Transgender in Pakistan | DW Documentary

Transgender in Pakistan | DW Documentary

DW Documentary

1 год назад

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Natalie Oliver
Natalie Oliver - 17.09.2023 01:29

I in no way shape or form believe in changing your gender, it's not possible. However, I don't believe anyone should come to harm.

junaid Tipu
junaid Tipu - 17.09.2023 00:04

Im a Pakistani born and raised guy. This documentary is both sad and equally positive, in that coming across transgender people in day to day life is a norm for most urban Pakistanis, as generally the community is openly welcomed at weddings and equally found on streets shopping and getting on with life. Attitudes will surely change with normalisation of the community taking up more responsible and professional roles. There is now likes of Dr Meerub and others who are well educated, articulate professionals braving their way into spheres once considered untouchable for the rest of the transgender or even LGBTQ community.
Eventually, we all need to love and respect other human beings for just that fact, regardless of their gender or personal life choices.

anonymous :)
anonymous :) - 16.09.2023 20:31

andhbhakt sentiments hurt after seeing this.

shiddyusername - 16.09.2023 19:30


Francisco marquez amaya
Francisco marquez amaya - 16.09.2023 14:54

Powerful ladies 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Blume 01
Blume 01 - 16.09.2023 12:23

Interesting video. Thank you very much ❤ Its all about transgender women. No one mentioned transgender men. What about them?

Hayat - 16.09.2023 09:45

Love to all my fellow trans sisters and brothers of Pakistan from a transwoman living in India ❤️

Jan Slotnick
Jan Slotnick - 16.09.2023 01:20

I’m all in for people wearing whatever they want and not being harmed because they go against gender norms. You’ve completely lost me when men declare they are women. No dude, you’re not.

Vamosabailar - 15.09.2023 23:06

I hope that those countries develop very soon

Nagina Hussain
Nagina Hussain - 15.09.2023 22:29

These are hermaphrodites mostly

Sara55 - 15.09.2023 18:01

İs that posible?in very muslim country?

louie o
louie o - 15.09.2023 13:25

So this happens in a conservative country I thought if we frowned upon a lifestyle it just wouldn't exist

Tom - 15.09.2023 08:17

We Need More Love On Earth
More Acceptability and Care for One Another 💚💙🌎

rabs riya
rabs riya - 15.09.2023 03:45

Looking at positive educated transgender side is beautiful,when I see the negative side I feel like not wanting to know

Isabelle - 15.09.2023 03:18

Interesting, the English word "transgender" is the word used in their conversation. I wonder if there is a word for transgender in Urdu. This was an incredible documentary. I never thought of the plight of transgender people in the middle east, despite being of middle eastern origin...

Wai Dee Pee
Wai Dee Pee - 14.09.2023 22:49

No trans men? I wonder why...

Baby Ghost
Baby Ghost - 14.09.2023 21:55

Gays right for India and Pakistan.

A2be 😍
A2be 😍 - 14.09.2023 20:12

Actually it’s sin 😮

kimberley - 14.09.2023 18:27


Sunny Burrito
Sunny Burrito - 14.09.2023 13:07

These documentaries really help to put things into perspective, I have my share of problems like virtually everyone in the world but compared to these people it feels like so insignificant, Im truly blessed with the life I have and pray that these people can find their peace.

kriti sharma
kriti sharma - 14.09.2023 12:53

I mean just because god has created someone differently ....who gave us the right to discriminate show inhuman behaviour.They are humans first just like we are and should be treated equally and with affection

Shiva Kumar
Shiva Kumar - 14.09.2023 10:02

Kudos to her ❤

Daily Life Tips & Idea
Daily Life Tips & Idea - 14.09.2023 09:18

It seems like you're addressing the issue of gender-related problems in society. Gender-related problems can encompass a wide range of issues related to gender inequality, discrimination, and social norms. It's essential to clarify and address these issues to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Here are some common gender-related problems and their impacts on society:

Gender Inequality: Gender inequality is a pervasive issue in many societies, where women and gender minorities often face disparities in terms of access to education, employment, healthcare, and political representation. This inequality can limit individual potential and hinder overall societal progress.

Gender-Based Violence: Violence against women and gender minorities, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking, remains a significant problem in many parts of the world. It has severe physical, emotional, and societal consequences.

Gender Stereotypes: Society often reinforces harmful gender stereotypes that dictate how men and women should behave, limiting individual expression and opportunities. These stereotypes can lead to discrimination and unequal treatment.

Lack of Representation: In many areas, women and gender minorities are underrepresented in positions of power and decision-making, both in politics and the corporate world. This underrepresentation can lead to policies and practices that do not adequately address the needs and concerns of these groups.

Gender Pay Gap: Women often earn less than men for the same work, contributing to economic disparities between genders. This pay gap can have long-term consequences on women's financial security and retirement savings.

Access to Healthcare: Gender-related problems can also impact access to healthcare, with some societies limiting women's access to reproductive healthcare services and gender-affirming care for transgender individuals.

Education Barriers: In some regions, girls and women face obstacles to accessing quality education, which can limit their personal and economic development.

Stigma and Discrimination: Gender-related stigma and discrimination can affect the mental health and well-being of individuals, contributing to feelings of isolation and exclusion.

Invisibility of Gender Diversity: Society often fails to recognize and respect gender diversity beyond the binary concept of male and female, leaving transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming individuals vulnerable to discrimination and violence.

Impact on Mental Health: Gender-related problems can have a profound impact on mental health, with individuals facing discrimination, harassment, and exclusion more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

Addressing gender-related problems requires a multi-faceted approach, including legal reforms, education, awareness campaigns, and changes in social attitudes and norms. It's essential for society to recognize the importance of gender equality and work collectively to create a more inclusive and equitable world where all individuals, regardless of gender, can live free from discrimination and violence.

