This $21 Million Dollar game is dying two months after launch

This $21 Million Dollar game is dying two months after launch


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BigfryTV - 09.12.2022 23:14

Have you heard of Dual Universe before? If not, is this something that interests you? Let me know below either way!

Chase McDaniel
Chase McDaniel - 06.11.2023 22:43

For games like this to work the game makers would have to give monetary value to high level players.
Otherwise the in game progress would be random.
No body has time to build your game for you.

Shano mac
Shano mac - 05.11.2023 21:53

i used to love dual universe. i played the alpha for a long time but there was never really enough players to really do anything interesting

xrexkinect - 05.11.2023 01:35

10 months later and just seeing this video. Thumbnail made it look kinda like Starfield, but when you said the game was Dual Universe i immediately said “what game is that?”

TOVOT Marco Colonna
TOVOT Marco Colonna - 04.11.2023 16:02

why people dont like anymore the pay-per-month games like in the past
there is few exception. one bad exception (bad, my opinion): TESO (Elder Scroll Online)
may the comapany have chosen bad people on Marketing Department (or maybe is a sabotauge, is not impossible), if one person like me with almost zero experience in marketing stuff know this (also this is a common info for almost all players), and people payed to understand/know this (if) not :/
is like the pay-per-win system with microtransaction, is died, people not are dumb anymore. now people may pay microtransaction just for cosmetic stuff, its a fact not an opinion. commercial is not based on right nor opinions, but in fact about people spending money (and even this is mutable), the Marketing Department of an company have the exact job to follow this changes

CHRISXTR3M3GAMING - 26.10.2023 09:39 game....single shard server................same team that CIG/StarCitizen acquired?

JS-117 - 25.10.2023 19:17

Would love to play it, I just can't afford a rig to run it lol

Andy Setiadi
Andy Setiadi - 25.10.2023 14:49

never heard of it. lol

What’s ligma
What’s ligma - 24.10.2023 09:46

If they just marketed the game they could see a spike in player base because they are reaching more people

Paul Schaffner
Paul Schaffner - 24.10.2023 06:01

Never heard of it until now. Awesome concept, looks like inept execution.

Tony Wilson Jr.
Tony Wilson Jr. - 24.10.2023 05:41

I didn't know it launched thats why, also doesn't it have a monthly subscription?

Daniel Villarreal
Daniel Villarreal - 24.10.2023 03:16

"Have you ever heard of "Dual Universe"?


Any game that depends on the player-base to create the content I stay away from. It translates as "The devs are too lazy to create a game, so they give the tools to the player base to do it for them."

I've been on MMOs since Ultima Online, unfortunately these type of games that depend on massive player bases just don't survive after a while and the more that are churned out, the less players for any one game. Why Warcraft became successful? I have no idea, but it seems it was the exception, not the general rule how MMOs end up.

Maybe if these worlds allowed a real economy, where players can work for real cash like MTurk, or other such jobs where they can create cash, the player base might stay interested and over time it might become like its own little ecosystem with folk that make their living playing in that world and working for a living in that world?

bzacon - 24.10.2023 00:44

Wow, that sounds really cool. I'm disappointed that I'd never heard of it.

Ken Newell
Ken Newell - 23.10.2023 23:08

Subscription. NO THANKS.

Richy Fortune
Richy Fortune - 23.10.2023 15:01

Not really interested. Seem like a real time/money sink for little in return.

Nya Nates
Nya Nates - 22.10.2023 16:20

Been there, seen it, done it. No thanks.

T Greaux
T Greaux - 22.10.2023 03:34

I had no idea this even existed and I play games for a living lol

Bokoda - 21.10.2023 17:34

If i wanted to play space engineers mutiplayer i would... but i dont... and going by steam numbers its probly a safe bet neither do you.

GTexperience - 21.10.2023 15:54

Game looks cool, but subscribtion sis a no for me.

STaGGerZ - 21.10.2023 15:07

As an elite dangerous player since 2016 I’ve never heard of it…and it resembles Minecraft in space to me, I’ll stick to the sim mmo genre cheers

Stephen Adkins
Stephen Adkins - 20.10.2023 22:07

Wow. Looks like it could have been fun.
