses an IR firm and then switches IR firms?
Isn’t that a problem?
Barry – It sure is. In many cases the contacts just disappear as the IR person or
firm controlled the database.
Kat – I’m sensing there might be an opportunity here.
Barry – That’s right Katriina.
Small companies don’t need a fancy expensive CRM with all the bells and
Our new company provides a simple, inexpensive CRM that is customized for
investor relations.
If it’s not simple it won’t be used, and I’ve been using this CRM for a few years
and I can guarantee it is easy to use.
There is one feature that I really love. The CRM is completely integrated with an
email program so that every email sent immediately shows under the contact in
the CRM, even emails from other email programs.
And when someone unsubscribes to the email, it is noted in the CRM.
As this platform is online and mobile friendly, management can review any
communications at any time and know what is being said by their IR people.
Another thing that surprises me is the number of companies that don’t have a
subscribe button on their website, and those that only collect the email address,
which I personally think is a wasted opportunity.
With a simple landing page, everything can be captured.
Kat – Is this expensive.
Barry – Not at all.
We maintain both the CRM and the email database and distribute all news
releases, videos and other content, on behalf of the client, starting at less than
$500 a month.

We also look after all the client’s social media platforms, or create them if none
By spreading these costs among several clients, we can keep the costs reasonable.
How can someone get more information?
Anyone that wants more information can call me at 604-684-5524 or email
[email protected].
Thanks for Joining me today
My pleasure

#investmentpitchmedia #CRM #digitalmarketingagency


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