Daily Life Tips & Idea
Daily Life Tips & Idea - 14.09.2023 09:17

It seems like you're addressing the issue of gender-related problems in society. Gender-related problems can encompass a wide range of issues related to gender inequality, discrimination, and social norms. It's essential to clarify and address these issues to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Here are some common gender-related problems and their impacts on society:

Gender Inequality: Gender inequality is a pervasive issue in many societies, where women and gender minorities often face disparities in terms of access to education, employment, healthcare, and political representation. This inequality can limit individual potential and hinder overall societal progress.

Gender-Based Violence: Violence against women and gender minorities, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking, remains a significant problem in many parts of the world. It has severe physical, emotional, and societal consequences.

Gender Stereotypes: Society often reinforces harmful gender stereotypes that dictate how men and women should behave, limiting individual expression and opportunities. These stereotypes can lead to discrimination and unequal treatment.

Lack of Representation: In many areas, women and gender minorities are underrepresented in positions of power and decision-making, both in politics and the corporate world. This underrepresentation can lead to policies and practices that do not adequately address the needs and concerns of these groups.

Gender Pay Gap: Women often earn less than men for the same work, contributing to economic disparities between genders. This pay gap can have long-term consequences on women's financial security and retirement savings.

Access to Healthcare: Gender-related problems can also impact access to healthcare, with some societies limiting women's access to reproductive healthcare services and gender-affirming care for transgender individuals.

Education Barriers: In some regions, girls and women face obstacles to accessing quality education, which can limit their personal and economic development.

Stigma and Discrimination: Gender-related stigma and discrimination can affect the mental health and well-being of individuals, contributing to feelings of isolation and exclusion.

Invisibility of Gender Diversity: Society often fails to recognize and respect gender diversity beyond the binary concept of male and female, leaving transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming individuals vulnerable to discrimination and violence.

Impact on Mental Health: Gender-related problems can have a profound impact on mental health, with individuals facing discrimination, harassment, and exclusion more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

Addressing gender-related problems requires a multi-faceted approach, including legal reforms, education, awareness campaigns, and changes in social attitudes and norms. It's essential for society to recognize the importance of gender equality and work collectively to create a more inclusive and equitable world where all individuals, regardless of gender, can live free from discrimination and violence.

Bibi Zainab
Bibi Zainab - 14.09.2023 08:17

First learn difference between transgender and intersex

Bibi Zainab
Bibi Zainab - 14.09.2023 08:17

Transgender or intersex?

Dresden Andrea
Dresden Andrea - 14.09.2023 01:16

I think there is a link between fetishes and dehumanizing behavior. So sad.

Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 13.09.2023 22:14

I don't understand how Pakistanis beat an innocent Sri Lankan man to death who was supposedly accused of Blasphemous acts. And then Pakistanis go on to accept these transgenders even though it is strictly forbidden for a man to imitate women in Islam. Why don't Pakistanis deal with these people first?

Azan Kan
Azan Kan - 13.09.2023 22:03

what about the rights of muslim woman in france everyone is talking about the rights on these transgenders but no one is making documentaries about what muslim woman go through in france and other countries where they are told what they can and cant wear

Sanjesh Thapa
Sanjesh Thapa - 13.09.2023 20:20

God bless you

Yoyo - 13.09.2023 19:58

i think there should be a worldwide transgender economic unity to fix this oppression

Yoyo - 13.09.2023 19:53

they are all really pretty

umm ibrahim
umm ibrahim - 13.09.2023 17:30


Muawiya Jibirilla
Muawiya Jibirilla - 13.09.2023 16:05

But the trans with the dyed blonde hair really looks good, i think she went through female harmone injections and surgeries right?

editjokegaming - 13.09.2023 14:53

transgenders not criminals they just confused men. scientist's should make medicines for this.

Ana N
Ana N - 13.09.2023 14:32

I would be interested to know the history of transgender in Pakistan...

Оксана Lovely
Оксана Lovely - 13.09.2023 10:29

It’s very sad that some people or groups of people have to prove their rights to be themselves 😢

ebiladei igali
ebiladei igali - 12.09.2023 19:44

what about transgender men?

True Human
True Human - 12.09.2023 15:43

We Pakistanis really care about these special people. They get free food and money straight away. Please highlight that fact that doesn’t happen in any well developed country.

Bose TheBoseman
Bose TheBoseman - 12.09.2023 10:56

i watched the over documentary and this guru is the better one. she actually cares about her students unlike the other ones who forces them to go out and beg and abuses them

GP♉ - 12.09.2023 06:46

We have the right to not agree like they not agree their own self like how GOD CREATED THEM !

GP♉ - 12.09.2023 06:44

This is a self esteem problem that comes from the inside . Problem of identity itself. God created you has you are.

Nickolas Hewitt
Nickolas Hewitt - 12.09.2023 06:25

Imagine a women tried to be a man there. Sheesh

the zimra
the zimra - 11.09.2023 21:29

this is litteral rage bait

Baljit Dlay
Baljit Dlay - 11.09.2023 20:59

regardless of what you think or the way you live, you are still a biological man. No one really cares about the way you live, but when you invade on a biological woman's identity, it is cringe.

Rich Anthon
Rich Anthon - 11.09.2023 12:14

Heartbreaking. Why can’t people just love each other? ❤️💔

Rahsaan Kirton
Rahsaan Kirton - 10.09.2023 21:28

You shouldn’t get free housing and support JUST because you’re transgender. Thanks for the documentary. All the best to the people in Pakistan

Andrea Danielczyk
Andrea Danielczyk - 10.09.2023 16:31


UAM - 09.09.2023 19:37

Pakistan is the 2nd name of problems..
